Location: Delmarva region - 4 generations

Surname/tag: Cator, O'Toole, Ridgeway, Stephenson
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1790 CENSUS - WILLIAM CATOR The earliest Cator in a Maryland Census is WILLIAM CATOR in the year 1790 for Maryland (page 93). He is listed as the Head of the family with 3 free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of family and 4 free white males under 16 years. There are 3 free white females listed, and 1 other free person, for a total of 11 persons in the family. In 1820 the Queen Anne district covered all of the east central part of Prince George's County, including the then active port town of Queen Anne, and the present town of Bowie. William Cator was born in 1750 in Maryland but has not yet been linked to our Cators.
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Civil War Draft info on Thomas Cator |
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Marriage of Thomas and Elizabeth Lusby Cator. |
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Birth of Great Great Granddaddy THOMAS CATOR (perhaps George Thomas Cator) was born April 1836 in MD and lived till he was 75 years old (2/13/1912) when he died in DC. He filled those years with lots of people and events. His wife, our Great Great Grammy was a woman named SARAH ELIZABETH LUSBY. It is assumed that Thomas and Sarah were members or visitors to the St. Barnabas Episcopal Church in Temple Hills, MD as this family was and is largely Episcopalian over the generations and because he and Sarah have their graves located at St. Barnabas Episcopal Church.
Great Great Grandmother Sarah Elizabeth Lusby who was born in 1843 married Thomas but only lived to be 48 as she died on Monday, October 5 1891 in PGC, MD, 21 years before Thomas would eventually die in 1912. To put the span of their lives in some perspective, Thomas died the year the Titanic sank, our President was Woodrow Wilson, and our 47th and 48th states were named as New Mexico and Arizona and WWI was around the corner. Sarah's death occurring two decades earlier is marked by events such as minstrel music popularity, Carnegie Hall opened in New York, and Edison got his patent for the radio! Both endured the Civil War years.
NOTE: In June/July of 1863, Thomas was registered in the US (DC) Civil War Draft Registrations Records. Our Great Granddaddy Charles Conrad Cator Sr was but an infant when this occurred.
- FAMILY MEMORIES Family tradition has been passed down that during the Civil War Thomas was a fort builder for the Union Army. In non-military life, he was indeed a carpenter.
Four known children of Thomas and Sarah are:
- Son James William or William James Cator, our Great Uncle, who was born Feb. 1862 in Maryland. During the time of the 1870 census he was a 9-year old student. He died October 19, 1930. William married 1) Mary Margaret Liston and they had Uncle Willie or William Charles Cator, Uncle James Cator, and Aunt Marie (Margaret Marie) Cator; and then William (36/widowed) married 2) Charity Clifton (24) and they had Edward and Mary Myrtle Cator. Edward married Ruth Wood.
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Wm and Charity Clifton Cator. |
- The middle child and second son was Charles Conrad Cator Sr, our Great Grandfather. Charles was born in May 1863 in Washington DC, just 15 months after James William was born. Living next door to the Cators in1870 is Frederick Conradt a 44-year old farmer who was born in Wurstenburg, his wife Mary and their two kids. Is it possible that Charles CONRAD Cator's middle name is in some honor to the Conradt family? Charles Conrad Cator Sr. is their last birth child.
- Their daughter Mary Ella Cator, b. abt 1866 was just age 3 in 1870. She is listed as an adopted daughter, but we do not know her birth name, unless it was Cator or Lusby by a different line in the Cator family.
- Their daughter Emma Florence Ball (Cator) is listed in the household in 1880 as being 6 years old and a niece born about 1874 in MD to MD-born parents. Interestingly, their farmhand is John Thomas Ridgeway, a surname that is long mixed with the Cator family. Emma would grow up to marry Oliver Suit on Oct 3, 1895 in Suitland, MD with whom she had two children, Elsie and Albert Suit. Then in 1911 she married Mark Bullis, but they divorced 5 years later. Then she married. Glenn Thomas, a widower with three children, in 1924 in DC. When she was buried at St. Barnabas, her last name was Thomas still. Her grave is located at Section 1, Range 5, Site 28
In 1870 (July 10th) Census, Thomas and Sarah Elizabeth and their three children, James, Charles C., and Mary E. were living in Forestville, MD. Per the Census, we learn that Sarah could read, but was not able to write. Interesting.
