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Mabel May Spencer Ancestry Surnames

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Date: 28 Jan 2021 [unknown]
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Surnames/tags: Spencer Carling
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For the Ancestors of profile Spencer-1917 of Mabel May (Spencer) Stevens

My Surnames

Click on Surname to view EKA - Earliest Known Ancestor
Abbott (Abbot) , Adcocke , Ainsworth , Algor , Allen , Allen , Alley , Allgar , Andrew , Anne , Anstye , Archis , Arundel , Atwood , Austin
Babbs, Babington , Ballyson , Barker , Barlow , Baron , Barrington , Barrington , Barrowe , Bartlett , Belnap , Benedict , Berry , Bicknell , Bills , Booth , Box , Braithwaite , Brewer , Brewster , Bristow , Brome , Brooks , Brown , Browne , Browning , Browning , Bryan , Bucke , Buckingham , Buckton , Bunnell , Burges , Burrough , Burrough , Butler , Bywaters
Calthorpe, Carling , Carpenter , Carter , Castelayn , Catworthe , Chandler , Chickering , Chilton , Clarke , Clarke , Clench , Clifton , Cockney , Cole , Cole , Coleshull , Collinge , Colt , Colt , Colt , Colt , Concord , Cone , Cooke , Cornish , Cowley , Craford , Craig , Cunliffe , Cunningham , Curtis , Curtis , Cutherey
Dameron, Dameron , Darcy , Davy , Day , DeBacheton , Delves , Deming , Derrell , Dikes , Dobbes , Dobell , Downes , Druitt , Dulverni , Dunkhorn , Dwinn
Eames, Echingham , Eckles , Edwards , Eldred , Emmons
Fairbanks, Falstofe , Farnham , Farnsworth , Farnsworth , Farrer , Fearing , Felstead , Fennel , Ferrers , Field , Filley , Fiske , Fiske , Fitzherbert , Flemming , Forster , Forte , Forthe , Fowlehurst , Freer , Fuller , Fullman
Gawthorpe, Gaylord , Gaylord , Gaylord , Gaymer , Giffard , Gifford , Giggs , Giles , Glemham , Glover , Goldhatch , Goodrich , Goodwith , Gosnold , Gosnold , Gould , Grey , Grindall , Gruffudd , Guildford
Hablett, Hale , Hale , Hamilton , Hanford , Hankey , Harper , Harvey , Hastings , Hatherly , Hawley , Hawley , Hayward , Hedge , Hedge , Heneage , Henrysonne , Herbert , Heslarton , Hey , Higgs , Hill , Hinckley , Holbrook , Holland , Hollister , Holloway , Holt , Hoo , Hoo , Hooker , Hopton , Howard , Howe , Howe , Hunt , Hussey , Hyland
Iddenden, Isaac , Ithell
Jackson, James , Jenkins , Jerningham , Johane , Johnson , Jones , Jones , Judson
Keaton (Keaten) , Keats , Kelly , Kinge , Kinge , Knollys
LaShawe, Larkin , Lascelle , Latham , Lawter , Leach , Ledsham , Lee , Leeke , Leese , Levell , Lewis , Lightfoot , Lightfoot , Lloyd , Lloyd , Lockwood , Lonsdale , Loomis , Lunsford , Lutten , Lyngwood
Mallory, Malpas , Marlar , Marrow , Marrow , Marsh , Marshe , Marvin , Mason , Maxwell , Meade , Mercer , Merriam , Merrill , Merritt , Mobberly , Mordox , Myntor
Neville (FitzRichard, Rigsby, UNKNOWN) , Newdigate , Newgate , Nichols , Norton
Odiam, Ollyver , Ollyver , Olmsted
Palden, Palmer , Parker , Parkhurst , Parye , Pasfield , Pasfield , Payne , Payne , Peck , Penn , Pert , Perye , Peryente , Philips , Pierce , Pigot , Pitts , Platts , Platts , Poppy , Port , Porter , Powell , Powyes , Preston
Radcliffe, Raven , Rawson , Ray , Remelle , Richardson , Riley , Ripley , Robyn , Row , Ryche , Ryse
Sale, Saunders , Saville , Scadding , Sevenoak , Sharp , Shirley , Simmons , Sims , Skinner , Smith , Smith , Smith , Smith , Smyth , Sneyde , Soole , Sorrell , Spencer , Sporne , Sprague , Sprague , Sprague , Stalcup , Stanhope , Stanley , Stanley , Stanyerne , Starlyng , Stasye , Stebbins , Stephen , Stephens
Talbot (Normandie) , Tansley , Tatton , Thorpe , Tomson , Torrington , Tough , Tough , Towne , Townsend , Travers , Travers , Treat , Trebartha , Trentham , Tritton , Turner , Turnor , Tylly
Verch Evan (Ap Gwilym) , Vernon , Vessey , Voell
Wadde, Waddell , Wade , Walker , Walter , Walton , Warren , Waters , Wells , Wheeler , Wheeler , Whitbred , White , White , Whitfield , Whitley , Wilder , Willey , Williams , Wilmot , Wilson , Wimarke , Winslow , Wogan , Woodman , Woods , Wooley , Worley , Worthe , Wylding , Wymbish , Wythe
Young, Yumbert
deBrewse (De Brewse, Brewse)

“”Now a more Detailed List of Surnames for Mabel””

My Surnames

Surname (alternate spellings) : First Person with surname in tree → EKA - Earliest Known Ancestor
( # ) = number of generations from Primary person to EKA
pedigree.gif 𐂷 = pedigree chart of First Person / descendant-link.gif ⇟ = descendant list of EKA
  • Paternal ancestors
Abbott (Abbot)  : Mary, b. 1704, Sudbury, Middlesex, Massachusetts pedigree.gif 𐂷Thomas Abbot, b. 1534, Chappel, Essex, England descendant-link.gif (9)
Ainsworth (Haynesworth)  : Martha, b. 1578, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Robert Haynesworth, b. 1553, null descendant-link.gif (8)
Algor  : → Unknown Algor, b. 1345, Lindsell, Essex, England descendant-link.gif (14)
Allen  : Rebecca, b. 1660, Charlestown, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony pedigree.gif 𐂷John Allen, b. 1615, England descendant-link.gif (7)
Allgar (Algore, Algor)  : Bridget, b. 1562, Shalford, Essex, England pedigree.gif 𐂷John Algor, b. 1355, Essex, England descendant-link.gif (14)
Andrew  : → Agnes Andrew, b. 1460, Burton,,Oxfordshire,England descendant-link.gif (12)
Anne  : → UNKNOWN Anne, b. 0000, null descendant-link.gif (11)
Archis  : Maude, b. 1412, Fleet, London, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Richard Archis, b. 1354, Eythrope, Waddesdon, Buckinghamshire, England descendant-link.gif (15)
Arundel  : Elizabeth, b. 1443, Arundel, Sussex, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Remfrey Arundel, b. 1183, descendant-link.gif (23)
Atwood (Wode, Atte Wode, Wyckhurst)  : Agnes, b. 1522, Kent, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Edmund Atte Wode, b. 1160, England descendant-link.gif (21)
