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Leeks in Plattsburgh, NY, USA

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Clinton, New York, United States of Americamap
Surnames/tags: LEEK LEEKE
Profile manager: S Crain private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 137 times.

This page holds research notes about the Leek(e) families in the area of Plattsburgh, NY.

Currently, I have searched the newspaper archives for “leek OR leak OR luck OR lack OR leck” from 1811-1839. I tried searching for just "leek or leak" in 1839, but it only found one of three occurrences.


First Generation

Lucretia (1749/50-1824)

d. Nov 1824, age 74. [1]

Benjamin Leek (1763/4-1806)

d. Mar 1806, age 42. Spouse Lucretia. [1]

Sarah Leek (1773/4-1830)

Was a member of First Presbyterian Church in Plattsburgh, New York, United States from 17 Oct 1802 until her death. [2]

Mail being held for pickup. [3] d. 2 Jun 1830 in 57th year. [4]

John G. Leake (-1831)

Died 1 May 1831 leaving no will or heirs to his property. Came to Clinton County from New York City. [5] Property auctioned off 12 Jul 1832. [6]

Elias Woodruff (1775-1838)

d. 1 Dec 1838, age 63 yrs 2 mo 8 days. [4]

Abigail (Leek) Woodruff (1776-1836)

She was a member of First Presbyterian Church in Plattsburgh, Clinton, New York, United States from 3 Jan 1830 until her death. [7] d. 8 Apr 1836 age 59 yrs 7 mo 21 days, wife of Elias Woodruff. [4]

Stephen Leake (1797/9-1863)

d. 24 Aug 1863 age 65. Married Chloe G. They had a daughter Jane Ann. [8]

Chloe G. Leake (1804-1864)

d. 13 Dec 1864 at age 60 yrs 2 mo. [8]

Second Generation

William C. Leek (1792-1852)

Letter waiting at post office for Willirm C. Leak. [9] Jeremiah and Ann Dwyer sold 45 acres of Lot 132 in Beekman's Patent to Wm. C. Leeke on 7 Dec 1827 for $360 plus interest. Supposedly the mortgage was recorded on p. 324-325 in the Beekmantown deed register. William made one payment of $60 in 1828, but failed to pay in 1829, 1830 or 1831, so as to owe $192.74. The property was foreclosed and sold at auction 8 Dec 1832. [10] The modern addresses of this lot would seem to be 178 Lake Shore Rd (GPS 44.7953289,-73.3935389), which is indicated to be recorded in DEED BOOK 659 PG-86. [11] The Sheriff seized his property, 23.5 acres in Lot 23 of Beekman's Patent, to be auctioned off with all his belongings 22 Mar 1834. [12]

Rebecca (LaFlin) Leeke (1794-1888)

b. 31 Oct 1794. m. David Leeke 1820. d. 5 May 1888. Birth date, birth place, parents names, marriage, residences, occupation, church, children, burial date, burial place. [13]

Lucretia (Leeke) Vantine (1794-1854)

Baptized in East Hampton, Suffolk, New York, United States Dec 1794. [14] d. 13 May 1854 age 59 yrs. Married John Vantine. [15] m. 25 Feb 1819 John van Tyne of Chazy, Clinton, New York, United States. [16]

David Leeke (1796/8-1856)

d. 9 Nov 1856 age 58. [1] His obituary states that he was in his 60th year. Born and died on the homestead on Point Au Roche. [17] David Leake nominated for Republican committee. [18] David Leak nominated for Republican committee. [19] Owned the property south of William's property. [10] Mail being held for pickup. [20] Paid $5.32 for jury service. [21]

John Vantine (1804/6-1867)

d. 13 June 1867 age 63. Married Lucretia Leeke. They had a son Henry. [15]

Jane Ann Leake (1829/31-1857)

d. 2 Feb 1857 Age 28. Daughter of Stephen and Chloe Leake. [8]

Conklin Leek

Nominated as Constable for Plattsburgh, NY. [22]

Third Generation

Lavina White (Leeke) McFadden (1825-1873)

Daughter of Rebecca (LaFlin) Leeke's and David Leeke. Married Lieutenant John McFadden, Co. K., 16th NY Volunteers. [13] b. 19 June 1825. d. 5 Nov 1873. [23]

John McFadden (1826/7-1862)

d. 7 Aug 1862 in Washington, District of Columbia, United States, in 36th year, from wounds received 25 June 1862 in the Battle of Gains Mills. He was a Lieutenant in the 16 Reg. N.Y.S.V. 1st wife was Louisa (1833-1856). 2nd wife was Lavina White Leeke. [23]

Benjamin L. Vantine (1826-1826)

d. 12 July 1826 age 11 weeks 3 days. Son of John Vantine and Lucretia Leeke. [15]

Henry Vantine (1832-1864)

b. 11 Oct 1832. d. 5 May 1864. Son of John Vantine and Lucretia Leeke. [15]

James B. Leeke

Son of Rebecca (LaFlin) Leeke's and David Leeke. d. before 11 May 1888. 3 daughters. [13]

William C. Leeke

Son of Rebecca (LaFlin) Leeke's and David Leeke. [13] d. 4 Nov 1881 in Cumberland Head, Plattsburgh, Clinton, New York, United States. [24]

Fourth Generation

Eliza Leeke

Granddaughter of Rebecca (LaFlin) Leeke's teacher in Rouses Point, NY. Daughter of James B. Leeke. [13]