1878 NOTE: Great Great Granddaddy THOMAS CATOR lived in Suitland. Although I do not know how much land he owned, in 1901 he sold 5 1/2 acres with a log house to the Jenkins family. This map lists location of Thomas Cator property & a George Cator near the Masters property. https://jscholarship.library.jhu.edu/bitstream/handle/1774.2/33000/p.%2052%20Spaldings%20Dist.jpg?sequence=32
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Properties of Thomas Cator |
By the time of the next census in 1880 Charles Conrad Cator Sr, our Great Grandfather. is no longer living at home with his parents, having struck out on his own! Mary Ella and Emma Florence are living in the household along with our 18 year old Great Uncle James William Cator. pauldings, Prince Georges, Maryland T9-0513:
- Thomas CATOR Self M Male W 46 [1834] MD Farmer MD MD
- Sarah E. CATOR Wife M Female W 34 [1846] MD Keeping House MD MD
- William CATOR (James W. Cator) Son S Male W 18 [1862] MD MD MD
- Mary Ella CATOR Adopted Daughter S Female W 14 [ 1866] MD MD MD
- Emma Florence CATOR Niece S Female W 6 [1874] MD MD MD
- John Thomas RIDGEWAY Other S Male W 32 [1848] MD Farm Hand MD MD
1891: Great Great Grandmother Sarah Elizabeth Cator, wife of Thomas Cator, died Oct. 5th 1891 at just 48. Sarah E. is buried at St. Barnabas Cemetery in MD, Sec 1, Rge 5.
1900 Census: In early June of the 1900 Census Thomas is widowed and lived in Spauldings, PGC. Thomas is listed as the "father-in-law", born April 1836 and lives with his daughter, Emma Florence Ball Cator (niece that he and Sarah raised as their own). Emma is now married to Oliver Suit (Head of Household). Oliver is 34, born in March 1866. Emma is 24, born April 1876. Oliver and Emma have been married for 4 years and have one daughter who is listed as Elsie Suit b. Jan 1899 (1 yr old). All members of this Census listing were born in MD, to parents b. MD. Oliver & Thomas are farmers. Emma and Oliver will eventually also have a son named Albert Suit.
On February 10, 1912, Great Great Granddaddy Thomas Cator died. He is also buried at St. Barnabas Church Cemetery in Temple Hills, MD. Originally I thought he had died on Feb. 13, but that was when he was buried. He died at our Great Granddaddy Charles's home at 713 G Street, SE in DC. This date of death was also the birthday of his grandson, Charles Conrad Cator, Jr. who lived there with his dad, Charles Conrad Cator Sr and step-mom Rachel Lurania Clifton Cator. This was a saddened birthday. [1]
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Thomas Cator Obituary. |
These are other Cators who are buried at St. Barnabas. You will notice that Charles Conrad, Sarah F. Stephenson Cator (Mrs. Charles Cator), a child of Sarah F and Charles Cator, Sarah E. Cator and Thomas Cator are all buried in Section 1 Range 5. Also there are Albert Suit, Fannie Cator (Mrs. Charles Cator?) Emma Suit Thomas. Albert Suit is the son of Emma Florence Ball Cator (niece of Thomas and Sarah Cator). Fannie Cator/Mrs. Charles Cator is unknown. The following are records of St. Barnabas Church Cemetery courtesy of Stan Jett of findagrave.com. Thanks Stan!
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Just to make life fun, Great Granddaddy Charles Conrad Cator Sr married a Sarah also. His mom was a Sarah E.; his wife was Sarah F. Stephenson. Charles was born May 1863 and lived to be 80! He died in July 1943 in Washington DC. Great Grandmother Sarah F. Cator was born 1871 and died far earlier than Charles Sr. Sarah F. died young at just 27 years old. Sarah is buried at St. Barnabas also, as is Charles Sr. many years later and his second wife, Rachel Lurania Cator. Charles is buried with Sarah. Rachel Lurania Cator is buried separately.
