Location: Mudgee, New South Wales, Australia

Below are two letters written by Emma Frances (Waggett) Lee to her friend, Eliza Thorrowgood in 1863 and 1865. The originals were transcribed by Joan (Lee) Merrell and her brother, W.G.Lee has kindly given me copies for me to add to Wikitree.
In 1863 Emma Frances (Waggett) Lee was 26 years of age. She died 15 years later in 1878. She had arrived in the colony of New South Wales in 1860, obviously hoping for a new life, little did she know the hardships that awaited her.
Her letters are heartbreaking, they show her kindness, acceptance of the hardships that life bestows on her and her great love for her children.
- Transcript by Joan (Lee) Merrell, of letters written by Emma Lee to her friends, Eliza and Herbert Thorrowgood. Eliza used to live in Mudgee, in 1863 she was living in Singleton, and by 1865, she moved to Launceston, Tasmania.
- To Eliza & Herbert Thorrowgood
- 1863
- "Beaudesert, near Mudgee, NSW
- My dear Friends,
- I scarcely know how to begin the tale of trouble and sorrow I have to related —and of which by your letter you are yet in ignorance of. When I have told you all you will hardly believe it possible I am alive, the smallest trouble I have known since I last heard from you is the death of my Beautiful Babe, Kate Alice, she died on the 6th of January 1863 of Dysentery. About the 16 of the same month my dear Husband's Brother Henry Joseph [Lee] came over to us and remained until the 21st of June, when death again visited us, he was accidently drowned in the large waterhole at Cloudy Bay, for 9 days we were looking for his body, he was a very handsome young man and as good a brother as ever lived, his death nearly caused mine. I was on the way to become a mother and my dear husband was like mad, they were always so affectionate but even that was light to what followed.
- My babe was born on the 10th October, dear Charles went to get it some medicine and you will scarce believe it) was drowned at Slashers Flat while attempting to cross the river, this was on the 13th, 3 days after my confinement, I never saw him again, how I got over it and am now alive I know not myself, had it not been for the dear babes I should indeed have taken the only chance of being with him, but God spared me. The particulars of the fearful talk I must leave till I am stronger, I can only say that it was doing a kindness for another in trying to help across with his cart that my beloved husband lost his life, (hays was saved, you known him) I lost horse and saddle, saddle bags, all was gone. They die not tell me until it became absolutely necessary, I neither screamed or fainted, I had no thoughts for either. I am slowly recovering from that and to what I am sure it will prove a broken heart, the only sweet in this bitter cup is the health of my two remaining babes Charles Robert and Henry Thomas, I am still keeping on the garden and have engaged a steady man to seel the crops on the halves for this season, then perhaps I might be able to decided on something if I live if not God will provide for my darlings.
- You will not think me selfish if I wish you were in Mudgee, I think I might count on a Friend in you both. I have a splendid Crop.
- I will now turn to your letter, we not heard from you since you said you might go to England and we concluded you had gone. I am truly sorry for your loss in the dear little girl and can but think ill of those who could so far forget your feelings, you may depend on my doing my utmost to learn her whereabouts and see her if possible, and let you know all I can, I am of course obliged to be in town sometimes and I must say the people all give me a chance of living they did talk of helping me but even had it been offered I would not have accepted it while I can do at all I will. I trust you will write as often as you can, it will cheer me up to hear of anyone who knew my dear Husband, he often wondered you never wrote in answer to our last. They lay buried side by side near where dear Henry was lost. So I often visit their Grave.
- I hope in my next to have some news of your little one to tell, I must say goodbye for the present.
- Your Afflicted Friend,
- Emma Lee
- Write Soon"
- "February 4, 1865
- Beaudesert
- My dear Friend,
- I was indeed most happy to hear from you for I began to fear the worst from your long silence. I can truly enter into your feeling that none of the little ones are spared to you, the more so as you suffer so dreadfully in your confinements, but you must trust my dear Friend that it is for some wise purpose, we are never needlessly afflicted yet we find it very hard to bear as I know from experience. You are I known all impatient to hear of dear little Suzy, she is quite well and is very much petted and loved by all the people who know her. I have not seen her for some time but I went into Mudgee on purpose to ascertain the exact state of affairs before writing to you, I do not go into Mudgee very often now, but I will always keep an eye over her, as far as possible. You and Harry are very good at a guess.
- I have changed my name. A series of trials you would scarce credit determined me to settle again, but the most important of all was that I know I shall have a good protector for my Fatherless Babes, my husband's name is Chas Ro Yeeles, he is a native of Bath in Devonshire and his Father is a large land owner there, he stands 6ft high, dark hair and eyes and full beard thus, he is a very handsome man, but he is a good one, which is far better, we were married very quiet at the parsonage house, we are still staying at Beaudesert and we shall do so until he hears from home then no doubt we shall make tracks home but you will hear all particulars next time. I am all alone just now, he is away at the Castlereagh with a load of fruit, should you make a homeward course I shall be most happy if you would see dear Chas parents to give them an account of the wellbeing of their little Grandsons and myself. Although I must not boast health yet, I have never recovered that fearful shock and I fear it will be long before I am at all strong again.
- Trusting you and Harry are well with a kiss from my little Boys to Mamma's Friends.
- Me to remain always your Affectionate Friend,
- Emma Yeeles"
- Note
- Explanation about the reference to the little girl, Suzie / Suzy.
- Suzie was born 07 April 1861 at Oakfield near Mudgee to a single mother, Harriet Warburton who was the daughter of Mr. Warburton a wealthy merchant in Sydney. Apparently he persuaded Eliza Thorrowgood (Emma's friend) to take Suzie and keep her birth and parentage a secret. Then in October 1863, the child's grandmother, demanded for Suzie to be returned. Eliza had become quite attached to the little girl.
- Birth: New South Wales, Australia BDM Index: Name: WARBURTON FEMALE | Reg. No. 9843/1861 | Father: —| Mother: HARRIET| Reg. MUDGEE, NSW, Australia.
- Suzie's mother, Harriet Sussanah (Warburton) Gamble died 29 January 1878 at Concord, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.
- Marriage: New South Wales, Australia BDM Index: Reg. No. 4144/1877 | GAMBLE THOMAS| married| WARBURTON HARRIETT SUSANNAH| Reg. PENRITH, NSW, Australia
- Death: New South Wales, Australia BDM Index: Name: GAMBLE HARRIET | Reg. No. 2563/1878 | Father: JOHN| Mother: HARRIET| Reg. CONCORD, NSW, Australia
- Find a Grave, database and images (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/189968740/harriett-susannah-gamble: accessed 28 July 2023), memorial page for Harriett Susannah Warburton Gamble (1846–29 Jan 1878), Find a Grave Memorial ID 189968740, citing Rookwood General Cemetery, Rookwood, Cumberland Council, New South Wales, Australia; Maintained by alisonc1109 ♣ (contributor 48349597).
- "Family Notices" The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) 2 February 1878: page 1.
- GAMBLE.—January 27, at her residence, Albert Parade, Ashfield, after a short illness, Harriet, the beloved wife of Thomas Gamble. [1]
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