1 Feb 1885
6 May 1886
Location: Deatsville, Elmore, Alabama, United States
Surnames/tags: Halfmann Goree
Location: Deatsville, Elmore, Alabama, United States
Surnames/tags: Halfmann Goree
This page has been accessed 37 times.
Louis Thomas Goree wrote at least 3 letters to Nancy Harriet "Nannie" Halfmann between 1885 and 1886. They were married in September 1886.
Deatsville Ala Feb 1, 1885
- "Miss Nannie Kind friend
- I never got my whipping as I expected when I got home tuesday morning. I put up a job on them & I come out all right. Carrie has got home at last she came home last fryday night. Willis Dickerson come with her. He is taking on with Miss Fannie Joinor she spent the day hear to day. Willis take her to sunday school this eavning the grangers had an installment of the officers fryday night after the grange was through the young people had a partie. Jim was playing in the hall & others was in the school house dancing all seame to injoy them selfes very well. Tell Miss Maggie I saw Peyton T Sunday he told me to tel her he would like very much to see her. I will be down fryday or sunday. Peaton ses he may come too. If I come fryday I want Mrs Doty ? to give her partie.
- pleas excuze my letter
- yours very truly
- Louis Goree"
Deatsville, Dec. the 16, 1885
- "Dear Nannie
- I got home all right But found plenty of work to do I have been hard down at work ever since I come home. I hated to leave Town the other morning, but could not help my self. I am going up in the piney woods this eavning. I expect I will have a cold ride to night. I haven't seen any of your folks since I got home I recand I will go over that way to morror if I have time I don't know when I will be down I can't say now I will let you know when I can come.
- Pleas excuze this letter I am in a big hury
- write soon
- yours Truly
- L G"
Deatsville May the 6, 1886
- "Dear Nannie
- I received your letter last night & I was glad to get it too I had the blues rite bad before I got your letter. I was over at cold springs not at the consert I was over on a little buisness I have ben at worke over at your grand pa to day I have ben plowing near all day you bet I was bracke dow when night come. your auntie has ben visiting generly this eavning she went for some peas to plant. I got a letter from Millard the other day he is having chills but ses Carries health is very good he never said a word bout coming home I dout be live thay intend to come soon he is going to moove soon he don't know yet where he will stap yet. you spoke of Lottie taking some one back and she seams to be so happy I would like to know who he is that has such an affict on her. your grand par & my self is going down on the river sadurday to look at some land & we are going to try to chetch some fish. well I recand you will get tyred reading my foolishness so I will cloz my noncence. I believe we are all Pretty well now Mar has not ben sick since I come home. she is getting along freely now. Nannie I wish I was in town to night so I could see you. I don't know when I can go down you and your ma must be sure to come Sunday I will meet you both at Elmore your grand Pas buggy is broke be sure to come & I will be sure to meet you.
- good night darling
- L G"
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