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Lee County Land Records-Campbell

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Surnames/tags: Lee_County_Virginia campbell
This page has been accessed 164 times.



The purpose of the The Campbells of Lee County Virginia is to identify the various Campbell families that settled or passed through Lee County. The long-term goal of this project is to collect male Y-DNA from Campbell male descendants of these Campbell male settlers.

In an effort to untangle the genealogies of the Campbells of Lee’' County we are collecting marriage, land and probate records of the Campbells of Lee County. This page has the Campbell Probate Records for the years 1794 - 1895.

If your Lee County Campbell ancestors WikiTree profile has not been attached in the table, please post a comment or send us a private message with the WikiTree ID number and we'll attach it. If your Lee County ancestors profile does not have a Y-DNA test attached we encourage a descendant to take a Y-DNA test so we can properly document the line for posterity.

Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in G2G using the project tag, or send me a private message. Thanks!

Lee County Land Surveys-Campbell

Lee County
Land Surveys
1794 -1825
Updated: 21 Apr 2024
Date __WikiTree_ID__ Last Name First Name Volume Page Comments Doc_Image
1794 Campbell-9543 Campbell Arthur 1 6 400 acres Doc Image
1795 Campbell-9548 Campbell William 1 82 170 acres on Cain Creek Doc Image
1795 Campbell-9548 Campbell William 1 83 386 acres on both sides of the Clinch River Doc Image
1795 Campbell-9548 Campbell William 1 102 Land on the South Side of Stone Mountain Doc Image
1794 Campbell-9543 Campbell Arthur 1 104 7,430 acres on both side of Blackwater and Wilisika Creek: Void Doc Image
1796 Campbell-9543 Campbell Arthur 1 153 20 acres on the S. side of Stone Mountain Doc Image
1796 Campbell-9548 Campbell William 1 154 10 acres on the S. side of Stone Mountain Doc Image
1796 Campbell-56905 Campbell James 1 158 100 acres on Martins Creek; Powell River Doc Image
1795 Campbell-9548 Campbell William 1 221 100 acres on the Clinch River Doc Image
1798 Campbell-9543 Campbell Arthur 1 243 277 acres on both sides of the Powell River Doc Image
1798 Campbell-9543 Campbell Arthur 1 244 223 acres on both sides of the Powell River Doc Image
1798 Campbell-9543 Campbell Arthur 1 245 300 acres on the W. side of Wallens Creek Doc Image
1798 Campbell-9543 Campbell Arthur 1 246 600 acres on both sides of Wallens Creek; Powell River Doc Image
1798 Campbell-9543 Campbell Arthur 1 247 140 acres on the N. side of the N. fork of Powell River Doc Image
1794 Campbell-9543 Campbell Arthur 1 248 600 acres on both sides of the Hunter Path: Powell Mountain Doc Image
1798 Campbell-9543 Campbell Arthur 1 249 600 acres on the N. side of the N. fork of Powell River Doc Image
1798 Campbell-9543 Campbell Arthur 1 250 270 acres on the N. side of Wallens Ridge Doc Image
1795 Campbell-9543 Campbell Arthur 1 254 200 acres on the S. side of Glade Branch Doc Image
1797 Campbell-9543 Campbell Arthur 1 255 1945 acres on the Clinch River Doc Image
1795 Campbell-9548 Campbell William 1 256 30 acres in the aforesaid county Doc Image
1795 Campbell-9548 Campbell William 1 257 200 acres on Cain Creek Doc Image
1795 Campbell-9548 Campbell William 1 258 400 acres on the S. side of Wallens Ridge Doc Image
1797 Campbell-9543 Campbell Arthur 1 259 820 acres near Newmans Ridge Doc Image
1794 Campbell-9543 Campbell Arthur 1 260 1000 acres in aforesaid county Doc Image
1798 Campbell-9543 Campbell Arthur 1 261 500 acres on the N. side of Wallens Creek Doc Image
1798 Campbell-9543 Campbell Arthur 1 264 500 acres on both sides of the Powell River Doc Image
1798 Campbell-9543 Campbell Arthur 1 265 500 acres on both sides of Yellow Branch; Powell River Doc Image
1798 Campbell-9548 Campbell William 1 266 114 acres on both sides of the N. fork of Clinch River Doc Image
1798 Campbell-9548 Campbell William 1 267 200 acres in Turkey Cove Doc Image
1798 Butcher-6046 Campbell Catherine (Butcher) 1 281 Granted in 1782 before her marriage to James Campbell: 250 acres on the S. side of the Powell River Doc Image
1795 Campbell-9543 Campbell Arthur 1 284 200 acres on both sides of Wallens Creek; Powell River Doc Image
1795 Campbell-9548 Campbell William 1 290 300 acres on the N. side of Powell Mountain Doc Image
1798 Campbell Robert and Doshell Rogers 1 298 680 acres on both sides of the N. fork of Clinch River; Blue Spring Fork Doc Image
1798 Campbell John Jr. and John Donnell 1 321 400 acres on the corner of the Flat Lick Platt Doc Image
1794 Campbell-9543 Campbell Arthur 1 322 470 acres on both sides of Blackwater Creek; Clinch River Doc Image
1794 Campbell-9543 Campbell Arthur 1 324 5910 acres on both sides of Blackwater Creek Doc Image
1798 Campbell-9548 Campbell William 1 327 200 acres on the S. side of Powell River Doc Image
1798 Campbell-9548 Campbell William 1 328 400 acres on the Clinch River Doc Image
1798 Campbell-9548 Campbell William 1 329 50 acres on the Powell River Doc Image
1823 Campbell-56880 Campbell James 2 22 100 acres on Martins Creek; Powell River Doc Image
1825 Campbell-56880 Campbell James and Hardy Brewer 2 25 100 acres on Martins Creek; Powell River Doc Image
1825 Campbell-56880 Campbell James 2 39 25 acres on Martins Creek; Powell River Doc Image

