Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: Lee Sourcerers
- For review:
- Lee Documentation
Awaiting Documentation from the DAR - Mary Bryan did not marry Thomas Lee and was not the mother of any of his children. From the DAR website: Created: 2019-01-31 08:17:19.527, Updated: 2022-07-21 10:58:14.0, By: 1503727 1) EL - PATRIOT DID NOT MARRY MARY BRYAN. SHE WAS NOT THE MOTHER OF ANY Created: 2019-01-31 08:17:19.527, Updated: 2019-01-31 08:17:19.527, By: 2) OF HIS CHILDREN. Created: 2019-01-31 08:17:19.53, Updated: 2022-07-21 10:58:35.0, By: 1503727 3) EL - AT THIS TIME THERE IS NO PROOF THAT THIS PATRIOT HAD A SON JOHN. Created: 2019-01-31 08:17:19.53, Updated: 2022-07-21 10:58:49.0, By: 1503727 4) SEE DATACF. 12/2013
I have also been told this Thomas Lee did not marry Mary Mary Griffin (Does anyone have any information on this?)
Lee Documentation
Timeline 1729 Dec 03 - Thomas Lee was born Nottoway Parish, Isle of Wight County, Virginia.
NEED TO OMIT - 1747 Apr 09 - Thomas Lee married in Virginia to Mary Agnes Griffin. [15]
NEED TO OMIT - 1749 - Son Thomas Lee, Jr. was born and named after his maternal Uncle, Greenberry Griffin, who was a Colonel from Richmond County, Georgia and a member of the Georgia Legislature. [16] [17] Note: This statement appears to be in error. It seems that Greenberry Griffin is being confused with Col. Greenberry Lee who was a Colonel in the Richmond County, Georgia Militia during the Revolution and was a member of the Georgia Legislature, NOT Greenberry Griffin. [18] It also appears that the line of Capt Thomas Lee and Col. Greenberry Lee may be unrelated and are being confused.
1743 Jun 30 - He obtained 400 acres of land on Fishpond Creek, which was then in Goochland County.
1746 Jun 28 - Part of Craven County, NC went into the formation of Johnston County, North Carolina.
NEED TO OMIT - 1752 Jun 10 - Lucy Lee was born [mother Mary Agnes (Griffin) Lee].
1756 Aug 16 - He added 100 acres of land on the same creek, then located in Albemarle County.
1756 Oct 13 - He made his first land purchase in Johnston County, North Carolina. Subsequently he purchased other land and would inherit land from his father. The deeds are numerous with much of the purchased land near Mill Creek south of the Neuse River.
1757 - His sister Mary Lee (daughter of John Lee, Esq.) married Edward Ballinger.
NEED TO OMIT - 1759 - Nicholas Lee was born in North Carolina [mother Mary Agnes (Griffin) Lee].
1760 Sep 08 - He sold 200 acres of land, then located in Albemarle County to Peter Lee.
NEED TO OMIT - 1761 Feb 07 - Elizabeth Lee was born in Johnston County, North Carolina [mother Mary Agnes Griffin) Lee].
NEED TO OMIT - 1761 Mar 15 - Thomas Lee married Mary Polly Bryan
NEED TO OMIT - 1762 – Edith Lee was born [mother Mary "Polly" (Bryan) Lee].
NEED TO OMIT - 1763 May 10 – Son John Lee was born in Hawkins County, Tennessee [mother Mary "Polly" (Bryan) Lee]. Later on John married Elizabeth Farrar. [15]
QUESTIONABLE - 1765 – Eleanor Lee was born in Prince Edward County, Virginia [mother Mary Agnes (Griffin) Lee].
NEED TO OMIT - 1766 Apr 05 – Richard Bryan Lee was born in Hawkins County, Tennessee [mother Mary "Polly" (Bryan) Lee].
1767 Mar 19 - He received a land grant of 176.5 acres that lay on both sides of the water.
1768 Feb - John Lee, Esq.'s last Will was proven and named Thomas to inherit the home place in Johnston County, NC, after the death of his mother, Mary. John Lee, Jr. and his brother, Edward, were executors of John Lee, Esq.'s estate.
NEED TO OMIT - 1768 Oct 20 – James Bryan Lee was born [mother Mary "Polly" (Bryan) Lee]. [19]
QUESTIONABLE - 1769 – Micajah Lee was born in Johnston County, North Carolina [mother Mary Agnes (Griffin) Lee].
1770 Nov 04 – Needham Judes Lee was born in Prince Edward County, Virginia [mother Mary Elizabeth (Ingram-Rains) Lee]. [19]
NEEDS MORE RESEARCH - 1771 - Earliest military record for Lt. Thomas G. Lee who served under Col. Needham Bryan in Gaston County, North Carolina. [20]
NEEDS MORE RESEARCH - 1771 Apr 19 - Signature of Lt. Thomas Lee under Col. Needham Bryan in a Johnston County, North Carolina Militia record.
1772 Feb - Mary Rains was given administration for the estate of John Rains in Johnston County, North Carolina Court Minutes.
1772 – Lewis Lee was born in Prince William County, Virginia [mother Mary "Polly" (Bryan) Lee]. [15]
1772 – Thomas Lee married Mary Elizabeth Ingram Rains. [19]
1773 Jan 03 – Zilpha Lee was born in Johnston County, North Carolina [mother Mary Elizabeth (Ingram-Rains) Lee]. [19] See last Will of Mary Elizabeth (Ingram-Rains) Lee.
1774 Nov – Thomas Lee appeared in Johnston County, North Carolina Court and was granted guardianship of Henry Rains (b: 1767 orphan of John Rains, deceased).
1775 – Willis Lee was born in Johnston County, North Carolina [mother Mary Elizabeth (Ingram-Rains) Lee].
1776 Feb - He was in the battle of "Moore's Creek Bridge". [21]
1777 Aug 15 - At a military Court Martial in Smithfield, Johnston County, North Carolina, Capt. Thomas Lee was shown as serving under Col. John Smith.
