
Link Builders Team

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Surnames/tags: Link_Builders Ambassadors
This page has been accessed 2,157 times.

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How you can link to WikiTree
Play the How you can link to WikiTree.



  • How To-Wikipedia and Wikidata
  • You can also add a link to the Wikipedia article > External Links or See also sections please use this format: "{{WikiTree}}
WT Notables Spreadsheet is a to-do list for:
  1. adding the WikiTree ID to Wikidata
  2. adding the WikiTree template to the Wikipedia Article
  3. update the LinkBuilding spreadsheet with your contributions


Please do not add full urls to memorials as it is in conflict with FindAGrave's rules: What information can I include in a non-famous bio?

  • When creating/maintaining a memorial, add a statement in the biography: "See WikiTree Profile: Wiki-ID:
  • Uploading images, add the Profile: WikiTree-ID to the title or description
  • Make suggested edits on a memorial, click on the "Suggest other corrections" button. Add the message: See the following WikiTree profile for source documentation to support the suggested edits
  • Request to have the WikiTree profile ID added to the memorial.
  • Click "Suggest Edits"
  • Then click on the "Suggest other corrections" button.

Can his/her profile on WikiTree be added to the memorial page? It contains source documentation as supporting evidence for life events. For example:
See WikiTree-ID on WikiTree, for souce documentation

Thank you,
Your Name
WikiTree-ID on WikiTree.
  • Add a "flower" of the WT logo and a statement that includes their WT profile id. You can upload an image into your personal scrapbook. See an example here: Memorial ID 6405735



Contribute to the page

  1. Link to "Edit this page" is found at the bottom of the page, in the section "Contribute to this page"
  2. Scroll down to "Links to Other Sites"
  3. Select Add 1 item, on the line for Miscellaneous, from the drop down
  4. Click "Continue"
    1. Enter the URL in the Miscellaneous field
    2. Enter The Genealogy of _______ in the Description field
  5. Click "Check these updates"
  6. Click "Submit these updates", if the change you are working on are highlighted in green, otherwise make the necessary corrections (i.e. spelling, etc)


Link Builders Team

Pam D. YesYesYesYea 86465 --
Helper: 84208
-Religion, PGM, and Magna Carta, Cemeteries

Please keep track of your contributions on the Link Building Spreadsheet

  • Go to the tab for the site you are adding the link to
  • Enter the WT Profile ID, the ID for the profile on the site, and your contribution summary
  • Once you are done making entries, copy the list of WT Profile ID's and paste them into the Main tab

  • Login to request to the join the Trusted List so that you can edit and add images.
  • Private Messages: Contact the Profile Managers privately: Sandy Patak, Azure Robinson, and Chris Ferraiolo. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
  • Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)
  • Public Q&A: These will appear above and in the Genealogist-to-Genealogist (G2G) Forum. (Best for anything directed to the wider genealogy community.)

Comments: 9

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