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Louisiana Connectors Team

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Louisiana Project Page > Profile Improvement Teams > Connectors Team

Welcome to Louisiana's
Connectors Team!
Pelican Flag in outline of Louisiana


Louisiana Connectors Team

The purpose of the Louisiana Connectors Team is to do our part in supporting WikiTree's mission of a fully collaborative single family tree, by helping to link individuals and connect loose branches of Louisiana profiles to our main Global Family Tree.

Team members are interested in their connections in context with the rest of the world. Having all Louisiana profiles connected to the main tree is our primary goal. To make it easier for other members to link together, we want to add as many family members as are known, and then continue researching in an attempt to connect back to the main tree. Team members are encouraged to join the Connectors Project on WikiTree, and strive to follow its guidelines. It is also recommended that team members participate in the regular Connectors challenges, to help maintain and improve their connector skills.

Team Members

Connectors enjoy a challenge, and need to be skilled at investigation and sourcing in order to be successful. Please contact one of our Project Leaders if you would like to join the Louisiana Connectors team!

  • Team Leader:
  • Team Members:

Team Tasks

Each team member should check their own Unconnected list and try to connect those profiles to the big tree.

Find Louisiana profiles that are not connected to the main tree by using these tools:

Other tasks that help the project and that can add a little more fun:

Related Pages on WikiTree



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Categories: Louisiana Project