1778 Feb 16 - Thomas Lee purchased a ½ acre lot in Smithfield, Johnston County, NC, for 50 shillings. [Deed I-1,130].
1779 Jan 01 – Winifred Lee was born in Johnston County, North Carolina [mother Mary Elizabeth (Ingram-Rains) Lee]. See last Will of Mary Elizabeth (Ingram-Rains) Lee.
1779 May 24 - Thomas Lee’s name appears on General Muster Roll at Smithfield, Johnston County, North Carolina.
NEED TO OMIT - 1779 Jul 30 – Mary "Polly" Lee was born in Carters Valley, Tennessee [mother Mary "Polly" (Bryan) Lee. [15]
1780 – Samuel Lee was born in Hawkins County, Tennessee [mother Mary Elizabeth (Ingram-Rains) Lee].
1780 May - Thomas relinquished the guardianship of Henry Rains (orphan of John Rains, deceased) to Henry Rains, Esq.
1780 - Thomas Lee moved from Johnston County, North Carolina to Greene County, North Carolina (which later became Hawkins County, Tennessee) accompanied by his eldest son Nicholas and his brother John. During this time many people were migrating to this western portion of North Carolina with hopes of founding a new state to be named Franklin.
1781 - Tax List of Washington County, North Carolina (later Tennessee) for Thomas Lee with 200 acres of land.
NEED TO OMIT - 1782 Aug 02 – Luanna Anna Lee was born in Hawkins County, Tennessee [mother Mary "Polly" (Bryan) Lee].
1784 Aug 04 – William Lee was born in Hawkins County, Tennessee [mother Mary Elizabeth (Ingram-Rains) Lee]. [15] See last Will of Mary Elizabeth (Ingram-Rains) Lee.
1784 Feb 15 - Thomas Lee of Greene County, North Carolina (later Tennessee) gave Power of Attorney to William Ingram and Shadrack Ingram of Johnston County, North Carolina.
Witnesses: Samuel Smith & Josiah Barns. Deed Trs-2, 319, P-1, 202 1784 Feb - Thomas Lee of Greene County, North Carolina (later Tennessee) sold ½ acre lot (purchased in 1778), in Smithfield, Johnston County, North Carolina to George Frazier. [Deeds Trs-2,310 P-1, 231]
1787 Sep 20 - Thomas Lee received from the State of North Carolina, grant#464 for 520 acres and grant#562 for 540 acres, both in Greene County, North Carolina (later Hawkins County, Tennessee) on the south side of Holston River in Carter’s Valley.
1788 Jul 30 – Edward Lee was born in Hawkins County, Tennessee [mother Mary Elizabeth (Ingram-Rains) Lee]. [19] See last Will of Mary Elizabeth (Ingram-Rains) Lee.
1790 – James Lee was born in Johnston County, North Carolina [mother Mary Elizabeth (Ingram-Rains) Lee]. [19]
1792 Nov - Following his mother’s death, Thomas Lee returned to Johnston County, North Carolina to sell the remainder of his properties. On 16 Nov 1792 Thomas divested himself of property through 7 deeds. Four of the properties adding to 724 acres describe land he had inherited from his father. This helps establish the approximate death date of his mother.
1794 – Mary Elizabeth Lee was born in Hawkins County, Tennessee [mother Mary Elizabeth (Ingram-Rains) Lee]. See last Will of Mary Elizabeth (Ingram-Rains) Lee.
1797 Aug 19 - Thomas Lee wrote a letter [22] to his cousin, Shadrach Ingram which he sent by his nephew, Cader Lee. It requested money that had been collected on his properties and asked the money to be sent by Cader.
August 19, 1797 To Shadrach Ingram Endorsed "Dear Cousin, after my best and loving compliments to you and your family these comes to let you know that my family is all in good health at Present thanks be to God for his mercies. But I have what is called the intermitting fever this five or six months and I am not able to come and see you nor to do anything else and God only knows whether I ever shall be able to come over to see you about my business And dear Cousin I have got Cader Lee to come to you to settle my business. And I depend upon you to settle the business and I shall be fully satisfied. And dear Cousin if you are not satisfied I wish you to satisfy yourself for I have always greate confidence in you & have ever been well satisfied but dear Cousin you know there is very few men now a days that can be fully depended upon. Dear Sir please send me by Cader Lee what money you have collected and what ever you can collect from the Creditors and you will much oblige your friend Dear Sir please to write to me in full concerning affairs and whatt money you send me by Cader Lee And to take a receipt for the same Dear Sir if you can collect the whole please to write what the balance is and when you collect it please to send it to me by who ever you shall think a safe hand I have nothing strange or uncommon to write but I remain your loving friend. THOMAS LEE. Please to remember my love to sister Mary Balingr and all enquiring friends &C.
To Shadrach Ingram living in Johnston County on the water of Mill Creek there. Proved by Kedar Lee” Received of Shadrach Ingram in full of all accounts debts dues or demands from the beginning of the world till this day. I say received by me this 11th day of January 1796. Hopkins Lee Robert Lee. Received August 31st, 1797 of Shadrach Ingram agent for Thomas Lee four hundred and twenty silver dollars, it being money collected by the said Shadrach Ingram in part of sundry Debts, said Ingram was Impowered to collect for the said Thomas Lee in the state of North Carolina, in the county of Johnston.
test.: Wm. Sasser signed: Keder [X] Lee for Thomas Lee'.
Thomas Lee’s property in Johnston County, North Carolina was sold or cleared by 1797.
1815 - Thomas was listed in the early land records of North Carolina and Tennessee, Early Land Records, 1753-1931 [23]
1816 Jun 29 - Thomas Lee made his nuncupative Will.
1816 Jul 02 – Thomas died in Lee Valley, Hawkins County, Tennessee.
1816 Jul 04 – His sons Needham and William wrote down his nuncupative Will.
Wills 1766 John LEE, Esq. TRANSCRIPT for the Last Will & Testament of John LEE, Esq. Executed on 4 Dec 1766; probated Feb 1768 in Johnston County, North Carolina. [24] ...
