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Lees of Virginia

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Virginiamap
Surname/tag: Lee
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This page is a repository of research data and sources organized by individuals similar to a one name study but limited to the Lee Family of Virginia. This page houses genealogical, biographical and source materials organized for further research and development of Lee (LOV) profiles and family lines under study.


The Lee Family of Virginia

Brief Lee Family background information here

Individuals Under Study

1.) John Lee Esq (1695-1766/68)

Wikitree ID/Profile

John Lee Esq Lee-1662

Birth Information

1.) John Lee, Esq is said to have been born abt 1695. Some sources give 1690 as his birth date.
2.) The location of his birth is variously said to be Virginia, Nansemond, Virginia, Richmond, Virginia and North Carolina. Research and sources needed.


The parents of John Lee Esq are said to be Richard Lee 1677-1726 and Mary Young Lee 1679-1753
Unverified YDNA test results tenatively support the claim that Richard Lee is John's father and William Lee 1651-1696 is John's grandfather. What is not supported by the DNA results is the claim that WIlliam Lee is the son of Col Richard Lee, "The Immigrant".


Research in progress


John Lee Esq is said to have married Mary Bryan 1706-1780. in 1725. The evidence presented is circumstantial. The evidence provided, including ancestry.com records do not meet the standards of genalogical proof.



Public Records

DNA Evidence

auDNA Matches, Wikitree: possible descendants of John Lee Esq (Common Ancestor)
Ver: Mar 27 2017 18:41:59
Value shown is cM total largest matching segments over minimum threshold.
A761603 *Lisa Linn
A124004 *Gogranniego
T174999 Kevin Moore
A598504 Jacqueli Finley to M235402 Elizabeth Howie 5.1 cM
T824570 David Douglas to T544189 Chris Moore 6.2 cM
Note Kit T824570 not related to John Lee. Added for control purposes.

Due to genetic distance from test subjects to common ancestor these auDNA matches can not be used to confirm relationship to John Lee. See "Accuracy of Tests", for additional information. Jacqueli Finley and Elizabeth Howie are 7th cousins.

YDNA Matches. Wikitree
There are no YDNA matches listed in Wikitree for John Lee Esq
There are 8 matching kits. Subgroup 7: John Lee Sr Esq, bc:1695, dc:1767 Johnston Co,NC Kinship, R1b1a2 Haplogroup R-M269
Lee DNA Surname Project - Y-DNA Results
There are 13 matching kits: John Lee Esq or Johnston Co., NC; bc 1695 dc 1768, R1b1a2 Haplogroup R-M269

Death and Burial

Data Archive

From original profile
Lee Genealogy
Lee Lineage, Stories & History - Beginning with Count Rollo or Rolf the Viking
This is taken from the book: Genealogy of WILLIAM LEE 1 of England And of Virginia and His Descendants - By: Elizabeth Hoyle Rucker in 1945

Historical Sketch of the Lee Family of South Carolina, Virginia, England, France and Norway

"The family of Lee has more men of merit in it than any other family," wrote John Adams (second President of the United States) in the year 1779. The record of the LEE family has consistently been one of Leadership, Integrity, and high Courage since the Lees came first to Virginia in the early part of 1600. It is no exaggeration to say that the LEES have been "the most representative family of the South." The life that developed in Virginia, the political rule, and social dominance of a few rich plantation families-was unknown elsewhere in the colonies, EXCEPT IN ARISTOCRATIC OLD SOUTH CAROLINA. The extent to which this system contributed to the birth of our Nation is set forth in his comprehensive and illuminating volume, "The Lees of Virginia" by Burton J. Kendricks, who tells the complete story of the Virginia Lees for the first time.

Our branch of the Lee family only lived in VA for a short period of time, arriving from England then moving to NC about 150 years later. We are not normally considered part of the 'famous VA Lee's' which primarily includes General Robert E. Lee. However we are cousin's and share the same heritage and prominence in colonial America. Our line split from his with John Lee, 1530 in England. Our branch was part of the early famous VA Lee's in early colonial America. In the future I will include details and history notes. Note: the Lee line that Gen Robert E. Lee comes from has been YDNA tested I-M253. Contradictory documentation contained in this bio indicates the Haplogroup of the John Lee Esq. of this bio is both R-M269 and I-M253. Obviously there is an error of mistaken identity, an NPE, or faulty genealogy. More research is needed.

Where It began…………….

Rollo, Rou or Rolf was a Norse Chieftain of the Scandinavian Peninsula, from which the Vikings drove their boats over the rough North Sea. (Scandinavia is a name applied in a restricted sense to the Peninsulas of Norway and Sweden). In an historical sense, Scandinavia includes Denmark and Iceland and in a literary sense, besides these, the intellectual productions of the Swedish race in Finland).

In 900-ONE THOUSAND AND ONE HUNDRED AND THREE YEARS AGO-this Northman went into northern France along the English channel, and took the north-west section-extending from Belgium along the channel to Brittany, and including the Cherbourg Peninsula, extending inland about 100 miles.

