
Clarinda Public Library

Privacy Level: Public (Green)
Date: 1905
Location: 100 East Garfield, Clarinda, Iowamap
This page has been accessed 13,073 times.

The Lied Public Library [1] is the library of the town of Clarinda, Iowa.



It was 1905 and a general meeting of the people of Clarinda was called. Mrs. Horace M. Towner of Corning, a member of the State Library Commission, and Miss Alice Tyler of Des Moines, Secretary of the Commission gave speeches. The meeting resulted in the election of a board of trustees, consisting of nine members that were instructed to organize an association to establish a library in Clarinda. The nine founding members were: Rev. Fletcher Homan of the Methodist Church Mr. L.W. Lewis Rev. Mr. J.H. Maclean of the Presbyterian Church Rev. M.E.T. Fisher of the Christian Church Mrs. O.H. Park Mrs. T.E. Powers Mrs. A.B. Loranz Mr. Hensleigh John Miller

However, at the first board meeting Mrs. Powers resigned and Miss Mary Berry took her place. Rev. Homan was elected president of the board, Mr. Hensleigh vice-president, Rev. Fisher secretary, and Mrs. Loranz, treasurer. At this meeting the board decided to raise $1,000.00 by subscription and grant membership in the association to any citizen by the payment of one dollar ($1.00) per year, or close to $25.00 per year in today’s dollars. However, the library was to be FREE to all residents of Clarinda, Iowa and the vicinity. After a sum of money was raised, a room was rented in the Brown Building on the east side of the square at the rate of $11.00 per year. Once furnishings were acquired, Mrs. Clara B. Willis was hired as the first librarian at the salary of $12.00 per year, which was soon raised to $30.00 per month ($730.00 per month today). Rev. Homan had to later resign from the board as he was assigned to another pastorate, and Mr. Fred Tomlinson was elected in his place. Mr. Lewis assumed the presidency. The board soon established rules and regulations for the library, such as that no reader was allowed to take out more than one book at a time. This was in part due to the small collection of books that library had as well as the limited budget to purchase new material. The board also established a book committee, made up of board members, whose task was to draw up an initial list of books the library would need. Once the books where acquired and cataloged the library was ready to open. A formal opening was held on Dec. 12, 1905. The library was supported by private gifts and organizations, such as various women’s clubs, for almost two years, until in February 1906 the Library Board of Trustees submitted a petition to the city council requesting that the town assume the maintenance and support of the library. At the spring election, the library proposal was submitted to the public and carried. A tax of two mills was granted for the library, providing it with relatively stable funding.

The assets turned over to the city in July 6, 1906 were: Furniture and Supplies-------------------$313.87 Amount invested in books--------------$1,516.06 Number of adult books------------------1,275 Number of children’s books--------------272 Number of documents and papers---100