"In the Name of god Amen. I, John Lee, ??? of Johnston County & Province of North Carolina, Being So at this Time Tollerbly well in Health and of Sound Mind and Memory, but Calling to mind the mortallity of Body and that it is Apointed for all men Once to Die, do make and Ordain this my Last will and Testament in manner and form following, that is to Say first Principally, first of all I Recommend my Soul into the hands of God that Gave it as for my Body, I Commit it to the Earth to be Buried in a Decent manner at the Discression of my Executors. But Regarding my Worldly Estate with which it hath Pleased god to Bless me with I Dispose of it in the following manner, viz: In the first Place I Desire that all my Just Debts and funeral Charges be fully Sattisfied and Paid.
Imprimis. I Lend to my well beloved wife Mary Lee this Plantation, whereon I now Live and all my Personal Estate for her to be Possest with and Injoy During her Life or widowhood.
Item. I Give and bequeath unto my Son Robert Lee one Negro boy Named Seasser to him and his Heirs forever.
Item. I Give and Bequeath [unto] my Son Edward Lee one Hundred Acres of Land more or Less, in the Low grounds of Neuse River whereon he has Cleared a Plantation Joyning John Lees Line and a Hundred Acres of Land Lying in the Low grounds Called John Greens field and Seventy five Acre s of Land More or less Lying on Mill Creek at the Bridge and one Negro boy Called [torn - appears to be Abel] to him and his heirs forever.
Item. I Give and Bequeath unto my Son John Lee two hundred Acres of Land more or Less in the Low grounds of the River whereon is act [sic] Plantation Called the Cows Bones and one Hundred Acres Lying in Bearhill joyning of his own Land and two Negros a Boy and Girl Called Charles and Linn to him and his Heirs forever.
Item. I Give and Bequeath unto my Son Thomas Lee after my wifes Decease or widowhood the Plantation whereon I Now Live with the Remaining Part of the Low grounds and two hundred Acres of Land Lying in the Low ground Called Fredricks Lands and Part of a Tract of Land Called Trapnals Land, it being the Part Joyning the Plantation it being Divided by a Line of Marked Trees Beginning at a Hickrey Tree at the mouth of the Cypress gut on the River and Running by the Line of Marked Trees to the Back Line and one Negro man Called Cuggo and a Negro Girl called Jenney to him and his Heirs forever.
Item. I give and Bequeath unto my Son Fredrick Lee one Negro wench Called Rachel to him and his Heirs forever.
Item. [I give and Bequeath unto my Daughter] ??? Pow[ell] ??? one negro wench called ??? her child called Bristor to her and her he[irs] forever.
Item. I give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Mary Ballanger one Negro wench Called Nice and the and the [sic] Remaining Part of the Land Called Trapnals Lands to her and her Heirs forever.
Item. I give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Sabray Green one Negro Girl Called Bine [?] and twenty Pounds ??? to be Paid out of my Estate to her and her heirs forever.
Item. I give & Bequeath unto my Grandson Shadrack Ingram one Plantation Containing two hundred Acres of Land more or Less Joyning Richard Ingrams Line & John Lees Line and three hundred Acres of Land Lying ond [sic] White Oak Swamp a Branch of Mill Creek and a Negro Girl Called Judah to him and his Heirs forever.
Item. I will that all the Remaining Part of my Personal Estate after my wifes Diceas or widowhood to be Equally Devided amongst my Children above Named to be Equally Devided by my Executors hereafter Named.
And I do hereby apoint my Son Edward Lee and John Lee to be my hole and Sole Executors of this my Last will and Testament utterly Revoking and Disanuling all Other Or former Wills and Testaments by me before made.
In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and affixed my Seal this 4th Day of December in the year of Our Lord one thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty Six.
John I Lee [his mark] Signed Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of us:
Richard ???ees [his mark] Gilbird [his mark] Samll. Smith, Jr.
1816 Thomas LEE Nuncupative Will of Thomas LEE given 29 June 1816 and written on 04 July 1816 in Hawkins County, Tennessee; records book#1 p311 ...
"On the 29th June 1816, Thomas Lee Sr. of Hawkins County and state of Tennessee, being sick in body but sound of mind and memory told us by word of mouth what he wanted done with his negroes after his death as follows to wit:
That he wished his wife Mary Lee to have three negroes Rachel, Jane, George; and his son James Lee, he wished to have one negro boy named Sam; and the rest and residue to be sold.
And on the second day of July following and on the fourth of July we reduced his conversation to writing as above. Witness our hands and seals,
Needham Lee (seal) William Lee (seal)". "State of Tennessee, County of Hawkins I, M. D. Livesay, clerk of the county and state above written do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Will of Thomas Lee, as same appears of record in my office at Rogersville, Hawkins County, Tennessee in Will book#1 page 311. Witness my hand and seal on this 30th day of April 1934 M. D. Livesay, County Court Clerk".
Mary Elizabeth (Ingram Rains) LEE
Last Will of Mary Elizabeth (Ingram Rains) Lee mentioned ...
"In the name of God, Amen. Be it remembered that I, Mary Lee, widow of Thomas Lee, deceased of Hawkins County, State of Tennessee, being in sound health, memory, and considering the uncertainty of this mortal life and the certainty of death. Blessed be God Almighty for the same, do make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say:
First, I give and bequeath unto my three daughters, Winifred Bailey, Zilphia Bailey, Mary Griffin, all my wearing clothes, then to be equally divided between the three daughters before named.
The rest and residue of my whole estate, I wish to be sold and equally divided between all the lawful heirs of my body. And I do hereby appoint William Lee and Edward Lee sole executors of this my last Will and Testament. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 19th day of August, in the Year of our Lord, One thousand eight hundred and eighteen.
Mary Lee (her X mark) Signed sealed and published and declared by the above named Mary Lee to be her last Will and testament in the presence of us who at her request and in her presence hereunto subscribed.