In 911 Rollo was granted by King Charles, the Simple, of France, the possession of Rouen, for his Capital, and the adjacent territory which Rollo had already seized. This is the Normandy of today-where our American boys landed on D-Day, June 6, 1944.

With William, now called "the Conqueror," came one HUGH DE LEGA AND GILBERT DE VENABLES, relatives, who fought so valiantly with William that they each were given an estate in Essex (Eastern England). The LEE name was spelled Lee, Lea, Leigh, de Lega and de Lee.

The Lee Family of Stanton, Roden and afterwards of Langley and Coton Hall, Salop, IS stated in Burke’s Baronetcies to be ONE of the oldest in England.

Ok, now we start the list:

When the family moved, a notation is made.*

Rollo, Rou, or Rolf the Viking abt 900

Robert, Duke of Normandy

Richard the 1st, Duke of Normandy

Hugh De Lega, granted land in Essex (eastern England) by William 'the conqueror' after defeating England*

Reyner le la Le

Reginald de la Lega, became Sir Reiner De Lega, Knight, abt 1200's

Sir John de la Le abt 1200's

Thomas de la Lee abt 1295

Reginald de la Lee abt 1321, Shropshire England*

John de Lee 1347

Roger de Lee 1376

John de Lee 1398

John de Lee 1430

Thomas de Lee 1482

Humphrey de Lee 1506

John Lee, Esq 1530, Colton Eng*Village in Shropshire

John Lee, Esq 1580 , Worcestershire Eng* Village of Essex

Richard Lee "the immigrant" 1613 Shropshire Eng d. 1664 Northumberland, VA, the colonies*

William Lee, Esq 1648 or 1651

Richard Lee, Esq 1670

John Lee, Esq 1690


DNA test results for Mary Bryan wife of John Esq Lee: Mary Bryan reported by ysearch.org/JZK2D b 1706 Isle of Wight Co Va d 178.92 Johnson Co NC dau of William Bryan b about 1681 Isle of Wight and Alice McCloud m John Lee Esq b about 1705 Richmond Co Va d 4 Dec 1766 Johnston Co NC son of Richard Lee b about 1678 Surry Co Va d 10 Dec 1726 N Farnham Parish Richmond Co Va and Mary Young b about 1679 and grandson William Lee and Alice Felton great grandson of Richard Lee and Anne Constable Owen, ancestors of Gen. Lighhorse Harry Lee and Gen Robert E. Lee .......Source: www.multiwords.de/genealogy/bryan1.htm. Note: this pedigree is unsourced and of unknown accuracy. Robert E Lee projected Haplogroup is I-M253. [1]


Brief history of John LEE, Esquire John Lee, Esquire (abbreviated JLX) was probably born in VA or NC around 1695 and is thought to have been among the Roanoke River Settlers in 1720. JLX's wife was Mary, who may have been the daughter of William and Alice (McLand) Bryan. JLX and Mary started their family on lands between the Roanoke and Tar rivers along Coneto and Conoho Creeks. Today, these lands would be along the borders of the NC counties of Halifax, Martin, Edgecome, and Pit. Several or all of John and Mary's children were born in the Roanoke region and records through 1744 most frequently list JLX as being of Edgecomb Co., NC.[citation needed] By the 1740s, settlers were moving into lands in Johnston County- then known as Craven County. These immigrants included JLX who on 26 July 1743 received grants for 400 and 100 acres of land along the south bank of the Neuse River. [citation needed] Many of JLX's Conoho Creek neighbors such as Needham, John, and William Bryan also moved south to Johnston County prior to 1750. Court records detail JLX's various land holdings (over 1700 acres) in Johnston County and refer to his serving on juries, laying off roads, etc. John and Mary lived the remainder of their lives in Johnston County and raised at least nine children. John died between December 4, 1766 when his will was written in Johnston Co., NC, and February of 1768 when the will was probated. John's will names wife Mary, sons Robert, Edward, John, Thomas, Frederick; daughters Mary Ballanger and Sabray Green, grandson Shadrack Ingram. John's wife Mary probably died before 1780. [2]

U.S., Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications, 1889-1970 http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=sarmemberapps&h=733958&ti=0&indiv=try&gss=pt
Find A Grave: Memorial #98353534  
Yates Publishing, U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 2004) Birth: 1693 Virginia. Marriage: 1700

2.) Thomas Greenberry Lee (1729-1816)


  1. Re: Proof of Lineage to Gen. Robert E. Lee? By Dennis Lee February 08, 2010
  2. W. Johnston, et al., compilers, John Lee Esquire and Some of his Descendants. (1975) (available at Johnston Co., NC library in Smithfield, NC).

See Also:

Research Sources

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It would be nice to have a list of all the first cousins of the famous Robert E. Lee, because too many people are claiming to be his first cousin without proof.
That would be a difficult task given all the mis-information that has been published.
posted by Loretta (Leger) Corbin