Location: Earls Colne, Essex, England

Surname/tag: MARKHAM
This is a part of the Earls Colne One Place Study
Study Notes
1 Ancestor Markham might be of Essex, England, father of James and Abraham Markham of Earls Colne, Essex. Please let me know of any information of whom you might suspect this person might be.
2 James Markham,[1][1] of Earls Colne, Essex, Weaver,[2][2] Approved and Lawful Man of the County,[3][3] Compurgator.[4][4] Taster of Bread and Ale for one year,[5][5] (Compurgator: A sworn witness to the innocence or good character of an accused person). bn:c.1610, Further unknown, br:1679-02-06,[6][6] St. Andrew's Churchyard, Earls Colne, Essex (Jas Markham householder buried in wool sworn before M. Guyon[7][7] (High Sheriff of the County, Knight ??). m:1632-10-11, St. Andrews Church, Earls Colne, Essex, to Martha Collins, of Earls Colne, Essex.[8][8] br:1669-03-12: Martha Markham wife of Jas Markham, St. Andrew's Church, Earls Colne, Essex. NOTE: Martha Collins birth place is unknown and the record might not exist. She has a sister Sibill Collins. Martha Collins's mother Magdalen Treathone m2:1614-08-04, Bramford, Suffolk, to Wm Cosins.7 They had:
. 3 James Markham,1 bp:1634-04-02,1 St. Andrew's Church, Earls Colne, Essex. James Markham1 and Abraham Markham1 are baptized the same day. See: Jane Markham,8 widow of Brayes (1657).
. 3 Margaret Markham,[9][9] bp:1636-08-18, St. Andrew's Church, Earls Colne, Essex. dd:1661>. m. Thomas Lunn,(Lunn, Lunne, Lun, Luan),[10][10] bn:c.1635, dd:1666-73. 1662: Garlands; Greenlands alias Garlands. NOTE:10 It is not proved that Thomas Lunn and Margaret Lunn are siblings.
.. 4 Martha Lunn,[11][11] bp:1660-08-05,5 St. Andrew Church, Earls Colne, Essex.
.. 4 Thomas Lunn,[12][12] bp:1661-08-06,5 Earls Colne, Essex.
. 3 John, bp:1639-02-21, St. Andrew's Church, Earls Colne, Essex.
. 3 Daniel Markham, (Markham, Marcum, Marckham, Markhan), Deacon and Planter (MA), bp:1641-06-22, St. Andrew's Church, Earls Colne, Essex. He goes to New England, m1. Elizabeth Whitmore, m2: Patience Harris. He dd:1712-02-06, Middletown, Middlesex, CT. His cousin Nathaniel Markham the son of Abraham Markham, dd:1673-09-26, Charlestown, MA, at the home of Edward Collins.
. 3 William Markham,[13][13] bp:1645-06-22, St. Andrew's Church, Earls Colne, Essex.
. 3 Martha Markham,[14][14] bp:1647-03-21, St. Andrew's Church, Earls Colne, Essex.
. 3 Mathew Markham,[15][15][16][16] bp:1649,[17][17] St. Mary Magdalene Church, Wethersfield, Essex. dd:1675>. m:1674,[18][18] Mile End (Myland), near Colchester, Essex, to Margaret Lunn,[19][19] bn:c.1650, dd:1674>. (Lun, Lan, Lund, Lundt). See: HT: 1675.9 NOTE:10 It is not proved that Margaret Lunn and Thomas Lunn are siblings.
.. 4 Susan Markham, bn:c.1678. m:1702[20][20] Robert Harison. NOTE: It is not yet proved that Susan Markham is the daughter of Mathew Markham, but she seems to be.
. 3 Phoebe Markham,[21][21] bp:1655-04-03, St. Andrew's Church, Earls Colne, Essex. dd:1683>. m1:1683-09-28, St. Leonard's Parish, Colchester, Essex,6 to William Bower, of St. Leonard's Parish, Colchester, Essex.6 (Seax DP 193-1-1).
● m:1683-09-28: William Bower of St. Leonard's parish in Colchester and Phebe Markham of Earls Colne, being 3 Sundays published as appears by Certificate of Mr. Henry Savage, minister of St. Leonard, were marryed September ye 28th, 1683.[22]
2 Abraham Markham,[22][23] (Markham, Markeham, Markam, Marke), Separatist, of Earls Colne, Essex, br:1660-01-11, Earls Colne, Essex. m:1633-06-27, St. Andrew's Church, Earls Colne, Essex, to Alice Turner,[23][24] bp:1604-01-01, St. Andrew's Church, Earls Colne, Essex. Widow: <1661-07-15. br:1664-05-16, Earls Colne, Essex, widow.
● 1644-11-04: One old Turner 84 y. old, dwelling in the house with one Markham a separatist, this day drowned himself, Lord thy judgements are secret and righteous keep thou me and mine I humbly entreat thee.[24][25]
● 1678-03-19 (Court):4 Nathaniel Sibly[25][26] gentleman for a tenement called Hitchcotts in the occupation of widow Aymes and Abraham Markham late Aymes rent 2d1h (49a) Adams(A85) (inserted).[26][27]
. 3 Abraham Markham,1[27][28] bp:1634-04-02,1 St. Andrew's Church, Earls Colne, Essex, br:1656-62, Earls Colne, Essex. m1:1656-05-26,[28][29] St. Andrew's Church, Earls Colne, Essex, to Mary Wilson,[29][30] bn:c.1635, br:1662-10-02, St. Andrew's Church, Earls Colne, Essex, widow. {Brother/Father?: Rich Wilson (W639) ?}. Abraham Markham1 and James Markham1 are baptized the same day.