In April 1907 Mr. William Orr was appointed as a member to the Board and began negotiations with the Carnegie Library Foundation to procure funds for a library building. It wasn’t until January 1908 that Mr. Orr’s efforts paid off and $15,000.00, a gift comparable to $180,000 in today’s dollars, was granted by Andrew Carnegie to build a public library. The Carnegie Foundation however required that the city pledge an annual support of $1,500. Mr. G. William Richardson donated the two lots at the corner of Chestnut and Sixteenth Streets for the Library. Also, in 1908 the Board decided to extend the use of the library to neighboring towns and townships of Page County, by the creation of branch stations in the various surrounding communities. The library was a pioneer is this type of service and interest was manifested throughout the state due to its success. We still have something very similar in place today; Page County levies a tax, which supports the different libraries in the county allowing those who do not live in a community with a library to use the libraries in Shenandoah, Clarinda, or Essex free of charge. This is part of the reason that the library’s board is made up of both city and rural residents. Of the nine member board 3 are rural residents appointed by the County Supervisors and 6 are city residents appointed by the Mayor and approved by the council. The lot on which the Carnegie building was erected was donated by Mr. G.W. Richardson. Mr. W.W. Welch was chosen as the architect. Mr. Orr, Mr. Hensleigh, and Mr. Ed Rose provided input and supervision of the erection of the new library. The first meeting of the library board in the new building was April 5, 1909, a memorable event to all those involved. It provided a space to allow the library to grow with the community around it. At this meeting, Mr. Ed Lane of the Clarinda Journal was appointed to the board to fill the vacancy left by Rev. Maclean. The library was formally dedicated April 15, 1909. The day was filled with events. A program was given for the public schools, programs on the library’s history, and music was provided by the Clarinda High School. In 1913 the duties of the librarian had become arduous and the board moved to provide an assistant. A levy of three mills was requested by the trustees and granted by the city council in 1911. The library records show a great many resignations, both by librarians and assistants. It was due, in great measure, by the librarians receiving offers from larger libraries paying larger salaries. In 1929 Mr. William Orr passed away and willed his personal library and $500.00 (over $6,000.00 in today’s dollars) to the library. He requested that those funds be used to purchase books about plants, flowers, birds, and animals. He also requested that these materials be shelved in bookcases donated to the library. In 1930 half of the auditorium in the basement of the Library was converted to the children’s department. Previous to this, the basement auditorium’s use had been granted to various organizations from time to time. During the first stages of World War I the basement was used as a work room for the Red Cross. During crowded conditions at the public schools, the kindergarten classes had also been held there. Also, while the new buildings for the Christian and Presbyterian Churches were underway, they were permitted to hold services there. In 1933, the Clarinda Woman’s Club together with the Chamber of Commerce placed a case for historical relics in the library. This action thus resulted in the library becoming the collector of many historical items. With the creation of the children’s department, another staff member was added. The first children’s librarian was Miss Shum who initiated a story hour program. Today, the library continues to hold weekly story hour programs during the school year. The programs held at 10:30am every Tuesday and Wednesday allow children age 3-6 to enjoy books, songs, crafts, and much more! The women’s clubs of Clarinda have always cooperated with the library, and have been interested in its development and growth. They donated many of the paintings which at one time hung on the walls of the Carnegie Library. Mr. Roy Norton, a Clarinda native and author, has also been paid special interest. In December 1955, the library marked it fiftieth anniversary of service. Major work was also done to the Carnegie building; steel cables were run through the basement to help stabilize the foundation costing $6,000.00 or close to $40,000 in today’s dollars. And in 1958, the library shelving and furniture were stripped and stained a lighter shade to make the library lighter. In 1959, Mrs. Howard Sunderman was hired to paint the murals illustrating fairy tales in the children’s department at a cost of $40.00 or comparable to $250.00 today, and a new desk was built by Hilton Grimes. Later in 1961 Hilton Grimes also built all the shelving in the library office and the map case in memory of Mrs. Loranz. In 1964, the City Museum located in the basement of the library was cleaned out with all the items either given back to the original owners or sold and a new community room was established. Also in 1967, the Library joined the Southwest Iowa Library Cooperative, with the Clarinda Library being the first member. This allowed for increased cooperation and problem-solving with other area libraries and interlibrary loans. In 1975, Dennis Holbrook started to donate his record collection to the library which was valued at over $27,000.00 at that time. Also that same year, the financial bookkeeping that had been performed by the board was handed over to the city. Also in 1975, the Library received $34,226.38 from the Louis Opitz Trust. Since then, that money has grown to $50,000.00 with only the interest being used for projects at the library. Also in 1975, the library switched to a numbered card system instead of using patron names to check out books. This was established in order to protect the privacy of those checking out books. In 1983, the Library Board voted to approve the purchase of the first computer for the library. In the summer of 1984, the Clarinda Public Library Foundation was formed. This was a very important milestone for the library as it enabled the library to retain money rather than allowing it to go into the city’s general fund. This also helped provide a source for individuals to make donations for materials, improvements, and even a new building. The founding directors of the Clarinda Library Foundation were: Lucille Lawrence, Jean Mattes, Elizabeth Woolson, Paul Jones, and Elaine Butler. In the mid -1980s, the library also started to implement computers to help library staff in the cataloging of materials and to assist staff in tracking and locating library materials. In 1994, the library started a “Fine Free Fridays” program that allowed users to return materials on Friday and have their fines waived. This program at that time resulted in a 50% reduction in overdue items. Also, the library placed a CD-ROM Magazine Index. In 1995, the library received the Summer Reading Program Award from the Iowa Library Association and Econo-Clad Books. The Clarinda Public Library became one of the first libraries in the State to be a member of the Iowa First Search Initiative, a matching grant program that helped the library get a computer modem and become connected to reach various databases around the world. The library also received the services of George Lawson to provide the library with a needs assessment to help the Board further its plans for expansion, and Ken Gantz of Frevert Ramsey Kobes, to do a site analysis and preliminary drawing of an expansion. Also in 1995, the Clarinda Public Library Foundation received $110,000 from the Harold L. Martin Estate and $57,219 from the Russell L. Kent Estate for the library building project. In 1996, the library computer was also connected the State of Iowa Libraries Online (SILO) network which made and continues to make the access of Interlibrary loan materials easier and faster. Ken Gantz, the architect hired for the building study, presented two plans: one for a new building and another for a renovation and expansion. In 1997, the library added a computer to the children’s department and the library also conducted a community survey of the library’s output measures. A Harold McKinley Memorial was given to the library and the funds were used to purchase the outdoor book drop, which is still in use at the current library. In 1998 the Library with the input of 20 community members developed and submitted a grant for the Library’s Telecommunication and Information Resource Center (TIRC). The goal of the TIRC is to make technology more accessible to the public through increased hardware and training. In 1998, the funds and computers for the TIRC were received making four internet computers available to the public. The library also began the automation process using Book Systems as the software. In 2000 the Library saw a 61% increase in computer users thanks to the new TIRC. Staff continued the library automation process. In 2001, the library continued its commitment to technology and added an additional computer for patrons to use. The library also developed Friends of the Library Group. In August 2002 the library launched its webpage ( which received over 800 visits per