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Letter 29 Weldon E Wright to John Mason Moody

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Danville, Virginiamap
Surnames/tags: Mason Moody Wright
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[no date, location, or salutation]

My object in the present communication is not only to express my friendly feelings towards you, but also to request of you to favour me with an answer to this and such interrogations as it may contain.
You manifested kind feelings and extended the hand of friendship to me when I was at your house; and also showed a willingness to assist me in any way that was in your power; which has induced me to write to you at the present time. I wish you to inform me what the prospects would be for geting a good practise, were I to locate myself in your neighborhood, and also the prospects at Weldon, Garysburg or any where else in your acquaintence; you told me when I was there that you thought that I could do very well in that neighborhood: if this be the case now I believe that I will come down and try it. I believe as far as I learned when I was there that Dr Johnston was the ony physician near you; if so I should think that the practise would occupy two physicians’ attention. I saw Dr Johnston and was very much pleased with him and from all that I could hear of him, I consider him a fine physician, and would be pleased to enter into copartnership with him provided he has sufficient practise to justify it. You will confer a favour on me by speeking to him about it, and writing to me his proposals if any
I would be very much pleased to become a member of your family and a citizen in that part of the country provided I could do any business: I do not wish to get a very extensive practise at first and if I can get sufficient to occupy a part of my time, I will have no fears about geting into a first rate practse after a time. As I have as much property as I need at present; I believe that I had rater occupy at least one half of my time in study. If you will board me on reasonable terms, I think that I could be very well satisfied to come, as I will be with my relations, and with those whom I think will take some interest in my prosperity: I am confident that Aunt Martha will be kind to me, as she expressed affection for me when I saw her.
In my present situation I am geting as much practise as I can attend to, but it is of a kind that is not worth much to me, as it is a poor part of the country, and the people are generally not able to pay a Dr’s bill, and besides the society is bad or not as good as I am accustomed to: which circumstances causes me to seek for a better location and a more perminent one: I am now located in the country about ten miles west of Danville. When you write you will be pleased to direct your letter to Danville Va. If I come down in that part of the country I shall want a piece of land to settle my negroes on, unless you take them on some of your farms though I can see more about this when I come down You will please answer this as soon as you can do it with convenience. My sisters are all well and prosperous: they speak of coming down in that part of the country before very long but I cannot say whether they will get off or not
Your friend George Lea often express a desire to come and see you and perhaps will, some of these times. I have no news of interest to write. Give my love to aunt Martha And kiss those sweet little children for me: My respects to Mr Garner if he is at your hose. Health and prosperity to you and your family.
I am with much respect your friend & obedient servant
Weldon E. Wright
Addressed to: Mr. John Moody
Northampton Co.
N. Carolina

[written on the reverse] If Garysburg be not Mr Moody’s postoffice; the postmaster will please forward this to him immediately
Postmarked: DANVILLE Va JUN 29
Postage: 18
VLR (Virginia Leigh Refo)
A letter to

John Mason Moody from Weldon E. Wright. Weldon is John’s wife, Martha William (Wright) Moody’s, nephew, the son of her oldest half-brother James Wright. Dr. Johnston is apparently the only physician in that part of Northampton County, NC. He is mentioned in several other letters( # 33 and # 34). George Lea of Caswell County, NC married Sarah Elizabeth Wright, Weldon’s sister. Mr. Garner most probably refers to Henry Garner a friend and neighbor (mentioned in letter # 63). There were many Garners in Northampton County with many connections with the Moody family.

Letter # 39 is also from Weldon.
Date: 1839 –1845. This is a guess, based on Weldon's age--he was born 1814.


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