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List of German Nobility and Aristocracy

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Surnames/tags: Germany Euroaristo Royalty
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See Category:German Nobility

German Nobility

The German nobility (German: deutscher Adel) was a class of persons which enjoyed certain privileges relative to other members of society under the laws and customs of various regimes of what is now Germany until 1919. Governments which recognised or conferred nobility were the Holy Roman Empire (962-1806), the German Confederation (1814-1866) and the German Empire (1871-1918). All legal privileges of the nobility were officially abolished in 1919 by the Weimar Republic (1919-1933), and nobility is no longer conferred or recognised by the German Republic, former hereditary titles being allowed only as part of the surname. The system of nobility in the former German Empire was similar to the nobility of Austria, as both territories long belonged to the Holy Roman Empire, although the Austrian Republic, unlike Germany's, legally abolished its nobility and banned use of hereditary titles in any form. [1]

An informative article about the differing ranks and titles of the German nobility can be found here.

Last Grand Dukes, Dukes and Princes - 1918

All of the 22 Monarchs below were forced to abdicate in November 1918:


German Monarch Lists

  • List of German Monarchs
  • List of rulers of Austria (Coming soon)
  • List of rulers of Bavaria (Coming soon)
  • List of monarchs of Prussia (Coming soon)
  • List of rulers of Saxony (Coming soon)
  • List of rulers of Württemberg (Coming soon)


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I have found the 'Royalty Project' on FamilyTreeDNA.com very useful. My grandfather Page-11209 was illegitimate(?) and there were a lot of family stories about goings on at Windsor Palace (Castle).

The local museum has a letter saying that local girls were forced to go to the palace to entertain the princes and visitors (mainly German Princes).

I am still not sure my GF's father was not a member of the Saxe-Coburg family, but now it is pointing at the House of Battenburg (Hesse). The more that join the easier it will be to discover patterns.

posted by Anonymous Whiting
edited by Anonymous Whiting
I have most of these German nobility in my ancestry but not on WikiTree because I can't manage how to go that far back. I have it on MacFamilyTree. Happy to share but I find WikiTree difficult. Bakker947
posted by Ingrid (Bakker) Perri