Attest: Edward Griffin James Lee Davis B. Cuming. "State of Tennessee, County of Hawkins I, M. D. Livesay, clerk of the county of Hawkins and state of Tennessee above written, do hereby certify that the attached copy is a true copy of the Will of Mary Lee as same appears of record in my office in Rogersville, Hawkins County, Tennessee in Will book#1 page 312. Witness my hand and seal of this office on this 30th day of April 1934 M. D. Livesay, County Court Clerk"
- OMIT - Samuel Lee (1748 - 1762) MOTHER - MARY INGRAM
- OMIT - Elizabeth Lee 1761 MOTHER - MARY GRIFFIN
- OMIT - Thomas Greenberry Lee Jr. (~1749 - 1784) MOTHER - MARY GRIFFIN
- OMIT - Eleanor Lee 1765 MOTHER - MARY GRIFFIN
Children Listed on Lee-7459
- Samuel Lee (1748 - 1762)--------------------------------------Problem
- Thomas Greenberry Lee Jr. (~1749 - 1784)
- John Henry Rains [non-biological] (~1767 - ~1838)
- James Bryan Lee Sr. (~1768 - 1837)------------------------Problem
- Needham Henry Lee Sr. (1770 - 1821)
- Zilpha (Lee) Bailey (1773 - 1842)
- Willis Lee (1775 - 1846)----------------------------------------Problem (I never wanted to add him)
- John Lee (~1776 - 1842)
- Winifred (Lee) Bailey (~1778 - ~1815)
- Leeanna Anna Bryan Lee (1781 - 1782)-----------------Problem
- William Lee (1784 - ~1858)
- Edward Burwell Lee (1788 - 1873)
- James Lee (1790 - 1821)
- Mary Elizabeth (Lee) Griffin (1794 - 1876)
Children Listed in the Booklet "Some of the Descendants of Capt. Thomas Lee of Hawkins Co Tennessee"
- Nicholas Lee (sources in booklet p 3)--------------------------------------------------------------Missing
- Elizabeth Lee (7 Feb 1761 - 6 Jan 1842) (sources in booklet p 4) m Robert Smith--Missing
- Thomas Lee Jr. (sources in booklet p 9) 9 Dec 1761 - 19 aug 1828 married twice
- Eleanor Lee (sources in booklet p 16) m Joseph Long ---------------------------------------Missing
- Edith Lee (sources in booklet p 17) m _____ Gregory------------------------------------------Missing
- Micajah (sources in booklet p 18) about 1769 - about 1850 married 3 times-See Lee-11112
- Needham (sources in booklet p 20) about 1772 - about 1821 M Susan Bailey
- John (sources in booklet p 31) 1776-1842 m Frances Lane
- Winifred (sources in booklet p 32) b 1778 m William Bailey
- Zilpha (sources in booklet p 33) 1780. m Thomas Bailey
- William (sources in booklet p 35) 6 Aug 1784 - 30 May 1848 m Susannah Pangle
- Edward (sources in booklet p 38) 30 July 1788 - 15 Mar 1873 m Sarah Tinsley
- James (sources in booklet p 48) 1790 - 1820's m Mary Hall
- Mary (sources in booklet p 60) about 1793 - about 1871 m Jones Griffin
- Needham Henry Lee Sr. (1770 - 1821)-----------------------------------adopted
- Inline citations:
↑ 1) Researched by Loretta Leger
↑ 2) [Marriage: "Web: RootsWeb Marriage Records Index" Ancestry Record 70453 #426308 (accessed 6 February 2022) Thomas (Capt)(widower) Lee marriage to Mary (widow of John RAINS)(dau. of Richard INGRAM) Ingram in 1772 in Johnston, NC. Name: Thomas (Capt.)(widower) Lee [Capt Thomas Greenberry Lee] [Thomas (Capt.) Lee] [Thomas (Capt.) Lee] Spouse: Mary (widow of John RAINS)(dau. of Richard INGRAM) Ingram Marriage Date: 1772 Marriage Place: Johnston, NC
↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Capt. Thomas Lee's Will, this child is one of the eight children she had with Thomas Lee as mentioned in his Will
↑ 4) "As We Remember Rome, North Carolina" by Julia Stanley from her memories and from family papers about the Lee-Smith-Peacock-Johnson family connections. ↑ 5) PDF version of As We Remember Rome, North Carolina
↑ 6) Image Revolutionary War
↑ 7) U.S. Veterans Gravesites c1775-2006 on ancestry.com citing National Cemetery Administration & Nationwide Gravesite Locator; for Thomas Lee b: 3 Dec 1729 (Capt. US Army in Revolutionary War) d: 2 Jul 1816 buried: Lees Valley Cemetery, Rogersville, TN 37857.Ancestry Record 8750 #4970547
↑ 8) Burial: "U.S., Veterans' Gravesites, ca.1775-2019" National Cemetery Administration; U.S. Veterans' Gravesites Ancestry Record 8750 #4970547 (accessed 27 February 2022) Thomas Lee burial (died on 2 Jul 1816) in Tennessee, USA. Name: Thomas Lee Death Age: 86 Birth Date: 3 Dec 1729 Death Date: 2 Jul 1816 Interment Place: Tennessee, USA Cemetery Address: Rogersville, TN 37857 Cemetery: Lees Valley Cemetery Notes: Capt Us Army Revolutionary War
↑ 9) Hawkins County, Tennessee Will Records Book #1 p311 for Thomas Lee on 29 June 1816. Image
↑ 10) Lee's Research
↑ 11) Geni Discussions
- Marriage: "U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900"
Source number: 146.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: BSF
Ancestry Record 7836 #170620 (accessed 27 February 2022)
Mary Bryan marriage to Thomas Lee in 1761.
- Name: Mary Bryan
- [Mary Ann Bryan]
- Gender: Female
- Birth Place: NC
- Spouse Name: Thomas Lee
- Spouse Birth Place: VA
- Spouse Birth Year: 1729
- Marriage Year: 1761
- Number Pages: 1
- Marriage: "U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900"
Source number: 146.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: BSF
Ancestry Record 7836 #732336 (accessed 27 February 2022)
Thomas Lee marriage to Mary Bryan in 1761.