. 3 Jeane Markham,[30][31] bp:1636-02-14, St. Andrew's Church, Earls Colne, Essex, dd:1640>.
. 3 Edward Markham,[31][32] b:c.1637, dd:1658-59, m1:<1658 Dorothy,[32][33] dd:Aft.1658. No known offspring. m2:1659-05-01,[33][34] St. Leonard Church, Colchester, Essex,6 Dorothy Markham and Christopher Medford. NOTE: Seems to be the same Dorothy. They had:
.. 4 Robert Medford, bp:1659-03-04,[34][35] St. Leonard Church, Colchester, Essex.6 m. Anne. They had:
.... 5 John Medford, bp:1687-03-29,[35][36] St. James, Colchester, Essex.
. 3 Elizabeth Markham,[36][37][37][38] bp:1639-01-29, St. Andrew's Church, Earls Colne, Essex, br:1684-05-29, Earls Colne, Essex (Eliz Fossett buried in wool affidavit before Perkins). m:1664-02-23, St. Andrew's Church, Earls Colne, Essex, to Christopher Fossett,[38][39] bp:1634-10-05, St. Andrew's Church, Earls Colne, Essex, son of Xoph Fawcett[39][40] and Alice Fawcett, (Bley/Bly).[40][41] br:1687-04-25, Earls Colne, Essex (Xoph Forset buried in wool sworn before Livermore). They had:
● 1715: Mr. Jn Livermore, Rector of Markshall and Little Tey. Mr. Gamaliel Lagden Curate of Colne Wake.[41][42][42][43]
● 1670: Deacon. 1674: Priest.
● 1670: To be the curate of Mr. Joseph Waite, Rector of Sproughton.[43][44]
● Will of Joseph Waite of Sproughton in the County of Suffolk, clerk. Witness: John Richardson, John Livermer. See: References.[45]
● 1674: John Livermore, MA, Rector, Markshall. Institution.
● 1701: John Livermore, MA, Rector, Little Teys. dd:<1719-01-14.[44][46] He succeeded James Boys, MA, Clerk, Little Teys.
● 1689: James Boys, MA, Rector, Little Teys.
● 1701: James Boys, MA, Clerk, Little Teys. (Resignation).[45][47]
● 1692-04-05: Mr. Boys was married to the Lady Guyon. (Widow of Sir Mark Guyon). St. Peter's Church, Coggeshall, Essex. - Bufton.
.. 4 Christopher Fossett,[46][48][47][49] bp:1665-10-22, St. Andrew's Church, Earls Colne, Essex. m. Anne.[48][50] They had:
.... 5 ? Fossett,[49][51] br:1690-10-27, Earls Colne, Essex. Twins ?.
.... 5 Ann Fossett,[50][52] br:1690-10-30, Earls Colne, Essex. Twins ?.
.... 5 Christopher Fossett,[51][53] bp:04-10-1691, St. Andrew's Church, Earls Colne, Essex.
.... 5 ? Fossett,[52][54] bp:1695-10-04, St. Andrew's Church, Earls Colne, Essex.
.... 5 George Fossett,[53][55] bn:1696-09-22, Earls Colne, Essex, bp:1698-03-16, St. Andrew Church, Earls Colne, Essex.
.... 5 Elizabeth Fossett,[54][56] bn:1698-03-16, Earls Colne, Essex, bp:1698-03-16, St. Andrew Church, Earls Colne, Essex.
.... 5 Ann Fossett,[55][57] bn:23-03-1702, Earls Colne, Essex, bp:23-03-1702, St. Andrew Church, Earls Colne, Essex.
.. 4 Elizabeth Fossett,[56][58] bp:1668-12-13, St. Andrew's Church, Earls Colne, Essex. br:1670-04-07, Earls Colne, Essex.
.. 4 Sarah Fossett,[57][59] bp:1671-11-03, St. Andrew's Church, Earls Colne, Essex.
.. 4 Alice Fossett,[58][60] bp:1677-02-21, St. Andrew's Church, Earls Colne, Essex. br:1678-06-28, Earls Colne, Essex.
.. 4 William Fossett,[59][61] bp:1679-11-15, St. Andrew's Church, Earls Colne, Essex.
. 3 Nathaniel Markham,[60][62] bp:1642-05-30, St. Andrew Church, Earls Colne, Essex, dd:1673-09-26, in the home of Mr. Collins, Charlestown, MA.[63] NOTE: Mr. Collins, Deacon and Merchant, is uncle to both Deacon Daniel Markham and Nathaniel Markham.
. 3 Grace Markham,[61][64] bn:c.1643, br:1672-12-10, Earls Colne, Essex (?).[62][65]
● 1661-07-15: I Mehetbell Hurrell[63][66] now of Earls Colne in the county of Essex singlewoman, one of the daughters of Wm Hurrell of Ashen or otherwise called Esse in the said county clerk deceased. My loving sister Marthamur Hurrell. I give to Wm Harlakenden.3 Alice Markham of Earls widow and to Grace her daughter.[64][67]s
● There is no baptismal record for Grace Markham.3 NOTE: She died the day before Jane Markham, widow of Brayes. Grace Markham possibly wife of Zephaniah Hurrell (?).
