Location: Lunenburg, Lunenburg, Virginia

Surname/tag: Tithables
Lists of Tithes, Lunenburg County, Virginia, 1748-1783
AKA, Lists of Tithables
This profile will provide some convenient links and citations for the subject documents.
Note that Virginia was a colony in the early portion of these documents, and a state of the United States in the later portion.
The most original physical documents are at the Library of Virginia, e.g. A Guide to the Lunenburg County (Va.), Lists of Tithables, 1748-1752.
This book by Landon Covington Bell is a transcription of the original lists. It was first published in 1931.
Bell LC. Sunlight on the Southside : Lists of Tithes Lunenburg County Virginia 1748-1783. Clearfield; 1991. This link is to WorldCat, which shows the book available in many libraries.
As of March 2024, Bell's book does not appear to be available directly in digital form, including the Internet Archive and Family Search. It is partially searchable / viewable at Google books.
However, the US Gen Web Archives has a transcription of the book in 14 parts as follows:
- (Part 1) Background history, explanation of tithes, etc.
- (Part 2) 1748 Tithe List
- (Part 3) 1749 Tithe List
- (Part 4) 1750 Tithe List
- (Part 5) 1751 Tithe List
- (Part 6) 1752 Tithe List
- (Part 7) 1764 Tithe List
- (Part 8) 1769 Tithe List
- (Part 9) 1772 Tithe List
- (Part 10) 1773 Tithe List
- (Part 11) 1774 Tithe List
- (Part 12) 1775 Tithe List
- (Part 13) 1776 Tithe List
- (Part 14) 1783 Tithe List
As of March 2024, there were physical copies of the Bell book available at Abe Books.
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