
St Cattwg's Church, Llanspyddid

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Llanspyddid, Brecknockshiremap
Profile manager: Joann Hanmer private message [send private message]
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Topics Teams | Wales Historic Buildings Team

St. Cattwg's Church, Llanspyddid. Text and photos of the church, cemetery and individual grave stones. Click on image to see a sharper version of the original.

"St Cadog's church is a small, simple structure on the southern edge of the Usk Valley some 3km west of Brecon. Medieval fabric survives, and together with remnants of the original fenestration, may date to the early 14thC. The church contains a medieval font and piscina as well as a fine range of 18thC memorials."http://www.cpat.demon.co.uk/projects/longer/churches/brecon/16891.htm

"to the south of the church is an upright stone with two carvings of two circled crosses, one with four small circles placed around it. An inscription noted by Lhwyd in 1698 is no longer visible; standing 90cm high; 7thC-9thC. It is said to mark the grave of Aulach, father of Brychan. Dawson claimed that it was originally double its present height but was cut down at the time of the 1880 restoration."http://www.llanspyddid.org.uk/church.html

The church is not in use and it is now in need of repair. The church yard is very over grown in places, making it very difficult to see some of the graves.

I have more photos, also including close-ups of grave stones. You are very welcome to contact me in a private message if there are anything you would like to see more photos of, or if you need larger photos in a higher resolution.

Photos of grave stones,- Name and Date of death:

Cooper, Ann 1866

Davies, Sarah 1852

Davies, Thomas 1852

Evans, Elizabeth 1817

Evans, Gwenllian 1862

Evans, John 1844

Griffiths, Margaret 1871

Gwylym, David 1911

Gwylym, Gwenlian 1860

Havard, Lillian Gertrude 1963

John, Gustavus Adolphus 1766

Jones, Howard 1856

Jones, John Alfred Bowen 1981

Jones, Stephen Vaughan 1859

Jones, Thomas 1856

Morgan, Siry 1807

Morgan, Thomas

Price, Blanch 1792

Price, James 179?

Richards, David 1918

Rothero, Eliza

Rothero, George 1869

Rothero, Mary 1860

Rothero, Sarah 1867

Rothero, Thomas 1841

Watters, David 1865

Whelpdale, John 1867



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