Location: Watertown, Jefferson County, NY

Surname/tag: calhoun
On 4 Nov 1947, Edwin L. Paddock wrote to his 3rd cousin, Anson F. Calhoun, on the matter of Calhoun genealogy. The two were 3rd cousins, both being second-great-grandsons of Captain John Paddock.
The accuracy of the paternal lineage has been confirmed via Y-chromosome DNA testing.[1] At this time, there is not enough information to conclude if the eldest subject of the letter, David Calhoun, was from Scotland as the letter indicates, or from Ireland.
The Hartford Times article mentioned in the letter has not been located and may not have been archived.
The following is a transcription of the letter.
- Watertown N.Y.
- Nov 4, 1947.
- Paddock Crest
- Mr. Anson F. Calhoun
- Arsenal Street Road,
- Watertown, N.Y.
- Dear Mr. Calhoun :-
- I have traced the genealogy of the Calhoun family back to David Calhoun who came from Scotland to America 1714.
- He was the father of your ancestor Ebenezer Calhoun of Washington Conn.,
- I wrote to the genealogical department of the Hartford Times, Hartford Conn. and the answer to my question appeared in the Hartford Times October 25, 1947.
- (over)
- I am enclosing a typed copy of this data which you can place with your work.
- If you like you can write to the paper to get a copy of that date.
- I shall try and see if I can find the Calhoun Coat of Arms and the Scottish ancestry.
- If I have any luck I shall send that to you.
- Sincerely yours,
- Edwin L. Paddock
- 211 Butterfield Ave
- Watertown, New York
- Generation I - David Calhoun
- from Scotland 1714.
- married Katherine Co
- his son
- Generation II - Ebenezer Calhoun
- born in Stratford Conn
- Aug 24, 1741.
- died there March 24, 1825
- married Dolly Foot
- in Washington Conn
- Jan 18, 1747
- Generation III - Son
- Chauncey Calhoun
- born in Washington Conn
- June 15, 1776 married Sarah
- Edwards Paddock Jan 28 1801
- He died in Watertown N.Y.
- July 31, 1856 She was born
- in Middletown Conn Jan 11 1783
- died in Watertown N.Y. Feb 10,
- 1860. Children
- 1. Ebenezer, 2. Alvin, 3. Mary, 4. John, 5. Nancy, 6. Chauncey,
- 7. Charles, 8. Sarah Elizabeth.
The envelope is postmarked 5 Nov 1947, 4:30 PM in Watertown, N.Y. and bears a 1938-Presidential Series (a.k.a. "Prexie") violet 3-cent Thomas Jefferson stamp.
The letter is currently in the possession of R. D. Calhoun-Eagan, who gave Thomas Calhoun written permission to publish it publicly on Wikitree on 30 Apr 2019.
- ↑ *Paternal relationship is confirmed through Y-chromosome DNA testing. Thomas Calhoun, FTDNA kit #421061 and his 5th cousin twice removed, LIVING Calhoun, son of Philo Clarke Calhoun, FTDNA kit #888154, match at a Genetic Distance of 3 on 37 markers thereby confirming their direct paternal lines back to their MRCA David Calhoun. FTDNA indicates that the probability the two share a common ancestor within the last 8 generations is 58.84% and within the last 9 generations is 68.49%.
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