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Lowry McClintock family from Donegal to NZ

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Date: 1847 [unknown]
Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: lowry new zealand
Profile manager: Matt McNabb private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 138 times.



"Mahaffy" might be a family name -- appears in daughter Jane.

Births - Familysearch

Familysearch has indexed:

The others will probably need to be hand-sorted from the Irish Civil Registration page which doesn't index middle-names and often misses out the mother's birth name.

Births - Civil Registration

LinkDOBBirthplaceSurnameForename(s)SexFatherMotherFather's Profession
1881 Strabane 868338225 May 1881Binion TaughboyneLowreyJane MahaffeyFJames Lowry, Binion, TaughboyneMary Jane McClintockFarmer
1883 Strabane 962367027 Feb 1883Binion TaughboyneLowryMary MargaretFJames Lowry, Binion, TaughboyneMary Jane McClintockFarmer

1901 census

Residents of a house 4 in Binnion (St. Johnston, Donegal

SurnameForenameAgeSexRelation to headReligionBirthplaceOccupationLiteracyIrish LanguageMarital StatusSpecified Illnesses
LowryJames52MaleHead of FamilyChurch of IrelandCo DonegalFarmerRead and write-Married-
LowryMary Jane45FemaleWifeChurch of IrelandCo Donegal-Read and write-Married-
Lowry Jane Mahaffy19FemaleDaughterChurch of IrelandCo DonegalScholarRead and write-Not Married-
LowryMary Margaret18FemaleDaughterChurch of IrelandCo DonegalScholarRead and write-Not Married-
LowryLillie Louisa16FemaleDaughterChurch of IrelandCo DonegalScholarRead and write-Not Married-
LowryRobert William14MaleSonChurch of IrelandCo DonegalScholarRead and writeGreek, Latin and EnglishNot Married-
LowryAileen Isabella12FemaleDaughterChurch of IrelandCo DonegalScholarRead and write-Not Married-
LowryBeatrice Thomphson10FemaleDaughterChurch of IrelandCo DonegalScholarRead and write-Not Married-
LowryAnna Rebecca9FemaleDaughterChurch of IrelandCo DonegalScholarRead and write-Not Married-
LowryEvelyn7FemaleDaughterChurch of IrelandCo DonegalScholarRead and write-Not Married-
LowryAndrew John5MaleSonChurch of IrelandCo DonegalScholarRead and write-Not Married-
LowryFrances Osborne3FemaleDaughterChurch of IrelandCo Donegal-Cannot read-Not Married-

Samuel Thomas must have lived elsewhere at the time. The birthday clipping gives 13 children with 10 surviving.


No passenger log has been found; however a birthday clipping for Mary Jane says they arrived in New Zealand in 1904.[1]

Time in New Zealand

They lived at Hikutaia, Thames Valley. (Appears on many records). They farmed there until retiring to Onehunga, Auckland in about 1917.[1]

As of 1945 there were had 13 children (10 still living), 56 grandchildren, 54 great-grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren. 16 of her grandsons served in the Second World War.[1]

Spelling of name

Lowry is used on the marriage record, 1901 census, and all NZ records.

Lowery is used on the FS transcription of Civil Registration for the three children.

For consistency I've decided to use Lowry for the LNAB on Wikitree.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 "Ninetieth Birthday", New Zealand Herald, Volume 82, Issue 25250, 10 July 1945, Page 2

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