Babington  : Elizabeth, b. 1405, Chilwell, Nottinghamshire, England pedigree.gif 𐂷John Babington, b. 1170, Babington, Northumberland, England descendant-link.gif (21)
Ballyson  : → Joan Ballyson, b. 1552, Devon, England descendant-link.gif (9)
Barker  : → Alice Barker, b. 1505, Kettleburgh, Suffolk, England descendant-link.gif (12)
Barlow  : Agnes, b. 1455, Derbyshire pedigree.gif 𐂷Robert Barlow, b. 1425, Barlow, Derbyshire descendant-link.gif (14)
Barrington  : Thomasina, b. 1415, Rayleigh, Essex, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Nicolas Barrington, b. 1290, null descendant-link.gif (17)
Barrowe  : Ann, b. 1513, Flookersbrooke, near Chester, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Thomas Barrowe, b. 0000, Flookersbrooke, near Chester, England descendant-link.gif (12)
Bartlett  : Elizabeth, b. 1636, Plymouth, Plymouth pedigree.gif 𐂷Robert Bartlett, b. 1603, Puddletown, Dorset, England descendant-link.gif (7)
Belnap (Belknap)  : Elizabeth, b. 1452, Romford, Essex, England pedigree.gif 𐂷John Belknap, b. 1305, descendant-link.gif (17)
Benedict  : → Unknown Benedict, b. 1435, Boughton, Kent, England descendant-link.gif (12)
Bicknell  : Katherine, b. 1535, Southam, Warwickshire, England pedigree.gif 𐂷William Bicknell, b. 1513, Warwickshire, England descendant-link.gif (11)
Bills  : → Johane Bills, b. 1515, Harrietsham, Kent, England descendant-link.gif (9)
Booth  : Alice, b. 1410, pedigree.gif 𐂷Adam Booth, b. 1200, Barton, Lancashire, England descendant-link.gif (21)
Box  : Martha, b. 1545, London, England pedigree.gif 𐂷William Box, b. 1399, Hull,Pontifract,, descendant-link.gif (14)
Brewer  : → Sarah Brewer, b. 1580, null descendant-link.gif (8)
Brewster  : → Millicent Brewster, b. 1552, Fordington, Dorset, England descendant-link.gif (9)
Bristow  : Jane, b. 1554, Great Leighs, Essex, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Dennis Bristow, b. 1529, Leigh, Essex, England descendant-link.gif (10)
Brome  : Isabel, b. 1475, Baddesley Clinton, Warwickshire, England pedigree.gif 𐂷John Brome, b. 1260, Brome,,Wiltshire,England descendant-link.gif (20)
Brooks (Brooke)  : Elizabeth, b. 1680, East Haddam, Middlesex, Connecticut pedigree.gif 𐂷Richard Brooke, b. 1540, Manchester, Lancashire, England descendant-link.gif (8)
Browne  : → Hugh Browne, b. 1525, Chorley Lancashire England descendant-link.gif (12)
Bucke  : → Mary Bucke, b. 1505, Kempsey,,Worcestershire,England descendant-link.gif (10)
Buckingham  : → Joan Buckingham, b. 1470, Wing Aylesbury Buckinghamshire, England descendant-link.gif (11)
Burges  : Sarah, b. 1559, Goudhurst, Kent, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Jacob Burges, b. 1529, Goudhurst, Kent, England descendant-link.gif (9)
Burrough  : → Margaret Burrough, b. 1504, East Bergholt, Suffolk, England descendant-link.gif (10)
Burrough  : Alice, b. 1533, East Bergholt, Suffolk, England pedigree.gif 𐂷John Burrough, b. 1510, East Bergholt, Suffolk, England descendant-link.gif (10)
Butler  : Elizabeth, b. 1667, Wethersfield, Hartford, Connecticut pedigree.gif 𐂷Richard Butler, b. 1612, Braintree, Essex, England descendant-link.gif (7)
Calthorpe  : Joan, b. 1410, Burnham,Calthorpe,Norfolk,England pedigree.gif 𐂷Walter Calthorpe, b. 1194, Norfolk, England descendant-link.gif (21)
Castelayn  : Thomasine, b. 1475, Tenterden, Kent, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Robert Castelayn, b. 1410, Tenterden, Kent, England descendant-link.gif (14)
Catworthe  : → Alice Catworthe, b. 1545, England descendant-link.gif (9)
Chandler  : → Joan Chandler, b. 1529, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England descendant-link.gif (9)
Chilton  : Mary, b. 1607, St. Peter's Parish, Sandwich, Kent, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Rychard Chilton, b. 1479, St Pauls, Canterbury, Kent, England descendant-link.gif (11)
Clarke  : → Mary Clarke, b. 1581, Canterbury, Kent, England descendant-link.gif (8)
Clifton  : Aveline, b. 1469, Clifton, Nottinghamshire, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Alvared Clifton, b. 1118, Clifton, Newark, Nottinghamshire, England descendant-link.gif (25)
Cockney (Cockayne, Cokayne)  : Margaret, b. 1621, England pedigree.gif 𐂷William Cokayne, b. 1248, Ashbourne, Derbyshire, England descendant-link.gif (20)
Cole (Robyn)  : Mary, b. 1438, Cranfield, Bedfordshire, England pedigree.gif 𐂷John Robyn, b. 1395, Bedfordshire,England descendant-link.gif (13)
Coleshull  : Joan, b. 1402, England pedigree.gif 𐂷John Coleshull, b. 1370, England descendant-link.gif (15)
Collinge  : Ann, b. 1514, Redenhall, Norfolk, England pedigree.gif 𐂷John Collinge, b. 1490, Hariston, Norfolk, England descendant-link.gif (11)
Colt  : → Unknown Colt, b. 1470, Lawton, Perthshire, Scotland descendant-link.gif (12)
Colt  : → Unknown Colt, b. 1420, Perth, Perthshire, , Scotland descendant-link.gif (13)
Colt  : → Unknown Colt, b. 1370, Perth, Perthshire, Scotland descendant-link.gif (14)
Colt (Culte)  : Elizabeth, b. 1554, Puddletown, Dorset, England pedigree.gif 𐂷William Culte, b. 1250, Perth, Perthshire, , Scotland descendant-link.gif (18)
Concord  : Alice, b. 1452, Redenhall, Norfolk, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Allen Concord, b. 1432, Redenhall, Norfolk, England descendant-link.gif (13)
Cone  : Ruth, b. 1704, East Haddam, Middlesex Co, Connecticut pedigree.gif 𐂷Daniel Cone, b. 1626, Edinburgh, City of Edinburgh, Scotland descendant-link.gif (6)
Cooke (Cook)  : Beatrix, b. 1475, Giddy Hall, Romford, Essex, England pedigree.gif 𐂷William Cook, b. 1025, London, England descendant-link.gif (28)
Cornish  : Joyce, b. 1582, Aythorpe Roding, Essex pedigree.gif 𐂷John Cornish, b. 1560, Fairstead, Essex, England descendant-link.gif (9)
Cowley  : → Margaret Cowley, b. 1440, Lindsell, Essex, England descendant-link.gif (12)
Craford  : → Isabella Craford, b. 1435, London, Middlesex, England descendant-link.gif (13)
