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Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: place_names locations
The general WikiTree guidance is to "use their conventions, not ours". The place names in the datafields should use the names that people at the time used, even if they now no longer exist. See the WikiTree Help pages Help:Location Fields and Help:Uncertain Locations.
The following list is for project-specific guidance.
Acadians Project
- Acadians Project: project page has several helpful sections, including
Australia Project
England Project
France Project
Germany Project
Italy Project
Mexico Project
- Mexico Project Guidelines and Resources
- See also this G2G post for approved location category guidelines (including re-cap and link to a Google spreadsheet), 29 November 2022
Quebecois Project
Scotland Project
South African Projects
Sweden Project
US Southern Colonies Project
Virginia Project
- Virginia Counties and Parishes (covers pre-USA also)
- Use Colony of Virginia for pre-1776.
Wales Project
- Wales Present and Past
- Wales County Teams (Historic Counties)
- Template: Wales Sticker
Significant Difference Among Projects
Please note that a significant difference is whether or not to include "County" and other labels with a place name. Quebecois Project says do not. England Project says only County Durham should include "County". But in the United States, dropping County is problematic. The US Southern Colonies Project calls for including "Parish", "District", and "County" when known, because - in Virginia notably - there are towns, counties, and parishes of the same name that may not be anywhere near each other. For example, "Albemarle, Virginia" could be Albemarle County or Albemarle Parish, which served Surry County and Sussex County. Saying "Albemarle Parish, Surry County, Virginia" makes the location clear.
North American Place Names
- WikiTree's North American Place Names discusses the term "British Colonial America" (DO NOT use it - see also this G2G discussion) and has a section on the The US Historical Place Names Spreadsheet, which links to the following Google sheet.
- Google sheet: United States Historical Place Names
- Wondering about project-specific location guidelines Jul 21, 2023.
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- Private Messages: Send a private message to the Profile Manager. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
- Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)
Thank you!
Regards, Margaret, AP Project coordinator.
Cheers, Liz