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Legal Records for John Cash (Cash-

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 1684 to 1729
Location: London, England, United Kingdom, Prince Georges County, Marylandmap
Surname/tag: Cash
This page has been accessed 68 times.

Legal Records involving John Cash

1. Location and information on Plantation "Vale of Benjamin" part of which was owned by John Cash

2. 1716 John Soaper https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Soper-528 trades land once owned by Mary Yates 1717-1726 Land Records of Prince George's County MD folio 561 • Indenture, 14 Jul 1716

From: John Soaper, cooper of Prince George's County To: John Cash, planter of Prince George's County John Soaper trades 100 acres of land part of Benjamin's Vale lying in Prince George's County formerly owned by Mary Yate a widow of Anne Arundel County; for a parcel of land in Prince George's County on the north branch of the Patuxent part of a tract in possession of Henry Cox called Battson's Vineyard of 112 acres Signed: John Cash (mark & seal) Witnessed: Patrick Hepburne, Jo8 , Belt Memo: John Cash and Mary his wife acknowledged deed Note on side of document: see old Liber for ommission including deed John Cash to John Soaper[1]

3. Following the Land Trail From “Land Office Rent Rolls, Prince George’s County, 1651-1704” Folio 320

1030a 02 01 03 THE VALE OF BENJAMIN Surveyed: 08/29/1670 Surveyed for Benjamin Wells lying on the north side of the main branch of the Patuxent River at a marked white oak in the line of the land called “Alexandria.”

Possessors: John Soaper 50 acres Murine Duvall 200 acres Charles Williams 150 acres John Cash 100 acres Thomas James 130 acres Samuel Magruder 193 acres John Barrett 148 acres John & George Yates 59 acres John Green 100 acres (1714) Conveyances & Re-surveys: 03/27/172 6 Thomas James from Thomas James, Sr. 50 acres

From “Prince George’s County, Maryland, Land Records, 1696-1702” Indenture, 29 June 1698 From: MARY YATE of Anne Arundel Co., widow To: JOHN CASH of P. G. Co., planter Price: 4000 lbs. tobacco Property: All of a 100 acre tract in P. G. Co. adjoining land of CHARLES WILIAMS. Signature: MARY YATES Wit.: WILLIAM BARTON, JOHN WEIGHT Ackn’d: MARY YATTE, 29 June 1698 Recorded: 29 June 1698, Vol. A, p. 106 From “The Land Records of Prince George’s County Maryland, 1710 to 1717” folio 561 – Indenture, 14 Jul 1716 From: John Soaper, cooper of Prince George’s County To: John Cash, planter of Prince George’s County John Soaper trades 100 acres of land part of Benjamin’s Vale lying in Prince George’s County formerly owned by Mary Yate a widow of Anne Arundel County; for a parcel of land in Prince George’s County on the north branch of the Patuxent part of a tract in possession of Henry Cox called Battson’s Vineyard of 112 acres Signed John Cash (mark & seal) Witnessed: Patrick Hepburne, Jos Belt Memo: John Cash and Mary his wife acknowledged deed Note on side of document: See old Liber for omission including deed John Cash to John Soaper

Top of Form 1 & In the Name of God, Amen. This twenty eighth day of Aug 1726, I John Cash of Prince George’s County in the Province of Maryland, plantar, being of a sound and perfect mind and memory, thanks be to God for the same, and calling to mind the uncertainty [estate?] of this life and that all flesh must yeild unto death when it shall please God to call do make and ordain and appoint this my Last Will and Testament, revoking and making void all other Wills by me made theretofore and this to be taking as my Last Will and Testament and none other and first being sorry for my sins past, humbly crave of God forgiveness for the same and into his hands commit my soule hopeing through the merritts of my Blessed Savior to be eternally saved and my body I committ to the Earth to be decently interred and for such temporall estate as it hath pleased God to bestow upon me being far above my Deserts, I give and bequeath the same in manner and form following.

Item: I give and bequeath until my dear loving wife Mary Cash that plantation I now dwell on and the land belonging to the same during the term of her naturall life and after her decease I give it to my son Caleb Cash, and for my land that lyes at the eastern branch of the Potomock calld Huckillberry hill, I give to my two sons Doren Cash and John Cash to be equally divided between them both. Item: I give and bequeath after my debts, legacies and funeral charges are paid, all the remainder part of my personall estate whatsoever and wheresoever to be equally divided between my male children and female children share and share alike after the decease of my wife, but if she happen to marry, then to enjoy the third part of my personall estate and the rest to be divided amongst my children as aforesd. Each child their part to be paid when the male children arrive to the age of twenty one years and for the female children their part shall be paid when they arrive to the years of sixteen or the day of marriage, which shall first happen and this I leave and ordain to be my Last Will and Testament that I make in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale y: Day and year within written. Signd seald published and declared his to be the Last Will of John Cash in John X Cash the presence of us – mark Joseph Waters his John IM Moore mark John Purdum At the foot of the foregoing Will was this written (viz) Septr 26, 1726. Then came Joseph Waters, John Moore and John Purdum and made oath on the holy Evangelist that they saw the testator sign, seal and deliver the within instrument as his Last Will and Testament and that to the best of their apprehension, he was of sound and disposing memory. Sworn before Thos Brooke Jr. Maryland: The Account of Mary Cash, Execex of the last Will and Testament of John Cash, late of Prince George’s County, dec’d, being as well of all singular the goods, chattels and credits of the dec’d – which have hereto come to her hand and possession or knowledge as of what necessary payments and disbursements made out of the same viz: -- The accountant charges herself with the goods and chattels of the said dec’d specified in an inventory exhibited into this prerogative office December the 8th 1726 accounting to….42:10:10 and with an additionall ___ rec’d the 23rd of August 1727 – amounting to……………...26:9:0 £68:19:10 And humbly leaves allowance of the following necessary payments and disbursements made out of the same estate, viz: Funerall charges 1:10:0 Paid to Jos. Bolt as to acct and ___ -- appears 2:5:9 Do to Gunder Erickson as of Do and Do appears at 5:11 _____ 3:1:1 Do to this County ____ 35_ @ 12/6 __ as __ Do and Do 2:11:0 D o to Mr. Tho. Brooks D: County 160 at 12/6 0:18:9 Do to Peter Deut D County for Stateing this account 50 0:6:3 Do to Do for passing Do 50 0:6:3 To my Cro_th for paying 9:2:1 draft cert 0:9:8__ 11:2:6 Ballance Due 57:17:4 68:19:10

Augst 24th 1727 / Then came Mary Cash and made oath on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God that the above account is just and true which after due examination (by virtue of special commission from this prerogative office dated this 7th of August Anno Domini 1727 is passed by Pet Dent Dty Comex of Pr. Geo. County. Maryland: The additional Account of Mary Trequair of Prince George’s County, lately called Mary Cash, of the last will and Testament of John Cash, late of Prince Georges County, Dec’d – This accountant chargest herself with balance of the acct. past by her on the 24th day of Aug. 1727, exhibited in the Prerogative Office and there recorded amounting to……….57:17:4 And she humbly craves allowance of 15: sterd from the dec’d to Dr. Richard Pile as of acct. proved and paid by this accountant as_____ appears currency…………………….1:13:4 Of commission for payment thereof at 10 pl:……………………………………… .0:3:4 Payment of 1:16:8 Bals. Due £56:0:8 Former Allowances £57:17:4 6th June 1730 Came Mary Trequair the aforegoing accountant (Wife of Alexander Trequair) and made oath on the Holiday Evangels that the aforegoing account as it here stands stated is just and true which thereupon after due examination is past by Cha: Calvert, _________

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