Craig  : → Annabel Craig, b. 1515, Scotland descendant-link.gif (11)
Cunliffe  : Grace, b. 1593, Manchester, Lancashire, England pedigree.gif 𐂷William Cunliffe, b. 0000, descendant-link.gif (8)
Cunningham  : → Elizabeth Cunningham, b. 1672, East Haddam, Middlesex, Connecticut descendant-link.gif (5)
Curtis  : Catherine, b. 1811, Canaan Center, Columbia, New York pedigree.gif 𐂷Thomas Curtis, b. 1598, England descendant-link.gif (7)
Cutherey  : → Catherine Cutherey, b. 1407, London, Middlesex, England descendant-link.gif (14)
Darcy  : → Thomasine Darcy, b. 1535, Horningsheath, Suffolk, England descendant-link.gif (9)
Davy  : → Mary Davy, b. 1598, Kent., England descendant-link.gif (8)
DeBacheton  : → Agnes DeBacheton, b. 1520, Suffolk, England descendant-link.gif (10)
Delves (DeDelves)  : Margaret, b. 1420, pedigree.gif 𐂷Hugh DeDelves, b. 1235, descendant-link.gif (20)
Deming  : Mercy, b. 1651, Wethersfield, Hartford, Connecticut pedigree.gif 𐂷John Deming, b. 1615, Shalford, Near Colchester, Essex, England descendant-link.gif (7)
Derrell (Derell, Darell, Darrell, Darel, Darrel)  : Agnes, b. 1510, Glastonbury, Somerset, England pedigree.gif 𐂷William Darrell, b. 1043, Airel, Manche, Normandy, France descendant-link.gif (30)
Dikes  : → Anna Dikes, b. 0000, uk descendant-link.gif (13)
Dobbes  : → Alice Dobbes, b. 1542, Coggeshall, Essex, England descendant-link.gif (9)
Downes  : Margaret, b. 1428, Shrigley, Chester, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Robert Downes, b. 1400, Shrigley, Chester, England descendant-link.gif (15)
Dulverni  : → Margeria Dulverni, b. 1430, descendant-link.gif (13)
Dunkhorn  : Sarah, b. 1552, Redenhall Parish, Harleston, Norfolk, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Unknown Dunkhorn, b. 1498, descendant-link.gif (11)
Dwinn (Maredudd, Dwnn)  : Jane, b. 1475, Winton, Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, Wales pedigree.gif 𐂷Gruffudd Dwnn, b. 1300, Kidwelly, Carmarthenshire, Wales descendant-link.gif (17)
Eames  : Millicent, b. 1615, Fordington, Dorsetshire, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Marcus Eames, b. 1501, Fordington, Dorset, England descendant-link.gif (11)
Echingham  : → Elizabeth Echingham, b. 1376, Echingham,,Sussex,England descendant-link.gif (14)
Eckles (Eccles)  : Hannah, b. 1645, Cambridge, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay pedigree.gif 𐂷Richard Eccles, b. 1614, England descendant-link.gif (6)
Edwards  : → Edith Edwards, b. 1542, Black Notley, Essex, England descendant-link.gif (10)
Emmons  : Elisabeth, b. 1724, East Haddom, Middlesex, Connecticut pedigree.gif 𐂷Henry Emmons, b. 1555, descendant-link.gif (9)
Fairbanks  : Jenet, b. 1552, Halifax ,West Riding, Yorkshire, England pedigree.gif 𐂷William Fairbanks, b. 1455, Sowerby, West Riding, Yorkshire, England descendant-link.gif (12)
Falstofe  : → Elizabeth Falstofe, b. 1420, descendant-link.gif (14)
Farnham  : Sara, b. 1638, Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts pedigree.gif 𐂷Henry Farnham, b. 1567, England descendant-link.gif (8)
Farnsworth  : → Margreta Farnsworth, b. 1564, Eccles, Lancashire, , England descendant-link.gif (10)
Farnsworth  : Mary, b. 1637, Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts pedigree.gif 𐂷Margaret Farnsworth, b. 1528, null descendant-link.gif (12)
Farrer  : Margery, b. 1553, null pedigree.gif 𐂷John Farrer, b. 1528, null descendant-link.gif (9)
Fearing (Ferring, Ferron)  : Elizabeth, b. 1679, Hingham, Suffolk, Massachusetts Bay Colony pedigree.gif 𐂷John Ferron, b. 0000, null descendant-link.gif (11)
Felstead  : → Mary Felstead, b. 1585, Essex, England descendant-link.gif (7)
Fennel  : → Alicia Fennel, b. 1420, England descendant-link.gif (14)
Ferrers (Ferrières)  : Dorothy, b. 1519, Tamworth, Staffordshire, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Walchelin Ferrières, b. 0000, descendant-link.gif (28)
Field  : → Margaret Field, b. 1482, West Riding, Yorkshire, England descendant-link.gif (10)
Filley  : Mary, b. 1651, Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut pedigree.gif 𐂷William Filley, b. 1617, England descendant-link.gif (7)
Fitzherbert (FitzHerbert)  : Barbara, b. 1482, Etwall, Derbyshire, England pedigree.gif 𐂷John FitzHerbert, b. 1433, Norbury, Derbyshire, England descendant-link.gif (13)
Flemming  : → Egedia Flemming, b. 1506, Perth, Perthshire, Scotland descendant-link.gif (11)
Forster  : → Agnes Forster, b. 1482, Writtle, Essex, England descendant-link.gif (12)
Forte  : → Mary Forte, b. 1503, England descendant-link.gif (11)
Forthe (Forth)  : Margaret, b. 1571, Bracon-Ash, Norwich, Norfolk, England pedigree.gif 𐂷William Forth, b. 1435, Hadleigh, Suffolk, England descendant-link.gif (13)
Fowlehurst  : Anne, b. 1490, Crewe, Cheshire, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Robert Fowlehurst, b. 1475, Crewe, Cheshire, England descendant-link.gif (13)
Fuller  : Anne, b. 1669, Barnstable, Barnstable, Plymouth Colony pedigree.gif 𐂷Thomas Fuller, b. 1397, Bury St.Edmonds, Suffolk, England descendant-link.gif (14)
Gawthorpe  : → John Gawthorpe, b. 1360, Gowthorpe Hall, Bishop Wilton, East Yorkshire, England descendant-link.gif (14)
Gaylord  : → Alice Gaylord, b. 1555, Pitminster, Somersetshire, England descendant-link.gif (9)
Gaylord  : Alice, b. 1594, Pitminster, Somerset, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Nicholas Gaylord, b. 1500, descendant-link.gif (10)
Gaylord  : Joanna, b. 1653, Windsor, Hartford, Connecticut pedigree.gif 𐂷William Gaylord, b. 1582, Somersetshire, England descendant-link.gif (8)
Gaymer  : Lydia, b. 1602, Terling, Essex, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Richard Gaymer, b. 1540, Coggeshall, Essex, England descendant-link.gif (9)
Giffard  : Margaret, b. 1433, Whaddon, Buckinghamshire, England pedigree.gif 𐂷John Giffard, b. 1400, Devon, England descendant-link.gif (14)