month. The library also received a grant from the Gates Foundation in the amount of $11,600.00 for new computers and technology. The Friends of the Library Group was established with 32 members and began to hold programs and assist at the library. The founding members of the Friends of the Library were Elaine Butler, Dorothy Horton, Lynn Whitmore, and Mary Brummett. An Open House was held in March for First Lady Mrs. Vilsack to promote her Stories 2000 Project. In October of 2002 the City of Clarinda held a special election to allow the city to borrow one million dollars to match monies being donated by the Lied Foundation of Las Vegas, Nevada, in memory of Ernst & Ida Lied with special appreciation to Christina M. Hixson, to build a new library for the community. The special election passed by 76.2% to allow the building of the current library. The new library building committee was comprised of various community members: Bill Horton, Michael Thompson, Dale McAllister, and Robert Caswell from the Clarinda Foundation, Sarah Willeford and Dana Wellhausen from the Clarinda Library, and Gary Pullen, Gordon Kokenge, Frank Snyder, and Gary Walter from the City of Clarinda. The architects of the new building were FEH Associates of Des Moines. On May 28, 2003 the Library held the groundbreaking ceremony for the new building. That summer the library also hosted over 600 RAGBRAI riders and Mrs. Vilsack stopped by once again to share stories and books to children in Clarinda. The new Lied Public Library opened its doors on October 11, 2004 and the dedication ceremony was held on October 21, 2004. In 2005 the Lied Public Library became the central polling location for the Clarinda community and also hosted a well-attended mystery party. In 2006, the library became fully accredited by the State Library of Iowa. This achievement means that the Library will receive the maximum level of state funding. The library also launched a new website and hosted a “Let’s Talk” Teen Round Table in which over 60 attended. The Lied Public Library Board also finalized and adopted its long range plan and goals after an intensive community analysis. In 2006, the Lied Public Library, along with all city services, received a substantial budget cut. Library hours were cut and new material purchases were extensively curtailed. On December 11, 2006, the library’s budget was cut by the City of Clarinda by the amount of $30,000.00 for the remainder of fiscal year 2007 and the budget was cut again by another $30,000.00 for the fiscal year 2008. As of March 2009, the Lied Public Library is still struggling to restore its budget. As a fundraiser, the Lied Library Foundation hosted a Festival of Trees, in which area businesses decorated trees that were on display at the library for a fee. Also, Friends of the Library held used book sales, which continue now twice a year. In 2007, after input from the Teen Round Table, the library launched a teen web blog and the Library Foundation began an Adopt-A-Book program to help provide new materials to patrons. The program is still active today and more information can be found at the library or by calling 542-2416. The Library hosted an interactive mystery party in March and in April the library received a matching grant that allowed the library to reopen for limited hours on Saturdays. In 2008, the library began to offer portable Audiobooks called Playaways and also hosted a Quilting Day. The library’s website underwent another redesign making it more users friendly and the website allows patrons the ability to read books right in their email accounts. During the year, the Lied Public Library features many rotating educational displays, including a Youth Art Show displaying art created by Clarinda students, minerals and fossils, china painting by a local artist, decorated eggs from the Iowa Egg Council, book and author information, and much more. Our summer reading programs are packed with activities to keep young minds busy. Computer classes are offered free of charge throughout the year. In 2009, the library added a Nintendo Wii gaming system to its programing. The Library also received reaccreditation from the State Library of Iowa for another three years. The library hosted the Youth Art Show in March which had over 700 items on display. The Library also modified the handicapped parking making it very easy to access the library. The Library hosted the Fall Festival in October after the community ghost walk on the square and over 350 individuals came to the library to enjoy games and prizes, food was donated by the Clarinda (Lied) Public Library Foundation. The Library also started Wilbor [2]a program to provide downloadable audiobook access to its patrons. In 2010 the library installed a public display LCD screen at the front desk to help keep patrons informed of library events. The library created an Audio/Visual policy to allow those in the community access to its equipment. The library also received a grant to help update the computer games on the children's computers. The library also created a Facebook page [3]. The Clarinda (Lied) Public Library Foundation [4]raised funds to help replace items in the Classic Book section and for the Cathy Hookham Scholarship. Local residents Dave and Corrine Williams donated an art print signed by Kansas City artist Jim Hamil to the library. The Lied Public Library is a growing and thriving place in the community. Not only is the Lied Public Library building constructed in a beautiful and timeless design making it a showcase for Clarinda, the Lied Public Library, staff, Friends, and Board continually strive to maintain relevancy in the direction of services provided from the building. The Lied Public Library makes out town’s value and importance of literacy evident to both the residents of Clarinda and visitors alike. In Jan. of 2011 The Library received a $200 donation from the Bossingham Foundation for the Young Adult department. In February: The library added a 40” LCD TV and gaming cart thanks to a grant from Community Partnerships for Protecting Children and also held special gaming and pizza days on February 24th and 25th with over 140 people attending. The library began to offer public faxing. The book drop was closed for repairs. The library also updated the computer system that controls public access, time, and printing. Youth Services Librarian Marissa Gruber hosted a special community youth art show for school children in preschool to 4th grade. In April The Library Foundation began a fund raising campaign and the library hosted another two special pizza gaming days. The Foundation awarded two Cathy Hookham scholarships to local high school students. In July: The library continued the summer programs and even had a special visit from Iowa Public Television’s Dan Wardell. The library received 3 new children’s computers from the Clarinda Foundation and added two new databases, Tumblebooks and Novelist. The library ended the summer programs with a luncheon and, the musical talent of piano players, Jay Eickemeyer, Linda Krueger, Kendi Buesing and Sherrill Lisle. In August: The Friends of the Library had another book sale and Library Director Andrew Hoppmann visited the Stanton Care Center to talk about the library but also how libraries have changed over the years. Andrew also met with the Page County Board of Supervisors and presented them with a fiscal year annual report. The library also began to offer color printing from all public computers. Andrew also completed his Masters in Library and Information Sciences from the University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee. In September: Local restaurant Runza hosted a special event, “Great Books Great Kids,” in which they donated 15% of all sales on September 27th to the library. Youth Services staff Marissa Gruber and Karol Dudley visited Clarinda High School English classes and began a special monthly program with the Clarinda Lutheran School. This new program allows students to visit the library once a month to learn about the library and have a chance to checkout material. The library also became a virtual access point for Iowa Workforce Development after the closing of our local office. In October: Over 200 people attended the annual Fall Festival held at the library, the Fall Festival gives children and families the chance to play games, win prizes, and make crafts after the Ghost Walk on the square. The library began supporting the Amazon Kindle for eBooks. The Hockenberry Foundation awarded the library $3,200 for the Young Adult department. Library staff also attended the Iowa Library Association’s annual conference held in Council Bluffs to learn about new services and trends. In November: The library had a table at the annual Holiday Showcase and the Friends of the Library donated a Kindle as a prize. The library presented a special program on Radio Controlled Planes that had over 90 people in attendance. Library Director Andrew was re-certified by the state at the highest level possible. Residents of Clarinda voted and passed a library levy by nearly 70% providing additional funds. In December: The Friends of the Library donated a new dishwasher to the library to help clean the children’s toys and games. Repairs were made to the chairs in the computer lab and the library hosted a special Planning for Retirement program.

