Location: Menahga, Wadena County, Minnesota, United States
Surnames/tags: Scott La Mudge
Album information
I was given this photo album by Harriet Eva (Askew) Prettyman (1922-2017), who appears to have inherited it from Eva (Scott) Martes (1907-2006). Eva almost certainly inherited it from her father Frank B. Scott (1869-1937), who may have inherited it from Lois (MacKay) Scott (1870-1933). Whether it belonged to Frank and Loie jointly or was Loie's private photo album is unclear, but as far as I've been able to determine, Loie is the common thread among the subjects pictured in the album.
With the exception of the valentine on page 32, all photos have been solidly glued into the album, edge to edge, so it is not possible to see if any captions were written on the backs of the photos.
Front cover
Inside front cover
Handmade model of an unidentified homestead
This house is similar to the whitewashed clapboard house pictured on the next page, but it is not the same house. This may be a model of her son Roland LaMudge's house in Nashua, New Hampshire, or of a house that Loie Scott lived in when in Shelbourne, Nova Scotia.
No further information available.
Page 1
Unknown two-story house, surrounded by full-length portraits of people
The house may have been her son Roland LaMudge's house in Nashua, New Hampshire, or a house that Loie Scott lived in when in Shelbourne, Nova Scotia.
Top left: unknown person
Bottom left: unknown person
Bottom center: unknown person
Bottom 3/4 Right: Cassie Scott
Bottom right: unknown person
Top right: unknown person
Page 2
Well-dressed middle-age couple in an urban garden
The woman appears in other photographs in this album (Pages 4, 5, 6, 9, and 11). The location appears to be the same as the location of the balcony photo on Page 9. I speculated that that photo was possibly taken in Monaco, coastal Provence (France), or Liguria (Italy); or in Pasadena in Southern California.
No further information available.
Page 3
Photos of Loie's son Roland
Left: Man in suit, probably Roland LaMudge
Center: Roland LaMudge and his mother Loie Scott. Location unknown, but may be the front porch of Frank and Loie's Menahga house.
Right: Roland LaMudge in his World War I uniform. Location unknown.
Page 4
Posing beside plants in a hotel garden
Woman on left: unknown, but probably same woman as on Pages 2, 5, 6, 9, and 11.
Woman on right: Loie's daughter-in-law Flo LaMudge.
Page 5
Sitting on wall of a garden fountain
Woman on left: Loie's daughter-in-law Flo LaMudge.
Man in center: Loie's son Roland LaMudge.
Woman on right: unknown, but probably same woman as on Pages 2, 4, 6, 9, and 11.
Page 6
Left: Flo and Roland in the Duluth, Minnesota, snow in 1922
Top right: An unidentified house on a grassy plain with a man on the porch and a woman near a sapling.
Bottom right: Frank Scott with Flo LaMudge (R) and "Ma" (L), with two work horses eating hay from a wagon. "Ma" could be either Flo's mother, Loie's mother, or Loie Scott herself, but since Loie's mother died in 1918, this is probably either Flo's mother, Lucy Troxell or Loie herself.
Page 7
Left: Roland LaMudge leaning on a tree with a bench constructed around its base. An American flag is suspended from a line attached to the tree at a 45º angle. A vehicle, possibly a ca. 1922 Ford Model T truck is parked in the shade immediately behind the tree.
Middle: Cassie Scott holding a doll.
Right: "Ma" (L) and Roland LaMudge (R) posing in front of Roland and Flo's car in Wadena, Minnesota, in 1924. As mentioned previously, "Ma" is probably either Flo's mother, Lucy Troxell, or Loie Scott herself.
Page 8
Top left: Unidentified man with foal. Wooden barn, empty hay wagon, outbuilding, and dog in background
Bottom left: Frank Scott's two working horses eating hay from a wagon.
Right: Cassie Scott (left) and an unidentified friend (right).
Page 9
Top left: Unidentified man in field. Probably the same man as the one on the house porch on Page 6
Bottom left: Two unidentified women posing on a wooden bridge with a log building in the background.
Middle: Unidentified woman (same as the woman on Pages 2, 4, 5, 6, and 11) on balcony in unidentified location. From the palm trees, the tall mountains in the background, and the ornate architecture behind the woman, a hotel balcony in Monaco, coastal Provence (France), or Liguria (Italy) seem likely candidates. Pasadena in Southern California is also a possibility.
Right: Loie Scott (left), Cassie Scott (middle), and Frank Scott (right) posing outside of Frank and Loie's house in Menahga, Minnesota.
Page 10
Top left: Loie Scott and Flo LaMudge posing near Roland and Flo's car next to Frank and Loie's house in Menahga, Minnesota. Frank and Loie's young dog is in the foreground.
Bottom left: Roland LaMudge (left), Flo LaMudge (next to him), and four identified people (two couples?) in what appears to be a fence-in yard. All are wearing swimming costumes. The truck, tree, and American flag at the left of the photo are the same as seen in the left photo on page 7. While the people appear to be at a resort, from the concrete sidewalk and low fences, this appears to be a private house, and possibly one with a lakeshore area for swimming. This may be the same house as pictured on Page 16.
Right: Roland LaMudge sitting on a pile of timber near Frank and Loie Scott's house in Menahga, Minnesota. The pile of timber can also be seen in the left background of the top left photo on this page.