Giggs  : Eleanor, b. 1400, Norfolf Rollesby England pedigree.gif 𐂷Thomas Giggs, b. 1365, Rollesby, , Norfolk, England descendant-link.gif (15)
Giles  : Agnes, b. 1496, Biddington, Kent, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Unknown Giles, b. 0000, descendant-link.gif (13)
Glemham  : Frances, b. 1530, Glemham, Suffolk, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Edward Glemham, b. 1500, Glemham, Suffolk, England descendant-link.gif (11)
Glover  : → Joan Glover, b. 1526, ChislenHurst,Kent, England descendant-link.gif (10)
Goldhatch  : Alice, b. 1587, Ashford, Kent, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Robert Goldhatch, b. 1496, England descendant-link.gif (12)
Goodrich  : Abigail, b. 1686, Wethersfield, Hartford, Connecticut pedigree.gif 𐂷Robert Goodrich, b. 1505, Felsham, Suffolk, England descendant-link.gif (10)
Grey  : Maude, b. 1432, Ruthin, Wales pedigree.gif 𐂷John Grey, b. 1410, Wiltshire England descendant-link.gif (15)
Gruffudd (ApRhys, Ap Rhys)  : Angharad, b. 1380, Wales pedigree.gif 𐂷Rhys Ap Rhys, b. 1254, Iscerdin, Llandysul, Cardigan, Wales descendant-link.gif (16)
Guildford  : → Alice Guildford, b. 1424, England descendant-link.gif (14)
Hablett  : Alice, b. 1513, Hadlowe, Kent pedigree.gif 𐂷John Hablett, b. 1493, Hadlowe, Kent descendant-link.gif (10)
Hale  : → Henrietta Hale, b. 1596, Charlestown, England descendant-link.gif (8)
Hale  : Joanna, b. 1620, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Unknown Hale, b. 1576, Kent, England descendant-link.gif (9)
Hanford  : Lettice, b. 1617, Alverdiscott, Devon, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Jeffrey Hanford, b. 1584, Alverdiscott, Devon, England descendant-link.gif (8)
Hankey  : → Alice Hankey, b. 1478, Essex, England descendant-link.gif (12)
Harper  : → Dorothy Harper, b. 1464, Rushall, Staffordshire, England descendant-link.gif (12)
Harvey  : → Alice Harvey, b. 1511, Bedfordshire, England descendant-link.gif (9)
Hastings  : Anne, b. 1423, Kirby Castle, Kirby, Leicestershire, England pedigree.gif 𐂷William Hastings, b. 1080, descendant-link.gif (25)
Hatherly  : Eglin, b. 1586, Winkleigh, Devon, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Robert Hatherly, b. 1562, Winkleigh, Devon, England descendant-link.gif (9)
Hawley  : → Joseph Hawley, b. 1576, Rolvenden, Kent, England descendant-link.gif (9)
Hayward  : Martha, b. 1634, Aylesford, Kent, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Thomas Hayward, b. 1600, Aylesford, Kent, England descendant-link.gif (7)
Hedge  : → Elysabeth Hedge, b. 1504, East Bergholt, Suffolk, England descendant-link.gif (10)
Hedge  : Elizabeth, b. 1566, East Bergholt, Suffolk, England pedigree.gif 𐂷James Hedge, b. 1500, East Bergholt, Suffolk, England descendant-link.gif (10)
Henrysonne  : Issobell, b. 1539, Perth, Perthshire, Scotland pedigree.gif 𐂷Thomas Henrysoun Henrysonne, b. 1517, descendant-link.gif (11)
Herbert  : → Magred Verch Herbert, b. 1440, descendant-link.gif (14)
Hey  : Alicia, b. 1560, Eccles, Lancashire, , England pedigree.gif 𐂷John Hey, b. 1532, Eccles, Lancashire, , England descendant-link.gif (11)
Higgs  : → Martha Higgs, b. 1585, Shiplake, Oxfordshire, England descendant-link.gif (8)
Hill  : Eleanor, b. 1544, Elstow, Bedfordshire, England pedigree.gif 𐂷John Hill, b. 1505, Sutton, Bedfordshire, England descendant-link.gif (9)
Hinckley (Hynckleye, Henclyf)  : Susannah, b. 1625, Tenterden, Kent, England pedigree.gif 𐂷John Henclyf, b. 1440, Tenham, Kent, England descendant-link.gif (12)
Holbrook (de Holbrook, Demontchesney)  : Mehitable, b. 1649, Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts pedigree.gif 𐂷a Demontchesney, b. 1075, null descendant-link.gif (26)
Holland (Hyland)  : Christian, b. 1578, Fordington, St. George, Dorsetshire, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Richard Hyland, b. 1521, Sussex, England descendant-link.gif (10)
Holloway  : Dorothy, b. 1574, Bedfordshire, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Hugh Holloway, b. 1520, England descendant-link.gif (10)
Holt  : Mary, b. 1638, Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts pedigree.gif 𐂷Nicholas Holt, b. 1608, Romsey, Hampshire, England descendant-link.gif (7)
Hoo  : → Unknown Hoo, b. 1500, Hassett,,Suffolk,England descendant-link.gif (10)
Hoo  : Jane, b. 1568, Tynsworth, Southwick, Northumberland, England pedigree.gif 𐂷John Hoo, b. 1390, Hessett,,Suffolk,England descendant-link.gif (11)
Hopton  : Elizabeth, b. 1442, Blythburgh, Suffolk, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Joan Hopton, b. 1362, Hopton,,Suffolk,England descendant-link.gif (15)
Howard  : Sarah, b. 1701, Bridgewater, Plymouth, Province of Massachusetts Bay pedigree.gif 𐂷John Howard, b. 1625, London, England descendant-link.gif (6)
Howe (Howes)  : Margery, b. 1588, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, England pedigree.gif 𐂷John Howe, b. 1507, Hessett, Suffolk, England descendant-link.gif (11)
Hyland  : Sarah, b. 1634, Scituate, Plymouth, Massachusetts pedigree.gif 𐂷Thomas Hyland, b. 1581, Sussex, England descendant-link.gif (8)
Iddenden  : Mary, b. 1573, Cranbrook, Kent, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Stephen Iddenden, b. 1472, descendant-link.gif (11)
Isaac  : Anne, b. 1440, pedigree.gif 𐂷John Isaac, b. 1350, Kent, England descendant-link.gif (17)
Ithell  : Mary, b. 1518, Wales pedigree.gif 𐂷Unknown Ithell, b. 1455, Wales descendant-link.gif (12)
Jackson  : → Ellin Jackson, b. 1533, Great Leigh, Essex, England descendant-link.gif (10)
James  : → Hannah James, b. 1629, England descendant-link.gif (6)
Jenkins  : Hannah, b. 1679, Scituate, Plymouth, Massachusetts pedigree.gif 𐂷Edward Jenkins, b. 1587, descendant-link.gif (8)
