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Extracts from the Log Book of Gladestry School

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Date: 1877 to 1880
Location: Gladestry, Radnorshire, Walesmap
Surnames/tags: Porter Schools Gladestry
This page has been accessed 76 times.

This log book relates to James Porter who was Master at the school 1877-1880.

See his profile on https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Porter-6338

Introductory Remarks:

The first short section of the log book gives general regulations, the next short section records the outline of James Porter's involvement with the school. The main part of the log book contains his weekly report of events at the school.

Diary Or Log Book Gladestry A. School With Index March 1877 London: National society Depository, Westminster

(Extract from the revised Code of Regulations for 1875)

Art. 36: “The Principal Teacher must take at least once a week in the Log Book an entry which will specify ordinary progress, visits of managers, and other facts concerning the School or it’s Teachers, such as the dates of withdrawals, commencement of duty, cautions, illness, &c., which may require to be referred to at a future time, or may otherwise deserve to be recorded.

Art. 37. “No reflections or opinions of a general kind are to be entered in the Log Book”

Art. 38: “No entry once made in the Log Book may be removed or altered otherwise than by a subsequent entry.

Art. 39. “The summary of the Inspector’s report after his annual visit, or any visit made without notice, and any remarks made upon it by the department, when communicated to the Managers, must be immediately copied verbatim into the Log Book, with the names and standing (Certified Teacher of the ....... Class, or Pupil Teacher of the .........year, or Assistant Teacher) of all the teachers to be continued on, or added to, or withdrawn from, the School Staff, according to the decision of the Department upon the inspector’s report. The correspondent of the managers must sign this entry, which settles the School Staff for the year.”

Art. 40. “The inspector will call for the Log Book and Portfolio at every visit, and will report whether they appear to have been properly kept. He will specially refer to the entry made pursuant to Article 39, and he will require to see entries accounting for any subsequent change to the School Staff. He will also note in the Log Book every visit paid without notice (*Article 12), making an entry of such particulars as require the attention of the Managers. “An Inspector may visit any Public Elementary School at any other time without notice” – Article 12, Revised Code

Reports 1877 Nov 8th Page 13 1879 Mar 26th Page 32 1880 Mar 17th Page 41

Visits of Inspectors Date Page

6th March 1877 Mr Porter, Master 1 8th Novr 1877 Mr Porter, Master 9 26th March 1879 Mr Porter, Master 28 17th March 1880 Mr Porter, Master 40

Page 1 6 March 1877

Visited the school 6pm, pictures of animals of the world, European bible, slates & another set of reading books are required. Section 7 of the education act is not hung up. E... Williams

James Porter was elected to the mastership of this new school at Gladestry on Feb 7 1877 and commenced work on Monday Feb 19th 1877. Mr Welson was present at the opening of the school, and Mr Thomas visited the school during the day. Mr Bromage visited on Tuesday. I had several visits during the week from Messr Welson, Bromage & Thomas. Admitted 24 in the morning and 1 in the afternoon of Monday, 14 boys & 11 girls. Average attendance for the week 24.5

8th March Admitted 5 boys and 2 girls on Monday the 26th of February. The committee visited the school during the week, took timetable for approval on the day on which present entry is made

Page 2

8th March

Admitted 4 girls and one boy on Monday 5th March. The weather has been rather severe this week and no doubt has kept the smaller children away as yet. Average attendance this week 25

16th March Have called the attention of the committee to the cupboards for books, slates etc and also to the notice of HM In.: also to the bad work at doorway entrance to girls closet, and a preliminary meeting has been held (15th) to talk over school matters, & among other things, the election of a sewing mistress. Admitted 5 boys and 1 girl on Monday 12th. Average attendance 30.4

March 23rd Admitted one girl on Monday 19th. Have been able in some measure to arrange the 44 children who have at present been admitted into their respective classes, find that scarcely any of the children are able to do a sum in addition or subtraction perfectly, many of them I see have been accustomed to add up

Page 3 Their sums, by means of strokes or by counting on their fingers. I gave the more advanced children some sums on paper today and only three or four out of 44 were able to take down a sum from dictation, only one boy (No girls) got less than 6 mistakes in a simple dictation exercise. I have had a few children absent during the week to look after the lambs, otherwise the attendance so far has been good, 36

March 29th There was no school on 30th, it being Good Friday. Children a little more orderly, than they were the first week or so. Admitted one little girl this week. Have got slates according to HM Ins order.

