Surname/tag: Lutheran
Related Categories:
- Category: Lutheran Ministers
- Category:Lutherans
- Category: Lutheran Priests
- Category:Lutheranism
- Category:Lutheran, Professional Genealogists
The goal of this project is to ... Find those of Lutheran Faith and to expand on Lutheran history. Later can Exspand to different sub projects with in Lutheran Faith.
Lutheran Noteables
How to Join
To join the Lutheran project first start out by browsing our current research pages to see if there is a specific study ongoing that fits your interests. If so, feel free to add your name to the Membership list below, post an introduction comment on the specific team page, and then dive right in!
If a research page does not yet exist for your particular area of interest, please contact the Name Study Coordinator: Billie Keaffaber or Shirlea J. Smith for assistance.
Right now this project just has three members.
Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help.
- gathering those of Lutheran Faith famous, ministers, ect.
- working on profiles and categorization
- help with Lutheran Project
Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in G2G using the project tag, or send me a private message. Thanks!
- Login to edit this profile and add images.
- Private Messages: Contact the Profile Managers privately: Shirlea Smith and Billie Keaffaber. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
- Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.) (she may also have been a martyr - need to verify) (Martin Luther was one of his teachers)
edited by Shirlea Smith
I added you as manager. I also did some research on your Notables Questions Natalie Trott a helper with religion project sent me this:
(Famous Lutherans" should be a free-space page within your project, and you can link to these famous persons from your free-space page, in a table.
If the person is famous for some other reason than being Lutheran, such as a famous actor who is a Lutheran, the fame is already covered by the Notables categories. If the person is a notable church founder or other figure, we have Category: Religious Figures and Religious Occupations. Note that the use of Category:Country, Religious Figures is used and also Category:Quaker Notables. The Quaker category existed before there was an attempt to change the entire structure, which this page is based on.)
I will email you how to get one made.
I added them to Lutheran project.
edited by Billie (Bright) Keaffaber
I can't contribute much, but some of my Gmelin ancestors were Lutheran and also somewhat famous. Do you have a project template that you would want to put on their profiles, or something like that? Do you want me to list them for you, or put the template on the bios myself, or...?
I just sent you privet message.