- Name: Thomas Lee
- [Capt. Thomas Greenberry Lee]
- [Capt. Thomas Lee]
- Gender: Male
- Birth Place: VA
- Birth Year: 1729
- Spouse Name: Mary Bryan
- Spouse Birth Place: NC
- Marriage Year: 1761
- Number Pages: 1
- North Carolina and Tennessee, U.S., Early Land Records, 1753-1931: "North Carolina and Tennessee, U.S., Early Land Records, 1753-1931"
Tennessee State Library and Archives; Nashville, Tennessee; Early Tennessee/North Carolina Land Records; Roll: 61; Book: 4
Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Record 2882 #56010 (accessed 27 February 2022)
Name: Thomas Lee; Record Date: 6 Oct 1815; Location: Hawkins, Tennessee; Warrant Number: 3606.
- Name: Thomas Lee
- Record Date: 6 Oct 1815
- Location: Hawkins, Tennessee
- Warrant Number: 3606
- Tax Record: "Tennessee, U.S., Early Tax List Records, 1783-1895"
Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Record 2883 #260684 (accessed 27 February 2022)
Name: Thomas Lee; Year: 1783; Residence: Greene, Tennessee.
- Name: Thomas Lee
- Year: 1783
- Residence: Greene, Tennessee
- 1790 Census 1790 USA Census of Jones, North Carolina; on ancestry.com citing FHL#0568147; NARA# M637_7; p423; image#570;
- Military: "U.S., Revolutionary War Rolls, 1775-1783"
Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Record 4282 #979436 (accessed 27 February 2022)
Name: Thomas Lee; Gender: Male; Military Place: USA; State or Army Served: Continental Troops; Regiment: Warner's Regiment; Rank: Captain.
- Name: Thomas Lee
- Gender: Male
- Military Place: USA
- State or Army Served: Continental Troops
- Regiment: Warner's Regiment
- Rank: Captain
- "History of Wilkinson County" [Georgia] by Victor Davidson & Meyer Davidson, M.D. & Genealogical Publishing Company in 2009.
- "History of W. C. Allen, 'Uncle Bill' of Savage, Clinton County Kentucky and Extended Families" by Jean Stamm
- "History of W. C. Allen, 'Uncle Bill' of Albany, Clinton County Kentucky and Extended Families" as it relates to the History, Genealogy, and Geography of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee and Kentucky and elsewhere.
- U.S., Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications 1889-1970 v259 on Ancestry.com
- Daughters of the American Revolution Membership Applications
- See also:
- RootsWeb Marriage Records Index Record no longer available
Awaiting Documentation from the DAR - Mary Bryan did not marry Thomas Lee and was not the mother of any of his children.
Lee Documentation
Timeline 1729 Dec 03 - Thomas Lee was born Nottoway Parish, Isle of Wight County, Virginia.
QUESTIONABLE - NEED TO OMIT - 1747 Apr 09 - Thomas Lee married in Virginia to Mary Agnes Griffin. [15]
QUESTIONABLE - NEED TO OMIT - 1749 - Son Thomas Lee, Jr. was born and named after his maternal Uncle, Greenberry Griffin, who was a Colonel from Richmond County, Georgia and a member of the Georgia Legislature. [16] [17] Note: This statement appears to be in error. It seems that Greenberry Griffin is being confused with Col. Greenberry Lee who was a Colonel in the Richmond County, Georgia Militia during the Revolution and was a member of the Georgia Legislature, NOT Greenberry Griffin. [18] It also appears that the line of Capt Thomas Lee and Col. Greenberry Lee may be unrelated and are being confused.
1743 Jun 30 - He obtained 400 acres of land on Fishpond Creek, which was then in Goochland County.
1746 Jun 28 - Part of Craven County, NC went into the formation of Johnston County, North Carolina.
QUESTIONABLE - NEED TO OMIT - 1752 Jun 10 - Lucy Lee was born [mother Mary Agnes (Griffin) Lee].
1756 Aug 16 - He added 100 acres of land on the same creek, then located in Albemarle County.
1756 Oct 13 - He made his first land purchase in Johnston County, North Carolina. Subsequently he purchased other land and would inherit land from his father. The deeds are numerous with much of the purchased land near Mill Creek south of the Neuse River.
1757 - His sister Mary Lee (daughter of John Lee, Esq.) married Edward Ballinger.
QUESTIONABLE - NEED TO OMIT - 1759 - Nicholas Lee was born in North Carolina [mother Mary Agnes (Griffin) Lee].
1760 Sep 08 - He sold 200 acres of land, then located in Albemarle County to Peter Lee.
QUESTIONABLE - NEED TO OMIT - 1761 Feb 07 - Elizabeth Lee was born in Johnston County, North Carolina [mother Mary Agnes Griffin) Lee].
QUESTIONABLE - 1765 – Eleanor Lee was born in Prince Edward County, Virginia [mother Mary Agnes (Griffin) Lee].
1767 Mar 19 - He received a land grant of 176.5 acres that lay on both sides of the water.
1768 Feb - John Lee, Esq.'s last Will was proven and named Thomas to inherit the home place in Johnston County, NC, after the death of his mother, Mary. John Lee, Jr. and his brother, Edward, were executors of John Lee, Esq.'s estate.
QUESTIONABLE - 1769 – Micajah Lee was born in Johnston County, North Carolina [mother Mary Agnes (Griffin) Lee]. Possible mother Mary Smith ???
1770 Nov 04 – Needham Judes Lee was born in Prince Edward County, Virginia [mother Mary Elizabeth (Ingram-Rains) Lee]. [19]
NEEDS MORE RESEARCH - 1771 - Earliest military record for Lt. Thomas G. Lee who served under Col. Needham Bryan in Gaston County, North Carolina. [20]
NEEDS MORE RESEARCH - 1771 Apr 19 - Signature of Lt. Thomas Lee under Col. Needham Bryan in a Johnston County, North Carolina Militia record.
1772 Feb - Mary Rains was given administration for the estate of John Rains in Johnston County, North Carolina Court Minutes.
1772 – Lewis Lee was born in Prince William County, Virginia [mother Mary "Polly" (Bryan) Lee]. [15]
1772 – Thomas Lee married Mary Elizabeth Ingram Rains. [19]
1773 Jan 03 – Zilpha Lee was born in Johnston County, North Carolina [mother Mary Elizabeth (Ingram-Rains) Lee]. [19] See last Will of Mary Elizabeth (Ingram-Rains) Lee.
