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Lynn Wiggers To-Do List

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Date: [unknown]
Location: [unknown]
Surname/tag: Wiggers Cemetery
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This page has been accessed 220 times.

Here are the profiles Lynn Wiggers is currently working on. Can you help?

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  1. Document the parents of Eliza Whatley, Elisha and Mary O'Berry
  2. Get with Jacqueline Girouard about parents of Raimond-18
  3. Continue research on the Thompsons of Chappel Hill
  4. Research XDNA matches to Uncle Puddler -- Mildred Louis Powell Hemphill mother of Meri Hemphill Cotney T506247 and Velma Idella Fountin Mitchell mother of Eldon Mitchell M069958, and ancestors of [Hobbs]
  5. Document the descendants of Isaac Wade Fife
Name Birth Notes
Magdalena Raimond search on parents listed in profile
Hiram Thompson to-do
Eliza Whatley document parents
John Bunch may be the father of Rachel Bunch
Frances Kelley Lee research mother of Ronald Lee, DNA match appears to triangulate with Bonner family and ???

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