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Lichtman Name Study

Privacy Level: Open (White)

Location: [unknown]
Surname/tag: Lichtman
This page has been accessed 339 times.

How to Join
Please contact the project leader Gaile Connolly or post a comment at the foot of the page. If you have any questions, just ask. Thanks!


  1. Connect all people in the United States named Lichtman who are related to each other.
  2. Identify birth places for all Lichtman's who emigrated from Eastern Europe to the United States


Migration from Eastern Europe to United States


  1. Log points of origin and USA contacts in immigration and naturalization records
  2. Coordinate census, military service, marriage, and death records with immigration records
  3. Cross reference with jewishgen records (birth, marriage, death) to locate family lines in the old countries (primarily Hungary, but also Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Romania, Bessarabia, perhaps others)

Conflation Avoidance

Bernat Lichtman

1. Bernat/Bernath/Beinath/Benjamin/Barnett Lichtman

born when ? probably in Dadai-felso, Szabolcs, Hungary
married Yetta Klein and/or Hani Weisz
children with Yetta Klein
children with Hani Weisz
died when ? where?

2. Bernat Lichtmann/Leichtman

born 1828 in Csenger, Hungary
married Fani Spiczer
child Samuel Leichtman
died 6-Dec-1894 in Pest, Hungary

Research Notes

  1. Searching for Common Ancestor
Although their father is not known, Ralph Lichtman (born about 1866 possibly in Poland, died 5 Aug 1947 in Buffalo, Erie, New York, United States) and Samuel Lichtman (born about 1866 possibly in Poland, died between 1925 and 1930 probably in Buffalo, Erie, New York, United States) are believed to be brothers and there may have been more siblings who also came to Buffalo. There is an auDNA match between one of Ralph's descendants and Perri Guest-Rappel. Perri's earliest known ancestor is Bernat Lichtman (probably born between1835 and 1852, in Hungary. If he came to the United States (which is not known), he may have died in 1924 in Bronx, Bronx, New York United States. The Bernat Leichtman who died in 1894 in Budapest, Hungary has been determined to be a different person.

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  • Private Messages: Contact the Profile Managers privately: One Name Studies WikiTree and Gaile Connolly. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
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