Children of Great Grandparents Charles Conrad Cator Sr. and Sarah F. Stephenson Cator are:
- Son Age 5 months Cator was born in 1891. He died on 25 Apr 1892. It should be noted that there was at least one other baby buried with Sarah F. and Charles. This may be a baby born to Sarah when she was 27 and died, likely during childbirth. The grave states 'and children.'
- Mabel E. Cator was born in May 21 1893 in DC. She died in August 1984 in Whitestone, VA. Mabel married Ralph Mason Drummond. Mabel is buried at Saint Barnabas Church Cemetery in PGC, MD. Ralph and Mabel were the parents of Inez Drummond who was 19 years old in 1940. According to the 1940 Census, her dad, Charles Conrad Cator Sr. was living with Mabel and Ralph and Inez. At that time Charles was 77 and widowed. Charles and Mabel did not work. Ralph was a foreman for the fire department and Inez was a telephone operator for an office building. Great Granddaddy Charles died three years later. They lived at 11th St. SE in DC. Ralph Drummond is also buried at St. Barnabas. Ralph was a Sgt. U.S. Army WWI. Ralph died in Lake Worth FL in 1973.
- Our Granddaddy, Charles Conrad (Buck) (Charlie) Cator Jr. was born in 1895 in Silver Hill, Md. He married Ruth Alice Ridgeway 8 Mar 1914. He died on 17 Jan 1987 in Colonial Beach, VA. See about their crazy elopement and the mean and frustrated step mother Lurania at http://snippetbiographies.blogspot.com/2012/12/charlie-cator-runs-away-twice.html
1891 Washington DC City Directory: Charles Conrad Cator Sr, 911 11th Southeast, DC; Occupation: Driver. Today this address is a nursery, Ginko Gardens
1898: Great Grandmother Sarah Stephenson Cator died.
2nd MARRIAGE: Charles Sr. married Lurania Clifton. No children from this union.
1900: DC Wash. City 10 Dist Census: June 6, 1900 Residence: 330 Polk Street NE (same street that William and Charity Cator are living on in 1900). Series: T623 Roll: 158 Page: 223 Charles Conrad Cator, Jr is our paternal direct line. Charles Cator Sr., Head, b. May 1863, age 37, b. MD to MD parents; m. 2 yrs to 2nd wife
- Lurania Cator, b. April 1876, age 24.
- Mabel Cator, Dau. of SARAH F. CATOR, b. May 1893 DC. Age 7, MD-born parents.
- Charles Conrad Cator, Jr, Son of SARAH F., b. Feb "1896" (instead of 1895), age 4.
- Joseph Clifton, Nephew-in-Law, b. Aug 1876 (age 23) works as a milk driver.
- Charles Conrad Cator Sr, working in 1900 at the Navy Yard.
1900: DC Wash. City 10 Dist Census: June 4, 1900 Ridgeway. Series: T623 Roll: 158 Page: 219. Ruth Alice Ridgeway is our maternal direct line. Grandmother Ruth resides on 28 Grant Street in DC (Now Grant Circle). Ida (Willett) is the stepdaughter of Philip Martin and his wife Laura. Ida married Henry Ridgeway and she and her husband of 5 years lived with Philip and Laura at 28 Grant Street in DC in 1900. Ida and Henry had three daughters at that time - Ruth born March 1896, Elvie Ridgeway born March 1898, and infant Marion born Dec 1899. Philip Martin and Henry Ridgeway both worked as day laborers.
- Note that Laura Willet married Philip Martin after the 1880 Census (she married Philip about 1882). In the 1880 Census for Middleton, Charles County, Maryland, FHL Film 1254508, NA Film T9-0508, Laura is the Head of Household (her husband Philip Willett must be deceased or they are divorced).
- Laura WILLET Self W Female W 25 MD MD MD
- Wm. A. WILLET Son S Male W 6 MD MD MD
- Ida F. WILLET Dau S Female W 4 MD MD MD
- Walter H. COOMS Cousin S Male W 20 MD MD MD
- Note that Laura Willet married Philip Martin after the 1880 Census (she married Philip about 1882). In the 1880 Census for Middleton, Charles County, Maryland, FHL Film 1254508, NA Film T9-0508, Laura is the Head of Household (her husband Philip Willett must be deceased or they are divorced).