April 6th There has been a small attendance this week owing to the tea meeting in the neighbourhood. Gave a holiday on Easter Monday. Average 21

April 13th Mr Welson visited the school this week, admitted 4 children this week. Work not yet very satisfactory. Average 37.9

Page 4 April 20th Admitted 2 children on Monday. Gave an examination to the first and second classes on Friday and find the writing and spelling very backward. The Rev Whateley, vicar of Kington accompanied by three other clergymen visited the school on Tuesday. Average 34.4

April 27th Mr Welson & Mr Wishlade visited the school on Thursday. Nothing of importance in school matters worthy of note this week.

May 5th There has been a very good attendance this week and the school work has been very satisfactory, I admitted two boys & one girl on Monday.

May 11th The attendance has been low this week owing to the May fairs that are held in the neighbourhood. The work of the 2nd standard has been done pretty fairly this week.

May 15th Called registers & closed at 9-30am and at 12-15am today. Closed school at 2.20pm

Page 5 May 25th Gave a holiday on Monday owing to May Fair at kington on that day. 2nd standard are making fair progress in arithmetic.

June 1st The numbers have increased during this week and I have had an average of 40. Have told the committee of having a sewing mistress

June 4th Went in school half an hour earlier today pm. Average 46 for the week. Admitted 3 fresh children on Monday.

June 16th Work has been satisfactory this last week, I had to inflict a punishment this week upon a child, being my first case of punishment since school as opened.

June 21st The school has been very well attended this last week, the average 57, being the greatest weekly average since the school has been opened. Admitted 5 during the last week. The children have now their own Page 6 Reading books, and they appear to like them very much.

June 27th Gave holiday on Friday 22nd & on Monday 25th & Tuesday morning.

July 6th The attendance for the lst weeks has not been quite so good as preceding weeks, partly I daresay, on account of a Tea meeting on Monday July 2nd on which day, the school was not opened.

July 13th Attendance better this week, the 2nd class seem to be making fair progress in arithmetic, 3rd class not so good, have again spoke about sewing mistress. P.S. I have called the attention of the committee to the bad state of the desks, the wood does not hold the screws well, so that the desks are very loose & shaky.

July 20th The attendance was very low on Wednesday, owing to Huntington Fair, about one mile from here.

July 27th Many of the children kept away this week haymaking, work very fair.

Aug 3rd Owing to the very meagre attendance this week, I find it necessary to have

Page 7Holidays before harvest commences. Nearly all the poorer children have gone up to the hills gathering whortleberries this week and as there is little or no gleaning in the harvest fields, it is evident that they will be of greater help to their parents now than a month later.

Sept 12th The master had 5 weeks holiday & commenced school on Sep 10th with a small attendance. We have gone in earlier to day & called registers at 1-30pm, so that the farmer’s children may get home earlier to help with the harvest. May continue to do so for the rest of the week as the attendance is small.

Sep 21st Attendance small owing to the harvest.

Sep 28th Mr Bromage received the govt schedules to day. Attendance of larger children a little better. Have had time this week to work well with standard 1 in arithmetic.

Page 8 Oct 5th The second standard has worked well this week in arithmetic. The singing has improved a little this week. Have received govt forms.

Oct 12th Re-admitted several scholars today, and admitted one boy. Average attendance 44.3

Oct 19th Have received notice of examination this week, attendance increasing. Admitted one boy.

Oct 26th Have corrected several children for being noisy this week, chiefly those ones who have just come back to school. Work of 2nd standard very fair this week. Mrs Burton seems to be going on very well with the girls sewing.