In 2013 the library greatly expanded the number of online services. The library launched a new website that gets over 2,200 hits per month. The library also added many databases; Zinio for eMagazines; Freegal for downloadable music; Chilton's Automotive Repair; PowerSpeak Languages; and Price-It Antiques and Collectibles. Some of the highlights from 2013 included: allowing text messages about library materials; offering LearningExpress Online; starting and iPad Club that meets monthly and loaning 2 LeapFrog LeapPads for in the library use. Library Director Andrew Hoppmann was selected to be a mentor for the State of Iowa I-Lead a nation wide program. Youth Services Librarian Marissa Gruber was selected as the 2013 Employee of the Year for Clarinda, Iowa. In April the library hosted a teen mystery program which had 35 teens in attendance. IPTV superstar Dan Wardell came to the library in July to kick off the summer reading program. The Lego Club which started in 2012 was still a popular program in 2013. The library also received a grant for a telescope and ipads as well as AWE children's learning computers.

2014 Highlights included • Digitize Your History Lab created with a grant from Page County Community Foundation allows patrons to convert Analog media to digital, such as VHS to DVD. • The Library Foundation paid for many databases, including Indieflix • The library participated in the Edge Initiative a state-wide program to ensure people can improve their lives through technology • Library launched FAST Reads; a program that made new high-demand titles more readily available. • October marked 10 years in the ‘new’ building • The Library Foundation received the Donald Schwartzhoff estate • The library installed a water bottle filling station • Clarinda Foundation awarded a grant to install a ceiling-mounted project in the multipurpose room. • The carpet in the multipurpose room was replaced • The library started hosting an iPad Club once a month • The library started collaborating with other Southwest Iowa libraries to expand the Zinio magazine service.