It is interesting to note in an article in the Washington Post on August 12, 1895, that Laura Willet Martin's son, William A. Willett, Ida's older brother, evidently detested his step-father for whatever reason and was violent toward him.
1910 Census ED 93, Washington, DC, T624, 151, Part 3, Page 175A; 713 G Street, DC Charles Conrad Cator, Jr is our paternal direct line. Charles and Lurania Cator (not Cater) lived at 713 G Street, DC with their son, Charles C. Cator, Jr., and daughter, Mabel E. Cator. Charlie Jr. was 14 and his sister Mabel was about two years older (16). Both single. Also living in the house is "boarder" Thomas Cater (Cator) age 75. This is Charles Conrad Cator Sr's father! Charles Jr. is listed as being born in Washington DC (instead of Maryland). His parents (Charles Sr. and Lurania, stepmother) were born in Maryland, as was his sister Mabel and grandfather Thomas. Note: Lurania was a Clifton born in Kentucky. Charles Sr. was listed as a "furnaceman" for the Navy Yard in DC. Thomas listed as having his own income.
August 8, 1915 Washington Post: Charles Conrad Cator Sr. bought a Baby Grand Chevrolet touring car:
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Automobile World in DC |
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Cator purchases car |
This is a Baby Grand Chevrolet Touring Car-1915 model
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Ex. of Baby Grand Chevy. |
- Family Memory: Charlie Jr would go drinking with his father, Charles Sr. and would drive them home with Charles Sr saying "Watch it!" at every intersection. At one such intersection, someone hit their vehicle and Charles Sr said to his son, "G__ D__ It! I told you to Watch it!
1920: DC Wash. County 229 Dist Census: Series T625, Roll 208 Page 71: Charles Conrad Cator Sr Age 56, Male, Race: White, Born: DC Charles Sr., in 1920 was working on heaters at the Navy Yard. Ralph, his son-in-law was a baker, and James, his nephew was dairy salesman (route?). Charles and James were both born in DC to parents who were born in MD. Residence: 624 Sixth.
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DESCENDANTS OF Charles Conrad Cator, Jr and 1) Ruth Ridgeway 2) Florence O'Toole; 1900s-1970s Granddaddy Charles Conrad Cator, Jr. was born 1895 in Silver Hill, Md., and died 1987 in Va. He is buried at Cedar Hill Cemetery in Suitland, MD.
He married:
- (1) Ruth Alice Ridgeway before 1915, dau. of Henry Ridgeway & Ida Willett (Martin). Ruth was born March 1896.
- (2) FLORENCE BEATRICE O'TOOLE b. May 27, 1899, daughter of Patrick O'Toole and Cora Robinson.
For the very interesting story of how Charles Conrad Cator, Jr and bride Ruth Ridgeway finally eloped, against the odds. See http://snippetbiographies.blogspot.com/2012/12/charlie-cator-runs-away-twice.html
Children of our Grandparents Charles Cator and Ruth Ridgeway are:
- 1915: Bernice Lucille Cator, b. 1915, Washington, D.C.; d. 1992, Winter Park, Fl.
- 1917 January 10th: Washington Post, Under Births Reported a girl born Ruth and Charlie. This"girl" is their 2nd daughter, Evelyn Estelle Cator
- 24 Jan 1918: Ruth Alice and Buck (Charles Jr) have their third child, MARY ALICE CATOR, born in DC. Alice is Ruth's middle name also.
1920 CENSUS: DC Wash. County 113 Dist Census: Series T625, Roll 207 Page 232: Charles C. Cator, age 23, born in DC. He and his wife Ruth Alice Ridgeway Cator (23) lived at 905 Ninth Street in DC with their daughters [[Cator-87}Bernice Lucille Cator]], Evelyn E., and Mary A. Cator. Boarding with them were Russell DeYankin(?) and George D. Fowler. Ruth worked as a cashier at the movie theater and Charlie worked as a Dispatcher for the Railroad.
Note: Charlie and Ruth divorced and ultimately Ruth married lodger, George D. Fowler. Charlie remarried also, to Florence B. O'Toole.
