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Letter from Marenus McConnell

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Date: 1857 [unknown]
Location: [unknown]
Profile manager: Paula Rogers private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 28 times.

January the 24 1857

dear sun I received your letter this 25 and was glad to hear that you were all well wish found us injoin the same Blising we have had sum very Cold Weather But it is very mild now. Eli MConnell has hired a farm in Sparta for three years for won hundred dolers and twenty and I am living on the place i hired still But don’t think stainig no longer than April James Van Slyke family is all Well they haf got to bee methised. So has Robert Samuel Tim ___cum up to see us las fall and Promas to Wright as soon as he got Balk But We ain’t herde from him ___ the land is so very der here that money Can’t hardly By it Sum of my nabers has gone to the micegan tha get land for hal a doler per acer this is a grate cutry and in Proven very fast William Moody is got rich By the rail trak chosen his farm wich makes ihs land sell in ___ lotes I Wod Be vary hapy if I Cod see you but dont no as I can son But if things Workes right i may soon i have no more to wright but remain your father, Marenus Mconnell

to Balard Mconnell sense you left this place grate Changes has taking place ____ ___ has lost his Wife and mared to this his hired girl William fern is mared again George Calemsr is mared to Nancy WineCott Sally Fern is mared to hiram Larens Loisey Is mared to George Cail ___ in __ his Ben made about you But I did not no Where y was letel Jenny lin is as fat as ever I have Ben oferd 200 dolers for her But I Will not sell her She is With fold By a horse from Coney ilsand that Cost twelve hunder dolers it is as hot here as ever to toen run a Way to Won deth William Jones run a way last spring so did George Therrel and _____so did Webster So did Pifel thie grate share factry bunt up afue night ago

in Sparta Thom Foresuth has ben crazy even ever sense last spring in BufloW and his tohe has ben shot Robert and Sandy gun Was to see me last Sunday George Wilott has gone to the misegan so has James grass Port Bruse lookes lon now thar nothing going on since James left I have nothing in potilkler to writeto more so goodbye for the prsant Marenus Mconnell

A litel more to William I have not reseved eny leter sense reseved the won that had a satmunte abot Simpso and I was glad to get it for I got fifty dolers bi it all this I had sum trubel I ad to scar him out of it Mary thinkes cumoing don thar in the Spring if yu shd Cum up here you wod dwo Best to leve the carege at the youen and com to Sparta it is mild hir my love to your wife and child tell them it is so long sense is a writen i dont no tha I no tat I sod nothin shoud you Bee so lokey to get the scrablinges lines and smar anuff to read them is __ Bee glad for it is sum time sense I have took a pen in hand to crable and my hand trembles vera much So good Bye at the present I remain your afectinet father Marenus MConnell To William MConnell Robert has growen to so big that u wod not no him he is hever than I bee

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