2015 Highlights • The library added a Lego Mindstorm Robotics Kit and started hosting robotic programs with Funds from the Bossingham Foundation • Using $2200 from the Hockenberry Foundation updates were made to the Teen/YA area of the library. • The library hosted a teacher in-service at the high school meeting with teachers and staff while talking about the services the library offers. • The Page County Community Foundation provided a grant for the library to install its first self-checkout kiosk and provide teleconference technology in the large meeting room. • The library installed black-out curtains in the multipurpose room.

2016 Highlights • Page County Community Foundation awarded a grant for a 3-D Printer and Scanner. • Charging stations were installed in the library. • The library started a satellite library at the Lied Center in Clarinda. • The library updated all lighting to LED inside the building.

2017 Highlights • Library Outdoor Pavilion completed with funding from Clarinda Foundation, Library Foundation, and Donald Schwartzhoff estate. Opening event held with Glenn Miller Museum. • Library installed fiber internet connection with FMTC and using eRate funds. • The library began offering Digital Access Cards. • The library installed security cameras.

2018 Highlights • The library started a circulating board game collection as part of a Library of Things. • The library started offering Hoopla eBooks and Unbound for its card catalog. • The Library was awarded the STEM in Action grant from the state of Iowa. • The library added a Virtual Reality setup for the library and started offering programs and even taking it to area nursing homes. • The library added an AED to the building • The library installed its first eGaming and Media computers for the public to use. • The library began offering Homebound Delivery of library services.

2019 Highlights • The library along with other Page County libraries worked to come to an understanding to continue to provide library service to all residents of Page County Iowa. • The library began offering the service Wowbrary which automatically provides weekly email updates to our library patrons about need items added to our collection. • The library updated its Long Range Plan and mission. • The library updated its phone system. • The library added laptops to be used inside the library. • The library was awarded a grant from the Clarinda Foundation to provide STEM kits for the children’s area of the library. • The Library and Library Foundation updated their logo. • The library began loaning memory kits. • The library started using the city’s credit card system Interactive Iowa allowing the library to accept credit card payments. • The library started a Bite-Sized Professional Book Club • The library joined other libraries across the state in IAShares a statewide library courier. • The library partnered with the Lied Center to offer Learn to Play Pickleball classes