1930 DC Census: 916 G Street: Series T626_295; Page: 4B; Enumeration District: 129; Image: 1063. Charles is an electrician; no other members of the family worked. Interesting that Florence B. O'Toole Cator lists her parents as merely born in the United States. Florence is the mother of Jessamine Cator or Jerri, and Florence and Charlie are the mother and father of Dorothy Cator and Cora Lee Cator.
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[[Cator-87}Bernice Lucille Cator]] and1) Charles Thomas Hill 2) John Joseph Gately, Jr. 1900s-1970s
[[Cator-87}Bernice Lucille Cator]] b. June 12, 1915 in Washington, D.C.; died June 11, 1992 in Winter Springs, FL.
- Married (1) CHARLES THOMAS HILL, SR. before 1936, son of Thomas Domick Hill and Anna Greenfield.
- Married (2) JOHN JOSEPH GATELY, JR. 1943 in Washington, D.C., son of John Gately and Florence Harvey.
TIMELINE: April 1836: Our Great Great Grandfather THOMAS CATOR b. MD to MD-born parents.
1843: Our Great Great Grandmother SARAH Elizabeth Lusby born in Maryland 7 years later.
Early 1860s: Sarah Elizabeth Lusby and Thomas became Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cator.
Feb 1862: Our Great Great Uncle. son of Thomas and Sarah Elizabeth, JAMES WILLIAM CATOR born in Maryland.
May 1863: Our Great Grandfather Charles Conrad Cator Sr., was born in DC. His birth was during the Civil War.
1870 Jul 10: Forestville, Spauldings District, Prince Georges County, MD Census: Thomas, a farmer, and his family (Sarah Elizabeth, James W., Charles C. & Mary E.) were living in Forestville. The 1870 Census indicates that Sarah E. is unable to write, but can read. Their oldest son, James W. Cator, is 9. Charles is 7.
1871: Our Great Grandmother Sarah F. Stephenson was born in 1871 in Maryland.
1876: Thomas and Sarah Elizabeth lived in Suitland (home shown in History of Suitland Maryland) near the present day Cedar Hill Cemetery. Book mentions Thomas sold 5 1/2 acres to an unrelated family.
1880 Jun 18: Thomas and Sarah Elizabeth Cator are together in Prince George's County, but their son Charles Conrad Cator Sr., is no longer living at the home (he is now age 19 approximately). James W. Cator is "William Cator" who is now 18. Note: I did a duration calculation using July 10, 1870 Census and February 10, 1862 for birthdate for James W. Cator and got 8 years 5 months. Then I did the calculation for 10 years later, June 18, 1880 and February 10, 1862 for birthdate of "William Cator" and got 18 years 4 months and 8 days. Conclusion: James W. and William Cator are in fact the same person, James William Cator!
4 Dec. 1890: Sarah F. Stephenson married Charles Conrad Cator Sr. on 4 Dec 1890 in District of Columbia. She would have been about 19 years old. And he would have been about 27.
1891: Charles and Sarah F. had a baby boy who lived 5 months. He died 25 Apr 1892. He is buried with his mother, and now father. Next known child is Mabel. In the Washington DC City Director, Charles Conrad Cator Sr and Sarah are living at 911 11th SE, DC. He is a driver.Infant son of Charles and Sarah buried at St. Barnabas Church Cemetery; buried 4/25/1992 at age 5 months. No marker. Born 1891; died April 1892. [2]
1891 Oct 5: Our Great Great Grandmother SARAH Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Cator died.
May 1893: Daughter, Mabel Estelle Cator, was born in DC. She would live until 1984 when she died in Whitestone VA at the age of 90. Next known child is Charles Conrad Cator, Jr.
07 Mar 1896: Ruth Alice Ridgeway born in MD. She is the daughter of Henry Ridgeway and Ida Willett (Martin). She will become Charlie's first wife.
1898: Sarah F. Stephenson Cator died in 1898 in Maryland. She was 27. They were married less than 10 years. The grave is marked "and children" (See photo above). St Barnabas Cemetery in MD, Section 1, Range 5. Within the same year, Charles Conrad Cator Sr. marries his second wife, Rachel Lurania Clifton (of KY). In the 1900 Census, Rachel Lurania and Charles are listed as married for 2 years.
