Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: portail_francophone french_roots
Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: portail_francophone french_roots
Profile managers:
Isabelle Martin
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Lexique français-anglais pour faciliter la traduction des professions et occupations trouvées dans les actes originaux, les recensements, etc. en langue française.
French-English lexicon to facilitate the translation of professions and occupations found in original records, censuses, etc. in French.
Français | Anglais | Notes |
Agent de police | Policeman | |
Apprenti | Apprentice | |
Avocat | Lawyer | |
Aubergiste | Innkeeper | |
Berger | Shepherd | |
Blatier | Wheat (corn) vendor | also: blatrier, bladier |
Bonne | Maid | |
Bordier | Farmer | farming an area which could be covered by one or 2 pairs of ox in one year (called borde or borderie). See also censier, métayer. |
Boucher, bouchère | Butcher | |
Boulanger, boulangère | Baker | |
Bourrelier | Saddler, harness maker | |
Bouvier | Cowherd | |
Cantonnier | Roadmender | |
Censier | Farmer (Nord/Picardie) | See also: métayer, bordier |
Charpentier | Carpenter (making house frames) | |
Charcutier | Pork butcher | |
Charretier | Cart driver | |
Charron | Wheelwright | |
Chef d’équipe | Foreman | |
Chef de gare | Station master | |
Clerc de notaire | Notary clerk | |
Commis | Sales clerk, assistant | |
Commis de négociant | Business clerk | |
Cordonnier | Shoe maker | |
Couturière | Seamstress / dressmaker | |
Couvreur | Roofer | |
Couvreur en chaume | Roof thatcher | |
Cultivateur, cultivatrice | Farmer / Grower | |
Curé | Priest (head of a parish) | |
Débitant | Retailer | |
Domestique | Servant | |
Ebéniste | Cabinet maker (fine) | |
Employé de chemins de fer | Railway worker | |
Employé de commerce | Shop assistant | |
Entrepreneur | Contractor or entrepreneur | |
Entrepreneur de battage | Threshing contractor | |
Epicier, épicière | Grocer | |
Facteur | Postman | |
Faux-Saunier | Salt smuggler | |
Fermier | Farmer | |
Fermier-général | ||
Fermier-receveur | Tax collector | |
Fileuse | Spinner | |
Fille / Garçon de ferme | Farm girl/boy | |
Garçon | Boy / Intermediary between apprentice and master | |
Garçon/Fille de ferme | Farm boy/girl | |
Garde-barrière | Rail crossing keeper / Gatekeeper | |
Garde champêtre | forest ranger, game warden (depending on context) | |
Garde champs | Field guard | |
Garde-chasse | Game warden | |
Garde particulier | Private guard/guardsman | |
Gardien du phare | Lighthouse keeper | |
Instituteur, institutrice | School teacher | |
Jardinier | Gardener | |
Journalier | Day worker | |
Laboureur | Ploughman, or farmer | |
Lingère | Linen maid | |
Maçon | Mason | |
Maraîcher, maraîchère | (Fruit and vegetable) grower | |
Maître | Master | |
Maître d’hôtel | Waiter, head waiter | |
Marchand | Merchant / Shop keeper | |
Marchand des quatre-saisons | Costermonger; Greengrocer | |
Maréchal, maréchal-ferrant | Farrier, blacksmith | |
Matelassier, matelassière | Mattress maker | |
Mécanicien | Engineer | |
Menuisier | Carpenter (making doors, window frames, etc.) or cabinet maker | |
Métayer | Sharecropper | |
Meunier | Miller | |
Négociant | Business person, trader, wholesaler, merchant | A very broadly defined term |
Nourrice | Wet nurse, or child minder | |
Nourrisseur | Cattle feeder | |
Ouvrier agricole | Agricultural laborer | |
Ouvrier/ouvrière en ressorts | (watch) spring maker | |
Patron | Employer | |
Perruquier | Wig maker ; hairdresser | |
Poseur sur la ligne | Railway track installer | |
Propriétaire | Proprietor, Landlord | |
Receveur (receveuse) des Postes | Postmaster | |
Rentier | Annuitant | |
Repasseuse | Ironer | |
En retraite | Retired, pensioneer | |
S P (sans profession) | No profession | |
Sage-femme | Midwife | |
Scieur de long | Pit sawyer | |
Tisserand/tisseur | Weaver | |
Vacher | Cow keeper | |
Verrier | Glassmaker | |
Vitrier | Glazier |
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Costermonger is never used in American English. The term greengrocer is quite useful as it is much more intuitive to English speakers regardless of dialect.