. 3 Sarah Markham,[65][68] bn:c.1644, br:1672-09-18, Earls Colne, Essex, singlewoman. Parents ?.
● 1589-09-18: Jn Collen (C863) holdeth by copy to him and to his heirs by virtue of the surrender of Jn Byrde one croft of land customary called Pychardes and four crofts of land called Mychells with appurtenances in Earls Colne aforesaid and one tenement customary called Hovestevens late in the tenure of Wm Clarke and sometime in the tenure of Robt Stevens with appurtenances in Earls Colne aforesaid by fealty suit of court and by the yearly rent of 32s10d payable as is aforesaid as appeareth as well by the rentals and court rolls of this manor of 10Eliz1 and 26Eliz1 and in more ancient time the same lands and tenements were of Edm Ashefeelde gentleman and before of Jn Wynkefeeld gentleman.[66][69]
● 1637: Clem TurnerT270 was admitted to the house called Humphreys which he surrendered his right lately to the widow Nevill and now took it again and I gave mrs Haukesbee the fine because she purchased and the minister's wife.[67][70]
● 1637: Dionis Haukesbee I admitted her to the same house called Humphreys by the surrender of TurnerT270 and his wife and she paid for her fine because the minister's wife.[68][71]
● Dionisia Hawksby now wife of Jn Hawksby clerk vicar of Earls Colne and before that wife of Rich Lancaster doctor of theology deceased.[69][72]
● 1639: Jn Ludgater and wife Margt were admitted by the surrender of mrs Haukesbee to part of Humphres which she lately bought of TurnerT270 to the use of Jn Ludgater and Margt his wife.[70][73]
● 1643-10-02: Edw Browne,[71][74] and Robt Carter were elected into the office of constable within this view who swore to execute well and faithfully the said office for one year following and into the office of tasters of bread and ale. Hen Ames and Jas Markham.[72][75]
● 1650-03-17: We had divers expressions of love from Mrs Wm Harlakenden3 this week, I (Ralph Josselin) received 6li. of my com(mitte)e money from Chelmsford, and a bottle of sack from London, from Mr Linch, god using me as an instrument to help them in their poor sister Goodwife Markham.[73][76] NOTE: Goodwife Markham seems to have complications after giving brith to Mathew Markham bp:1649. The Earls Colne website has assigned Goodwife Markham to be Alice Turner. Goodwife Markham is Martha Collins the wife of James Markham and sister to Sibilla Collins4 the wife of Henry Linch.
● Henry Linch, Goldsmith of London, then Clerk to Commissioners for Sequestrations, London. m:1635-05-14 St. Peter le Poer, London, to Sibilla Collens.[74][77]
● 1675-04-13: James Markham residing in Berecroft Lane (Rich Browne).[75][78]
● 1678-03-19:4 James Markham residing in Brownes (Bearcroft).[76][79]
● 1678-03-19:4 Wm Boosby holds messuage called Brownes with a yard belonging in Church St. late of Wm Bridge now divided into three tenements in occupations of widow Sillito Jas Markham and Jn Bond widow B wife Isa Potter (inserted).[77][80]
● 1678-03-19: Edw Potter (P889) holds by copy 3r in (489a) Burroughs Mead late of Ellen Aymes (P1042) (489) the same holdeth by copy another parcel called Little Burroughs late of Aymes (487a) the same holdeth by copy another parcel of pasture land containing 4a called Burroughs late Aymes the same likewise holdeth freely a marsh or meadow called Bovers Marsh sometime Fisher's and late Aymes the same doth hold freely another part of (487) Burroughs late Aymes sometime used with a tenement called Hitchcotts. Fletcher Robinson (inserted).[78][81]
● 1679-01-03: 1679-09-23 (Court): Will of William Boosbey, Tailor, of Earls Colne:[79][82][80][83] NOTE: James Markham was residing in Bearcroft 1679-01-03, and just over one month later, James Markham was br:1679-02-06, householder.[81][84]
● 1658-06-17: 1658-07-13 (Court): Eliz wife of Wm Adams senior yeoman, Eliz Adams Margt Adams Mary Adams spinsters and Thos Adams yeoman all of Earls Colne (1658-06-17) riotously entered the dwelling house of Abrm Markham and assaulted Dorothy wife of Edw Markham. witnesses Joan Tyler Frances Pease Rich Wilson.11 [82][85][83][86] NOTE: Edward Markham's exact relationship to Abraham Markham is unknown.
● 1658-06-21: 1658-07-13 (Court): Jas Adams of Colchester carpenter (1658-06-21) at Earls Colne did break into the garden of Abrm Markham there and carried away the rose bushes growing there worth 5s. witnesses Joan Tyler Frances Pease Rich Wilson.11 [84][87][85][88]
● 1658-06-21: Jas Adams and Jn Clarke both of Colchester carpenters, Robt Barnard of Earls Colne. Adams to keep the peace to Jas Markham (sic) of Earls Colne weaver.[86][89]
● 1659-02-28: 1659-04-12 (Court): Robt Paine of Earls Colne labourer (1659-02-28) stole there six broom faggots worth 6d of Abry Garrett witnesses Garrett Thos Sexton.
● 1659-03-03: Recognizance of Robert Paine labourer, Samuel Paine and Abraham Markham; Robert to do what the Court shall enjoin and answer 'Abree' Garrett labourer for selling two broom faggets; all of Earls Colne.