Lee County Land Records (Grantor)-Campbell

Lee County
Land Records (Grantor)
1794 -1895
Updated: 23 Apr 2024
Date __WikiTree_ID__ Last Name First Name To Book Page Comments Doc_Image
1794 Campbell-9543 Campbell Arthur Moses Cockrell 1 9 420 acres in Lee County Doc Image
1795 Campbell-9543 Campbell Arthur John George 1 13 180 acres in Lee County Doc Image
1798 Campbell-9548 Campbell William Edward and Jane Elam 1 132 40 acres on the South side of Wallens Ridge (on behalf of his father, Col. Arthur Campbell) Doc Image
1799 Campbell-9543 Campbell Arthur Moses Cotrell 1 147 260 acres on Indian Creek Doc Image
1800 Campbell-9548 Campbell William John S. McFarlane (brother-in-law) 1 167 Appointing him as his lawful attorney for his land in Lee County Doc Image
1801 Campbell-9548 Campbell William Francis Hamblen 1 233 Half acre in Jonesville town on South side of Main Street Doc Image
1802 Campbell-23478 Campbell John Arthur Campbell Sr. 1 278 1018 acres beginning on the South bank of Powell's River Doc Image
1802 Campbell-9548 Campbell William Samuel Merrin 1 282 50 acres on the Powells River Doc Image
1803 Butcher-6046 Campbell Catherine (Butcher) Stephen Creech (Scritch) 1 283 175 acres of a 250 acres granted to her (Catherine Butcher) on Feb 26, 1782 located on the South side of Powells River Doc Image
1805 Campbell-9543 Campbell Arthur George Gibson Sr. 1 295 150 acres on the West side of Gibsons 400 acre survey Doc Image
1805 Campbell-15135 Hoskins Elizabeth (Campbell) Thomas Butcher 2 10 All his right to his share (1/5) of the 440 acre tract of land granted to James Campbell dec. on Jun 26, 1786 Doc Image
1806 Campbell-9543 Campbell Arthur Martin Beatty 2 11 4 1/2 acres on the South side of the Gap of Cumberland Doc Image
1806 Campbell-61747 Campbell William Thomas Butcher 2 14 All his right to his share (1/5) of the 440 acre tract of land granted to James Campbell dec. on Jun 26, 1786 Doc Image
1806 Campbell-61747 Campbell William Thomas Butcher 2 18 All his right (1/5) of the 365 acre tract of land granted to James Campbell dec. on Martins Creek Doc Image
1806 Campbell-15135 Hoskins Elizabeth (Campbell) Thomas Butcher 2 19 Their share (1/5) of the 365 acres granted to James Campbell dec. on Martins Creek Doc Image
1806 Campbell-9548 Campbell William John S.M. Campbell 2 24 300 acres on the North side of Powells Mountain Doc Image
1805 Butcher-6046 Campbell Catherine (Butcher) William Daugherty 2 73 440 acres of land granted to James Campbell dec. on Jun 26, 1786 Doc Image
1807 Campbell-61374 Campbell Isaac William Daugherty 2 116 His share (1/5) of the 440 acre tract of land granted to James Campbell dec. on Jun 26, 1786 (typo on the date of this document) Doc Image
1807 Campbell-61374 Campbell Isaac Samuel Ewing 2 135 His share of 73 acres (1/5) of the 365 acres of land on Martins Creek granted to James Campbell dec. Doc Image
1809 Campbell-59934 Campbell John William Daugherty 2 160 His share (1/5) of the 440 acres of land granted to James Campbell dec. on Jun 26, 1786 Doc Image
1809 Campbell-59934 Campbell John Nathaniel Ewing 2 165 His share (1/5) of the 365 acres granted to James Campbell dec. on Martins Creek Doc Image
1805 Campbell-9548 Campbell William John S. McFarlane 2 194 Appointment as his lawful attorney for seized lands in Blackwater Doc Image
1807 Campbell-9548 Campbell William Benjamin Poteet 2 208 50 acres on Sinking Creek Doc Image
1809 Campbell-9543 Campbell Arthur Absalom Robertson 2 269 150 acres on Southeast bank of Powells River Doc Image
1810 Campbell-9548 Campbell William Margaret Campbell McFarlane, his niece 2 313 Gifting her a Sarrell Mare Doc Image