1899 May 27: FLORENCE BEATRICE O'TOOLE is born; daughter of Patrick O'Toole and Cora Robinson. She will become Charlie JR.'s second wife.
- Family Memories: Her father, Patrick was a big man - very tall. He owned stables where George Washington Hospital now sits and had a farm in McLean, VA. Patrick would take his granddaughter Dorothy Cator for a treat but would not give her the money to buy it herself. He always did this. He liked to eat black bananas!
1900 Jun 6: DC Wash. Dist. 10 Census shows Charles and Lurania as living at 330 Polk Street (same street that brother William and his wife Charity Cator are living on). [3]
1910: Thomas Cator, husband of Sarah Elizabeth is now "75" and is widowed. He is listed as a "boarder with his own income" with Charles and Lurania Cator, who are living at 713 G Street, DC. . Seems strange that he is not listed as "Father," but as mean as Lurania is supposed to have been, she may have only thought of Thomas as a boarder. Proper spelling is Cator"... not Cater.
Census ED 93, Washington, DC, T624, 151, Part 3, Page 175A. Note: While living at 713 G Street, Charles Conrad Cator Sr., filed a Civil War Pension claim per the Index on Ancestry regarding his father Thomas Cator. Thomas Cator was drafted into the Civil War as a fort builder for the union army.
1912 Feb 13: Our Great Great Grandfather THOMAS CATOR died. He and Sarah Elizabeth are in neighboring graves located at St. Barnabas Episcopal Church, Temple Hills, MD.
About 1912: Around age 17, Buck or Charles Jr was working as a dispatcher for the railroad.
- Family Memories: Charlie Jr. was accidentally coupled between two train cars. The injuries were brutal and he spent a year in the hospital (Providence). Physical Therapy was unlike today - for example, to strengthen his arm a rock was placed in a bucket on his arm and as he progressed more rocks were placed in the bucket! He left the hospital with a plate in his head, his left arm shorter than his right arm, his left leg shorter than his right leg and he lived with pain all the rest of his life but rarely complained of it. Over his lifetime he would return to the dispatcher job which he held when married to Ruth; lit old gas street lights for the gas company; worked at Pepsi Cola (Pepsico) in DC as a bottle machine repairman and at one time was their only repairman for the city despite being color blind; he worked as appliance repairman for Naylor Gardens apartment complex during WW II when his injuries from the train accident prevented him from enlisting or being drafted; and he worked for the Potomac Electric Power Co. as a troubleshooter.
1914 March: Charlie and Ruth marry. Charles Cator loved Ruth Ridgeway very much throughout their marriage. She was remembered as being a fun person - lots of vitality and sparkle. See the story of their complex elopement here: http://snippetbiographies.blogspot.com/2012/12/charlie-cator-runs-away-twice.html
1915 Apr 23 James William Cator Washington Post article
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James Cator article |
1915 June 12: Ruth and Buck have their first child, [[Cator-87}Bernice Lucille Cator]], born in DC.
1917 Jan 5: Ruth and Buck have their second child, Evelyn Estelle Cator, born in DC.
24 Jan 1918 Ruth and Buck have their third child, MARY ALICE CATOR, born in DC. Alice Ruth's middle name also.
1920 DC Wash. County 113 Dist Census Series T625, Roll 207 Page 232: Charles Conrad Cator, Jr, age 23, born in DC. He and his wife Ruth Alice Ridgeway Cator (23) lived at 905 Ninth Street in DC with their daughters Bernice L., Evelyn E., and Mary A. Cator. Boarding with them were Russell DeYankin and George D. Fowler, a rigger. Ruth worked as a cashier at the movie theater and Charlie worked as a dispatcher for the railroad.
Note: In a couple of years from this Census, Charlie and Ruth will divorce and Ruth will later marry George D. Fowler. Charlie will marry Florence B. O'Toole.