● Public Petition, House of Lords. 1642-01-20.[87][90] R. Harlakenden, Thomas Harlakenden, Willm Harlakenden, Edw Elliston, William Cosins, Edward Cressenr, Henery Ennowes, Henry Abbutt, James Nicoll, John Branwood, John Brewer, Thomas Hales, Samuell Burton, William Adams, Robert Potter, John Holden, Giles Crowe, Edward Haxall, John Kent, Arthur ffuller, Thomas ffisher, William Adams, Symon Rowlesen (Symon Holden), Richard Appelton, John Browne, Cornelius Brownson, X Stephen Champney, Samuell Cockerell, Ralph Josselin, Edward Clarke bailiff, Robert Crowe, X John Larrett, George R#, X John Stevens, X Clement Turner, X John Stevens jun, X Rob Hutton, Thomas Prentes, John Church, Auery Sanders, X Geo Harrison, X Hen Tompson, X Tho: Pilgrim, X Nic Kendall, X Henry Cant, X John Ellis, X Ro Androws, James Day, X John Amie, Amb (Waller#), X George Wade (may be George Wade), John Kebell, X John Garrad, X John Appelton, X Tobie Harris, Walter Pease, X William Death, X Thomas Chrismass, X James Pennoke, X John March, X John Day, X John Newton, X Thomas Prior, Edward ??, Illegible text, X Bartholomew Clarke, X Abraham Markham, X John Clarke, X Edward Spooner, James Markham, Henry Johnson, John Hutten, X Henry (Cunney), X John Steevens (may be John Steevens) sen, X Richard ffisher, X Tho (Harvie), X John Hinkin, X Thomas Pilgrim (may be Thomas Pilgrim), George Hayer (George Layer), X Robert Tibball, X Clement Man, X Edward Brome, X William (Bucke), X Tho Sillito, X John Bridge, X John Siggs, X ffrancis Somerton, X John Roote, X Willia Sextin, X Edmond Potter, X Nicholas Harrison, X Tho Harrison, Robert Webbe, X John (Peake), X Abra Peake, X Rich: Siggs, X Edward Paine, X James Man, Robert Johnson, X Henry Pickett, X Francis Spooner, X Richard Hatch, Richard Burton, X John Browne, X Thomas Clarke, X William Paretree, X William Paine.
● Jane Markham,[88][91] Widow of Brayes (1657), Earls Colne, bn:c.1635, br:1672-12-11 (?).3
● NOTE: There is some chance Jane Markham, Widow of Brayes (1657), might be the wife of James Markham, son of James Markham and Martha Collins, the most likely candidate. There is no known marriage record for them. Jane Markham might also be the Jane wife of Rich Wilson, of whom, he is most likely the brother of Mary Wilson the wife of Abraham Markham, son of Abraham Markham and Alice Turner. This same Rich Wilson is found as a witness for Abraham Markham Snr. There is some chance Jane Markham (M197) might be the same person as Jane Wilson (W634).[89][92]
● Rich Wilson,[90][93][91][94] of Brayes, Say Weaver. bn:c.1640, dd:1672.3 (W639=W640).
● Rich Wilson11 the witness for Abraham Markham (1658).
● 1657-11-03:12 Jn Stephens the younger.[92][95] He is in court on this date12, being just two days before he is buried.
● 1656: Office of aletasters. 1657: Bricklayer.
● 1657-11-05:br:Jn Stephens the younger.
● 1657-06-26: 1657-11-0312 (Court):[93][96] At this court it was presented by the homage that since the last court that is to say upon 1657-06-26 Judith Rampton widow and Thos Rampton son and heir of Thos Rampton deceased did surrender into the hands of the lord of the said manor by the hands of Joseph Butcher in place of the lord's bailiff and in the presence of Wm Adams the elder and Jn Stephens the elder two customary tenants of the said manor the same witnessing etc all that customary cottage or tenement with the yards and appurtenances to the same belonging called Brayes then in the tenure or occupation of Jane Markham widow or of her assigns to the use of Jn Stephens the younger of Earls Colne aforesaid bricklayer his heirs and assigns forever which premises Thos Rampton deceased late husband of the said Judith and the said Judith did take to them and the heirs of the said Thos at a court held for the said manor 1633-06-10 and the reversion of the said premises the said Thos Rampton the son did after the decease of the said Thos Rampton his father take to him and his heirs at a court held for the said manor 1645-01-08 and thereupon the said Jn Stephens the younger by Giles Crow his attorney and deputy in that behalf did come and desireth to be admitted to the said premises to which said Jn Stephens the younger by the hands of his said deputy the lord of the said manor by his said steward did grant and deliver thereof seisin by the rod to have and to hold the said cottage and yard with the appurtenances to the said Jn Stephens the younger his heirs and assigns forever of the lord by the rod at the will of the lord according to the custom of the said manor by the rents services and customs due and of right accustomed and he gave to the lord for his fine.[94][97]
● 1657-11-03: 1664-07-12 (Court):[95][98] Jn Stephens who held for himself and his heirs by copy of court roll bearing the date 1657-11-03 one cottage and garden with appurtenances lying in Crossgate St late Jn Wate containing in length along the king's highway 54ft and in breadth 24ft died seised thereof and that Jn Stephens junior is his son.