1806 Campbell-9548 Campbell William George Razor 2 321 Lands located on the South Side of Powells River Doc Image
1809 Campbell-9543 Campbell Arthur Henry Skidmore 2 387 Lands on both sides of the Powells River Doc Image
1811 Campbell-56905 Campbell James William Daugherty 2 393 His share (1/5) of the 440 acre tract of land granted to James Campbell dec. on Jun 26, 1786 Doc Image
1811 Campbell-56905 Campbell James Nathaniel Ewing 2 408 His share (1/5) of the 365 acre tract granted to James Campbell dec. on Martins Creek Doc Image
1810 Campbell-9548 Campbell William John S. McFarlane 2 423 1000 acres in Lee County Doc Image
1812 Campbell-9548 Campbell William John S. McFarlane 3 56 Power of attorney in Lee County, VA Doc Image
1815 Campbell-65737 Campbell Arthur L. John S. McFarlane 3 177 Appointing him overseer and attorney over his lot of land in the town of Rutledge, and the 50 acre tract in Wild Oat Valley Doc Image
1814 Campbell-65737 Campbell Arthur L. Robert Clarke 3 183 200 acres on the North bank of Wallens Creek Doc Image
1812 Campbell-9548 Campbell William John S. McFarlane 3 194 Appointment of power of attorney for his share of 9 tracts of land in Lee County entered with Manasses Freel Doc Image
1812 Campbell-9548 Campbell William David Hay Campbell of Knox Co, KY 3 287 820 acres of land on South Side of Powells Mountain granted to William Doc Image
1817 Campbell-56910 Campbell John James Wilie 3 311 94 and 50 acres on the waters of Indian Creek Doc Image
1818 Campbell-9548 Campbell William John S. McFarlane 3 323 Notice of power of attorney Doc Image
1819 Campbell-65737 Campbell Arthur L. Joel Hubbard 3 348 279 acres of land on the waters of Sugar Run Doc Image
1818 Campbell-65737 Campbell Arthur L. Claiborne Anderson 3 361 256 acres on the waters of Lick Branch, Powells River granted to Col. Arthur Cambpell Doc Image
1814 Campbell-65737 Campbell Arthur L. John S. McFarlane 3 369 Appointment of lawful attorney for the selling of his lands in Lee County, VA Doc Image
1818 Campbell-56910 Campbell John James Wilie 3 412 Concerning the deed for 94 and 50 acres on the waters of Indian Creek Doc Image
1810 Campbell-65737 Campbell Arthur L. Jacob Wolfe 4 110 Land in said county Doc Image
1810 Campbell-65737 Campbell Arthur L. Jacob Wolfe 4 1/2 13 250 acres in Washington Co, VA Doc Image
1812 Campbell-61406 Campbell Hugh 4 1/2 105 Delinquent Taxes for 270 acres for the year 1799 Doc Image
1812 Campbell-9548 Campbell William 4 1/2 105 Delinquent Taxes for 400 acres for the years 1814-1816 Doc Image
1812 Campbell-9548 Campbell William 4 1/2 105 Delinquent Taxes for 200 acres for the year 1814 and 1816 Doc Image
1812 Campbell-9548 Campbell William 4 1/2 106 Delinquent Taxes for 300 acres for the years 1814 and 1816 Doc Image
1821 Campbell-65737 Campbell Arthur L. John S. MacFarlane 5 20 400 acres on both sides of Powell River Doc Image
1821 Campbell-65737 Campbell Arthur L. David Lawson 5 21 400 acres on the waters of Clinch River Doc Image
1822 Campbell-65737 Campbell Arthur L. Thomas Scott Jr. 5 84 140 acres on the S. side of Powell River near Lick Branch Doc Image
1816 Campbell-65737 Campbell Arthur L. Andrew and Jane B. Campbell (Williamson Co, TN) 5 178 Lands in Claiborne Co, TN, formerly Col. Arthur Campbell dec Doc Image
1824 Campbell John S.M. Robert Campbell 5 279 100 acres on N. side of Powell Mountain Doc Image
1826 Campbell-65737 Campbell Arthur L. John Fletcher 5 348 286 acres on Elk Branch of Powell River Doc Image
1816 Campbell-51396 Campbell Jane B. Arthur L. Campbell 5 415 Her right to her father's estate (Col. Arthur) Doc Image
