Location: Latin America

Surnames/tags: latin_america Latin American Roots
This page has been accessed 518 times.
Contents |
Resources / Recursos
Resources Per Country / Recursos por país
- Argentina Needs more resources, has Suggestions lists
- Bolivia Needs more resources
- Brazil Needs more resources, has Suggestions lists
- Chile Has some resources, has Suggestions lists
- Colombia Needs resources, has Suggestions lists
- Costa Rica Needs resources
- Cuba Needs resources, has Suggestions lists
- the Dominican Republic
- Ecuador Needs resources
- El Salvador Needs resources
- Guatemala Needs resources
- Honduras Project member Bev will be working on this
- Mexico Has Suggestions lists
- Nicaragua Needs resources
- Panama Needs resources
- Paraguay Needs resources
- Peru Needs resources, has Suggestions lists
- Puerto Rico This has a list of resources that need to be organized, has Suggestions lists
- Uruguay Needs resources
- Venezuela Needs resources
WikiTree Resources / Recursos WikiTree
- Background Images This is the category for a number of Spaces dedicated to background images that you can use on your profiles.
- Editing Tips This page shows basic markup that can be used on WikiTree profiles and Space pages. Please remember not to use tables on individual profiles.
- WikiTree AGC This addon is to clean up gedcom 'clutter' once we've connected to existing profiles. It is awesome at cleaning up the gedcoms and putting the source information together.
- WikiTree BEE This addon is great for a lot of things, but the main help is the 'auto-bio' button that it puts on the profiles. This will give you basic narrative you can add to. There is a WikiTree BEE extension available for Chrome and Firefox users.
Non-Country Specific Resources / Recursos generales
- Badge Activity Feed to see the current activity for badged project members
- 'Cómo encontrar información genealógica en las iglesias latinoamericanas', enplenitud.com [en línea] http://www.enplenitud.com/como-encontrar-informacion-genealogica-en-las-iglesias-latinoamericanas.html
- Cyndi's List - Central & South America, website online. http://www.cyndislist.com/central-and-south-america/
- Diccionario para Genealogistas [en línea] http://www.geneadiccionario.com/
- Directorio de Genealogía Hispana. Se anuncia como "El mayor directorio sobre Genealogía Hispana en la Red", donde puede encontrarse "cualquier recurso que pueda resultar de interés para el genealogista en el gran ámbito hispano". Incluye enlaces para la mayoría de los países Latinoamericanos, además de muchas otras fuentes de interés. http://www.genealogiahispana.com/directorio/
- Flags These are outlined images of the flags of the 20 Latin American nations. Latin American Flags & South American Flags. Please do not add individuals to the image. Thanks!
- Guía de información Genealógica: Busca tus ancestros en Latinoamérica [en línea] http://www.guiagenealogica.com/index.php/archivos-en-latinoamerica
- Handbooks for Foreign Genealogical Research: Latin America, Central and South America, and the Caribbean, from The Library of Congress, Humanities & Social Sciences Division. http://www.loc.gov/rr/genealogy/bib_guid/foreignlati.html
- Hispagen: Asociación de Genealogía Hispana. http://hispagen.es/
- Hispanic Internet Resources in The British Library http://www.bl.uk/reshelp/findhelpregion/europe/spain/relatedinternetresources/hispanicinternetres.html
- Historical Maps of Latin America from the Latin American Network Information Center (LANIC). http://lanic.utexas.edu/la/region/map/
- The Irish in Latin America and Iberia, from the Society for Irish Latin American Studies. http://www.irlandeses.org/biblioarg4.htm
- Hispanic Local History and Genealogy in the United States: Selected Titles in The Library of Congress. http://www.loc.gov/rr/genealogy/bib_guid/hispanic/handbooks.html
- Institute of Genealogy and History for Latin America, on Genealogy.com. http://www.genealogy.com/00000140.html
- Latin Roots Toolkit from Family Tree Magazine. http://www.familytreemagazine.com/article/latin-roots-toolkit
- 'Sephardic Genealogy in South America', from the Sephardic Genealogy (Sephardicgen) website. http://www.sephardicgen.com/samerica_sites.htm
- Spanish Vital Record Translations is to help you learn to translate vital records from Spanish speaking countries. The main focus is for Mexico and Spain, but should help you with other countries as well.
- 'WikiTree and DNA' blog by Roberta Estes and Peter J. Roberts. http://dna-explained.com/2013/11/04/wikitree-and-dna/
- WikiTree Guidelines for Using Name Fields, Name_Fields
Related Projects / Proyectos Relacionados
- Bahamas Project. This, and other projects involving the islands of the Caribbean, may occasionally connect with Latin American Roots. Projects#Bahamas
- DNA and Wiki Genealogy. For those interested in exploring how WikiTree can integrate DNA test results. https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Project:DNA
- Huguenot Migration. This project focuses on the French Huguenots, Protestants living in Catholic France who migrated to other countries (including Brazil) to avoid persecution. Project:Huguenot_Migration
- Language Project. A project to help people with foreign languages (such as interpreting foreign genealogy records), as well as investigating ways to make WikiTree more friendly to non-English speakers. Project:Language
- Mexican-American War. A sub-project for members who manage profiles of individuals or free space pages of units that were involved in the Mexican–American War, or who have a historical interest in that conflict. Project:Mexican_American_War
- Profile Improvement. This project brings together WikiTree members who work to clean up biographies and sources and try to set standards for attractive, useful, and well-written biographies. Project:Profile_Improvement
Images: 1
- Login to request to the join the Trusted List so that you can edit and add images.
- Private Messages: Send a private message to the Profile Manager. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
- Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)
- Public Q&A: These will appear above and in the Genealogist-to-Genealogist (G2G) Forum. (Best for anything directed to the wider genealogy community.)
Comments: 2
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Steve Thomas
Jessica Key

This is a very useful page. I particularly like 'Guía de información Genealógica: Busca tus ancestros en Latinoamérica'
by Steve Thomas

Guyana is not strictly speaking a Latin American country, although it is geographically in South America. There is a project to transcribe 19th century colonial newspapers from Guyana that some may find worthwhile: https://vc.id.au/edg/
by Jessica Key