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Luke Hill Sr. Deed in Consideration of Maintenance

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Date: 13 Feb 1684 [unknown]
Location: Simsbury, Hartford County, Connecticut Colonymap
Surname/tag: Hill
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Deed in Consideration for Covenant of Maintenance

The following is a transcription of a deed by Luke Hill to his youngest son, John, of his home and all his other properties in consideration for John agreeing to support his parents until their deaths. The transcription is from Bassette, Buell Burdett. "One Bassett Family in America." The F.A. Bassette Company, 1926. p 432:

1693/4, Feb'y 26. Vol. I, p 167 T Acts: "To all Christian people to whom these presents shall come greeting: Know ye that I luk Hill Senr of Simsbury being agged above seventy years and being through this my agg utterly disenabled & In capacitated to labr and provid for my self being but week in body &c but of perfect Mynd and Memory through the blesing of god: and considering the present Circumstances and difficulties I stand under:still desiring to wait upon the good pleasure of my most Mercifull Creator and gracious redemer and eternall untill my Appoynted chang shall come.Therefore do by these presents Covenant to and with my son John Hill this presnt febry 1693/4 in Maner and after the tennor and form following:
That this my sonne to whom I bare good will and affection too being now presnt with me, being in the 25 year of his agge, & Further disiring him my sd sonne to be with me and take yee care of me and his agged mother durring the full time of our life providing good cloaths, Phisicks & all such necessaries as is nedfull for us Durring life; and this my sonn haveing engaged thus to doe: And for his doeing Therefore Have given Granted & by these presents doe fully, freely, clearly and absolutely give and grant to my son John Hill his heyrs executors Administrators and assigns for ever all and singular (besides my Measuag or Tenements and those parcells of land &c mentioned in a deed of Allination given him for his enssurence of his Title, possession, Claym, chal date with these presents I give him my whol stock, Viz: oxen being ore plowes and plow, tacklyn chaines and horse tackling and what Furniture for horse service that I have, Swin and Swin kind that I have, and cart wheels, rings, boxes, bands, ringes, pins, cops and pine betl rings, wedges, axes, hoves, gun, swords or any other Implements for husbandry that is mine either for choping or digging as also all my household stuffe bed and bed Furniture, pots, kitles, puter or brasse or Iron and also my wooden warre, dishes, platers, tubes, Barrells, spining wheels, Boxes, chests, churs, &c. Further this my sd Son John Hill is to pay and fully discharge all my debts, as also to pay his sister Abigall Pamerly her portion which is Fourteen pounds as also to do it as soon as he can conveniently, and whereas sd Abigall had given her the grat Iron Pot she shall not have it till after her parents death; but that beed with the filling therein and one bolster and pillow sd abigall is to have after our death. Freely it is given her; but the pot above mentioned is to goe to her for part of her portion. And as for the Legacies formerly mentioned is by these presents Remited and cut off: yea: every branch Article and clause of the same so that sd John shall have singulare all the peculares above mentioned (excepting what is here excempted) respecting which I may Justly clayme as in right my owne whether alive or dead; as well moveable as things Imoveable both reall & personall in whose hand & custody or possession so ever they may be or wheresoever the same or any of them or any part of them can or may now or hereafter be found remayning or being, to have & to hold All the sd Parcells of land Mesuage and appurtinances thereunto belonging and wharsoever is due to me by debts or other dues to take for his use and receive & all other the premises unto his the sayd John Hill his heyrs executors adminsitrators and assigns frome hence forth as hiss and their proper goods forever absolutely without any maner of other conditions then what is abov exprest, as I the sd Luk Hill, have absolutely and of my own accord set and put in further Testimony: in witnesses whereof I have here unto set my hand and seall this 13 day of Feb 1683/4 and in the 5th year of the Reign of our Soveriegn Lord Wm & Lady Mary King and queen of England &c.
Witness: John Slater, Registr; Abia A. Slater. Luke X Hill Senr"
John Hill upon consideration of above sd premises and having Received of my Honored father Luk Hill a deed of his mesuage & sundry parcells of land I do covenant to & with my father & mother Mary Hill to Continue with them during their terme of their Naturall life & provide for them as far as my ability may extend both for food, cloathing, phisick & other necessities . . .

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