26 Jun 1881
Location: Chicago, Cook, Illinois, United States
Surname/tag: Levi Day Boone Letter, Louisa Boone Letter
Location: Chicago, Cook, Illinois, United States

Surname/tag: Levi Day Boone Letter, Louisa Boone Letter
This page has been accessed 39 times.
- "Chicago, June 26, 1881
- "Dear Brother and Sister Stanbery,
- [Levi writing first.] "We arrived home from our trip to Kentucky yesterday, both well, and decidedly improved by our visit. I did not get to read sister M's letter until this morning, and as soon as I did I told my wife I was going to write you immediately and insist on your coming at once (or as soon as possible) and making us a good long visit, because I see that sister Mary is just worn out, and a visit to the lakes is just what she wanted and must have, and the sooner the better while it is so hot in your lovely (but timbered) home. And we were never in a better condition to enjoy a visit from you than we are now.
- "1st for the reason that we want to see you .
- "2ndly We know how much good it does old folks like us to relax and rest, and visit friends that we love, and
- "3rdly We have no body with us except Sam, and nothing to do but enjoy a visit with you. And
- "4th We are going to have a long season of summer evening concerts six weeks in our exposition building, when it will be roomy and cool even in the hottest weather, so we can have music "until we can't rest," commencing on the 7th July I think in our new Music Hall under the management of our dear Lula and her assistants. And
- "5th The carriages and horses have nothing to do but ride us on the Boulevard and Parks, amongst the most elaborate display of flowers and shrubs every evening, until you are sick of it, and then
- "6th, and lastly, at the close of the concerts, on about the 6th of Sept., our Exposition will open, and Bro. Charles can see every variety of machinery, until he can't tell what he is "going to have for breakfast," as our young folks say. Then too we have good help, and can get more of it if we want it.
- "Now if you think I have not given good reasons, and enough of them, just say so, and I will give more. We would like very much to have Charley [Charles Stanbery Jr.] come also, but if it is necessary for any body to stay at home to attend to those 200 chickens, let it be young Charley and not our Bro., for Charley can jump on board the cars and come any time, but if we don't visit now, when can we.
- "Now I will leave room for Louisa to add a P.S., as it is said the ladies have a peculiar passion for P.S.'s.
- [Louisa writing now. The people she mentions are unknown. Further research required.] "I will just say what the Dr. has said in regard to your visit to us, he has expressed my sentiments exactly, so I will not say any thing now about it, except do not put it off too late, it spoils every thing.
- "You ask about Juliette [probably their sister Juliette (Smith) Hubbard], ever since George's death she has been friendly, when George lay dead, she called at the house [caret: Lula's], and all the family except Pete, and offered services and mourning apparel. Since that, she has been to see me several times, and we have been to see her. She is now at the Tremont House, has been, since her trip East last summer, very comfortably fixed, looks well.
- "Hattie [her daughter Harriet] has returned from the South, is much improved in health. They have purchased a new home, and when I left for Kentucky, Hattie and Humbert had gone to N.Y. to purchase furniture for the house, as it was the residence of Patterson Palmer. I shall see Juliette and Hattie soon, shall tell them of your visit to us, when I say you I mean both, now don't forget it, as the children say.
- "Dana Bondfield left for the East just about the time we left. She said she was going to stay all summer with Mary. Collier is keeping house for they have not been able to rent it yet.
Pat and Elwood have just been in. Pat is looking splendid. They are both proud of each other. You will laugh when you see them. We found all well, and every thing in order at home with the old butch. Guess I'll do it again sometime.
- "This is Sunday night, and as I am not quite rested yet, I will say good night. Give love to all as if mentioned.
- "Your Aff Sister,
- "Louisa"
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C. Brooman
The above is an extant letter from Levi Day and Louisa Boone in with an entire box of old family paperwork dating back to 1798. I thought that this was one of the cutest letters I'd ever read, so I wanted to share it.
by C. Brooman