Nov 2nd Have given several examinations to those to be examined and find their work moderately well. The committee (subject to inspectors approval) have given leave to sewing mistress as on timetable for sewing on Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays. Singing pretty good. School year ended on Wednesday 31st Oct, average attendance for the year being 34. 9 Page 9 This is the 1st week of a new school year, but as the examination was held on Thursday 8th Novr most of the time was spent in preparing for the examination. On page 10 will be found a list of all the children qualified for examination. The school was examined by E.H. Colt Williams Esq & Mrs Leer: Messrs Welson, Bromage & Thomas being present.

Nov 16th Principal work of the week has been the fixing of the children in their fresh classes & standards with a little elementary work.

Nov 23rd New 3rd standard are making a fair start in long division. Have given very elementary grammar and geography lessons this week.

Nov 30thAdmitted one boy and one girl this week, 2nd standard getting on fairly with arithmetic, 1st standard rather slow in starting.

Dec 6th Have introduced Wykes arithmetic this week. Most of the children have now their respective standard readers. Attendance increasing rapidly. Average 54.4

Page 10 Name Number of| Age last Birthday| Date of Admsission|Class in School|Note to Be Exm'd Attendances| Yr Mth 1.Arthr Maskell 237 7 77 3 3rd I 2.Rich’d Davies 210 7 77 4 3rd I 3 Aaron James 240 11 77 2 3rd I 4 Thos Maskell 197 9 77 3 3rd I 5 Lewis B Thornton 239 11 77 2 3rd I 6 Arthur Morgan 235 10 77 3 3rd I 7 Mary E Beavan 114 14 77 3 3rd I 8 Eliza Ann Davies 190 8 77 2 3rd I 9 Sarah F Drew 276 10 77 2 3rd I 10 Mary J Price 223 8 77 2 3rd I 11 Mary A Pritchard 228 9 77 2 3rd I 12 Ann Bounds 290 8 77 2 3rd I 13 Margretta Burton 286 8 77 2 3rd I 14 Amy Bounds 285 9 77 2 3rd I 15 Georg Burton 274 10 77 2 3rd I 16 Evan J Lewis 189 11 77 2 2nd II 17 Henry Bounds 188 12 77 4 2nd II 18 Rich’d Morgan 243 11 77 3 2nd II 19 James Davies 185 13 77 2 2nd II 20 Agnes Burton 200 13 77 2 2nd II 21 Marg’t Pritchard 193 10 77 4 2nd II 22 Theophilus Miles 186 10 77 2 2nd III 23 Vincent Drew 226 12 77 2 2nd III 24 William Stephens 236 6 77 2

Page 11 This day received from the education department the report of H.M.I. E.W. Colt Williams Esqr who visited the school 8th Nov 1877. It is as follows: See Page 13

Page 12 14th Dec. Work has gone on satisfactorily this week. Had to punish a boy J.D. for disobedience. 1st Class boys making fair progress in grammar, girl’s slow.

21st Dec Broke up school today for 2 weeks holiday. The average attendance has been small this week owing to preparations for the live & dead Christmas market at Kington.

1878 11th Jan Commenced school again after Xmas holidays on Jany 7th. The morning was unfavourable because it was snowing, average fair for the week being 47.7

18th Jan Rec’d from Ed. Department H.M. Inspectors report, work going on fairly.

25th Jan Very sharp weather this week, so that all the smaller children are at home. 3rd Standard working pretty fairly in arithmetic. Mr Welson & Mr Bromage visited the school this week.

1st Feb I have sent in a return to the local board this week, of all children who have been in school during the year ending Xmas 1877.

Page 13 1878 18th Jan Report. This day received from the education department the report of H. M. J. E. W. Colt-williams Esqr, who visited the school 8th Novr 1877. It is as follows: I am very glad to report a good beginning at this, the first annual grant examination of this new school. The children are in good order and did their work well, although several of them are very old for their standards. It is very creditable to the farmers of this parish, that they have voluntarily built a very nice school and supplied it with capital equipment, and I am sorry of hear of the unnecessary delay in conveying the site to the parish. This should be done at once in order that the managers may be able to close their building account. When the parish has got bye laws.