● 1667-01-02: 1669-04-22 (Court): At this court it was shown by the homage that Jn Hayward who by copy of court roll bearing date 1667-01-02 held for himself and his heirs one messuage or tenement with yards gardens and orchard pertaining to the said tenement called Brayes after the last court viz 1668-04-04 surrendered into the hands of the lord by the hands of Jn Peartree and in the presence of Jn Pennocke and Giles Crow two customary tenants of the said manor the same testifying etc the said messuage or tenement and other premises with appurtenances to the use and behoof of Rich Wilson of Earls Colne sayweaver and Jane his wife and their heirs and assigns forever to whom the same said Rich Wilson and Jane present in court and seeking this the lord by the said steward granted and delivered seisin thereof by the rod to have and to hold the said premises with appurtenances to the said Rich and Jane and their heirs and assigns forever from the lord by the rod at the will of the lord according to the custom of the said manor by the rents services and customs thereunto belonging and by right accustomed and they gave to the lord their fine etc.[96][99]
● 1669(-04-02):2 Rich Wilson and wife 1669 admitted to a messuage called Brayes of the surrender of Jn Hayward.[97][100]
● 1671: Rich Wilson 1ht.
● 1672-12-11: Jane Wilson, widow, (W634), br:1672-12-11,[98][101] the day after Grace Hurrill wife of Zephaniah Hurrill br:1672-12-10.[99][102]
● 1673-10-16: It appeared to the homage that Jane Wilson died after the last court seised of and in one customary cottage or tenement with appurtenances held of the manor aforesaid upon which proclamation was three times made that any with any right come to take the premises out of the lord's hands and none came etc therefore precept to the bailiff to seize etc.[100][103]
● 1678-03-19:4 Eliz Wilson [101][104] holds by copy a tenement and yard called Brayes late Rampton's.[102][105] NOTE: Her relationship to Rich Wilson is currently unknown, possible sister.
● 1693: Wm Downes[103][106] admitted to a tenement and yard orchard and garden called Brays lying in Church Street in Earls Colne upon the surrender of Sarah Sted the daughter and heir of Rich Wilson.[104][107]
● 1693: Sarah Sted admitted to the said tenement called Brays after the surrender of Wm Downes.[105][108]
● 1669-04-02:2 1693-04-18 (Court): At a court here held 1669-04-02 Rich Wilson (W640) was admitted to one messuage or tenement with yards gardens and orchards pertaining called Brayes situate in Church Street in Earls Colne now at this court it appeared that the said Rich died so seised and that Sarah wife of Thos Stedd[106][109] is his daughter and heir who present was admitted, and after her admittance the said Thos Stedd and Sarah his wife she solely examined by the steward etc surrendered the said messuage or tenement to the use of Wm Downes for and during the term of his life and after his decease to the use of Eliz his wife and the heirs of the said Eliz forever.[107][110]
● Rich Wilson and Jane had:
. 3 Stephen Wilson,[108][111] bn:1662-07-20, Earls Colne, Essex, bp:1662-07-20, St. Andrew Church, Earls Colne, Essex. br:1662-08-04, Earls Colne, Essex.
. 3 Mary Wilson,[109][112] bp:1663-09-13, St. Andrew Church, Earls Colne, Essex. br:1671-04-06, Earls Colne, Essex.
. 3 Jane Wilson,[110][113] bp:1666-08-14, St. Andrew Church, Earls Colne, Essex. br:1669-03-30, Earls Colne, Essex.
. 3 Sarah Wilson,[111][114] bp:1669-07-06, St. Andrew Church, Earls Colne, Essex. br:1671-07-03, Earls Colne, Essex.
. 3 Sarah Wilson,[112][115] (Brayes in Church Street, Earls Colne), bn:<1672, Earls Colne, Essex. No bp record: Both parents were dead.3 dd:1700>, of White Colne, Essex. m. Thomas Stead, dd:1714>.
● William Cosins, School Teacher of Bramford, Suffolk, then Schoolmaster and Teacher of the Free School at Earls Colne, Essex.[113][116]
● William Cosins m2:1614-08-04 at Bramford, Suffolk to Madglen Collins, she br:1642-07-08 at Bramford, Suffolk, being one year before the will of her son Daniel Collins, Merchant of London (1643).
● 1620-10-27: Now in the occupation of Wm Cosyn and all that croft of land or pasture called Barecroft with appurtenances.[114][117]
● 1624-05-26: William Cosins is first recorded in Earls Colne, one month after Phebe Collins m:1624-04-29 John Russell at Earls Colne. Just over four months later (1624-10-06) one John Cosin,[115][118] a possible son, living at Bearcroft.[116][119]
● Harlakenden Account Book: In the hand of Rich Harlakenden senior (dd:1631-08-22) and his son Rich junior, and covers the period from about 1600-40.
● 1626-10-05: Mr Cosins half years rent for Birds piece.[117][120]
● 1627-01-08: Wallnuttree Croft, the said manor then in the occupation of Mr Cosen gentleman.[118][121][119][122]
● 1628-05-04: Received of Mr Cosin's my half years rent due for Oxleys.[120][123]
● 1629-01-06: Received of Mrs Cosin's my half years rent for Birds Close.[121][124]
● 1629-06-22: Received of Mrs Cosins my half years rent for Oxleas[122][125]
● 1629-12-21: Received of Mrs Cosin's my half years rent for Oxleas.[123][126]
● 1630-07-26: Received of Mrs Cosin's my half years rent for Oxleas.[124][127]
● 1630-12-27: Received of Mrs Cosin's my half years rent for Oxleas.[125][128]
● 1631-12-10: Received of Mr Cosin's his rent for Lowfields due at christide last.[126][129]
● 1631-12-25: I have let unto Mr Cosin that field next that he holdeth which lieth next the hop garden in St. Mary Croft.[127][130]
● 1638-06-24: Received of Mr Cossins his half years rent for Oxley.[128][131]
● 1638-09-29: Received of Mr Cossin his rent for Oxleas for this half year in full.[129][132]
● 1639-03-25: Received of Mr Cossins for Oxleas in full for this half year due at midsummer.[130][133]
● 1639-09-29: Received of Mr Cossins his half years rent for Oxleas due at christide.[131][134]
● 1640-03-25: Mr Cossin owes his half years for Oxleas due at midsummer.[132][135]
● The Bird family are closely linked to each place Mr Cossin lived in at Earls Colne.