Jerningham (Jernegan, FitzJernegan, FitzHugh)  : Mary, b. 1460, Somerleyton, Suffolk, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Jernegan FitzHugh, b. 0000, descendant-link.gif (25)
Johane  : → Jane Johane, b. 1529, Ashford, Kent, England descendant-link.gif (11)
Johnson  : Jemima, b. 1678, Andover, Essex, Massachusetts Bay, British Colonial America pedigree.gif 𐂷John Johnson, b. 1609, Herne Hill, Kent, England descendant-link.gif (7)
Jones  : Abigail, b. 1699, Barnstable, Barnstable County, Province of Massachusetts Bay pedigree.gif 𐂷Ralph Jones, b. 1625, England descendant-link.gif (6)
Keats  : Alice, b. 1555, Sulham, Oxfordshire, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Thomas Keats, b. 1530, Sulham House, Berkshire, England descendant-link.gif (10)
Kinge  : → Alice Kinge, b. 1487, Redenhall parish, Norfolk County, England descendant-link.gif (11)
Kinge  : → Ann Kinge, b. 1500, Norfolk, England descendant-link.gif (11)
Knollys  : → Margaret Knollys, b. 0000, England descendant-link.gif (14)
LaShawe  : → Agnes LaShawe, b. 1465, descendant-link.gif (12)
Larkin  : Sarah, b. 1648, Charlestown, Suffolk County, Massachusetts Bay Colony pedigree.gif 𐂷Edward Larkin, b. 1615, England descendant-link.gif (7)
Lascelle  : Marcelle, b. 1544, Valenciennes, Hainaut, France pedigree.gif 𐂷Gersham Lascelle, b. 1519, of London Middlesex England descendant-link.gif (10)
Latham  : Susanna, b. 1656, prob. Bridgewater, Plymouth Colony pedigree.gif 𐂷Robert Latham, b. 1623, England descendant-link.gif (6)
Ledsham  : Johanna, b. 1460, pedigree.gif 𐂷Roger Ledsham, b. 1430, Cheshire, England descendant-link.gif (14)
Lee  : → Johanna Lee, b. 1495, Combs, Mid Suffolk District, Suffolk, England descendant-link.gif (11)
Leese  : → Katherine Leese, b. 1555, Harrietsham, Kent, England descendant-link.gif (8)
Levell  : → Joan Levell, b. 1525, Dorset, England descendant-link.gif (10)
Lightfoot  : → Unknown Lightfoot, b. 1547, Ashford, Kent, England descendant-link.gif (11)
Lightfoot  : Elizabeth, b. 1560, Ashford, Kent, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Robert Lightfoot, b. 1543, Ashford, Kent, England descendant-link.gif (11)
Lloyd (Rhys, Dafydd)  : Jenet, b. 1430, Pwildyfarch, Wales pedigree.gif 𐂷Unknown Dafydd, b. 1322, Cedweli, Carmarthen, Wales descendant-link.gif (16)
Lockwood  : Agnes, b. 1540, Hessett, Suffolk, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Rogerus Lockwood, b. 1390, Lockwood, Staffordshire, England descendant-link.gif (14)
Lonsdale  : → Margery Lonsdale, b. 1558, Of St. Edmunds, Suffolk, England descendant-link.gif (9)
Loomis (Lummys, Lummyus)  : Sarah, b. 1617, Braintree, Essex, England pedigree.gif 𐂷William Lummyus, b. 1449, Thaxted, Essex, England descendant-link.gif (14)
Lunsford (Lonesford, Lunesford, Lundresford, De Lundresford)  : Eleanor, b. 1445, Hoathley, Sussex, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Lorenzo De Lundresford, b. 1105, Lunsford,Echingham,Sussex,England descendant-link.gif (21)
Lutten  : Joanna, b. 1618, Camden Town, Middlesex, England pedigree.gif 𐂷John Lutten, b. 1550, England descendant-link.gif (9)
Lyngwood  : Agnes, b. 1564, Thaxted, Essex, England pedigree.gif 𐂷John Lyngwood, b. 1520, Braintree, Essex, England descendant-link.gif (10)
Malpas (De Egerton, Egerton, Belward, Puis)  : Elizabeth, b. 1432, London, Middlesex, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Nigel Puis, b. 1100, descendant-link.gif (25)
Marlar  : Jane, b. 1530, Kelvedon, Essex, England pedigree.gif 𐂷John Marlar, b. 0000, descendant-link.gif (16)
Marrow  : Dorothy, b. 1498, London pedigree.gif 𐂷William Marrow, b. 1354, Stepney, London, Middlesex, England descendant-link.gif (15)
Marrow (Unknown)  : Johanna, b. 1395, Stepney, London, Middlesex, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Unknown Unknown, b. 1378, descendant-link.gif (15)
Marsh  : → Margaret Marsh, b. 1530, descendant-link.gif (9)
Marshe  : Elizabeth, b. 1584, Eccles, Lancashire, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Edward Marshe, b. 1470, null descendant-link.gif (13)
Marvin (Mervyn)  : Sarah, b. 1631, Great Bentley, Essex, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Thomas Mervyn, b. 1454, Of Ramsey, Essex, England descendant-link.gif (12)
Mason  : Margaret, b. 1570, Gloucestershire, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Henry Mason, b. 1529, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England descendant-link.gif (9)
Maxwell  : Isabella, b. 1491, Yorkshire, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Robert Maxwell, b. 1471, England descendant-link.gif (13)
Meade  : → Bennett Meade, b. 1560, Ashford, Kent, England descendant-link.gif (10)
Mercer  : Christian, b. 1548, Cranbrook, Kent, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Thomas Mercer, b. 1524, Hawkhurst,Kent.England descendant-link.gif (10)
Merriam  : Sarah, b. 1675, Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts pedigree.gif 𐂷William Merriam, b. 1380, Boughton Monchelsea, Kent, England descendant-link.gif (14)
Merrill  : Ann, b. 1505, Bedfordshire, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Unknown Merrill, b. 0000, descendant-link.gif (10)
Mobberly  : → Elizabeth Mobberly, b. 1397, Ickworth, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, England descendant-link.gif (14)
Mordox  : Anne, b. 1472, Twyford, Norfolk, England pedigree.gif 𐂷John Mordox, b. 1445, descendant-link.gif (12)
Neville (FitzRichard, Rigsby, UNKNOWN)  : Alice, b. 1442, Rolleston, Nottinghamshire, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Losoard UNKNOWN, b. 1060, Rigsby, Lincolnshire, England descendant-link.gif (24)
Newdigate  : → Katherine Newdigate, b. 1500, Suffolk,England descendant-link.gif (10)
Newgate  : Mary, b. 1598, Tynsworth, Southwick, Northumberland, England pedigree.gif 𐂷William Newgate, b. 1490, Ickworth, Bury St Edmunds,Suffolk,England descendant-link.gif (10)