Page 14 The attendance will I hope be better. Needlework must be much better new year. No grant is made under article 19(d) as it appears from your letter of the 20th that the conditions are not satisfied, the population both of the school district and that within two miles by road of the school being over 300 But V. School Staff 1877 James Porter, Certificated Teacher, 1st probation year. Bromage, correspondent of the managers.

Page 15 8th February 1878 Two cases of scarlet fever have appeared in the parish this week, two children Sarah Drew and Ann Goodwin, who'll have attended regally are ill with it, admitted Arthur Vaughan on Tuesday.

February 16th The school has this week lost a very promising pupil in the death of Sarah Jane Drew standard II, calls are rising from colds and scarlet fever standard three are making capital progress in arithmetic.

February 21st The two per attendances for today it followed each other we have a rest of it 13 minutes between them.

26th February Mrs Burton the sewing mistress has taken the Sewing class today instead of Wednesday that she has been unavoidably called away the next Wednesday.

March 1st Work of the new school very fair except that of third class

March 8th Several children are kept home this week from bad colds. Some are away as measles are in the family, so that the average attendance is low this week been 37. Mrs Burton has asked for leave from sewing this Page 16 Afternoon on condition that she attends an extra day, next in following week.

Mar 15th School open today 9-11 - 11 to 1-00 o’clock. Very small attendance this week owing to colds and measles.

Mar 20th Called register at 3-20pm this afternoon. I have found some of the children very backward in spelling, especially in the lower half of the 2nd standard.

Mar 27th My average still very low owing to the great spread of measles through the parish, I suppose there is scarcely a house where there is a young family but what has been visited more or less.

Mar 29th Now to throw my average still smaller we have a deep snow, many of the roads are impassable owing to the drift.

April 5th Attendance still very low owing to the spread of measles, and the bad state of the roads. Average 21.6

Apr 12th Nothing of note this week, average very low 19

Apr 18th Broke up today for Easter holidays as the attendance is so low. Page 17

May 3rd Commenced school on Monday with a better attendance, as many of the children are getting well. I fear that many children are at home illegally employed, and as bye-laws are not yet in force they have no fear of the law.

May 10thThe work of the last week has been very fair in upper standards, but the smaller children have lost a good deal during this absence through measles. Admitted one boy on Monday. May 17thAverage better this week, admitted one girl.

May 22nd Mrs Burton was not able to attend to sewing today. May 24thRe-admitted one boy on Monday. I find many of those who are coming back after illness are very backward in their standard work, some few of those who have attended regularly are making good progress.

May 31st Owing to the spread of measles through the parish (which were of a serious nature) the average for the first quarter in the school year is very low at 29. We may look for better attendance next quarter as the sickness is rapidly disappearing.

June 7th I have had a full school this week, the average being the highest since the school has been open. Namely 60.4. Perhaps her had run next quarter as a sickness is rapidly disappearing

7th June I have had a fall school this week the average being highest since school has been opened namely number 60.4 The bye laws for the parish of the Gladestry on now in force and I have reported every week to the relieving officer those children who are habitually absent.

June 14th This has been that bad week for attendance owing to the fairs in the Whitsun week average attendance 38.

21st June Gave a whole holiday on the 18th of account of poorer Festival. Attendance this week has been exceptionally good. 28th June This has been a very broken week owing to the County Agricultural Show being held at Kington on the Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Gave a holiday on Tuesday. 5th July Work has been pretty good this week and the weather has been as little milder.

12th July I sent in report to the local authority this week of all absentees during the month worthy of note. I have also reported to the relieving officer at least once a fortnight from the commencement of the school year. Very little sees be doing in the matter. The attendance does not appear to be so poor as before the commencement of the Act as there was then no rule which made which they may try to evade.

