
Latin American Resources

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Location: Latin Americamap
Surnames/tags: latin_america Latin American Roots
This page has been accessed 518 times.


Resources / Recursos

Resources Per Country / Recursos por país

WikiTree Resources / Recursos WikiTree

  • Background Images This is the category for a number of Spaces dedicated to background images that you can use on your profiles.
  • Editing Tips This page shows basic markup that can be used on WikiTree profiles and Space pages. Please remember not to use tables on individual profiles.
  • WikiTree AGC This addon is to clean up gedcom 'clutter' once we've connected to existing profiles. It is awesome at cleaning up the gedcoms and putting the source information together.
  • WikiTree BEE This addon is great for a lot of things, but the main help is the 'auto-bio' button that it puts on the profiles. This will give you basic narrative you can add to. There is a WikiTree BEE extension available for Chrome and Firefox users.

Non-Country Specific Resources / Recursos generales

Related Projects / Proyectos Relacionados

  • Bahamas Project. This, and other projects involving the islands of the Caribbean, may occasionally connect with Latin American Roots. Projects#Bahamas
  • DNA and Wiki Genealogy. For those interested in exploring how WikiTree can integrate DNA test results.
  • Huguenot Migration. This project focuses on the French Huguenots, Protestants living in Catholic France who migrated to other countries (including Brazil) to avoid persecution. Project:Huguenot_Migration
  • Language Project. A project to help people with foreign languages (such as interpreting foreign genealogy records), as well as investigating ways to make WikiTree more friendly to non-English speakers. Project:Language
  • Mexican-American War. A sub-project for members who manage profiles of individuals or free space pages of units that were involved in the Mexican–American War, or who have a historical interest in that conflict. Project:Mexican_American_War
  • Profile Improvement. This project brings together WikiTree members who work to clean up biographies and sources and try to set standards for attractive, useful, and well-written biographies. Project:Profile_Improvement


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This is a very useful page. I particularly like 'Guía de información Genealógica: Busca tus ancestros en Latinoamérica'
posted by Steve Thomas
Guyana is not strictly speaking a Latin American country, although it is geographically in South America. There is a project to transcribe 19th century colonial newspapers from Guyana that some may find worthwhile:
posted by Jessica Key