Page 11
Left: Roland LaMudge (left) and Frank Scott (right) with Frank's two work horses.
Right: Flo LaMudge (left), Roland (middle), and an unidentified woman who might be either Flo's mother, Lucy Troxell, or Loie Scott herself (and the same woman as on Pages 2, 4, 5, 6, and 9).
Page 12
Shelburne, Nova Scotia
This is the area in Canada where Loie Scott was born and where she married Roland's father.
No further information available.
Page 13
Roland and Flo's car parked outside of Frank and Loie's house
Loie Scott is leaning on the right front fender.
A young dog, probably Frank and Loie's, walks next to the car.
Page 14
Left: Unidentified lake, marsh, or wetland scene.
Top center: Unidentified woman.
Top right: Unidentified man.
Bottom right: Frank Scott and his daughter Cassie Scott, probably taken outside of Frank and Loie's house in Menahga, Minnesota.
Page 15
Roland in World War I
Left: Launching a newly completed steel ship from shipyard.
Middle: Roland LaMudge in his World War I uniform. Roland wore similar breeches and puttees on his road trips.
Right: Preparing to christen and launch a newly completed steel ship from shipyard. Note the 48-star American flag, which saw use beginning in 1912.
Page 16
Left: Two unidentified men standing in front of an unidentified house. A third individual is running behind and towards them in a swimming costume. This may be the same house as pictured on Page 10.
Right: You can do more than pray after you have prayed, but you cannot do more than pray until you have prayed.
Page 17
The back of Frank and Loie's house in Menahga, Minnesota
Loie Scott (left) and Flo LaMudge (right) are sitting on the back porch, outside a screened door that might lead to the kitchen.
Page 18
Snapshots from Roland and Flo's road trips
Top left: Roland and Flo LaMudge posing in front of their car in Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin, in 1925.
Bottom left: Roland and "Ma", posing in front of a fenced enclosure containing Zebras in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in 1927. "Ma" is probably either Flo's mother, Lucy Troxell or Loie Scott herself.
Right: Roland (right), Flo LaMudge (left) and unidentified Native American man posing in feather headdresses at Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs, Colorado, in 1928.
Page 19
Unidentified boy on toy tractor in front of chicken enclosure
This might be one of Frank's grandsons. Location unknown.
Page 20
Unidentified people, unidentified locations
Left: Unidentified woman and girl. Perhaps an older sister of Loie's?
Right: Unidentified man and dog. Perhaps this is Loie's father or older brother?
Page 21
Young boy standing on garden bench
Loie had no grandchildren, but Frank had several. This could be either Robert Lawson Askew or Frank Scott Askew, who would have been 5 and 4 years old, respectively, in 1922. The only other possibility (if this is indeed one of Frank's grandsons) is Duncan Armstrong, although he would only have been 3 years old in 1922.
Page 22
Left: Unidentified naked baby on cloth-covered table. Possibly one of Frank Scott's grandchildren.
Right: Kitten and conure on top of bird cage.
Page 23
Left: Roland and Flo posing with their car in Chicago, Illinois, in 1927.
Right: An unidentified woman in a polka-dotted dress posing next to a sapling and a sidewalk.
Page 24–29
Pages 24 through 29 are blank
No photos have ever been attached to these pages.
Page 30
Top left: Frank Scott (on far right in back row) and seven unidentified people posing atop wooden barrels used to transport pickles. Harriet Eva Askew referred to this as "Grandpa Scott's Pickle Factory."
Top right: Frank Scott (second from right) and four unidentified people posing with baskets of cucumbers to be pickled in the large wooden vat behind them. Harriet Eva Askew referred to this as "Grandpa Scott's Pickle Factory."
Bottom: Monkey Island at the Washington Park Zoo in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It was built in 1921.
Page 31
Scenes from around Frank and Loie's house in Menahga, Minnesota
Top left: Frank Scott (on far right) and seven unidentified people posing in front of large wooden vats used for making pickles. Harriet Eva Askew referred to this as "Grandpa Scott's Pickle Factory."
Bottom left: Frank Scott holding a kitten in front of his house, with a cage for a pet bird in the foreground.
Right: A conure standing on top of a bird cage in front of a window inside of what it probably Frank and Loie's house.
Page 32
Valentines Day greetings
A valentine card. On the back: "To Mrs. [..] Scott from W[..]fred Lois."
I do not yet know who Winifred Lois was (or who Wilfred & Lois were).
Page 33
Scenes from around Frank and Loie's house in Menahga, Minnesota
Left: A white kitten inside a bird cage with a conure and another kitten on top of the bird cage. Shot outside of Frank and Loie's house in Menahga, Minnesota.
Right: A man (probably Frank Scott) and a German shepherd outside of what appears to be Frank and Loie's house in Menahga, Minnesota.
Page 34–51
Pages 34 through 51 are blank
No photos have ever been attached to these pages.
Page 52
Cheer Up!
This was neatly trimmed from a greeting card or other medium that was printed on medium card stock, and then glued into the album.
Inside back cover
The 'Alvin O' Way, Washburn County, North Dakota
Frank Scott is the taller man behind the steering wheels on the Road Finisher. Frank worked on this road building project at some point between 1916 and 1919.
Back cover
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