19th July Broke up school today for harvest holidays. The haymaking has been as kept several at home, and now as the whortle berries are ripe, the children will be flocking to hills to gather them. It has therefore become expected to have Holidays before all the corn becomes ripe. Average for week 20. Harvest holidays 5 weeks from 19th July to almost 26 August.

26th August Commences school today after 5 weeks holiday, small average this week 26 owing to the lateness of the harvest.

6th September Children are still away completing the harvest, average low 27.

13th September Attendance much better this week I ever admitted 3 children since the holidays

20th September The average has risen to 45 this last week the harvest is now fairly over. Many children who have been irregular are now coming in again.

25th September Mrs Burton did not take sewing on Monday or Tuesday on account of little girls illness.

27th September Mr Wells and the City to school today and asked for the worst cases of absence only to be reported as the Kington board could not do with all that were reported In my last report a report, I reported some 20 children who have made only half the attendances in the month, and very little notice has been taken of the worst cases. The attendance and visiting committee appears to be quite been inactive I have not heard that any visit has been made by them at all, Mr Welson being the only active man in school affairs. As the school was visited by measles at the commencement of the school year it will be impossible to present a fair number at examination and less the absentees are looked upon better by the officers.

30th September The average for last week was good, viz 53 I have reported 2 children who are illegally employed, Naomi Edwards (who was also marked out by inspectors as illegally employed) and Mary J Price also a few others irregular, I have said in the report The school has been open five weeks but I have only reported for three weeks or 30 openings, owing to the lateness of harvest. Those children who have been kept away for the purpose of harvest are now in school and only those are reported who are otherwise employed. The average throughout the school year has been low in the first quarter, a great many children were ill with measles, soon after came the hay harvest during which time as it was impossible to enforce the rule now there is no reason why attendance should not be good. Average last week 46 was a fair average for Gladestry.

Oct 3rd Mrs Bufton did no take sewing on Wednesday and Thursday. Several of the girls away this afternoon owing to Baptist Thanksgiving service for harvest.

Oct 11th Same few boys away collecting ferns this week but the average is good being 50.9 We had no sewing on Monday last. I gave a test examination in Standards work today. I found 2nd 3rd and 4th pretty satisfactory. Many of the younger ones who are just turning seven years of age are not at all in a fair way to pass examination in Std 1

Oct 18th Fair attendance this last week. Potato picking is now over. Mrs Bufton took sewing on Thursday.

Oct 23rd Nothing of note this last week work going on steadily.

Nov 1st We had a meeting in the schoolroom on Thursday evening 31st in aid of the British and Foreign Bible Society all passed off well. I find the draught comes in badly through the window (sash) fittings, the wood could not have been properly dried before use. The grate has been put in Page 23 afresh and we have been able to have fires in the schoolroom. The doors and locks have also been attended to and a wire attached to the bell.

Nov 8th I gave an examination to Standards I, II, III, IV this morning. 1st St works a great deal better than they did a month ago 2nd St turned out some fair work. Dictation good in 3rd St but arithmetic did not please me. On Monday last I sent in a monthly report to Kington of 12 children who have been absent during the month not one of these having made up half the number of attendances. Most of them were reported in the preceding month but I do not find that anything has been done by the attendance committee to obtain better attendance of those who have been reported. It is useless to send a report to Kington as no notice appears to be taken of it.

Page 24 Nov 12th We have had a heavy fall of snow last night some 3 or 4 inches which has been the cause of many children staying away today. Nov 19th Re admitted James Drew yesterday 22nd This is the last day of the quarter the average for this week is 44. While the average for the quarter stands at 43. Nov 29th As one of our little school fellows is buried today the registers have been marked earlier so as to allow the children to go as a remark of respect and take part in the service. Dec 3rd I forwarded yesterday by Mr Welson a lost of absentees to the Kington Union. I have also thought it expedient to call the registers at 1.30 so as to allow the children to go out half an hour earlier s many of them do not reach home until after dark altho’ I find I can barely get back to school by that time having to walk so far to my meals. It was decidedly an oversight of the parish not to Page 25 Build a house to the school as there is not a house in the village suitable for a young man to lodge in. since I came I have been married and could not find rooms nearer than Stonehouse. I find it nearly dark when I reach home.

