Location: [unknown]
Sarah Waldron (1668-)
John Leach (abt.1653-abt.1688)
Timothy Goodwin (abt.1661-1701)
John Waldron (abt.1635-)
Dorothy (Dolliver) Waldron (1636-)
Elizabeth (Waldron) Leach
John Leach (bef.1616-aft.1685)
Sarah (Conant) Leach (abt.1628-abt.1681)
John Leach of Dedcom, England and Marblehead, Massachusetts
John Leach, of Dedcom, England;[1] died Marblehead, Essex, Massachusetts, 1688.[2] He married there 15 December 1683, as her first husband, Sarah Waldron.[1] She was born at Marblehead, March 1667/8, daughter of John and Dorothy (Dollever) Waldron.[3] Sarah married second, Marblehead, 7 Feb 1688/9,[4] as his second wife,[5] Timothy Goodwin, bp Charlestown, 8 June 1662;[6] d. Marblehead 25 Sept 1701,[7] son of Christopher Goodwin and Mary ____ [8]
On 7 April 1680, a John Leach witnessed the sale of Marblehead property by Henry Trevitt to Richard Knott.[9]
On Marblehead land acquired originally (1677) by Thomas Candigh, John Leach set out to construct a house. The lot was located "westerly of the dashes ...." and was unfinished at the time of Leach's death.[10] The Town of Marblehead conveyed the lot and house to Timothy Goodwin in 1691.[11]
Inventory of the estate of John Leach, late of Marblehead, was filed 9 September 1695 by “Sarah Leach alias Goodwin,” administrator. The inventory totaled £69 25s 6d and valued his real estate at £25 10s. Disbursements included charges of £39, for “Bringing up the Child William for victuals and clothes 6--1⁄2 years.” Another £10 was claimed for “disburcem^t upon ye house & pd to workmen for finishing tho house.”[2] The estate of John Leach was later deemed insolvent.[12]
The will of John Waldron, Sarah’s father, is dated 17 December 1701, proved 8 June 1702. He mentions wife/widow Dorothy and other family members including his daughter Goodwin. John Waldron comments about possible circumstances “to releive my daughter Goodwin in case of need ...” Among the heirs, he names two Leach grandchildren, John Leach and William Leach, and three Goodwin grandchildren, Mary Goodwin, Christopher Goodwin, and Samuel Goodwin.[14]
No Leach children appear during this period in the vital records of Marblehead, and only the cost associated with William’s upbringing that is charged to the estate of John Leach (1695).[2][12] Just prior to the 1695 probate filing, on 29 April 1694, Timothy and Sarah Goodwin renewed the covenant at Marblehead. Sarah was baptized that day as were five related children. Of the five “Goodwin” children baptized at Marblehead First Congregational Church in 1694 to parent(s) Sarah Goodwin and/or Timothy and Sarah Goodwin,[13] only two, Mary Goodwin and Christopher Goodwin, are identified as the children of Timothy and Sarah (Waldron) Goodwin; another two of the children can be identified as those born to Sarah and her first husband, John Leach.[14] Still later, after 1694, other children were baptized at Marblehead to Timothy and/or Sarah.[15] In 1723/4, the "lawful children and heirs of Timothy Goodwin" were said to be Samuel Goodwin and Mary (Goodwin) Stacy.[16]
Known children of John Leach and Sarah Waldron,
1. John Leach, born before 1688,[17] say 1685 (listed first in grandfather’s will); survived and is mentioned as a grandson “John Leach” in the will of John Waldron dated 17 Dec 1701.[14]
2. William Leach, born before 1688,[18] say 1687, and mentioned in the will of his grandfather, John Waldron;[14] d of Marblehead bef 13 June 1712, the date on which administration was granted to Sarah Goodwin, “Natural mother of William Leach Late of Marblehead Singleman fisherman, decd.”[19]
Research Notes
Vital Records. Vital Records of Marblehead, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849, 3 vols (1903- 1908), 1:210-213; digital images, Hathi Trust; reports five “Goodwin” baptisms 29 April 1694, by which time Timothy and Sarah (Waldron) Goodwin had been married only about five years; parent(s) were listed in the baptismal records as Sarah or Timothy and Sarah, all citing “First Congregational Church records.” The five Goodwin Baptisms in 1694 are:
- John, s. Sarah, p. 211
- William, s. Sarah, p. 213
- Mary, d. Timothy and Sarah, p. 211
- Christopher, s. Timothy and Sarah, p. 210
- Timothy, s. Timothy and Sarah, p. 213
Sarah’s children John Leach and William Leach, certainly those above baptized to “Sarah [Goodwin],” are named as grandchildren in the will of John Waldron dated 1701 (note 14); he also names grandchildren Mary Goodwin, Christopher Goodwin and Samuel Goodwin Information about the mother of Timothy Goodwin, bp 1694, is in question. While the baptismal record calls out the mother, Sarah, his name is not listed among the Goodwin grandchildren of John Waldron in his will of 1701 (note 14). Comments in both “Descendants of William Bartlett” (Essex Antiquarian 7:59) and The Genealogies and Estates of Charlestown 1:708 suggest Timothy Goodwin, Jr. was considered the grandson of both Robert Bartlett and William Nick, but these lineages have yet to be proven.