2020 Highlights • Many areas of the library were repainted • The library began offering Niche Academy • The library partnered with other Clarinda organizations for Wellmark’s Healthy Hometown program • In March the library closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic and reopened in June. While closed the library offered online and curbside service. The library also expanded eBooks and other digital collections. • Alliant Energy Award a grant to the library for our Library of Things Collections. • The library was awarded a grant from the State Library of Iowa for COVID-related needs • Funds were awarded from the Clarinda Foundation, and Library Foundation to install a Storywalk around the walking trail at the city park • The Friends of the Library started operating an ongoing book sale in the library. • 2 Free Little Libraries were installed with funds from Bank Iowa and the libraries were built by local resident Mike Kurtz. • The library began loaning Wireless Hotspots to members of the community with support from State Farm and the Clarinda Public Library Foundation • A handrail was installed on the north side stairs near the outdoor pavilion. • The library launched the 1000 Books Before Kindergarten program • The library added Scholastic Teachables

2021 Highlights • A patron donated two additional hotspots with 1-year of service to the library. • The library started offering a Create crafting program at the library • A grant was received from DECAT to provide STEM kids and books for children over the summer in partnership with the Summer Lunch Program • The library launched a Spice Club / Culinary Club • Carpet throughout the main library, excluding the multipurpose room was replaced. • The State Library of Iowa held training at the library. • A $3000 ALA Libraries Transforming Communities grant was awarded that allowed the library to look at aging in our community. • The Clarinda Public Library Foundation set up invested accounts with the Clarinda Foundation and Farm Bureau Financial Services

2022 Highlights • An office supply station was installed near the public copy machine • A seed library was started • A crafting cart was placed for all ages to use • The library added a Glowforge Laser cutting to the library • The library received a gift from the Wanda Garcia estate • Hosted a jigsaw content • Adulting 101 saw all high school seniors come to the library for the day to learn about various adulting skills • The Clarinda Public Library Foundation added a PLAY Touch interactive table to the library • The library started loaning a family pass to the Lied Center • The long-range plan was revised • New meeting room and event registration software was added to the library’s website • Mah Jongg friends and card club were started at the library • Clarinda Public Library Foundation partnered with the Clarinda Foundation for Giving Tuesday

2023 Highlights • The library began to offer Libby extras, additional databases available to Libby eBook users • The library landscaping was completely updated and a bike repair station and rack were added with funds from the Clarinda Public Library Foundation and Page County Community Foundation. • Using Emergency Connectivity Funds wireless internet was installed at City Park and a pocket park on the square. • League of Human Dignity started holding open office hours at the library. • The Community Visioning process was started with other organizations in the community and will be used to develop the next long-range plan for the library. • The library went fine free! • Library staff started involvement in the schools' Teammates mentoring program. • A photo printing kiosk was added to the library to allow the printing of photos for a fee.

Thanks to Connie Burton, Elaine Butler, Carolyn Scherf, Cathy Hookham’s paper, Linda Warrick, and the others who helped with this history project.

Past Librarians

  • Andrew Hoppmann (Jan. 2008-Present)
  • Marissa Gruber, interm (Jul. 2007-Jan. 2008)
  • Sarah Willeford (2001-2007)
  • Joyce Clark, interm (2001)
  • Gretchen Sump (1990-2001)
  • Joyce Clark, interm (1990)
  • Cathy Hookham (1981-1990)
  • Jean Mattes (1968-1981)
  • Aris White (1961-1968)
  • Vera Payton (1959-1961)
  • Anna Driftmier (1937-1959)
  • Harriet Foster (1918-1937)
  • Irene Burwell (1917)
  • Maida Baker (1916)
  • Eileen Duggan (1915)
  • Golda Long, interm (1913)
  • Elsa Greef (1912)
  • Cornelia Plaister (1912)
  • Ruth Knolton (1911)
  • Mary Milen, interm (1911)
  • Gertude Blair, interm (1911)
  • Clara B. Willis (1905-1911)