Dec 6th Average attendance. 57 for this week.

Dec 13th A little falling off of smaller children owing to the severe weather. Average 48

Dec 20th Broke up school today for Christmas holidays; two weeks. Mr Evans the attendance officer called this week.

1879 Jan 6th Began School today after the Christmas vacation with rather a small number owing to the snow and cold weather. Many of the little children are very poorly, bad colds etc.

Jan 9th I have only 22 in school this morning as the roads are almost impassable in some places owing to the drifting of the snow which fell on Tuesday night.

1879 A good deal of snow drifted in through the roof of the school last night and the ink was nearly all frozen. Our grate is almost useless. The heat of the fire can hardly be felt at the distance of 2 feet away. There is no draught and what little heat the fire gives off goes up the chimney owing to the wide opening to it. So with 8 ventilators open (which by the way have no apparatus for closing) a roof which lets the air in between every chink in the planks and an almost useless grate we find the room almost unendurable.

Jan 16th The weather still continues very rough and the roads are in a bad state for travelling. Jan 23rd Mr Bromage visited the school this week. The attendance is still very small. Several children are away that ought to be in school.

Jan 27th I have arranged for both attendances today to follow each others with 30 mins interval. Page 27

1879 Feb 1st The last month has been disastrous to the average of the school, it has not been nearly as high as last year owing to the severe weather.

Feb 7th The third standard do their standard work very well but they do not appear so perfect in geography as the 2nd standard. Average gradually rising.

Feb 14th Mr Bromage recd notice of examination this day. I examined the children today and found the Standard work fairly done. Attendance increasing.

Feb 21st I have had 2 failures in 2nd Standard on Thursday, one in spelling and one in arithmetic. I find 2nd Standard much more satisfactory in extra subjects than the thirds.

Feb 28th The attendance today follows each other with an interval of 20 mins. This day ends the school year. The attendance throughout is not as good as it might have been owing to the inactivity of the local authority. The average for the year is 39. Measles and scarlet fever in the commencement of the year and the severity of the winter have acted as drawbacks in the attendance.

1879 March 7th

This is the first week of the new school year and the average has been 48. The work of the second standard has been very satisfactory this week and also the spelling of the 2nd standard. Mr Welson visited the school on Thursday.

Mar 14th The attendance this last week has been 48. I have given examinations in Stands work and find arithmetic pretty good. I admitted one boy on Monday.

Mar 21st Many of the younger children are coming in again. The average has been increased to 52. The grammar of 2nd Std promises well. Much more so than geography of Std III, 2nd Std do better than the 3rd. Mr Welson visited the school on Friday.

Mar 24th Mr Thomas visited the school today. 27th The school was examined on Wednesday 26th. 33 in Stds and 4 infants presented. Messrs Welson, Bromage and Thomas were present during the examinations.

Apr 4th A find a few children absent having been kept home to garden. Some few are away with bad colds. I have not been able to work well these last three days from the same cause.

April 10th The school will be closed tomorrow Good Friday. Average small this last week.

April 17th The attendance has been meagre throughout the week. Monday was a holiday.

Ap 22nd Mrs Bufton came in today instead of tomorrow (Wednesday.)

Ap 25th Average for the week 42. Many children are away with severe colds.

Ap 30th The attendance followed each other today with an interval of half an hour.

May 9th Mr Bromage received the report yesterday. Mrs Bufton did not come in today Wednesday but will come in a couple of extra days again.

May 12th Only 20 in school this morning owing to Kington Fair. Shall close school at 12 o’clock for the day.

May 16th The attendance has been very low this week owing probably to the many fairs in the neighbourhood and to change of servants. My report for April has not brought any extra children to school.