1817 Campbell-65738 Campbell Martha C. Arthur L. Campbell 5 418 Her right to her father's estate (Col. Arthur) Doc Image
1816 Campbell-13561 Campbell Mary Arthur L. Campbell 5 420 Her right to her father's estate (Col. Arthur) Doc Image
1828 Campbell-56880 Campbell James John Hamblen 6 46 100 acres on Martins Creek Doc Image
1829 Campbell-65737 Campbell Arthur L. Abraham Stills 6 182 500 acres on Glade Creek Doc Image
1832 Campbell-65737 Campbell Arthur L. Wm W. MacFarlane 6 399 200 acres on Powell River Doc Image
1834 Campbell-65737 Campbell Arthur L. William Farley 6 517 150 acres on the W. bank of Rockhouse Creek Doc Image
1834 Campbell-56880 Campbell James Stephen Bales 7 71 22 of the above mentioned 520 acres on Lick Branch Doc Image
1834 Campbell-56880 Campbell James Joseph A. Hardy 7 72 127 acres of the above mentioned 520 acres on Lick Branch Doc Image
1836 Campbell-65737 Campbell Arthur L. Allen Milcham 7 166 100 acres on the N. side of Powell River Doc Image
1836 Campbell-65737 Campbell Arthur L. David Campbell (friend and cousin of Abingdon, VA) 7 204 Appointment as attorney Doc Image
1836 Campbell-65737 Campbell Arthur L. John and Thomas Thompson 7 218 200 acres on the S. side of Powell River Doc Image
1836 Campbell-65737 Campbell Arthur L. Absalom Robinson and Tandy Welsh 7 220 200 acres on the right bank of Powell River Doc Image
1836 Campbell-65737 Campbell Arthur L. John Fletcher 7 221 Land on Powell River below his own Doc Image
1826 Campbell-65737 Campbell Arthur L. Claiborne Anderson 8 64 198 acres on the southward side of Anderson's land Doc Image
1841 Campbell-9548 Campbell William heirs Nimrod Chrisman 8 412 143 1/2 acres of land in Lee County Doc Image
1841 Campbell-56880 Campbell James John W.S. Morrison 8 417 370 acres of the 520 acres on Lick Branch; Martins Creek (James is putting a lean on his property until October to pay a debt owed to Joshua Ewing. This loan is null and void once the debt is paid) Doc Image
1839 Campbell-9548 Campbell William Stephen Jones 9 142 43 acres in Turkey Cove Doc Image
1843 Campbell-9548 Campbell William heirs George W. Campbell 9 252 Land on the waters of Loan Branch in Lee County Doc Image
1844 Campbell-66518 Campbell David H. Claiborne Anderson 10 27 400 acres on Wallins Creek: 400 acres on both sides of Wallens Creek Doc Image
1844 Campbell-66518 Campbell David H. Wilkinson Martin and Jos. Bishop 10 93 160 acres on Yellow Creek; Powell River Doc Image
1845 Campbell-66518 Campbell David H. Nicholas Speak Sr. 10 94 22 acres joining Speaks land Doc Image
1846 Campbell-66518 Campbell David H. Allen H. Mircham 10 216 64 acres on Yellow Creek; Powell River Doc Image
1846 Campbell-66518 Campbell David H. Samuel Hardy 10 274 Land on Trading (Hardy's) and Glade Spring Creeks Doc Image
1847 Campbell-56880 Campbell James Joseph Houndshell 10 289 166 acres on Martin's Creek on which Joseph now lives Doc Image
1848 Campbell-66518 Campbell David H. Alexander Stuart 11 18 100 acres in Lee County Doc Image
1848 Campbell-66518 Campbell David H. Samuel E. Hardy 11 35 Land in Lee County Doc Image
1848 Campbell-9548 Campbell William heirs Aaron Fletcher 11 37 Part of 400 acre tract on Wallins Creek Doc Image
1848 Campbell-9548 Campbell William heirs Hiram Bradin 11 153 140 acres on Wallins Creek Doc Image
1849 Campbell-56880 Campbell James M.B.L. Lane 11 180 Remainder of 520 acres on Lick Branch; Martins Creek ((James is putting a lean on his property to pay a debt owed) Doc Image
1851 Campbell-66518 Campbell David H. John M. Crockett 11 248 184 acres granted in 1843; 72 acres on Glade Spring Doc Image
1850 Campbell-66518 Campbell David H. John C. Beeman 11 257 All 3 of his remaining tracts of 2000 acres in Lee County (lands for his only legitimate child: Ann C. Graham) Doc Image