● 1640: Wm Cosins schoolmaster teacher of our Free School, Earls Colne, Essex, England.[133][136]
● 1647-05-12: (Ralph Josselin) Enjoyed the company and society of divers christian friends at Mr Cosins house, where we had very good and profitable discourse about divers particulars, especially about the sin against the holy ghost.[134][137]
● 1648-04-04:dd: Earls Colne, Essex. 4: Mr Cosins died: and 6. buried. Mr Brewer preached.[135][138][136][139]
● 1648-05-06:br: Earls Colne, Essex. Wm Cosins schoolmaster teacher of our Free School buried.[137][140]
● Edm. Brewer, clerk of Hinningham, preached at his funeral at Earls Colne.
● Surname (Variations): Cosin, Cosen, Cozen, Cosyn, Cossin, Cosins, Cossins, Coosen, Cozens, Cozzins, Cozzens, Cousins, Cousens.
● Sir Thomas Honywood, Justice of the Peace.[138][141]
● Thos Honywood his heirs and assigns forever to whom by Mark Guyon.[139][142]
● 1639 Sir Thos Huniwood (H783) he was admitted by the surrender of Geo Cockerell and Thos Keyes to the land that was late Ames lying in Markeshall being two closes and a way containing 4a more or less and is worth to be let 4li per annum and Sir Thos Huniwood paid for his fine 5li.[140][143]
● 1638-09-00: Math Stephens (S972) gentleman doth claim to hold of the lord of this manor 2r in the Common Meddow late Pennock's by fealty suit of court and the yearly rent of 2d. 1637: Sir Thos Honiwood (inserted).[141][144]
● 1638-09-00: of Robt Aymes (A330) for certain lands in Markshall late parcel of the demesne of Colne Priory by copy of court roll fealty suit of court and the yearly rent of 5s6d Sir Thos Honywood (inserted).[142][145]
● 1634-05-10: Sir Thos Honywood kt of Marks Hall Essex bachelor 47yrs to marry Hester Manning of St. Bartholemew near the Exchange widow of Jn Manning esq deceased alleged by Mich Honywood of Christs College Cambridge clerk at All Hallows in the Wall to St. Leonards Shoreditch.[143][146]
● Gov. of MA John Winthrop's sister's grand-daugther Frances Downing m. John Cotton, who was the grandson of (Parents: John Cotton m. Elizabeth Honywood) Sir Thomas Honywood of Mark's Hall, Markshall, Essex, England.
● It seems that the person who is (inserted), is the next holder of that property.
● 1638-09-00: Young Prentis which Clem Turner is guardian of doth hold a meadow called Boversh Marsh lately Fisher. Free. Hen Aymes (inserted).
● 1638-09-00: Young Prentis which Clem Turner is guardian of doth hold the tenement Hitchcokes. Free. (49a) Hen Aymes (inserted).
● 1638-09-00: Young Prentis which Clem Turner is guardian of doth hold freely part of Burrowes Meade. Free. Hen Aymes (inserted).
● 1638-09-00: Mr Math Stephens (S972) doth hold by free deed his farm called Brickhouse in Markshall and for a parcel of Meddowe Hill and for lands at Waits Gate. Free. Sir Thos Honywood (inserted).
● 1638-09-00: Abott of Wakes doth hold a messuage called Brownes late Turner's. (12). Joseph Hunt (inserted). Copy.
● 1638-09-00: Edw Browne likewise doth claim to hold of the lord of this manor by copy of court roll the moiety of Bouer Fields late Prentis wife his daughter.
● Edw Prentice m:1631-11-03 Alice Brown.
● 1634-00-00: Edw Browne admitted to the moiety of Bowerfield late Prentis's wife his daughter.
● 1640-06-03: Will of Jn Prentice.[144][147]
● 1640-12-28: Jn Prentice reversion thereof to rightful heirs of Jn forever to a meadow Nokes and Borrowes and Buroughes lying next to meadow late acquired from Jn Wingfield and one croft called Little Burroughs the said Jn Prentice after last court viz 1640-05-30 surrendered into hands of the lord by Wm Adams in presence of Hen Ennewe and Hen Abbot. Helen Aimes wife of Hen Aimes and sister of Jn Prentice and letters of Jn the documents of date 1640-06-03 (Will) before the date of this court the tenor of which as far as the premises in the following words first of all I give and bequeath to Helen now wife of Hen Aimes my sister all my messuage or tenement called Warkemans and my lands called Burrowes Land and Burrowes Meadows and to hold to Helen my sister I give my aforesaid messuage lands tenements and hereditaments whatsoever above mentioned to Abraham the son of Abraham Markham and Alice his wife my aunts son.
1640: Helen Ames she was admitted after the death of Jn Prentis her brother to those lands which were Jn Prentis's holden of this manor.
