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Letter 50 Thomas L Lea to Martha William Wright Moody

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Date: 19 Feb 1865 [unknown]
Location: Camp near Kinston, North Carolinamap
Surnames/tags: Moody Wright
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This page has been accessed 51 times.
Camp Near Kinston Feb 19th 1865
My dear Aunt
I should have replied to your letter long since but we have been marching so much that I have had no time to write until now. We are now encamped in about a mine and a half of Kinston. All the Reserves are here except Col. Anderson's Regiment, it left here friday night for Goldsboro. And I learn that they are gaurding prisoners at Goldsboro now. Major Clark came came from the Hospital soon after I wrote you my last letter. He is now commanding the Regiment. Col. Broadfoot has gone home on furlough. I suppose Waverly Johnson is now at home Though it is nearly time for him to return. Col. Armistead has not yet been promoted. Though I think he will be soon. General Holmes wrote to his son in the Regt. that Col Armistead would be promoted very soon. If he is promoted I will write you immediately and let you know. I had much rather have Cousin William in our Regiment than any one else and will do all I can for him
It is reported here that Sherman has taken Columbia. Though I hope it is not so, but I fear it is. Aunt I have just received orders to have my men ready for marching at any moment so I shall have to close Although I have not written half what I intended. Give my love to Cousin Laura and all the family. Col. Armistead told me to tell you to give cousin Mollie Ridley his best respects. He frequently speaks of her. He is dead in Tell cousin Mollie that he is dead in love with her.
Write very soon
Your affectionate nephew
Thomas L. Lea
VLR (Virginia Leigh Refo)
Thomas L. Lea, is writing from camp near Kinston, N.C. to his great aunt, Martha William (Wright) Moody in Northampton Co. NC. He is the grandson of her half- brother James Wright through James' daughter Ann Blunt (Wright) Lea. See letter #39 from Thomas's uncle, Weldon Edwards Wright. Mollie Ridley is Mary Thomas Ridley, daughter of Robert Ridley, son of Martha's half sister Mary Wright who married Maj. Thomas Ridley of Southampton. William is Martha's oldest son, Dr. William Scott Moody.
Confederate Civil War military names: Col. Anderson, Major Clark, Col. Broadfoot, Waverly Johnson, Col. Armistead, Gen. Holmes.


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