Norton (Conyers)  : Joanne, b. 1461, Sharpenhoe, Bedfordshire, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Egbertus Conyers, b. 1274, Yorkshire, England descendant-link.gif (19)
Odiam  : Unknown, b. 1460, Hadleigh, Suffolk, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Unknown Odiam, b. 0000, descendant-link.gif (13)
Ollyver  : → UNKNOWN Ollyver, b. 1514, Middlesex, England descendant-link.gif (10)
Ollyver  : Magdalene, b. 1566, St. Brides Church, Droitwich, Worcestershire, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Unknown Ollyver, b. 1485, St Mary, Le Strand, Middlex, England descendant-link.gif (11)
Olmsted (Olmstead)  : Elizabeth, b. 1642, Wethersfield, Hartford, Connecticut pedigree.gif 𐂷John Olmstead, b. 1404, descendant-link.gif (14)
Palden  : → Cecily Palden, b. 1405, Yorkshire, England descendant-link.gif (14)
Parye  : → Margaret Parye, b. 1540, Shalford, Essex, England descendant-link.gif (10)
Pasfield  : → Unknown Pasfield, b. 1504, Rettendon, Essex, England descendant-link.gif (11)
Pasfield  : Kyrsten, b. 1525, Rettendon, Essex, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Jackson Pasfield, b. 1500, Rettendon, Essex, England descendant-link.gif (11)
Penn  : → Katherine Penn, b. 1611, England descendant-link.gif (7)
Pert  : Margaret, b. 1388, England pedigree.gif 𐂷John Pert, b. 1320, Nottinghamshire, England descendant-link.gif (16)
Perye  : Margeret, b. 1522, pedigree.gif 𐂷Thomas Perye, b. 1495, Little Bardfield, Essex, England descendant-link.gif (12)
Peryente (Periente, Peryent)  : Elizabeth, b. 1536, Suffolk, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Thomas Peryent, b. 1459, Digswell, Hertfordshire, England descendant-link.gif (11)
Philips (Philipps, Ap Meredudd, Philip, Evan, Madog, Gwilym, ap Aron, ap Rhys, ap Bledri, ap Cydifor, Gollwyn, Gwyn, Ap Rhytherch, Elgan, ap Cynan, ab Arthafad, Ap Iop, Ap Dei, ap Llywri, ap Tryffin, ap Aergul, ap Tryffin ap Aled Tryffin, ap Aled Brosc, mac Corath, mac Echuid, mac Artchorp, mac Cairbe)  : Anne, b. 1513, London, London, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Artchorp mac Cairbe, b. 0300, Ireland descendant-link.gif (43)
Pierce  : → Unknown Pierce, b. 1459, Wales descendant-link.gif (12)
Pigot (Pigott)  : Margaret, b. 1487, Whaddon, Buckinghamshire, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Lorette Pigot, b. 1205, Melmorby, Yorkshire, England descendant-link.gif (20)
Pitts  : → Elizabeth Pitts, b. 1624, England descendant-link.gif (7)
Platts  : → Joanna Platts, b. 1452, null descendant-link.gif (11)
Platts (Gawkroger)  : Mary, b. 1607, Halifax, Yorkshire, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Jennet Gawkroger, b. 1372, Sowerby, Halifax, West Yorkshire, England descendant-link.gif (14)
Poppy  : Alice, b. 1500, Ludlow, Shropshire, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Robert Poppy, b. 1490, Twyford, Norfolk, England descendant-link.gif (11)
Port  : → Margaret Port, b. 1542, Shelford, Nottinghamshire, England descendant-link.gif (10)
Porter  : Sara, b. 1677, Windsor, Hartford Co; Connecticut pedigree.gif 𐂷John Porter, b. 1563, Essex, England descendant-link.gif (9)
Powell (Ap Howell, Guillem, ap Gwilym, ap Jenkin, ap Thomas, ap Adam, Fitzherbert)  : Elizabeth, b. 1490, Wales pedigree.gif 𐂷Adam Fitzherbert, b. 1230, Hertfordshire descendant-link.gif (20)
Powyes  : Jane, b. 1592, Glastonbury, Somerset, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Unknown Powyes, b. 1500, Glastonbury, Somerset, England descendant-link.gif (12)
Radcliffe  : → Eleanor Radcliffe, b. 1525, England descendant-link.gif (9)
Raven (Ravens)  : Susan, b. 1606, Tonbridge, Kent, England pedigree.gif 𐂷William Ravens, b. 1519, Dedham, Essex, England descendant-link.gif (9)
Rawson  : Anne, b. 1520, Shelford, Nottinghamshire, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Unknown Rawson, b. 0000, descendant-link.gif (16)
Remelle  : → Jane Remelle, b. 1589, descendant-link.gif (8)
Richardson  : → Margaret Richardson, b. 1549, Suffolk, England descendant-link.gif (9)
Riley  : → Margaret Riley, b. 1398, Sowerby, Halifax, West Yorkshire, England descendant-link.gif (13)
Ripley  : Martha, b. 1665, pedigree.gif 𐂷William Ripley, b. 1555, Norfolk, England descendant-link.gif (9)
Robyn  : → Joan Robyn, b. 1390, Bedfordshire,England descendant-link.gif (13)
Row  : → Sicely Row, b. 1557, Norfolk, England descendant-link.gif (9)
Ryche  : Katherine, b. 1428, London, Middlesex, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Richard Ryche, b. 1400, London, Middlesex, England descendant-link.gif (14)
Ryse  : → Martha Ryse, b. 1484, Somersetshire, England descendant-link.gif (11)
Saunders  : → Alice Saunders, b. 1475, descendant-link.gif (12)
Saville (Savile, de Savile)  : Margaret, b. 1410, Thornhill, West Riding, Yorkshire, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Henry de Savile, b. 1170, Thornhill, Yorkshire, England descendant-link.gif (22)
Scadding  : → Joanna Scadding, b. 1508, Staplegrove, Somerset, England descendant-link.gif (10)
Sevenoak (Sevenocke)  : Joan, b. 1500, Pitminster, Somerset, England pedigree.gif 𐂷John Sevenocke, b. 1402, Poundisford, Somersetshire, England descendant-link.gif (13)
Sharp (Sharpe)  : Alice, b. 1639, Rochdale, Lancashire, England pedigree.gif 𐂷John Sharpe, b. 1615, Shenley, Hertfordshire, England descendant-link.gif (7)
Shirley (Eatington)  : Beatrix, b. 1419, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Fulcher Eatington, b. 1020, Eatington, Warwickshire, , England descendant-link.gif (25)
Sims  : Elizabeth, b. 1567, Glastonbury, Somerset, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Unknown Sims, b. 1539, England descendant-link.gif (10)
Skinner  : Dorothy, b. 1738, Colchester, New London, Conn. pedigree.gif 𐂷John Skinner, b. 1590, Braintree, Essex, England descendant-link.gif (7)
