Location: Union, Kentucky, United States

Surname/tag: Greenwell
1834 Lewis Greenwell Will. Kentucky, Union County, Will Book B, pp. 273, County Court. 22 May 1834, Digital images 144 to 570, FamilySearch.org, ([1]: accessed 6 May 2021)
Greenwell Lewis Will
In the name of God amen: I Lewis Greenwell of Union County in the State of Kentucky considering the certainty of death and the uncertainty of the time then of and being desirous to settle my wordly affairs and thereby be the better prepared to leave this world when it shall please God to call me hence do therefore make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say. First I give my sale to Almighty God & my boddy to the earth to be buried at the discretion of my Executor herein after mentioned . Item I give unto my son John C. Greenwell one negro boy named Jackson to him and his heirs forever also his choice horse brute that belongs to my estate at my death, the boy Jackson & horse to be paid to him on the day of his Marriage on condition he don’t mary his cousin and in case he ever marries my brothers sisters child then in that case I discard and exclude him from any part of my estate. Item I give to my son Wm Henry Greenwell his choice Negro of mine under the age of Jackson left to my son John C. Greenwell to him & his heirs forever & to have possession of said negro at the time he Wm Henry Greenwell arrives at at [sic] the age of twenty one years of age and lastly I give all the rest of my estate real personal & mixed or what ever else in nte belonging to me in any way to my wife Mary Greenwell during her single life and at her death to be divided equally amongst my children here in after named as well as those she may have before my death that is to say Ann Gabell Buckman John C Greenwell Mary E Greenwell Ann M Greenwell Alethair Greenwell Elizabeth S. Greenwell Martha Ann Greenwell & William Henry Greenwell to be equally divided amongst the first named children as well as all her own children that she may have at my death or within nine months after my death. I do hereby constitute my dear wife Mary Greenwell to be sole Executrix of this my last will and Testatment on condition she never marries then in that case of her Marriage the property is instantly to be divided amongst my children & if any of them be under age for there parts to be paid to the hands of Clement M. Buckman for their use & benefit my will & desire is that my wife Mary Greenwell sell any thing she can best have to pay any Just debt or debts I may owe at my death and the sale to be as valid as if she had administered as the law directs. I want it to be understood that if my son John C. Buckman does marry his own blood cousin that he is excluded from any part of my estate & the negro give to him in the fore part of this will is in lieu of money I owe him from the sale of land belonging to his mother in St. Mary’s County Maryland if he claims pay for that sale he forfits the Negro. In testimony I have hereunto set my name & seal this twenty second day of may 184?
Lewis Greenwell
Signed sealed and declaired by Lewis Greenwell the within named testator as & for his last will & Testament in the presence of us who at his request in his presence & in presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses as thereto this twenty second day of may one thousand eight hundred and thirty four.
Benedict Austin
James Girtin
John C. Floyd
Ambrose Wilson
Union County Sct April County Court 1843br>
This Instrument of writing was produced in court and proven to be the last will and Testament of Lewis Greenwell whose name is thereto subscribed by the oaths of Ambrose Wilson and John C Floyd subscribing witnesses thereto said witnesses also deposed that Benedict Austin and James Girtin the other subscribing witnesses thereto subscribed their names in their presence and in the presence to of the testator and the same will was ordered to be recorded
Whereupon the said is recorded accordingly Att: James N Hughes clk
Union, County Court
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