1850 Campbell-66518 Campbell David H. James S. McKinney 11 259 500 acres on the N.W. end of his 2000 acre tract Doc Image
1850 Campbell-66518 Campbell David H. Cavender Robinson 12 32 184 acres on Yellow Creek Doc Image
1852 Campbell-66517 and Campbell-66516 Campbell Edward M. and Joseph T. John Ridings 12 97 Land in aforesaid County Doc Image
1854 Campbell-66516 Campbell Joseph T. et. al Martin Wyrick 12 330 2000 acres on Martins, Trading, and Yellow Creeks Doc Image
1853 Campbell George W. Andrew Millbourne 12 631 200 acres on Loan Branch; N. side of Powell Mountain Doc Image
1857 Campbell-56880 Campbell James (heirs) Hugh and Minerva (Campbell) Pauley 14 205 60 acres of James Campbell dec. land on Martins Creek Doc Image
1857 Campbell-13879 Campbell David Calvin Hugh and Minerva (Campbell) Pauley 15 192 All their right to James Campbell dec. land except the "Old Campbell Place" Doc Image
1861 Wyrick-241 Campbell Anna (Wyrick) and John E. Martin and Prudence Wyrick 15 590 139 acres of the McCredie Survey Doc Image
1870 Campbell-13879 Campbell David Calvin Lee County Court 16 122 50 acres of Martin Wyricks partitioned lands
1875 Campbell-62113 Campbell Margaret G. Solomon Hobbs 17 276 3 acres on the W. side of Martins Creek Doc Image
1874 Campbell George R. and Lavina Henry J. Morgan 18 91 Land joining the town of Jonesville Doc Image
1877 Campbell-66461 Campbell James et. al of Indiana Harvey McHall 18 136 All the land in Lee County formerly belonging to Robert Sims Doc Image
1877 Campbell-56880 Campbell James deceased Heirs of James Campbell dec. 18 263 Partition of lands on Martins Creek Doc Image
1885 Campbell-13879 Campbell David Calvin A.L. Pridemore 20 209 80 acrs on Martins Creek Doc Image
1883 Campbell-62118 Campbell Elly W.C. Hobbs 20 299 64 acres on Hamblens Branch Doc Image
1883 Campbell-62118 Campbell Elly J.C. Blevins 20 339 50 acres on Hamblens Branch Doc Image
1883 Campbell-62118 Campbell Elly Solomon Hobbs 21 24 Her interest in the Campbell Mill Lot Doc Image
1876 Campbell-62115 Campbell Elizabeth et. al Solomon Hobbs 21 26 7 acres on the West side of Martins Creek Doc Image
1884 Wyrick-241 Campbell Anna (Wyrick) and John E. Joseph Edds 21 65 The McCredie Survey on the Powell River, formerly belonging to her father, Martin Wyrick Doc Image
1884 Campbell-62118 Campbell Elly (of Hancock Co. TN) William C. Hobbs 21 68 40 acres on Hamblens Branch Doc Image
1887 Campbell-62115 Campbell Elizabeth et. al Jessee Edds 24 115 All of their interest in the Campbell Mill Lot Doc Image
1890 Campbell-62115 Campbell Elizabeth Ruth E. Ray 25 594 Her right to 38 acres on Martins Creek Doc Image
1890 Campbell-13879 Campbell David Calvin William Snodgrass 26 387 30 acres on Martins Creek Doc Image
1885 Campbell-13879 Campbell David Calvin John E. Campbell 29 380 75 acres of the lands they live on Doc Image
1895 Campbell-61167 Campbell John E. B.H. Sewell 32 115 55 acres of the "Wolfenbarger Tract" and 75 acres of the David C. Campbell homestead until debt is paid Doc Image
1893 Campbell-61167 Campbell John E. James Edds 33 521 18 acres on Martins Creek Doc Image
1898 Campbell-56879 Campbell Wayman T. M. Woodard 35 44 The Morely Tract and David C. Campbell's land until debt is paid Doc Image
1898 Campbell-65187 Sturdivant Adaline Ruth (Campbell) Wayman T. Campbell 35 45 16 acres of their father, David C. Campbell's lands on Martins Creek Doc Image
1895 Campbell-66412 Campbell William D. and Adaline Ruth (Campbell) Sturdivant William C. Hobbs 35 79 Their right to the Campbell Grist Mill and its Millwright Doc Image