Rebecca L. Leeke

Daughter of James B. Leeke. [13]

In spring 1888, she was teaching in Rouses Point, Clinton, New York, United States of America. [25]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 "Point Au Roche Cemetery." Northern New York Tombstone Transcription Project. [1]. Accessed 4 Feb 2019.
  2. First Presbyterian Church. Session Book 3. 1830-1926. P. 2. Member 34. Transcribed by Phyllis L. Wells. 1992. P. 1-2. Available in the SUNY Plattsburgh library Special Collections. Steven P. Crain has photographs of the cited page.
  3. "A list of letters, remaining in the post office at Plattsburgh, N. Y. January 1st, 1826." Plattsburgh Republican. (Plattsburgh, Clinton County, N.Y.) 1813-1916, January 28, 1826, Page 4, [2]. Accessed 31 Jan 2019.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 "Riverside Cemetery." Northern New York Tombstone Transcription Project. [3]. Accessed 5 Feb 2019.
  5. "State of New York--Land Office--Albany, September 14, 1831." Plattsburgh Republican. (Plattsburgh, Clinton County, N.Y.) 1813-1916, October 15, 1831, Page 4, [4]. Accessed 1 Feb 2019.
  6. "Surveyor Generals Office. State of New York, Albany, May 5th 1832." Plattsburgh Republican. (Plattsburgh, Clinton County, N.Y.) 1813-1916, May 12, 1832, Page 3, [5]. Accessed 1 Feb 2019.
  7. First Presbyterian Church. Session Book 3. 1830-1926. P. 10. Transcribed by Phyllis L. Wells. 1992. P. 7. Member 281. Available in the SUNY Plattsburgh library Special Collections. Steven P. Crain has photographs of the cited page.
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 "Evergreen Cemetery." Northern New York Tombstone Transcription Project. [6]. Accessed 14 Feb 2019.
  9. "A list of letters remaining in the post office , Plattsburgh, N. Y. October 1, 1821." Plattsburgh Republican. (Plattsburgh, Clinton County, N.Y.) 1813-1916, October 20, 1821, Page 1, [7]. Accessed 31 Jan 2019.
  10. 10.0 10.1 "Mortgage Sale." Plattsburgh Republican. (Plattsburgh, Clinton County, N.Y.) 1813-1916, June 16, 1832, Page 3, [8]. Accessed 1 Feb 2019.
  11. 2018 Tentative Assessment Roll, State of New York, County--Clinton, Town--Beekmantown, 26 Apr 2018, [9], pp. 9, 29, 43, 86, 202, 243-244, 317, 454, 601. Accessed 20 Jan 2019.
  12. "Sheriff's Sale." Plattsburgh Republican. (Plattsburgh, Clinton County, N.Y.) 1813-1916, February 08, 1834, Page 3, [10]. Accessed 3 Feb 2019.
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 "Deaths." The Plattsburgh sentinel. (Plattsburgh, N.Y.) 1861-1902, May 11, 1888, p. 8, [11]. Accessed 31 Jan 2019.
  14. Ancestry.com. "Vital records: East Hampton baptisms 1790-1799." [12]. Extracted from Records of the Town of East-Hampton, Long Island, Suffolk County, New York. Vol 4. 1734-1849. Accessed 15 Feb 2019.
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 "Ingraham Cemetery." Northern New York Tombstone Transcription Project. [13]. Accessed 14 Feb 2019.
  16. Rutland Historical Society. "Extracts from the Rutland Herald and its predecessors 1816-1820." p. 33. [14]. Accessed 15 Feb 2019.
  17. "Deaths." Plattsburgh Republican. (Plattsburgh, Clinton County, N.Y.) 1813-1916, November 15, 1856, Page 3, [15]. Accessed 4 Feb 2019.
  18. "Republican nominations." Plattsburgh Republican. (Plattsburgh, Clinton County, N.Y.) 1813-1916, June 16, 1821, Page 1, [16]. Accessed 31 Jan 2019.
  19. "Republican Convention." Plattsburgh Republican. (Plattsburgh, Clinton County, N.Y.) 1813-1916, September 13, 1823, Page 2, [17]. Accessed 31 Jan 2019.
  20. "List of letters remaining in the Post Office of Plattsburgh, N. Y., June 30, 1839." Plattsburgh Republican. (Plattsburgh, Clinton County, N.Y.) 1813-1916, July 06, 1839, Page 2, [18]. Accessed 4 Feb 2019.
  21. "Report of the acts and doings of the board of supervisors." Plattsburgh Republican. (Plattsburgh, Clinton County, N.Y.) 1813-1916, November 30, 1839, Page 1, [19]. Accessed 4 Feb 2019.
  22. Plattsburgh Republican. (Plattsburgh, Clinton County, N.Y.) 1813-1916, March 20, 1819, Page 3, [20]. Accessed 31 Jan 2019.
  23. 23.0 23.1 "Rural Cemetery." Northern New York Tombstone Transcription Project. [21]. Accessed 14 Feb 2019.
  24. "New York State Death Index." Reclaim the Records. 1881. [22]. p. 62. Entry 5385. Accessed 15 Feb 2019.
  25. "Paragrams." The Plattsburgh sentinel. (Plattsburgh, N.Y.) 1861-1902, January 13, 1888, p. 1, [23]. Accessed 31 Jan 2019.

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