1774 Nov – Thomas Lee appeared in Johnston County, North Carolina Court and was granted guardianship of Henry Rains (b: 1767 orphan of John Rains, deceased).
1775 – Willis Lee was born in Johnston County, North Carolina [mother Mary Elizabeth (Ingram-Rains) Lee].
1776 Feb - He was in the battle of "Moore's Creek Bridge". [21]
1777 Aug 15 - At a military Court Martial in Smithfield, Johnston County, North Carolina, Capt. Thomas Lee was shown as serving under Col. John Smith.
1778 Feb 16 - Thomas Lee purchased a ½ acre lot in Smithfield, Johnston County, NC, for 50 shillings. [Deed I-1,130].
1779 Jan 01 – Winifred Lee was born in Johnston County, North Carolina [mother Mary Elizabeth (Ingram-Rains) Lee]. See last Will of Mary Elizabeth (Ingram-Rains) Lee.
1779 May 24 - Thomas Lee’s name appears on General Muster Roll at Smithfield, Johnston County, North Carolina.
1780 – Samuel Lee was born in Hawkins County, Tennessee [mother Mary Elizabeth (Ingram-Rains) Lee].
1780 May - Thomas relinquished the guardianship of Henry Rains (orphan of John Rains, deceased) to Henry Rains, Esq.
1780 - Thomas Lee moved from Johnston County, North Carolina to Greene County, North Carolina (which later became Hawkins County, Tennessee) accompanied by his eldest son Nicholas and his brother John. During this time many people were migrating to this western portion of North Carolina with hopes of founding a new state to be named Franklin.
1781 - Tax List of Washington County, North Carolina (later Tennessee) for Thomas Lee with 200 acres of land.
1784 Aug 04 – William Lee was born in Hawkins County, Tennessee [mother Mary Elizabeth (Ingram-Rains) Lee]. [15] See last Will of Mary Elizabeth (Ingram-Rains) Lee.
1784 Feb 15 - Thomas Lee of Greene County, North Carolina (later Tennessee) gave Power of Attorney to William Ingram and Shadrack Ingram of Johnston County, North Carolina.
witnesses: Samuel Smith & Josiah Barns. Deed Trs-2, 319, P-1, 202 1784 Feb - Thomas Lee of Greene County, North Carolina (later Tennessee) sold ½ acre lot (purchased in 1778), in Smithfield, Johnston County, North Carolina to George Frazier. [Deeds Trs-2,310 P-1, 231]
1787 Sep 20 - Thomas Lee received from the State of North Carolina, grant#464 for 520 acres and grant#562 for 540 acres, both in Greene County, North Carolina (later Hawkins County, Tennessee) on the south side of Holston River in Carter’s Valley.
1788 Jul 30 – Edward Lee was born in Hawkins County, Tennessee [mother Mary Elizabeth (Ingram-Rains) Lee]. [19] See last Will of Mary Elizabeth (Ingram-Rains) Lee.
1790 – James Lee was born in Johnston County, North Carolina [mother Mary Elizabeth (Ingram-Rains) Lee]. [19]
1792 Nov - Following his mother’s death, Thomas Lee returned to Johnston County, North Carolina to sell the remainder of his properties. On 16 Nov 1792 Thomas divested himself of property through 7 deeds. Four of the properties adding to 724 acres describe land he had inherited from his father. This helps establish the approximate death date of his mother.
1794 – Mary Elizabeth Lee was born in Hawkins County, Tennessee [mother Mary Elizabeth (Ingram-Rains) Lee]. See last Will of Mary Elizabeth (Ingram-Rains) Lee.
1797 Aug 19 - Thomas Lee wrote a letter [22] to his cousin, Shadrach Ingram which he sent by his nephew, Cader Lee. It requested money that had been collected on his properties and asked the money to be sent by Cader.
August 19, 1797 To Shadrach Ingram Endorsed "Dear Cousin, after my best and loving compliments to you and your family these comes to let you know that my family is all in good health at Present thanks be to God for his mercies. But I have what is called the intermitting fever this five or six months and I am not able to come and see you nor to do anything else and God only knows whether I ever shall be able to come over to see you about my business And dear Cousin I have got Cader Lee to come to you to settle my business. And I depend upon you to settle the business and I shall be fully satisfied. And dear Cousin if you are not satisfied I wish you to satisfy yourself for I have always greate confidence in you & have ever been well satisfied but dear Cousin you know there is very few men now a days that can be fully depended upon. Dear Sir please send me by Cader Lee what money you have collected and what ever you can collect from the Creditors and you will much oblige your friend Dear Sir please to write to me in full concerning affairs and whatt money you send me by Cader Lee And to take a receipt for the same Dear Sir if you can collect the whole please to write what the balance is and when you collect it please to send it to me by who ever you shall think a safe hand I have nothing strange or uncommon to write but I remain your loving friend. THOMAS LEE. Please to remember my love to sister Mary Balingr and all enquiring friends &C.
To Shadrach Ingram living in Johnston County on the water of Mill Creek there. Proved by Kedar Lee” Received of Shadrach Ingram in full of all accounts debts dues or demands from the beginning of the world till this day. I say received by me this 11th day of January 1796. Hopkins Lee Robert Lee. Received August 31st, 1797 of Shadrach Ingram agent for Thomas Lee four hundred and twenty silver dollars, it being money collected by the said Shadrach Ingram in part of sundry Debts, said Ingram was Impowered to collect for the said Thomas Lee in the state of North Carolina, in the county of Johnston.
test.: Wm. Sasser signed: Keder [X] Lee for Thomas Lee'.
Thomas Lee’s property in Johnston County, North Carolina was sold or cleared by 1797.
1815 - Thomas was listed in the early land records of North Carolina and Tennessee, Early Land Records, 1753-1931 [23]
1816 Jun 29 - Thomas Lee made his nuncupative Will.
1816 Jul 02 – Thomas died in Lee Valley, Hawkins County, Tennessee.
1816 Jul 04 – His sons Needham and William wrote down his nuncupative Will.
Wills 1766 John LEE, Esq. TRANSCRIPT for the Last Will & Testament of John LEE, Esq. Executed on 4 Dec 1766; probated Feb 1768 in Johnston County, North Carolina. [24] ...