May 8th This day received from the Education Department the report of H.M.I. E.E. Colt Williams Esq., who visited the school March 26th ’79 It is as follows: The month of examination has been changed form November to March. I am glad to say that the general results of the examination reflect great credit on Mr Porter more especially as the attendance is far from what it should be. The school promises to be highly efficient if the attendance were better. The site of the school has not yet been conveyed to the parish. The report of 1877 should be returned at once to the managers by the solicitor to Lord Ormanthwaite. A clock is needed and the plaster should be mended where required. The managers should check the registers occasionally. Mr Porter will shortly receive his certificate.

Gladestry National School Staff 1879 James Porter Certificated Teacher 2nd Div Signed on behalf of the managers K Bromage Correspondent

May 23rd Work much as usual. Attendance moderate May 30th Broke up school today for the Whitsun holidays. Average for the quarter 42

June 13th The children have come back in good numbers after the holiday and work is progressing favourably.

June 20th Attendance very good, average 54.9 4th Standard are producing good results in arithmetic. Many little children are just coming into the infants and 1st Std classes. 26th Mrs Burton has come in today for the sewing class instead of tomorrow Friday. 27th Average attendance 57.1

July 5th Mr Bromage visited the school today and checked the registers. Mrs Burton is poorly today and in consequence there is no sewing.

July 15th Sewing today instead of 5th. Attendance very good.

July 18th Some of the children have been kept away today on account of a fair in the neighbourhood. Average 50

July 25th Our harvest vacation begins tomorrow for 5 weeks as children will be more useful in haymaking and wimberry picking than in the corn harvest. Vacation 5 weeks.

Sept 1st Commenced school today but as the weather for the last few weeks has been very adverse many of the farmers have not finished haymaking. I have therefore only about 20 in school.

Sep 5th The average for the week is 22 which brings down that for the half year considerably. Children employed gathering wimberries.

Sep 12th Mrs Burton did not come in today. Average for the week very good. Admitted one boy.

Sep 15th Mrs Burton away today. Coming extra day in the next week.

Sep 19th Attendance good. Found 3rd standard girls deficient in arithmetic.

Sep 25th Mrs Burton came in today Thursday in place of 15th.

Sep 26th I have had little hope of working up those in 1st Standard who entered at the commencement of the year.

Sep 30th Mrs Burton came in today Tuesday instead of yesterday.

Oct 3rd Average 54 which is very good nearly as high as may be expected from the parish. I found the 2nd Standard weak in arithmetic. Mrs Burton was not in today.

Oct 6th Registers called at 1.30 today to allow children to get home to the harvest fields a little earlier. Oct 10th Small attendance this week owing to the harvest.

Oct 13th Mrs Burton was not in this afternoon.

Oct 16th Mrs Burton came in today in place of 13th

Oct 17th Attendance fair considering the harvest.

Oct 24th Admitted one girl this week.

Oct 27th Mrs Burton was not in today to take the sewing class. No notice or reason given for the irregularity. Readmitted one boy today. 28th Mrs Burton was in this (Tuesday) afternoon. 31st Have worked the 1st Standard well in subtraction this week, I find a good many of the older ones can do their addition.

Nov 3rd Mrs Burton not in to take the sewing class today have consequently had to change geography and grammar lessons.

Nov 6th Mrs Burton came today instead of 3rd 10th Sewing mistress unavoidably absent today. Mr Welson sent us 15cwt coal on Saturday last. 14th Mistress has asked for today with promise of an extra afternoon. The 4th Standard did badly in arithmetic today. 17th There was a half holiday today to prepare the room for a concert in aid of the school 21st Nothing of importance this week. 28th Today ends the quarter. Average for the quarter is 46

Dec 5th This week has been excessively cold and many little children are home suffering from bad colds. I have been unable to speak in the mornings from hoarseness. 10th Mr Welson visited the school this morning. 12th The master was unable to keep school today owing to severe bilious attack.

Dec 19th Many children are away with bad colds and have been away more or less for the last three weeks while the master has been unwell himself for the last three weeks. Average only 36.6 This week closes the year 1879

Jan 5th Commenced today after a fortnights holiday 9th The average for this week is 52.5 an increase on the weeks before Xmas. 16th I have great difficulty in the work of Standard 1 especially in arithmetic. The spelling of Std 2 has been bad this week. 22nd I have taken both attendances together today calling the registers at commencement of school time. 23rd The attendance this week has been good. 27th Mr Bromage visited the school today and brought the Govt papers. 29th The sewing class taken today instead of Wednesday by my arrangement.