1920 DC Wash. County 229 Dist Census Series T625 T625, Roll 208 Page 71 Charles Conrad Cator Sr Age 56, Male, Race: White, Born: DC
It's been 10 years since the last Census and Charles is on the move again. They are now living at 624 Sixth Street NE in DC, although he is still working on heaters at the Navy Yard. Ralph, his son-in-law, the husband of Mabel, works as a baker, and James, his nephew, as a dairy salesman. Charles and James were both born in DC to parents who were born in MD. Lurania was born in Maryland to a Kentuckian father (Clifton) and a Maryland mother (Burgess). Lorraine Swann, a ward, was born in Maryland to Maryland parents. NOTE: Was Lorraine his daughter? Charles Conrad Cator Sr had a lady friend named Nellie Swann (girlfriend).
1922 Divorce of Ruth Alice Ridgeway and Charles Conrad Cator, Jr, Circuit Court/Fairfax County, VA, 9/25/1922
About 1923 Buck marries Florence O'Toole. At one point, they lived at 916 "G" Street in Washington, DC, but also owned the lots at 914 and 918 G Street.
1928 RACHEL LURANIA CLIFTON CATOR dies. At that time she was living at 624 Sixth Street, NE in DC. She is buried in at St. Barnabas Cemetery, but not in the area where Sarah F., Charles Sr's first wife is buried.
24 Dec 1929: On Christmas Eve, Our Grandmother Ruth Ridgeway (Cator) Fowler dies of pneumonia, following an auto accident. Ruth was brought home on a stretcher and "Aunt Elvie (Ruth's sister)" told the family about the accident. George and Ruth had been going around the circle in Washington DC and revenuers, chasing bootleggers, hit their car which caused Ruth to hit her head very hard. Ruth refused to stay in the hospital, but the accident took a lot out of her. One of her friends cared for her at home. While recovering, Ruth got the flu and worsened. She was taken to a hospital (Old Providence) and died. Ruth Ridgeway (Cator) Fowler is buried at the Epiphany Episcopal Church Cemetery in Forestville MD.
1930 DC Census 916 G St , Series T626, 295 ED 129. Charles Jr. is an electrician; no other members of the family are employed. Interesting that Florence B. O'Toole Cator lists her parents as merely born in the United States. Florence & Charles are parents of , Dorothy Cator, & Cora Cator.
1935 [[Cator-87}Bernice Lucille Cator]] marries CHARLES THOMAS HILL, SR., son of Thomas Domick Hill and Anna Greenfield.
18 Feb 1943 BERNICE LUCILLE CATOR HILL marries JOHN JOSEPH GATELY, JR., son of John Gately and Florence Harvey. They will have 4 sons.
1943 Our Great Grandfather Charles Conrad Cator Sr., died at old Providence Hospital in DC. Charles Sr. chose to be buried by his first wife, Sarah F. at St. Barnabas Episcopal Church, Temple Hills, Maryland. Lurania Cator is buried in a different section of the same cemetery.
- NOTE": Providence Hospital in the early 1900s (Library of Congress) once stood between 2nd and 3rd St. and D and E St. Southeast. The block is now Providence Park.
1972 JOHN JOSEPH GATELY, JR., a merchant marine, dies at sea near Kwajalein Island, a beautiful and isolated island which is part of Kwajalein Atoll in the Republic of the Marshall Islands.
04 Aug 1978 FLORENCE O'TOOLE CATOR dies in Westmoreland County, VA. She had been a member of the Eastern Star. Twice past president of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Colonial Beach Volunteer Fire Department. Florence O'Toole, through her mother, Cora Robinson, was descendant of Robert E. Lee.
1984 MABEL E. CATOR dies at Whitestone, VA
1987 Jan 17 Our Grandfather Charles Conrad Cator, Jr, dies at Westmoreland County, VA at approximately 4;10 pm. He is buried at Cedar Hill Cemetery in Suitland, MD (Sec 30C, Lot 421, Site 1). He died at age 91, less than a month before his 92nd birthday. He had been a member of Masonic Hope Lodge Chapter 20, Washington, DC. Believed to have been a 32nd degree Mason.
1992 Jun 11: BERNICE LUCILLE CATOR HILL GATELY dies in Winter Springs, FL. She is interred at Cedar Hill Cemetery in Washington DC.
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