
Lumley 1799 Colliery Disaster

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Date: 11 Oct 1799
Location: Lumley, County Durham, Englandmap
Surnames/tags: Mining Disasters England Disasters
This page has been accessed 317 times.

Worldwide Disasters | Mining Disasters | England Mining Disasters | County Durham Mining Disasters | Lumley Colliery 1799 Mining Disaster Contact: TBC

History and Circumstances

  • Date: 11 October 1799
  • Location: 'Lumley Colliery, Lumley, County Durham, England
  • Victims: 39 lives lost
  • Cause: Colliery Explosion
Victims (20 found)
Name Sourced Bio Connected Category
Crosby, John, aged 18
Crosby, John, aged 9, son of William Crosby
Crosby, Thomas, aged 25
Crosby, William, aged 36, father of John Crosby
Dixon, William, aged 12
Dunn, Martin, aged 61
Gofton?, John, aged 19
Gofton?, Matthew, aged 21
Grey, Thomas, aged 17, son of Thomas Grey
Grey, Thomas, aged 50, father of Thomas Grey
Humble, George, aged 15
Humble, Thomas, aged 23
Humble, Thomas, aged 26
Liddle, George, aged 26
Liddle, William, aged 24
Rogerson, Robert, aged 63
Smith, Martin, aged 30
Smith, Thomas, aged 20
Younger, Ralph, aged 18
Younger, Thomas, aged 15


*Durham Mining Museum

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