Essex County Deeds, 1691 and 1708. The Timothy Goodwin baptized in 1694 is otherwise identified as the child of Timothy's first wife, Elizabeth, the the daughter of Robert Bartlett, Marblehead planter, by Essex County deeds in 1691 and 1708.
- From a deed of 12 November 1691, “... in consideration of ye full sume of twenty eight pounds in money ... paid by Robert Bartlett of ye same place Planter viz nine pounds of ye sd sume for ye benefit & behoof of his grandchild Timothy Goodwin when he shall come of age by him given freely bestowed on ye sd child & nineteen pounds more by Timothy Goodwin Senr of ye same place (mason) & father of ye child [... thus we do sell ...] unto ye sd Timothy Goodwin Senr son in law to Robt Bartlett their heirs & asigns for ever ___ ye land [...] to have and to hold ye said lands ... belonging to him ye sd Timothy Gooden Senr. The whole till ye sd Timothy Gooden junr come to age & after that he one third to be held by Timothy Gooden junr and ye other two thirds by Timothy Gooden Senr & by their heirs and assigns for ever ...”[20]
- In further deed of 23 July 1708, “Timothy Goodwin of Boston, joiner ... now of full age,” identified himself as grandson of Robert Bartlett, and son of Timothy Goodwin of Marblehead, deceased, when he sold ten acres of Marblehead land being “ye part of my fathers real estate & Lotted to me by his administratrix Sarah Goodwin Relict of Timothy Goodwin ...”[21][22]
[1] Leach-Waldron 1683 marriage, Jay and Delene Holbrook and Holbrook Research Institute, Massachusetts, U.S., Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988 (Marblehead: Births, Marriages and Death) ); database and digital images by subscription, Ancestry.com Image, as entry from Marblehead Town Records (typescript, n.d., of ancient and/or Glover Broughton records).
"John Leach of dedcom in England and Sarah Waldon were Maried the 15th day of December 1683."
[2] John Leach, case 16485 (1695), 3 pp., "Essex County, MA: Probate File Papers, 1638--1840"; database and digital images by subscription, AmericanAncestors; inventory filed 9 Sept 1695 includes accounting for rent and child care computed for a 6-1⁄2 year period (through the date of the inventory filing).
[3] Waldron-Dollever 1653 marriage, Jay and Delene Holbrook and Holbrook Research Institute, Massachusetts, U.S., Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988 (Marblehead: Births, Marriages and Death); database and digital images by subscription, Ancestry.com Image, as entry from Marblehead Town Records (typescript, n.d., of ancient and/or Glover Broughton records).
[4] Goodin-Leach 1683 marriage, Vital Records of Marblehead, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849, 3 vols (1903- 1908), 2:172 (Goodin); digital images, Hathi Trust; GOODIN, Timothy, and Sarah Leach, Feb. 7, 1688-9.
[5] Jeff Cane, “Old Burial Hill, Marblehead”; gravestone photographs and transcriptions; OldBurialHill.org; entries for (a) Elizabeth Goodwin, “wife to Timothy,” d. 3 July 1688, ae 18 yrs 11 mos; (b) Timothy Goodwin, d. 25 Sept 1701, “aged about 40”; both graves as “Between the Paths--Row 10.”
[6] James F. Hunnewell and others, “Record-Book of the First Church in Charlestown,” _New England Historical and Genealogical Register_ 25 (1871):343; digital images, InternetArchive; entry for Timothy, “the son of our sister Goodin.”
[7] Timothy Goodwin 1701 death, Vital Records of Marblehead, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849, 3 vols. (1903- 1908), 2:560 (Goodwin); digital images, Hathi Trust; [Goodwin], “Timothy, Sept. 25, 1701, a. abt. 40 y.,” citing “gravestone record, Old Burying Hill cemetery.” See also Timothy Goodwin, case 11278 (1701), 5 pp., "Essex County, MA: Probate File Papers, 1638--1840," database and digital images by subscription, AmericanAncestors.
[8] Thomas Bellows Wyman, The Genealogies and Estates of Charlestown, 2 vols. (1879), 1:414, 416; digital images, InternetArchive.
[9] Henry Trevitt to Richard Knott dated 7 April 1680, "Massachusetts, Land Records, 1620-1986"; images,N2G:n1107307132 FamilySearch, Essex > Deeds 1673-1681 vol 4-5 > image 620 of 711, otherwise Essex County (Massachusetts) Deeds 5:360.
[10] Sidney Perley, "Marblehead in the year 1700, No. 3," Essex Institute Historical Collections, 46 (1910):238-9 for "Timothy Goodwin house”; digital images, Hathi Trust.
