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Lowe family baptisms

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Date: 1578 to 1603
Location: Englandmap
Surnames/tags: Baptisms London churches
Profile manager: Colin Hewitt private message [send private message]
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This page sets out the supposed baptisms of the children of Thomas and Anne Lowe.

The document Some account of the Lord Mayors and Sheriffs of the city of London, during the first quarter of the seventeenth century, 1601-1625 by Cokayne, George E. (George Edward), 1825-1911. comp https://archive.org/details/someaccountoflor00coka/page/20/mode/2up?q=%22Lowe%22| InternetArchive] details some of those children with additional notes below here.

This is the supposed chronological order of the children:

1578 - Gabriel son of Thomas Lowe baptised on 19 Oct 1578 in Leyton, St Mary The Virgin, Essex, England. Ancestry Gabriel is quite a unique name, although latter generations, including Gabriel's own son and grandson bore the name. Given Thomas and Anne married in 1576, and the same document above suggests Gabriel was 80 when he died in 1658, bears out the baptism date, but why Leyton, Essex I don't know? But Gabriel is mentioned in the Visitation of London.

1579/80 Thomas was supposed to be in Nurenburg on business at this time and possible that eldest daughter Anna was born at this time. Anna married Robert Lee later Sir Robert, in 1600 in St Peter le Poer, so that baptism date is realistic. Anna is shown in the Pedigree of the Visitation.

The family were in London by 1581 and the following six baptisms were all recorded in the parish register for St Lawrence Jewry

1581 - Elizabeth daughter of Tho: Loe baptised 8 November. ["England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975", database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:J3D2-R9D : 18 September 2020), Elizabeth Loe, 1581.| Family Search] Elizabeth is named in the Visitation of London and married John Bennett (later Sir John Bennett).

1582 - Judeth daughter of Tho: Loe baptised 23 February.["England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975", database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:NPL3-R7D : 18 September 2020), Judeth Loe, 1583.| Family Search] Thomas' brother Timothie names a "neice Judith Taylor" in his will dated 1617. There are baptisms for Taylor children in St Lawrence Jewry about that time. But haven't yet found a marriage record to prove it. It could equally be the married name for one of his sister's children. But they did have a sister Judith (later Wheeler) so could have been her child.

1584 - Mary daughter of Tho: Loe baptised 24 April."England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975", database, FamilySearch : 18 September 2020, Mary Loe, 1584.| Family Search This Mary could have married Robert Offley in 1601, albeit was only just 17 years old at the time. Mary is shown in the pedigree for the Visitation of London.

1586 - Margarett daughter of Tho; Loe, baptised 22 September.["England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975", database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:NP1H-9MV : 18 September 2020), Margarett Loe, 1586.] Her grandmother was Margaret, but also Margaret is shown in the pedigree for the Visitation of London.

1588 - Katherine daughter of Tho: Loe, baptised 8 May 1588.["England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975", database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:NB94-2JS : 18 September 2020), Katherine Loe, 1588.] No burial records but she is presumed to have died before 1623, when her father died.

1589 - Thomas son of Tho: Lowe, baptised 23 July 1589.["England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975", database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:NB94-L8C : 18 September 2020), Thomas Low, 1589.] Thomas not only named in his father's will but shown in the pedigree of the Visitation of London.

Between 1589 and 1590 the family had moved parishes, and there are 5 baptisms in the parish registers of St Peter le Poer, also in the City of London.

1590 - William Lowe, baptised 3 September.[1] The father's name, as is the case for all of the baptisms that year, is not stated.

1593 - "Jane Lowe filia Thomas Lowe generos" (sic), baptised 16 March.[2] Jane is not only mentioned in the pedigree of the Visitation of London but also married Milton Lambard (later Sir Lambard) in 1613. He is mentioned in Thomas' will as a "son in law". The term "generos" means noble in latin, but Thomas wasn't even an Alderman until the following year, so was that presumptuous?

1594 - "Barbara Loe filia Thoma", baptised 26 June.[3] No record of her death, although the above mentioned document names Barbara as a footnote, so assumed she is daughter of "our" Thomas Lowe.

1595 - Timothy. The same document suggests that Thomas had a son Timothy who matriculated in 1612 from Oxford aged 17. This would mean he was born in 1595. Even the Oxford alumni lists suggests he was the brother of Michael (see next baptism), but also supposes he was the son of Thomas' brother TImothy, who names a son Timothy in his own will of 1617. But in any case had died by 1623. But I can find no baptism record for him.

1596 - "Michael filius Thomas Lowe Alderman", baptised 23 September.[4] Michael was shown in the Pedigree of the Visitation of London and named in his father's will.

1597 - "Francis filius Thomas Lowe Alderman."[5] Francis was shown in the Pedigree of the Visitation of London and named in his father's will.

1603 - "Mary Lowe", baptised 15 June.[6] The father is not named. Strangely Thomas and Anne had two daughters called Mary, but this was possible and often happened, given wide range in ages. This is the daughter then that married Thomas Clarke in 1618, although she would only have been 15-16 years old at the time. Although plausible for Tudor times.

That actually makes 15 children, which is why the first mentioned document suggests that number. Happy for other research to expand on these suggestions. Thanks. Colin Hewitt February 2022.

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