
Letter from Patrick Murphy, Kilkenny, to his brother Michael Murphy, Koroit, Colony of Victoria, Australia

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Date: 28 Nov 1880 [unknown]
Location: [unknown]
Profile manager: Peter Cogan private message [send private message]
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Letter sent 28 November 1880 by Patrick Murphy, Kilkenny, County Kilkenny, Ireland to his brother Michael Murphy at Koroit, Colony of Victoria, Australia.

The letter provides information of genealogical interest

It informs Michael that his mother, Mary Murphy passed away on 11 May 1869 and is buried at the Maudlin st. cemetery.
It asks about their sister, Anne Murphy, and her three children.
It confirms the Murphy's origin in Kilkenny, County Kilkenny, Ireland.
It identifies Patrick Murphy's employment as Railway Porter, Kilkenny Station.
It confirms contact between Murphy siblings in Ireland and Australia.

The profile creator, Peter Cogan, was provided with a photocopy of this letter by his Aunty Felicity Cogan who advised that she had received a copy from the Tucker family (Doreen Tucker is the granddaughter of Michael Murphy via his daughter Mary Murphy and her marriage to Joseph O'Hara). It is not known if the original letter exists but if it does the copy attached here can be replaced with scans of the original letter. I thought it appropriate to create this profile so the letter is available to anyone interested in the Murphy family genealogy.

A transcription of the letter, with original spelling left, was provided with the photocopy and is believed to have been made by Tucker family.

"Maudlinstret, Nov 28th 1880,
Patrick Murphy,
Deare Brother I received youre letter of April 18th and was very proud to heare from you after so many years. I did not think you were alive so I wrote to my sister about the Death of my Mother.
Dear Brother I will never forget the yeare 1869 the longest day I live. She died 11th of May and I buried Her on 13 of May. She had as fine a Funeral as any Farmer in this country. She is buried in Maudlinstret with your grandmother and that I had no money I got Plenty to pay my expenses but had to pay it. Now she made her Marketing on Saturday and died on Sunday She was only abot 12 Hours sick.
Deare Brother have you eva a dather (daughter) cald Mary or eva son cald Patrick.
Dear Brother you may say that I was left lonly But I Done for my Mother whil god left her to me.
Dear Brother let me know how my Sister is or what is her Husband or where is her 3 children.
Remember me to all your Family. I glad to heare that the Tooleys are all well also let me know how my old friend Timity Tooley is. Mrs Holmes and Family is well and was glad to hear from you. Mrs Brodrick is left the lease and I am and am left it to name out as lodgers.
I am in the same employment still as Porter on the Kilkenny Station and after 9 weeks sickness and had no-one to look at me was not that hard enough and then did not want a Mother.
Deare Brother I say no more at present by Remaine your affectionate Brother Pat Murphy.
Direct as before."

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