"In the Name of god Amen. I, John Lee, ??? of Johnston County & Province of North Carolina, Being So at this Time Tollerbly well in Health and of Sound Mind and Memory, but Calling to mind the mortallity of Body and that it is Apointed for all men Once to Die, do make and Ordain this my Last will and Testament in manner and form following, that is to Say first Principally, first of all I Recommend my Soul into the hands of God that Gave it as for my Body, I Commit it to the Earth to be Buried in a Decent manner at the Discression of my Executors. But Regarding my Worldly Estate with which it hath Pleased god to Bless me with I Dispose of it in the following manner, viz: In the first Place I Desire that all my Just Debts and funeral Charges be fully Sattisfied and Paid.
Imprimis. I Lend to my well beloved wife Mary Lee this Plantation, whereon I now Live and all my Personal Estate for her to be Possest with and Injoy During her Life or widowhood.
Item. I Give and bequeath unto my Son Robert Lee one Negro boy Named Seasser to him and his Heirs forever.
Item. I Give and Bequeath [unto] my Son Edward Lee one Hundred Acres of Land more or Less, in the Low grounds of Neuse River whereon he has Cleared a Plantation Joyning John Lees Line and a Hundred Acres of Land Lying in the Low grounds Called John Greens field and Seventy five Acre s of Land More or less Lying on Mill Creek at the Bridge and one Negro boy Called [torn - appears to be Abel] to him and his heirs forever.
Item. I Give and Bequeath unto my Son John Lee two hundred Acres of Land more or Less in the Low grounds of the River whereon is act [sic] Plantation Called the Cows Bones and one Hundred Acres Lying in Bearhill joyning of his own Land and two Negros a Boy and Girl Called Charles and Linn to him and his Heirs forever.
Item. I Give and Bequeath unto my Son Thomas Lee after my wifes Decease or widowhood the Plantation whereon I Now Live with the Remaining Part of the Low grounds and two hundred Acres of Land Lying in the Low ground Called Fredricks Lands and Part of a Tract of Land Called Trapnals Land, it being the Part Joyning the Plantation it being Divided by a Line of Marked Trees Beginning at a Hickrey Tree at the mouth of the Cypress gut on the River and Running by the Line of Marked Trees to the Back Line and one Negro man Called Cuggo and a Negro Girl called Jenney to him and his Heirs forever.
Item. I give and Bequeath unto my Son Fredrick Lee one Negro wench Called Rachel to him and his Heirs forever.
Item. [I give and Bequeath unto my Daughter] ??? Pow[ell] ??? one negro wench called ??? her child called Bristor to her and her he[irs] forever.
Item. I give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Mary Ballanger one Negro wench Called Nice and the and the [sic] Remaining Part of the Land Called Trapnals Lands to her and her Heirs forever.
Item. I give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Sabray Green one Negro Girl Called Bine [?] and twenty Pounds ??? to be Paid out of my Estate to her and her heirs forever.
Item. I give & Bequeath unto my Grandson Shadrack Ingram one Plantation Containing two hundred Acres of Land more or Less Joyning Richard Ingrams Line & John Lees Line and three hundred Acres of Land Lying ond [sic] White Oak Swamp a Branch of Mill Creek and a Negro Girl Called Judah to him and his Heirs forever.
Item. I will that all the Remaining Part of my Personal Estate after my wifes Diceas or widowhood to be Equally Devided amongst my Children above Named to be Equally Devided by my Executors hereafter Named.
And I do hereby apoint my Son Edward Lee and John Lee to be my hole and Sole Executors of this my Last will and Testament utterly Revoking and Disanuling all Other Or former Wills and Testaments by me before made.
In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and affixed my Seal this 4th Day of December in the year of Our Lord one thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty Six.
John I Lee [his mark] Signed Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of us:
Richard ???ees [his mark] Gilbird [his mark] Samll. Smith, Jr.
1816 Thomas LEE Nuncupative Will of Thomas LEE given 29 June 1816 and written on 04 July 1816 in Hawkins County, Tennessee; records book#1 p311 ...
"On the 29th June 1816, Thomas Lee Sr. of Hawkins County and state of Tennessee, being sick in body but sound of mind and memory told us by word of mouth what he wanted done with his negroes after his death as follows to wit:
That he wished his wife Mary Lee to have three negroes Rachel, Jane, George; and his son James Lee, he wished to have one negro boy named Sam; and the rest and residue to be sold.
And on the second day of July following and on the fourth of July we reduced his conversation to writing as above. Witness our hands and seals,
Needham Lee (seal) William Lee (seal)". "State of Tennessee, County of Hawkins I, M. D. Livesay, clerk of the county and state above written do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Will of Thomas Lee, as same appears of record in my office at Rogersville, Hawkins County, Tennessee in Will book#1 page 311. Witness my hand and seal on this 30th day of April 1934 M. D. Livesay, County Court Clerk".
Mary Elizabeth (Ingram Rains) LEE
Last Will of Mary Elizabeth (Ingram Rains) Lee mentioned ...
"In the name of God, Amen. Be it remembered that I, Mary Lee, widow of Thomas Lee, deceased of Hawkins County, State of Tennessee, being in sound health, memory, and considering the uncertainty of this mortal life and the certainty of death. Blessed be God Almighty for the same, do make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say:
First, I give and bequeath unto my three daughters, Winifred Bailey, Zilphia Bailey, Mary Griffin, all my wearing clothes, then to be equally divided between the three daughters before named.
The rest and residue of my whole estate, I wish to be sold and equally divided between all the lawful heirs of my body. And I do hereby appoint William Lee and Edward Lee sole executors of this my last Will and Testament. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 19th day of August, in the Year of our Lord, One thousand eight hundred and eighteen.
Mary Lee (her X mark) Signed sealed and published and declared by the above named Mary Lee to be her last Will and testament in the presence of us who at her request and in her presence hereunto subscribed.
