peters junglas
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Photos from Jamie Nelson's paternal grandmother's side.
Lucile (Peters) Nelson [Jamie's Grandmother]
Elsie (Junglas) Peters [Jamie's Great-Grandmother]
Elsie as a baby.
Elsie in California in 1956.
Elsie about September 1956.
Elsie about March 1958.
Elsie and an unknown woman. About September 1959.
Elsie and her husband Leo Fattorini.
Lillian (Junglas) Delano [Elsie's Sister]
Lillian is on the left with the dalmation.
Lilly and Harry Delano.
Harry and Lillian Delano, and their daughter Harriet. 1940.
Harry, Lillian and Harriet.
Roy Junglas [Elsie's Brother]
Elisabeth (Junglas) Josetti [Elsie's Aunt]
I believe the woman in front is Elisabeth. I don't know who the other women are.
Arthur Josetti, Elisabeth's husband.
Group Photos
I believe the woman on the far left is Elsie, the younger child is Lucile and the older one is Katherine. The man on the right is Arthur Josetti and the woman behind him is Elisabeth.
I think the couple in the top left may be Walter & Elsie Peters, but I'm not sure.
I believe the back of the picture says May 4th, 1919. This would make Lucile 6 and Katherine 10.
John Toner [Elsie's husband], Kay Bolt [Lucile's sister], Elsie, Lucile, Wilbert Nelson [my grandfather], and Joan and Marty Bolt [Kay's children].
Lucile is the little girl at the very top.