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Location: [unknown]
Surname/tag: Lovitt
RE: Ancestry of John and Canada Lovitt
The WikiTree profiles of John C Lovitt (1812-1884) and James Canada Lovitt (abt.1814-1895) indicate you have taken the Ancestry DNA test. Those DNA results may answer the question "who was the father of the Lovitt boys?"
Please take a few minutes to do the following:
- Go to Ancestry.com
- Open the DNA menu and select ThruLines
- Scroll through the display until you get to Dennis Trammell. Click on him. If you don't see Dennis Trammell then stop and let me know.
- Private message me or email me the name of each child of Dennis Trammell and the total number of matches each child has. Your info will be kept private.
Example: in the attached partial graphic see David Trammell with 151 DNA matches. See also James Trammell and Trammel Wright with just 1 match each.
I'll compile the information and share the results with you.
There are just a few of you so your input really counts!
Thank you,
Steve Broyles
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