Location: [unknown]
This is the last Will and Testament
of me Samuel Leam of Fritchley in the Parish
of Crich in the county of Derby Grocer made
published and declared this ninth day of
May in the year of our Lord one thousand
Eight Hundred and Twenty nine In the first
place I will that all my just Debts whether
promissory notes or otherwise and funeral expenses
shall be paid and discharged and in that respect
I charge whatever I have in the world Real
and personal with the payment thereof. The
Dwelling House Buildings Gardens and Fixtures
where I now reside I give devise and bequeath
unto my son Samuel Leam his Heirs Executors
Administrators and assigned for ever charged
and chargeable with the immediate payment
of One Hundred and Fifty Pounds towards the
payment of my just debts. The Barn and
Buildings at Fritchley aforesaid called Kirkham
Barn with all my Estate in the Barn Croft
Barn Close and farm yard far close allotment
Mill Yard Close the piece and garden containing
in the whole Eleven Acres two roods and five perches
more or less with the Wheelwright's Shop, and
House now rented by Thomas Strutt, I give and
devise unto my Son Joseph Leam his heirs
and assigns for ever charged and chargeable
with the immediate payment of Five hundred
and ten pounds towards my just debts. The
Bed and bedding complete in my Chamber over
the house I give and bequeath unto my said Son
Samuel. The Bed and bedding complete in my
Parlour I give and bequeath unto my said Son
Joseph. The bed and bedding complete in my
Chamber over the Parlour I give and bequeath to
my Son Edward Leam and the bed and bedding
complete in my least chamber I give and bequeath
unto my son William Leam. All the rest and
residue of my Real and personal Estate I give
and devise and bequeath to my friend John Walker
of Crich Conveyancer and to my said
two Sons Samuel and Joseph their Heirs Executors
administrators and assigns for ever In Trust
to sell the same for the equal benefit of all my
Children that is to say Samuel, William, John,
Joseph and Edward and in case of Sale of my
Real Estate I do hereby fully impower my
said Trustees to make legal Conveyances to
purchasers and to give proper receipts for the
purchase Money without the concurrence or
approbation of any other person. And Lastly
I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint
my said three Trustees joint Executors of this my last
Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have
hereunto set my hand and Seal the day and year
first before written
Signed Sealed published and declared
by the said Samuel Leam the said
Testator as and for his last Will
and Testament in the presence
of us who at his request in his
presence and in the presence
of each other have Subscribed
our names as Witnesses
Saml Leam
J Walker
Godfrey Taylor
Wm Fredk Hall
**Text of codicil to be transcribed here**
- Probate: "Staffordshire, Dioceses Of Lichfield And Coventry Wills And Probate 1521-1860"
FindMyPast Image - FindMyPast Transcription (accessed 31 March 2024)
Samuel Leam probate in 1830. Died 21 Jan 1830 residing in Crich, Derbyshire, England, Crich, Derbyshire, England.
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