
Lexique professions français-anglais

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Lexique français-anglais pour faciliter la traduction des professions et occupations trouvées dans les actes originaux, les recensements, etc. en langue française.

French-English lexicon to facilitate the translation of professions and occupations found in original records, censuses, etc. in French.

Français Anglais Notes
Agent de policePoliceman
BlatierWheat (corn) vendoralso: blatrier, bladier
BordierFarmerfarming an area which could be covered by one or 2 pairs of ox in one year (called borde or borderie). See also censier, métayer.
Boucher, bouchèreButcher
Boulanger, boulangère Baker
BourrelierSaddler, harness maker
Censier Farmer (Nord/Picardie)See also: métayer, bordier
CharpentierCarpenter (making house frames)
CharcutierPork butcher
CharretierCart driver
Chef d’équipeForeman
Chef de gareStation master
Clerc de notaireNotary clerk
CommisSales clerk, assistant
Commis de négociantBusiness clerk
CordonnierShoe maker
CouturièreSeamstress / dressmaker
Couvreur en chaumeRoof thatcher
Cultivateur, cultivatrice Farmer / Grower
Curé Priest (head of a parish)
Domestique Servant
EbénisteCabinet maker (fine)
Employé de chemins de ferRailway worker
Employé de commerceShop assistant
EntrepreneurContractor or entrepreneur
Entrepreneur de battageThreshing contractor
Epicier, épicièreGrocer
Faux-SaunierSalt smuggler
Fermier-receveurTax collector
Fille / Garçon de fermeFarm girl/boy
GarçonBoy / Intermediary between apprentice and master
Garçon/Fille de fermeFarm boy/girl
Garde-barrièreRail crossing keeper / Gatekeeper
Garde champêtreforest ranger, game warden (depending on context)
Garde champsField guard
Garde-chasseGame warden
Garde particulierPrivate guard/guardsman
Gardien du phareLighthouse keeper
Instituteur, institutriceSchool teacher
JournalierDay worker
LaboureurPloughman, or farmer
LingèreLinen maid
Maraîcher, maraîchère(Fruit and vegetable) grower
Maître d’hôtelWaiter, head waiter
MarchandMerchant / Shop keeper
Marchand des quatre-saisonsCostermonger; Greengrocer
Maréchal, maréchal-ferrantFarrier, blacksmith
Matelassier, matelassièreMattress maker
MenuisierCarpenter (making doors, window frames, etc.) or cabinet maker
NégociantBusiness person, trader, wholesaler, merchantA very broadly defined term
NourriceWet nurse, or child minder
NourrisseurCattle feeder
Ouvrier agricoleAgricultural laborer
Ouvrier/ouvrière en ressorts(watch) spring maker
PerruquierWig maker ; hairdresser
Poseur sur la ligneRailway track installer
PropriétaireProprietor, Landlord
Receveur (receveuse) des PostesPostmaster
En retraiteRetired, pensioneer
S P (sans profession)No profession
Scieur de longPit sawyer
VacherCow keeper

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Sage femme = midwife
posted by [Living Calonnec]
I have an individual in a record with the occupation of 'facteur du cable.' Does anyone know what this is? I thought perhaps a telegraph operator, or someone who lays electrical cable. (the year is about 1900).
posted by Duane Poncy
I just found a record which refers to my relative as 'débitant de boissons' the literal translation is beverage vendor. Shall we add this to the list too? What is the finer translation of this?
I hadn't heard of the term costermonger either until I found it through Google Translate. The literal translation of the French is no help, either.

Costermonger is never used in American English. The term greengrocer is quite useful as it is much more intuitive to English speakers regardless of dialect.

posted by Greg Lavoie
You are correct, Greg, a marchand des quatre-saisons is originally a street vendor. I must say I had never heard the word "costermonger" before.
Would another acceptable translation of marchand des quatre-saisons be costermonger? I think the term greengrocer may imply having a storefront (as opposed to selling from a cart on the street). I'm not sure which connotation is implied in the original French.
posted by Greg Lavoie

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