The goal of this project is to bring together those McGraths interested in their Irish McGrath ancestry, especially the origins of the McGraths and the various lines that have branched out from Termon Magrath on the borders of Donegal, Tyrone and Fermangh.
Those who have completed either YDNA or mtDNA testing are especially welcomed to join so we can better match up geographical locales of our various McGrath lines. And McGraths also include McGraw and related lines..
Right now this project has just has one member, me. I am Chuck Real. My Magraths are from Ballynaclough, Old Pallas, Limerick. We were fairly new arrivals in Limerick, probably sometime in the late 1580s to early 1600s. The McGrath land in Ballynaclough has been in the same Magrath/McGrath family since that time, although it was confiscated in 1756, since it was held by a Catholic. With land reforms, the land was then reacquired by the same family. My 3 great grandmother was Winifred Magrath.
In 2016 several of my cousins descended from Winifred and Thomas Real, Knockauroe and Gurtakilleen (Oola), Limerick, attended the McGrath Clan Gathering in Dungarven, Waterford. Another Clan Gathering is scheduled. Also, while in Dublin we had the pleasure of meeting and visiting with Father Patrick Ryan, the author of the definitive biography of Miler Magrath.
I hope you will join the McGrath/Magrath Family Project and help expand the knowledge of the McGrath family and all its connected lines.
Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help.
- Build a database of GEDmatch kit #s. (Chuck Real's Kit# T2245542
- Build a database of family origin locales in Ireland
- Exchange family tree information to link McGrath family lines
Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in G2G using the project tag, or send me a private message. Thanks!
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Reindeer - A042867 Reindeer, Tyrolean - A260050 The second is my sibling, so a match to one of us should mean a match to the other. DNA is such a great tool!
Noreen Cullen
Great x 3 grandparents from Barna, Co. Limerick: John McGrath (about 1789-23 April 1849) and Margaret "Nelly" Brien ( about 1794-9 Nov 1849. They had Thomas Francis (1815), Mary (1816), John (1818, came to Waterbury, Conn.), Bridget (1822-likely died before 1833), Margaret (1827), baby (1829), Bridget (1833). Great x 2 grandparents born in Barna, Co. Limerick: Thomas Francis McGrath (12 Apr 1815-24 Feb 1902, Waterbury, Conn.) and Margaret Powell (4 Nov 1821-26 Jul 1897, Waterbury, Conn.)