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Ludlow Massacre

Privacy Level: Public (Green)
Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Ludlow, Las Animas County, Coloradomap
Surnames/tags: Mining_Disasters Colorado
Profile manager: John Anderson private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 142 times.
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19:28, 23 April 2019 (EDT)

Ludlow Massacre
Las Animas County, Colorado -
1914 Miner Striker Altercation

20 April 1914


History and Circumstances

Area History
Include a short history of the town or area of the mine relating to the mine; how the mine influenced the area, etc.
Strike History
Include whatever you can find
Massacre Circumstances

When it happened, why, how, etc.; who was involved.

PUT IN BOLD any names of miners, investigators, rescuers that may be in the text.

Add photos if you find any.

Investigation Report

Add any info you find of interest; if books are written, make a copy of the cover and link to the book UNDER Want to Know More? section.

Add any positive results of the disaster.

Miner Victims

There were 17 victims of the Ludlow Massacre including women, children, and babies.

17 Lives Lost in the Ludlow Massacre
VictimAgeApprox DOB
Bartolotti, John451869
Costa, Charlie311883
Costa, Onafrio41910
Costas, Fedelina271887
Fyler, James431871
Pedregone, Cloriva41910
Pedregone, Rodgerlo61908
Petrucci, Frank 4 months1914
Petrucci, Joe 4 ½1909
Petrucci, Lucy 2 ½1911
Rubino, Frank231891
Snyder, Jr., William111903
Tikas, Louis301884
Valdez, Elvira 3 months1914
Valdez, Eulala81906
Valdez, Mary71907
Valdez, Patria371877
  • Add photos if found and other items of interest.
  • Add newspaper articles if found.
  • Add number of children, etc., or other info about the families.

Miner Survivors

Add Survivors in a table if you find a list using the same format as victims.

If you add text containing names, add that or other info and PUT THE NAMES IN BOLD.

Rescue Effort & Rescuers

From disaster history, add the rescue efforts and any rescuers you may find.

If the NAMES are in the text you put here, BOLD THE NAMES.

You can create a table of Rescuers using the same format as for victims.

Others Involved/Supporters and the Aftermath

Many were involved after the disaster:

  • family,
  • investigators,
  • miners, not involved in the disaster as survivors or rescuers, who might be noted elsewhere as working in that mine,
  • and supporters in the aftermath

We would like to honor them also.

The sources and resources may uncover others who may be honored and remembered.

Create table if you find a list,

Add what you find in photos, stories, articles, etc.

If the NAMES are in the text you put here, BOLD THE NAMES.

Museums & Memorials

  • Add links to museums or memorials regarding this disaster
  • Add photos of memorials

Children Who Died

Sad, but true, many children were killed in the massacre. In addition to the "other" Memorial sticker, you may also COPY & PASTE the following somewhere below the profile Biography section heading to show they died way before their time:

{{Died Young}}

This results in this sticker:
... ... ... died young.

This can be inserted in the paragraph describing the child mine worker’s death circumstances.

  • Note: Also be sure to mark “no spouse” and “no children” in the appropriate places in the profile edit page
  • Click on “Add” in the “Spouse” area which takes you to another page where you can click on UNMARRIED and follow the links to show no spouse.
  • On the edit page under CHILDREN, check the box by “No Children”.

This results in a much cleaner and accurate profile.

Memorial Stickers

The Memorials add the Occupation categories to the Miners' and Mining Rescuers' profiles.

The Miners' Support Ribbon is added to Miners' Family members and Supporters involved in this coal mining disaster.

General Notes regarding Stickers:

  • The text is a variable that can be changed to fit the individual.
  • Text is limited to 100 characters
  • The name line in a person's profile will fill in the name of the person in the Memorial Sticker.
  • wording may be changed in the Connection= to fit the individual's profile
  • A miner who is killed in the disaster along with a brother or father can have both a Miners' Memorial and "Miners' Family Sticker added to his profile. An example is included below.

For others involved, i.e., family members, others involved, miners who worked there but not in the mine that day, the suggestions can be copy&pasted and then edited.

Some Suggestions For Miners:

  • wasn't working that day, so escaped the
  • worked in the mine, but was not involved in the

Suggestions For Mining Rescuers:

  • helped with rescue and recovery in the
  • was a rescuer killed in the rescue efforts in the

Categories to Add to Miners' Profiles

ADD the following categories to the TOP of the Miner's profiles as they are researched and added, or found on WikiTree.

To add categories to an individual's page:

1. Copy & Paste the following to the top of the profile page:

2. Save Changes

3. Click on the PROFILE and make sure the categories appear.

If underlined and in BLACK, congratulations! You have added the profile to the category. You may click on the underlined categories to see the miner's profile on that category page.

Note: If you see someone you are researching, or your ancestor appears on this page you are welcome to add the categories and a sticker to that person's page and contact a Profile Manager of this page for the table to be updated.

This is our way of helping you honor the miners in your family.

OR if you want to help grow the WikiTree community tree:

  • Research the names of miners killed on WikiTree, and if found, add the categories above and the project template and stickers below to their profile page.
  • Add miners to WikiTree by creating their profile.
  • Research names found in the investigation report and add the profiles if you find enough information.

Genealogy Resources

Add genealogy resources that are found specifically relating to this disaster, or the area.
Possible sources to add by link:
  • Interment Records
  • Area Genealogical & Historical Societies
  • Library Collections online

Want to Know More?

This is where to place additional stories, articles and other items of interest to Read More About It
  • Add resources or links to articles [that may be copyrighted] that add more details
  • List books about the disaster, possibly with a photo of the book cover

To Do

  • Disaster Page
  • History and circumstances of the disaster with photos as available
  • Memorial to be used for that disaster (Profile Memorial Template)
  • List of names of those killed, injured, etc. where available & Create tables
  • Genealogy Resources
  • Museums/Memorials commemorating the disaster web links/photos
  • Resources & Read More About It [Want to Know More Section]
  • Sources
  • Individual Profiles To Do List
  • For each miner, family member, mining rescuer or family member found:
  • Research WikiTree for existing profiles
  • Research external sites for more information on miners killed
  • review investigation reports for names of miners and others involved
  • complete profile page
  • upload individual miners' photos; family info of select miners, other similar if found
  • Search resources and genealogy info for more information on victims and families, and others involved
  • For Wikitree Profiles:
  • All duplicates should be merged into the final profile ID. PPP should be added if there are known duplication problems/or the person is considered notable.
  • Worldwide Mining project box template, sticker and categories included on the page
  • Biography is cleaned up and free of any GEDCOM leftovers, Ancestry trees with no links, etc. and styled according to Category:Styles and Standards. Use of inline citations is encouraged, and please do not copy large swaths of text from elsewhere. Paraphrase and link!
  • Each individual should have a quality source or reference to their association with the Worldwide Mining Disaster- i.e. a website or published biography
  • Create and attach immediate family
  • Connect to the main WikiTree tree
  • Link/include any memorials, gravestones, etc. whether photo, web link, obituary or other
  • Personal To Dos
  • Also can be used as a personal To Do list as the page is worked on
  • Delete the Disaster Page “To Dos” as they are completed


Add other sources used in completing or researching the disaster.
  • TIP: add inline references and sources as you work through the page - it will save a lot of time and frustration.
Thank you for Visiting.
We Honor Those Who Were Lost, Those Who Helped & Those Left Behind



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