[11] Town of Marblehead to Timothy Goodwin, 30 March 1691, "Massachusetts, Town Clerk, Vital and Town Records, 1627-2001"; digital images, CSB:1339943410 FamilySearch; > Essex > Marblehead > Town records 1652--1710 vol 2 > image 32 of 72.
[12] Timothy Goodwin and Sarah Goodwin to Nathaniel Walton, deed, "Massachusetts, Land Records, 1620-1986"; images, NHQ:1393060299 FamilySearch, Essex > Deeds 1697-1700 vol 12-13 > image 353 of 538; refers to Superior Court at Salem, 12 November 1698; property appraised by Eleazor Ingalls and Richard Trevett.
[13] "Goodwin" 1694 baptisms, Vital Records of Marblehead, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849, 3 vols (1903- 1908), 1:210-213; digital images, Hathi Trust, all citing “First Congregational Church records." Note, baptisms 29 April 1694, by this time Timothy and Sarah (Waldron) Goodwin had been married only about five years; parent(s) were listed in the baptismal records as Sarah or Timothy and Sarah.” The five Goodwin Baptisms in 1694 are: John, s. Sarah, p. 211; William, s. Sarah, p. 213; Mary, d. Timothy and Sarah, p. 211; Christopher, s. Timothy and Sarah, p. 210; Timothy, s. Timothy and Sarah, p. 213.
[14] John Waldron, case 28751 (1702), 6 pp., "Essex County, MA: Probate File Papers, 1638--1840," database and digital images by subscription, AmericanAncestors; will dated 17 Dec 1701, proved 8 June 1702, mentions wife/widow Dorothy and other family members including his daughter Goodwin; recognizes circumstances “to releive my daughter Goodwin in case of need ...” and names grandchildren as heirs including “John Leach, William Leach, Mary Goodwin, Christopher Goodwin, and Samuel Goodwin.”
[15] “Goodwin” baptisms (8) between 1694 and 1702, Vital Records of Marblehead, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849, 3 vols (1903- 1908), 1:210-213; digital images, Hathi Trust; parent(s) as Sarah, Timothy or Timothy and Sarah, all citing “First Congregational Church records.” In addition to the five children baptized 12 April 1694 (note 13), are those children listed, including a daughter, Sarah, baptized after the death of Timothy Goodwin (note 7). 15 Nov 1697, bp Nathaniel [Goodwin], s. Timothy, p. 212 24 Sept 1699, bp. Samuel [Goodwin], s. Timothy, p. 213 12 April 1702, bp. Sarah [Goodwin], d. Sarah, p. 212.
[16] Goodwin and Stacey & Ux., deed of partition dated 13 March 1728 [sic] and endorsement dated 10 March 1723/4, recorded 14 April 1729, "Massachusetts Land Records, 1620-1986"; images, FamilySearch, FHL film 866,038 DGS 7,463,281, image 60 of 592, otherwise Essex County (Massachusetts) Deeds 54:53
[17] His father, John Leach, having died in 1688 (note 2), William seems to have been listed as a Goodwin child in the baptismal record of 1694 (note 15). See Hathi Trust, [Goodwin], William, s. Sarah, bp Apr. 29, 1694.
[18] His father, John Leach, having died in 1688 (note 2), John seems to be listed as a Goodwin child in the baptismal record of 1694 (note 15). See Hathi Trust, [Goodwin], John, s. Sarah, bp Apr. 29, 1694.
[19] William Leach, case 16527 (1712), 3 pp., "Essex County, MA: Probate File Papers, 1638--1840"; database and digital images by subscription, AmericanAncestors.
[20] George Jackson [and Mary] to Timothy Goodwin deed, dated 12 November 1691, recorded 10 February 1691/2, "Massachusetts Land Records, 1620-1986"; images, FamilySearch, FHL film 866,018, DGS 7,462,656, image 457 of 721, otherwise Essex County (Massachusetts) Deeds 9:30.
[21] Timothy Goodwin to John Waldron, deed dated 23 July 1708, recorded 2 April 1713, "Massachusetts Land Records, 1620-1986"; images, FamilySearch, FHL film 866,025, DGS 7,462,663, image 192 of 876, otherwise, Essex (Massachusetts) Deeds 25:184.
[22] Various men, Timothy Goodwin, married about the time of the 1708 real estate transaction (note 21). Among the men of that name whose parentage should researched is Timothy Goodwin married December 1708 to Abigail Blunt, see (a) Report of the Record Commissioners of the City of Boston, containing the Boston Marriages from 1700 to 1751 28:18; and (b) “Goodwin, Blount,” query, Boston Evening Transcript, February 25, 1907, p. [?14], c. 2. Latter reports his children, “born 1710-1734, were: Timothy, Ann, Timothy, John, Nathaniel, Samuel, Abigail, Samuel, Elizabeth, William, Mary.”
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