Feb 5th I called the registers at one o’clock today.

Feb 6th Mr Bromage called today. Average 53

Feb 13th Work of school much as usual this week. Average attendance 50 17th Mr Bromage called today with notice of date of examination. He also verified the register. 19th I had only half an hour between the two attendances today. 20th Nothing of importance to note this week. 27th Today ends the school year. I have sent in returns of absentees at the end of each month and sometimes oftener but the average attendance appears still to be low compared with the number of children. Several children have been away for a few weeks during the winter with severe colds otherwise no severe illness has arisen to affect the general average of the school. Owing to the bad weather during summer and autumn many children were kept at home to assist in the harvest. The average has increased by 8 on last years average 39 – 47

March 5th The average for this week commencing the new year is very good viz 53. Mr Welson visited the school on Thursday. 11th I have marked the registers at 9.05 this morn. The harriers meet here today and the children are anxious to see them. 12th The work of the children has been carefully done this week by them especially their arithmetic: A few were away on Thursday making the average lower than last week. 16th We went in early today to allow for a little cleaning after school 17th The school was examined today G E W Colt Williams Esq., and D W Seers. There were also present Rev Dickinson, Old Radnor Mr Welson, Mr Bromage and J W Wishlade attendance officer. 19th The average this week is the highest since the commencement of the school viz 58 25th Easter Holidays commenced today. Average for the week 45 The attendance has been very good during this last month and very few children have been reported. Average for the month is 52

Apr 8th This day received from the Ed department the report of H M I J E W Colt Williams Esq., who visited the school March 17th ’80. It is as follows: The average has I am glad to find increased during the year but it ought to be a good deal higher still. The children were most attentive to their work, wrote an excellent hand spelled well and were very strong in arithmetic. They might read rather louder and explain meanings of words better. Extra subjects weak. The sewing might be better and the managers should provide material when wanted. The clock should be got as soon as possible. Gladestry National School Staff 1880 James Porter Certificated teacher 2nd Division Signed on behalf of the managers Bromage Correspondent

April 6th Commenced yesterday after Easter holidays. The school was held as a polling station today so that I had to give a holiday. 9th The attendance has been very small this week so that the average comes down a good deal. 14th Today is quite a red letter day for Gladestry. All the children have been invited to sports, prizes and tea on account of Col. Walsh’s eldest son Lieut. Walsh coming of age. 21st Mr Bromage visited the school today. 23rd Average this week 47 30th usual work this week nothing of note. May 6th This day terminate my work in Gladestry School after a period of 3 years 2 mo. I have endeavoured in the few weeks I have had since the examination on March 17th to give the new standards a little insight into their present years work. St 2 have gone through simple practice and started in compound practice. St 4 have many of them done multiplication and division of money and a few have started on reduction. St 3 have done addition of money and began subtraction

While Sty 2 have been working extended addition and subtraction. The children have learned one new song ‘Catch the sunshine’. Messrs Wilson and Bromage visited the school on Wednesday afternoon and Mr Bromage stayed the whole of the afternoon. The average has not been quite so good since Easter as before owing no doubt to the favourable weather for planting potatoes etc. I have sent in a list of absentees for month of April to Mr Wishlade. In bidding goodbye to the managers and children I must say that the managers parishioners and myself have always tried to work and have worked well together for the good of the school – and the children have been persevering and quick at their work often showing ability above the average of school children with whom I have come in contact and I am sure do credit to their new master.

June 2nd I commence my duties this morning as master of Gladestry Nat Sch in place of Mr Porter but owing to bad weather and being the middle of the week very few present. Mr Bromage and Mr Welson came in this morning to let me know a few particulars with reference to the school duties etc. signed Joseph Lupton Cert Teacher.

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