Attest: Edward Griffin James Lee Davis B. Cuming. "State of Tennessee, County of Hawkins I, M. D. Livesay, clerk of the county of Hawkins and state of Tennessee above written, do hereby certify that the attached copy is a true copy of the Will of Mary Lee as same appears of record in my office in Rogersville, Hawkins County, Tennessee in Will book#1 page 312. Witness my hand and seal of this office on this 30th day of April 1934 M. D. Livesay, County Court Clerk"
- 1770 - NEEDHAM
- 1773 - ZILPHA
- 1775 - WILLIS
- 1779 - WINIFRED
- 1788 - EDWARD
- 1790 - JAMES
- Inline citations:
↑ 1) Researched by Loretta Leger
↑ 2) [Marriage: "Web: RootsWeb Marriage Records Index" Ancestry Record 70453 #426308 (accessed 6 February 2022) Thomas (Capt)(widower) Lee marriage to Mary (widow of John RAINS)(dau. of Richard INGRAM) Ingram in 1772 in Johnston, NC. Name: Thomas (Capt.)(widower) Lee [Capt Thomas Greenberry Lee] [Thomas (Capt.) Lee] [Thomas (Capt.) Lee] Spouse: Mary (widow of John RAINS)(dau. of Richard INGRAM) Ingram Marriage Date: 1772 Marriage Place: Johnston, NC
↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Capt. Thomas Lee's Will, this child is one of the eight children she had with Thomas Lee as mentioned in his Will
↑ 4) "As We Remember Rome, North Carolina" by Julia Stanley from her memories and from family papers about the Lee-Smith-Peacock-Johnson family connections. ↑ 5) PDF version of As We Remember Rome, North Carolina
↑ 6) Image Revolutionary War
↑ 7) U.S. Veterans Gravesites c1775-2006 on ancestry.com citing National Cemetery Administration & Nationwide Gravesite Locator; for Thomas Lee b: 3 Dec 1729 (Capt. US Army in Revolutionary War) d: 2 Jul 1816 buried: Lees Valley Cemetery, Rogersville, TN 37857.Ancestry Record 8750 #4970547
↑ 8) Burial: "U.S., Veterans' Gravesites, ca.1775-2019" National Cemetery Administration; U.S. Veterans' Gravesites Ancestry Record 8750 #4970547 (accessed 27 February 2022) Thomas Lee burial (died on 2 Jul 1816) in Tennessee, USA. Name: Thomas Lee Death Age: 86 Birth Date: 3 Dec 1729 Death Date: 2 Jul 1816 Interment Place: Tennessee, USA Cemetery Address: Rogersville, TN 37857 Cemetery: Lees Valley Cemetery Notes: Capt Us Army Revolutionary War
↑ 9) Hawkins County, Tennessee Will Records Book #1 p311 for Thomas Lee on 29 June 1816. Image
↑ 10) Lee's Research
↑ 11) Geni Discussions
- Marriage: "U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900"
Source number: 146.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: BSF
Ancestry Record 7836 #170620 (accessed 27 February 2022)
Mary Bryan marriage to Thomas Lee in 1761.
- Name: Mary Bryan
- [Mary Ann Bryan]
- Gender: Female
- Birth Place: NC
- Spouse Name: Thomas Lee
- Spouse Birth Place: VA
- Spouse Birth Year: 1729
- Marriage Year: 1761
- Number Pages: 1
- Marriage: "U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900"
Source number: 146.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: BSF
Ancestry Record 7836 #732336 (accessed 27 February 2022)
Thomas Lee marriage to Mary Bryan in 1761.
- Name: Thomas Lee
- [Capt. Thomas Greenberry Lee]
- [Capt. Thomas Lee]
- Gender: Male
- Birth Place: VA
- Birth Year: 1729
- Spouse Name: Mary Bryan
- Spouse Birth Place: NC
- Marriage Year: 1761
- Number Pages: 1
- North Carolina and Tennessee, U.S., Early Land Records, 1753-1931: "North Carolina and Tennessee, U.S., Early Land Records, 1753-1931"
Tennessee State Library and Archives; Nashville, Tennessee; Early Tennessee/North Carolina Land Records; Roll: 61; Book: 4
Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Record 2882 #56010 (accessed 27 February 2022)
Name: Thomas Lee; Record Date: 6 Oct 1815; Location: Hawkins, Tennessee; Warrant Number: 3606.
- Name: Thomas Lee
- Record Date: 6 Oct 1815
- Location: Hawkins, Tennessee
- Warrant Number: 3606
- Tax Record: "Tennessee, U.S., Early Tax List Records, 1783-1895"
Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Record 2883 #260684 (accessed 27 February 2022)
Name: Thomas Lee; Year: 1783; Residence: Greene, Tennessee.
- Name: Thomas Lee
- Year: 1783
- Residence: Greene, Tennessee
- 1790 Census 1790 USA Census of Jones, North Carolina; on ancestry.com citing FHL#0568147; NARA# M637_7; p423; image#570;
- Military: "U.S., Revolutionary War Rolls, 1775-1783"
Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Record 4282 #979436 (accessed 27 February 2022)
Name: Thomas Lee; Gender: Male; Military Place: USA; State or Army Served: Continental Troops; Regiment: Warner's Regiment; Rank: Captain.
- Name: Thomas Lee
- Gender: Male
- Military Place: USA
- State or Army Served: Continental Troops
- Regiment: Warner's Regiment
- Rank: Captain
- "History of Wilkinson County" [Georgia] by Victor Davidson & Meyer Davidson, M.D. & Genealogical Publishing Company in 2009.
- "History of W. C. Allen, 'Uncle Bill' of Savage, Clinton County Kentucky and Extended Families" by Jean Stamm
- "History of W. C. Allen, 'Uncle Bill' of Albany, Clinton County Kentucky and Extended Families" as it relates to the History, Genealogy, and Geography of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee and Kentucky and elsewhere.
- U.S., Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications 1889-1970 v259 on Ancestry.com
- Daughters of the American Revolution Membership Applications
- See also:
- RootsWeb Marriage Records Index Record no longer available
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