Smith  : → Joan Smith, b. 1526, Waldron, Sussex, England descendant-link.gif (10)
Smith  : → Mary Smith, b. 1510, Shalford, Essex, England descendant-link.gif (11)
Smith  : Patience, b. 1767, Colchester, New London, Connecticut pedigree.gif 𐂷John Smith, b. 1614, England descendant-link.gif (6)
Smyth  : → Rose Smyth, b. 1483, Ramsey, Essex, England descendant-link.gif (11)
Sneyde (De Tunstall, De Sneyde, Alditheley)  : Jane, b. 1540, pedigree.gif 𐂷Lynulphus Alditheley, b. 1180, descendant-link.gif (25)
Soole (Soule)  : Sarah, b. 1600, Hawkhurst, Co. Kent, England pedigree.gif 𐂷UNKNOWN Soule, b. 1445, Cronston, Kent, England descendant-link.gif (12)
Sorrell  : → Alice Sorrell, b. 1522, Great Waltham, Essex, England descendant-link.gif (10)
Spencer  : Howard, b. 1838, Middlefield, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United States pedigree.gif 𐂷John Spencer, b. 1505, Bedfordshire, England descendant-link.gif (9)
Sporne (Spoure)  : Agnes, b. 1510, Digswell, Hertfordshire, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Thomas Spoure, b. 1478, Misterton, Somerset, England descendant-link.gif (11)
Sprague  : → Barbara Sprague, b. 1525, Dorset, England descendant-link.gif (10)
Sprague  : → Marie Sprague, b. 1505, Upwey, Dorset, England descendant-link.gif (11)
Sprague  : Elizabeth, b. 1704, Hingham, Plymouth Co MA pedigree.gif 𐂷Johan Sprague, b. 1501, Upway, Dorset, England descendant-link.gif (11)
Stanhope  : Anne, b. 1592, Elvaston, Derbyshire, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Richard Stanhope, b. 0000, Rampton, Nottinghamshire, England descendant-link.gif (16)
Stanley  : → Maud Stanley, b. 1464, Elford, Staffordshire, England descendant-link.gif (13)
Stanley  : Mary, b. 1633, Ashford, Kent, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Robert Stanley, b. 1565, England descendant-link.gif (9)
Starlyng  : → Joan Starlyng, b. 1520, Of Dedham, Essex, Eng descendant-link.gif (9)
Stebbins  : Mary, b. 1632, Braintree, Essex, England pedigree.gif 𐂷John Stebbins, b. 1503, Suffolk, England descendant-link.gif (12)
Stephen  : Ann, b. 1512, Thaxted, Uttlesford District, Essex, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Thomas Stephen, b. 1500, Essex, England descendant-link.gif (12)
Stephens  : → Johana Stephens, b. 1510, descendant-link.gif (11)
Talbot (Normandie)  : Elizabeth, b. 1417, Bashall Eaves, Yorkshire, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Rollo Normandie, b. 0842, descendant-link.gif (30)
Tansley  : Cecelia, b. 1478, Burton,,Oxfordshire,England pedigree.gif 𐂷William Tansley, b. 1454, Burton,,Oxfordshire,England descendant-link.gif (12)
Tatton  : Isabel, b. 1387, Sussex, England pedigree.gif 𐂷William Tatton, b. 1360, England descendant-link.gif (15)
Tomson  : Martha, b. 1611, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Thomas Tomson, b. 1580, null descendant-link.gif (8)
Torrington  : → Ruth Torrington, b. 1699, Wethersfield, Hartford, Connecticut descendant-link.gif (4)
Tough  : → Joanna Tough, b. 1515, England descendant-link.gif (11)
Tough  : Frances, b. 1596, Burrough-on-the-Hill, Leicestershire, England pedigree.gif 𐂷William Tough, b. 1513, Rothley, Leicester, England descendant-link.gif (11)
Towne  : → Susanna Towne, b. 1602, Aylesford, Kent, England descendant-link.gif (7)
Townsend (de Townsende, Townshend, Townshende, Tunnesende, Tunneshende, De Townshende)  : Elizabeth, b. 1644, Lynn, Essex, Massachusetts pedigree.gif 𐂷Lodovic De Townshende, b. 1161, Raynham, Norfolkshire, England descendant-link.gif (22)
Treat (Trott)  : Honor, b. 1616, Pitminster, Somerset, England pedigree.gif 𐂷John Trott, b. 1400, descendant-link.gif (13)
Trebartha  : → Anna Trebartha, b. 1478, Trebartha, North Hill, Cornwall, England descendant-link.gif (11)
Trentham  : Catherine, b. 1566, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Thomas Trentham, b. 1540, descendant-link.gif (10)
Tritton  : Bennett, b. 1609, Ashford, Kent, England pedigree.gif 𐂷UNKNOWN Tritton, b. 1539, Ashford, Kent, England descendant-link.gif (11)
Turner  : Jemima, b. 1740, Rehoboth, Bristol, Province of Massachusetts Bay pedigree.gif 𐂷Humphrey Turner, b. 1593, Kent, England descendant-link.gif (7)
Tylly  : → Katherine Tylly, b. 1500, Hessett,,Suffolk,England descendant-link.gif (11)
Verch Evan (Ap Gwilym)  : Sian Gwendolena, b. 1392, Cilsant, Wales pedigree.gif 𐂷Evan Ap Gwilym, b. 1360, Wales descendant-link.gif (15)
Vernon (Meulan)  : Agnes, b. 1427, Haddon Hall, Bakewell, Derbyshire, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Galeran Meulan, b. 0902, Meulan, Yvelines, Ile-de-France, France descendant-link.gif (33)
Vessey  : Sybil, b. 1561, Little Baddow, Essex, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Thomas Vessey, b. 1530, Essex, England descendant-link.gif (10)
Waddell (Wodell, Woodall)  : Jane, b. 1600, Camden Town, Middlesex, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Richard Woodall, b. 1545, Warwickshire, England descendant-link.gif (10)
Wade  : → Sybil Wade, b. 1530, England descendant-link.gif (9)
Walker  : Elizabeth, b. 1582, Great Amwel, Hertfordshire, England pedigree.gif 𐂷John Walker, b. 1205, Devonshire descendant-link.gif (19)
Walter  : → Mary Walter, b. 1589, Crewkerne, Somerset, England descendant-link.gif (8)
Warren  : Mary, b. 1609, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Richard Warren, b. 1578, England descendant-link.gif (8)
Wheeler (Welere)  : Jerusha, b. 1735, Norwich, New London, Connecticut pedigree.gif 𐂷Richard Welere, b. 1399, Cranfield, Bedfordshire, England descendant-link.gif (13)
Whitbred  : Alice, b. 1578, Upper Gravenhurst, Bedfordshire, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Thomas Whitbred, b. 1518, Gravenhurst, Bedfordshire, England descendant-link.gif (9)
White  : → Margeret White, b. 1450, descendant-link.gif (12)
