Location: [unknown]
Letters from Daniel Edward Yates to his brother Fred
Franklinton, La, Mar. 8, 1914
Dear Fred,
I will come down Sat. after my hogs. I wish you would feed and tend to them until then and I will return it sometime. we have got the cows home they are fine. we are going to start shipping milk Tuesday. have so much milk don't know what to do with it. took everybody in Franklinton a jug this morn. I will close hoping you all are well
your Brother Dan
April 23, 1914 (Postcard)
Dear Fred
how are you and Charlie getting along with the girls. Come up sun. going to be thirty five people Baptized up here Sunday. The Dairy is improving.
From your bro
Franklinton, La
Dec. 28, 1917
Dear Bro,
If you don't get off Sat be sure + come Mon. or Tuesday for I want to talk with you on some particular business. I was going to see you + Papa about it Christmas but no body can drink and talk business too, if you can't come + don't come I will be down by the Middle of next week, yours truly,
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