Past Board Members

Date listed is year they were appointed to the Board

  • Rev. Fletcher Homan, 1905
  • F.V. Hensleigh, 1905
  • John N. Miller, 1905
  • L.W. Lewis, 1905
  • Rev. J.H. Maclean, 1905
  • Rev. M.W.T. Fisher, 1905
  • Mrs. O.H. Park, 1905
  • Mrs. T.E. Powers, 1905
  • Mrs. A.B. Loranz, 1905
  • Mary Berry, 1905
  • Fred Tornlinson, 1905
  • William Orr, 1907
  • Ed Lane, 1909
  • Jeanette Painter, 1910
  • A.F. Galloway, 1910
  • H.H. Scott, 1910
  • E.B. Wescott, 1910
  • Mrs. T.E. Clark, 1918
  • David Tharp, 1918
  • O.O. Donhowie, 1918
  • Anna Driftmier, 1926
  • Mrs. A.A. Berry, 1926
  • Roscoe Applegate, 1926
  • Lyle Cassat, 1926
  • William Stipe, 1926
  • Mable Searl, 1926
  • C.B. Eller, 1926
  • Mr. Faason, 1926
  • I.H. Taggart, 1926
  • Mr. Whittaker, 1926
  • Mr. Musgrove, 1933
  • Fred Fisher, 1933
  • Mrs. Rarl Peters, 1933
  • Clinton Turner, 1944
  • Paul Harris, 1943
  • Mr. Milhone , 1944
  • Mrs. Reed Arthur, 1944
  • Mrs. Floyd Ruby, 1944
  • Marjorie Shum, 1944
  • Vera Payton, 1947
  • Leslie McCalla, 1947
  • Lewis Wells, 1947
  • Mrs. Irvin Spunaugle , 1951
  • Mrs. Harold Davidson, 1953
  • Mrs. M.O. Greiman, 1953
  • Mrs. Don Drake,1954
  • Crystal Anna, 1955
  • Ray Van Fossen, 1955
  • Mrs. Paul Negley, 1955
  • Mr. Krause, 1959
  • Dr. Sperry, 1959
  • Mrs. R.J. Swanson, 1959
  • Mrs. Darney, 1959
  • Vern Lewis, 1959
  • Mrs. Drake, 1959
  • Mrs. Joe Tunnicliff, 1960
  • Mrs. Harry Saloman, 1961
  • Mrs. Ira McKinley, 1961
  • Mrs. Harry Carney, 1962
  • George Segrist, 1963
  • James Montgomery, 1963
  • Jack Gell, 1964
  • Evelyn Hunter, 1966
  • James Erwin, 1966
  • Harold McKinley, 1968
  • Mrs. Katherine Almes, 1975
  • Florence Brown, 1975
  • Dorothy Miller, 1975
  • Marvin Negley, 1975
  • Lorance Swanson, 1975
  • Ann Koziell, 1976
  • Mrs. Cam Hurley, 1976
  • Sanford Turner, 1977
  • Jane Haeg, 1978
  • Lucille Lawrence, 1978
  • Merrill Dryden, 1978
  • Helen Furst, 1978
  • Elizabeth Woolson, 1978
  • Elaine Butler, 1980
  • Mary Jo Kaserman, 1982
  • Maxine Loudon, 1983
  • Russell Price, 1983
  • Bob Tunnicliff, 1983
  • David Loving, 1985
  • Kathy Polsey, 1985
  • Pierce Tenhulzen, 1986
  • Kathy Polsley, 1986
  • Ken Cassat, 1986
  • Katherine Thompson, 1987
  • Suzette Eaves, 1987
  • Wanda Garcia, 1988
  • Rich Wiese, 1988
  • Marsha McKinley, 1989
  • Bob Watkins, 1990
  • Sherrill Williamson, 1991
  • Dorothy Horton, 1994
  • Diane Dakin, 1995
  • Dan Runyon, 1995
  • Rich Wiese, 1995
  • Raymond James, 1997
  • Janet Olenius, 1997
  • Bill Shelton, 1997
  • Seth Grafft, 1997
  • Ann Ruple, 1998
  • Doug Lederer, 1999
  • Dana Wellhausen, 1999
  • Dena Vittorio, 1999
  • Roberta Kokenge, 2002
  • Ruth Falk, 2005
  • Ann Magneson, 2005
  • Alan Timpson, 2006
  • Bob Briggs, 2006
  • Steve Guthrie, 2007
  • Connie Burton, 2007
  • Leon Regehr, 2007
  • Terry Burns, 2007
  • Paul Jones, 2007
  • Evelyn Rank, 2008
  • Phil Tornholm, 2008
  • Jeremy Peterson, 2008
  • Nicole Brown, 2009
  • Pam Herzberg, 2010
  • Tasha Cole, 2013
  • Allie Wellhausen, 2013
  • Beth Rarick, 2015
  • Alan Ascherl, 2019
  • Joy Nordyke, 2019
  • Ed Geeding, 2020
  • Tara Keller, 2020
  • Marcy Crain, 2021
  • Jim Varley, 2021
  • Bill Richardson, 2023