● Abraham dd:1656-62, and well before both Helen now wife of Hen Ames my sister.
William Adams, (Adams, Adames, Adhames), MA, Vicar and School Master of Earls Colne, also Vicar of White Colne. App. 1572: Vicar. 1592-01-07: Wm Adhams vicar of Earls Colne m. to Joan Pennyfather at Colne Engaine. John Stockbridge Earls Colne, school master.
- White Colne: Church: The church was vacant in 1563. William Adams, curate or vicar from 1584 to c.1609, was also vicar of Earls Colne. In 1588 William Lemming, the Earls Colne schoolmaster who acted as Adams's curate, was unlicensed and insufficiently qualified in theology. He was suspended but was still preaching early in 1590; he was licensed later that year. In 1595 Adams was accused of failing to say services at the proper times. In 1607 there was no service on Ascension Day or a following Sunday, and in 1609 Adams was alleged to behave irreverently in church and to preach infrequently. In 1629 and 1630 Samuel Stone, curate of Stisted who was later suspended for nonconformity, lectured in the parish without a licence. Robert Guyon, incumbent from 1627 or earlier, was charged in 1644 with scandalous behaviour and neglect of the cure; some practices suggested that he was 'distempered in his brain', but others implied Laudian sympathies. The living was apparently sequestered, but Guyon, who seems to have remained in the parish, recovered it at the Restoration and was minister at his death in 1667. The curate appointed in the 1650s, John Bigley, was apparently expelled in 1662 and was licensed as a nonconformist preacher in 1672. Nevertheless, he continued to hold services in the church, and may have been the curate John Biggen who was excommunicate in 1684 and the Mr. Biggen who preached illegally in the parish church in 1690. In 1707 the church had no ornaments or equipment, and there were no services.[145][148]
- The living was sequestered c.1555 for the previous incumbent's non-payment of first fruits and tenths, but was restored to John Petfield who held it until his death in 1572. William Adams (vicar 1575-c.1609) was master of the grammar school although he was alleged to be unfit for learning or manners, and also incumbent of White Colne. His incumbency was marked by discord, probably due partly to the growth of puritanism in the parish. In 1584 he was suspended; in 1587 and 1588 his unlicensed curate was alleged to be a layman, and there were doubts about the validity of Adams's own ordination. Both Adams and the curate were excommunicate in 1589. In 1605 Adams was in dispute with Richard Harlakenden over his salary and other ecclesiastical rights. That year the church lacked a proper cup, a paten, a surplice, a bible, and a book of homilies. In 1607 Adams was accused of failing to hold a service on Ascension day and on one Sunday, and was forbidden to preach. In 1609, 1610, and 1611 parishioners disagreed with his and his successor's doctrine. A Puritan lectureship was established in 1629 for Thomas Shepherd, who enjoyed the support of most parishioners, including the Harlakendens; it ended on his expulsion by Bishop (later Archbishop) Laud in 1631. Another Puritan, Samuel Stone curate of Stisted, lectured in the church in 1630. John Hawksby, vicar by 1630, was accused in 1636 and 1637 of the Puritan practices of omitting the sign of the cross in baptism and administering communion to those not kneeling, but by 1637 the altar had been railed in in accordance with Archbishop Laud's instructions. Although old and weak, Hawksby retained the living until his death in 1641. That year a weaver threw the church prayerbook into a pond, then fished it out, cut it up, and burnt it. Hawksby's successor, Ralph Josselin (1641-83), signed the Essex Testimony in 1648. He conformed, reluctantly, at the Restoration but in 1663 the church had no surplice or service book, and in 1664 the churchwardens complained that there had been no communion service for a year. In 1684 Josselin's successor was accused of administering communion only once in six months and failing to read prayers on holy days; the church needed, among other things, a new communion table and furnishings for it. The church was fairly well equipped in 1707 but needed a new prayer book, a carpet for the communion table, a flagon, and an offertory basin. Thomas Barnard, the pluralist but resident vicar 1711-55, provided two services on Sundays and communion four times a year with the help of a curate. That pattern of services continued throughout the 18th century, although in 1778 the vicar was not always able to hold the second service despite the assistance of a resident curate. The number of communicants rose slightly from c. 30 in 1778 to 30-40 in 1810. Thomas Carwardine, vicar 1786-1824 and lord of the manor, served the church himself.[146][149]
● Geo Perkins.
● Thomas Perkins. Adm. sizar at Trinity, May 7 1660; 'Grecian' from Christ's Hospital. S. of Thomas, dyer of St. Michael, Queenhithe, London. Admin. at Christ's Hospital, Mar. 14, 1647, age 7. Matric 1660. B.A. 1663-4. Signs for deacon and priest (London) Sept. 24. Vicar of St. Stephen's, St. Albans, 1664-8. Vicar of Horley, Surrey, 1668-71. Rector of Colne Engaine, Essex, 1671-86. Died 1686.[147][150]
● Thomas Perkins, BA: Vicar of Horley, Surrey. Vicar of St. Stephen's, St. Albans. Rector of Colne Engaine.[148][151]
● 1695-01-25: Marriage settlement: John Smith, of Felsted, clerk, and Mary his wife, widow of Thomas Perkins of Colne Engaine, clerk. John Harrison of Braintree, gentleman and John Livermore of Coggeshall, clerk. Message called Fletchers Tye, or Wheelers, with Lime-pitt Fields, Bocking.[149][152]
? Sawyer.
Ralph Wilson of Much Tey.