Lee County Land Records (Grantee)-Campbell

Lee County
Land Records (Grantee)
1794 -1895
Updated: 23 Apr 2024
Date __WikiTree_ID__ Last Name First Name From Book Page Comments Doc_Image
1794 Campbell-56905 Campbell James Aaron Lewis 1 18 270 acres on Martins Creek Doc Image
1796 Campbell-65783 Campbell John Trustees of Jonesville 1 32 Half an acre on North of main street Doc Image
1796 Campbell-9548 Campbell William Trustees of Jonesville 1 34 Half an acre on South of main street Doc Image
1796 Campbell-9548 Campbell William Trustees of Jonesville 1 36 Half an acre on North of main street Doc Image
1813 Campbell-65737 Campbell Arthur L. John McKinney 3 24 1 lot in the town of Rutledge Doc Image
1813 Campbell-66518 Campbell David H. John McKinney 3 25 50 acres in Wild Oat Valley on East side of Wallens Ridge Doc Image
1813 Campbell-65737 Campbell Arthur L. John McKinney 3 26 50 acres on the East side of Wallens Ridge Doc Image
1812 Campbell-65737 Campbell Arthur L. Daniel Sheffey 3 137 2 tracts of land in Lee County joining said Campbell's land Doc Image
1816 Campbell-23478 Campbell John Jesse Powers 3 237 Selling of lands to pay debt owed to John Campbell Doc Image
1819 Campbell-62669 Campbell Edward William Charles 3 424 550 acres of land in Lee County Doc Image
1828 Campbell-56880 Campbell James Charles McClung 7 8 520 acres on Lick Branch: Martin's Creek Doc Image
1844 Campbell-66518 Campbell David H. Samuel Hardy (brother to Nancy H.) 10 119 220 acres in said county Doc Image
1846 Campbell-66518 Campbell David H. Samuel Hardy (brother to Nancy H.) 10 221 Lands in Lee County he now lives on Doc Image
1850 Campbell-66517 Campbell Edward M. Josiah Daugherty 12 35 Lot No. 7 in town of Jonesville Doc Image
1853 Campbell George W. John Clarke 12 168 200 acres on Loan Branch; N. side of Powell Mountain Doc Image
1853 Campbell-66516 Campbell Joseph T. et. al John M. Crockett 12 558 2000 acres of David H. Campbell's land granted in 1845 Doc Image
1875 Campbell Samuel B. and J.C. William P. Bales 17 309 4 acres near the main road in Lee County Doc Image
1881 Campbell-62118 Campbell Elly (of Hancock Co. TN) Ezekiel Hobbs 21 25 His interest in the Campbell Mill Lot Doc Image
1891 Campbell-61167 Campbell John E. Frances Wolfenbarger 29 383 55 acres on the Lick Branch Doc Image
1895 Campbell-56879 Campbell Wayman T. J.E. Carmony 32 89 57 acres on Martins Creek Doc Image



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