Past Library Employees

  • Hazel Green
  • Amelia Driftmier
  • Mary Rains
  • Mary Milen
  • Era Collins
  • Hazel Hurlbut
  • Loraine Sherman
  • Golda Long
  • Eileen Duggan
  • Jane Harper
  • Rose Ferris
  • Mrs. Deforest Brown
  • Mrs. Lester Milligan
  • Mrs. J.D. Wayt
  • Irene Burwell
  • Nyra Klies
  • Ina Pierce
  • Mabel Pruitt
  • Martha Hensleigh
  • Mary Brownlee
  • Valley Henshaw
  • Helen Dinwiddle
  • Maude McIntyre
  • Helen Shelton
  • Mary Sturgeon
  • Mrs. Henry Traxler
  • Florence Campbell
  • Nina Martin
  • Evelyn Matthews
  • Agnes Amy Stipe
  • Anne Johnson
  • Mary Thutt
  • Martha Fullmer
  • Marie Pruitt
  • Frances Duncan
  • Marjorie Shum
  • Mary Sperry
  • Edith Sperry
  • Anna Driftmier
  • Maxine Rogers
  • Mary Peterman
  • Vera Payton
  • Marian Grieve
  • Eloise Freeland
  • Mrs. Orville Bradrich
  • Mrs. Floyd Ruby
  • Ada Pullen
  • Dorothy Cassat
  • Delila Greiman
  • Laura Edmonds
  • Catherine Diehl
  • Franceta Bailey
  • Ruth Buesing
  • Ruth Herron
  • Mrs. Irvin Spunaugle
  • Greta Craig
  • Ruth Whitehill
  • Mr. Carroll Couthit
  • Miss. Gunnett
  • Arda Bradrick
  • Sue Perry
  • Vida Elmore
  • Gloria Crawford
  • Donna Hoskins
  • Rosalie Burright
  • Robert Copeland
  • Maxine Rogers
  • Linda Dunshee
  • Judy White
  • Judith Miller
  • Phyllis Wise
  • Jacqueline Larson
  • Jean Mattes
  • Carole Horn
  • Linda Lorensen
  • Marilyn Tomlinson
  • Harriet Davidson
  • Genevieve Schenck
  • Jean Bordner
  • Linda Duffield
  • Lori Herzberg
  • Joyce Clark
  • Lori Herzberg
  • Linda Pierce
  • Lois Simpson
  • Gary Webb
  • Glenda Davis-Driggs
  • Lynn Whitmore
  • Marcia Crain
  • Jane Casteel
  • Elaine Butler
  • Mary Brumett
  • April Heslinga
  • Nadine Buch
  • Carol Bellairs
  • Coreen Reed
  • Heidi Ridnour
  • Kaite Bailey
  • Betsy Lehnkuhl
  • Jennie Horton
  • Marissa Gruber
  • Christy Moore
  • Josh Falk
  • Linda Warrick
  • Sarah Falk
  • Paul Brothers
  • Samantha Sics
  • Lindsey Poore
  • Karol Dudley
  • Hannah Falk
  • Leah Barr
  • Brittany McClarnon
  • Maddy Davidson
  • Dallas Latham
  • Rachel Dudley
  • Joni Hickman
  • Emily Wagoner
  • Anna Chambers
  • Jennifer Sics
  • Lauren Tunnicliff
  • Aya Hamanaka
  • Madeline Sics
  • Jayne Davidson
  • Suzi Stanton
  • Karen Brandt
  • Dara Brandt
  • Madalyn Fulk
  • Katie Hazelwood
  • Chloe Verwers
  • Justin Brandt
  • Asa Verwers
  • Ava Fulk
  • Bobbi Whitehill
  • Naomi Sharr
  • Amy McCalla
  • Angie Degase

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Memories: 1
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I enjoyed reading the history of the Clarinda libraries. I remember my excitement as I walked down the stairs to the children's section of the old library in the late 1950's and early 1960's. It was the high point of our weekend when we could come check out books. Libraries are gifts to children and adults. I read with interest Andrew's article about funding. Thank you for everything you do for the library. -Carlene Buck
posted 10 Apr 2009 by Andrew Hoppmann
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