Rev. William Hurrell, MA.[150][153]
Mr. Till.
Monumental inscriptions in the church and churchyard of St. Mary Magdalene, Great Burstead: Samuel Bridge, 'late Minister of Great Bursted in Essex who for nigh twenty years continued an able faithfull zealous painfull powerfull preacher of ye Gospell in this place', 1661.
Samuel Bridge, 1661, preacher; to Joseph Fis..., and Ann, his wife, late 17th-century.
Rogers: [151]
To be added....
- Hearth Tax (1675): widow Ames 1ht Math Markham 2ht: Math Markham the son of James Markham is now living next to widow Aymes.[152][154]
- See Daniell Collins, Merchant of Broad Street, London.
- Bearcroft.[153][155][154][156]
- 1562-04-02: Barth Church for Little Barcroft 1d1h.[155][157]
- Hitchcocks.[156][158] Plot 49a.[157][159] Plot 78d.[158][160]
- Hitchcocks adjoining the tenement called the Tavern.
- 1615-03-00: Wm Prentis (P1083) for his tenement Hitchcocks (49a).
- Edward Abbott, (A13) (Gent. Draper; Quaker) (1705: Bearecroft).
- The Great Lodge with apps existing as parcel of the said land called the disparked park called Colne Park.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. M194.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 20600694.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 13800188.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 2001230.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 38801608.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 8302196.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. G567.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. C868.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. M200.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. L509.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. L511.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. L512.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. M206.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. M201.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. M202.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. M202x.
- ↑ FamilySearch (bp).
- ↑ Marriage Entries from Boyd's Index for Essex.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. M200.
- ↑ Marriage Entries from Boyd's Index for Essex.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. M204.
- ↑ St. Leonard's Parish Record, Colchester, England.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. M188.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. T262.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 70000360.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. S353.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 22503948.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex. M189.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 9000588.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. W637.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex. M196.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. M193.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. M193.
- ↑ FamilySearch: St. Leonard Church, Colchester, Essex.
- ↑ FamilySearch: St. Leonard Church, Colchester, Essex.
- ↑ FamilySearch: St. James Church, Colchester, Essex.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. M191.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 4002003.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. F31.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. F30.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. B441.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 21600005.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. John Livermore.
- ↑ The Clergy Database (CCEd): 128480.
- ↑ References.
- ↑ The Clergy Database (CCEd): 12378.
- ↑ The Clergy Database (CCEd): 12378.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. F32.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. F32x.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. F27.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 8402856.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. F28.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. F34.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 7203828.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. F40.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. F38.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. F29.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. F37.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. F53.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. F25.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. F63.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. M203.
- ↑ Charlestown Vital Records. Vol. I, Part 1, Pg. 22.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 4500005.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. H935.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. H937.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 4500005.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. M205.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 44400153.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 24003417.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 24003436.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 38600563.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 24003873.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. B995.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 38800189.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 70004750.
- ↑ FamilySearch (m.)
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 39800798.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 22500623.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 22500623.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 22503304.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 4802316.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 39901076.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 8302196.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 20600656.
- ↑ Essex Record Office. Q/SR 376/22.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 20600635.
- ↑ Essex Record Office. Q/SR 376/21.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. ??.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. Public Petition, House of Lords. 1642-01-20.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. M197.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. W634.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. W639.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. W640.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. S962.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 39201904.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 39201904.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 39402002.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 39600715.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 24200659.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 8301567.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 8301559.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 39702067.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. W632.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 22504231.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. D244.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 24301006.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 24301020.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. S927.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 40201502.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. W643.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. W638.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. W635.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. W641.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. W642.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. C954.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 38101392.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. C953.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 38101392.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 22802254.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 38202027.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 34000719.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 22802888. Harlakenden Account Book.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 22803069. Harlakenden Account Book.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 22803261. Harlakenden Account Book.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 22803400. Harlakenden Account Book.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 22803630. Harlakenden Account Book.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 22803818. Harlakenden Account Book.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 23200078. Harlakenden Account Book.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 23300499. Harlakenden Account Book.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 23201709. Harlakenden Account Book.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 23201818. Harlakenden Account Book.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 23202005. Harlakenden Account Book.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 23202145. Harlakenden Account Book.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 23202288. Harlakenden Account Book.
- ↑ The Clergy Database (CCEd): 72129.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 70002520.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. B716.
- ↑ Diary of Ralph Josselin. 70003335.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 8200917.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. H783.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 34500262.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 23603216.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 22403492.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 22402177.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 10600102.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 4002003.
- ↑ A History of the County of Essex: Volume 10, Lexden Hundred (Part) Including Dedham, Earls Colne and Wivenhoe. Originally published by Victoria County History, London, 2001. White Colne: Church. Pg. 136-138.
- ↑ A History of the County of Essex: Volume 10, Lexden Hundred (Part) Including Dedham, Earls Colne and Wivenhoe. Originally published by Victoria County History, London, 2001. Earls Colne: Church. Pg. 99-102.
- ↑ Alumni Cantabrigienses, Volume 1, edited by John Venn. Pg. 347.
- ↑ The Clergy Database (CCEd): 94996. Thomas Perkins.
- ↑ Essex Records Office.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. H940.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 13401308.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. Bearcroft.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 80000805. Bearcroft.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. 44200141.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. Hitchcocks.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. Hitchcocks: Plot 49a.
- ↑ Records of an English Village (1375-1854). Earls Colne, Essex, England. Hitchcocks: Plot 78d.
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