White  : Mary, b. 1590, Shalford, Essex, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Robert White, b. 1560, Shalford, Essex, England descendant-link.gif (9)
Whitfield  : Maria, b. 1544, Hawkhurst, Kent, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Robert Whitfield, b. 1130, descendant-link.gif (24)
Whitley (Whitlow)  : Maud, b. 1395, England pedigree.gif 𐂷William Whitlow, b. 1342, England descendant-link.gif (15)
Wilder  : Elizabeth, b. 1651, Hingham, Suffolk, Massachusetts Bay Colony pedigree.gif 𐂷John Wilder, b. 1418, Bohemia, Czech Republic descendant-link.gif (12)
Willey  : Hannah, b. 1642, New London, New London, Connecticut pedigree.gif 𐂷Isaac Willey, b. 1614, Wiltshire, England descendant-link.gif (6)
Williams  : → Elizabeth Williams, b. 1702, Colchester, New London, Connecticut descendant-link.gif (4)
Wilson (Willson)  : Chloe, b. 1765, West Stockbridge, Berkshire, Middlesex, Ct pedigree.gif 𐂷John Wilson, b. 1629, England descendant-link.gif (6)
Winslow  : Susanna, b. 1630, Plymouth Colony pedigree.gif 𐂷Thomas Winslow, b. 1452, Burton, Oxford, England descendant-link.gif (11)
Wogan (Worgan)  : Margaret, b. 1434, Wiston,Haverfordwest,Pembrokeshire,Wales pedigree.gif 𐂷John Wogan, b. 1260, Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, Wales descendant-link.gif (18)
Woodman  : → Agnes Woodman, b. 1571, Waldron, Sussex, England descendant-link.gif (8)
Wooley  : → Margaret Wooley, b. 1400, Gloucestershire, England descendant-link.gif (14)
Worley  : → Sarah Worley, b. 1550, Ireland descendant-link.gif (9)
Wylding  : → Margery Wylding, b. 1520, null descendant-link.gif (9)
Wythe  : Anne, b. 1390, Burnham Thorpe, Norfolk, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Geffrey Wythe, b. 1310, Smallburgh, Norfolk, England descendant-link.gif (17)
Young  : → Margery Young, b. 1540, St Mary Le Strand, Middlesex, England descendant-link.gif (9)
Yumbert (Unknown)  : Honoria, b. 1536, Pitminster, Somerset, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Unknown Unknown, b. 1528, Pitminster, Somersetshire, England descendant-link.gif (10)
deBrewse (De Brewse, Brewse)  : Anne, b. 1475, Testerton, , Norfolk, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Thomas Brewse, b. 1410, Topcroft, Norfolk, England descendant-link.gif (13)
  • Maternal ancestors
Adcocke  : Neele, b. 1603, Attleborough, Norfolk, England pedigree.gif 𐂷John Adcocke, b. 1570, Attleborough, County Norfolk, England descendant-link.gif (10)
Allen  : Sarah, b. 1763, Pottawattamie, Iowa pedigree.gif 𐂷Clifton Allen, b. 1736, Louise, Virginia, British Colonial America descendant-link.gif (4)
Alley  : → Anna Alley, b. 1500, descendant-link.gif (12)
Anstye  : Anna, b. 1553, Tibenham, Long Row, Norfolk, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Walter Anstye, b. 1523, Tibenham, Norfolk, England descendant-link.gif (12)
Austin  : → Mary Austin, b. 1588, Wicklewood, Norfolk, England descendant-link.gif (10)
Babbs  : Helen, b. 1546, Guilford, Surrey, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Nicholas Babbs, b. 1495, descendant-link.gif (12)
Baron  : → Ann Baron, b. 1472, Godalming, Surrey, England descendant-link.gif (13)
Barrington  : Johanna, b. 1450, Nazeing, Essex, England pedigree.gif 𐂷William Barrington, b. 1425, null descendant-link.gif (15)
Berry  : → Mary Berry, b. 1769, Broomley, New York descendant-link.gif (4)
Braithwaite  : → Isabel Braithwaite, b. 1564, Giggleswick, Yorkshire, England descendant-link.gif (11)
Brown  : → Clara Brown, b. 1507, Wymondham, Norfolk, England descendant-link.gif (12)
Browning  : → Hester Browning, b. 1620, England descendant-link.gif (8)
Browning  : Asenath, b. 1835, Quincy, Adams, Illinois, United States pedigree.gif 𐂷John Browning, b. 1588, Willisham Hall, Suffolk, England descendant-link.gif (9)
Bryan  : → Joan Bryan, b. 1614, England descendant-link.gif (9)
Buckton  : Lucy, b. 1501, Hemswell, Yorkshire, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Piers Buckton, b. 1366, Buckton, Yorkshire, England descendant-link.gif (16)
Bunnell  : Keziah, b. 1718, North Milford, Litchfield, CT pedigree.gif 𐂷William Bunnell, b. 1600, England descendant-link.gif (9)
Bywaters  : Elizabeth, b. 1737, Culpeper, Virginia, British Colonial America pedigree.gif 𐂷Thomas Bywaters, b. 1710, Spotsylvania, Virginia descendant-link.gif (5)
Carling  : Asenath, b. 1857, Fillmore, Millard, Utah, United States pedigree.gif 𐂷Gabriel Carling, b. 1748, New Paltz, Ulster, New York Colony descendant-link.gif (4)
Carpenter  : → Margery Carpenter, b. 1534, Hampshire, England descendant-link.gif (13)
Carter  : Elizabeth, b. 1675, Lancaster, Colonial Virginia pedigree.gif 𐂷John Carter, b. 1664, Morattico Creek, Lancaster, Colony of Virginia descendant-link.gif (7)
Chickering  : Anne, b. 1630, Suffolk, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Henry Chickering, b. 1460, Norfolk, England descendant-link.gif (14)
Clarke  : Alice, b. 1540, Great Ellingham, Norfolk, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Thomas Clarke, b. 0000, descendant-link.gif (12)
Clench  : Margaret, b. 1560, Suffolk, England pedigree.gif 𐂷George Clench, b. 0000, null descendant-link.gif (11)
Cole  : → Mary Cole, b. 1563, Buckinghamshire, England descendant-link.gif (9)
Curtis (Curtiss)  : Sarah, b. 1688, New Milford, Litchfield, Connecticut pedigree.gif 𐂷William Curtis, b. 1418, Essex, England descendant-link.gif (15)
Dameron  : → Margaret Dameron, b. 1513, Suffolk, England descendant-link.gif (12)
Dameron  : Elizabeth, b. 1582, Henly, Ipswich, Suffolk, England pedigree.gif 𐂷John Dameron, b. 1480, Henley, Suffolk, England descendant-link.gif (13)
Day  : Agnes, b. 1532, Wicklewood, Norfolk, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Henry Day, b. 1508, Wymondham, Norfolk, England descendant-link.gif (12)
Dobell  : Agnes, b. 1505, Woodbridge, Suffolk, England pedigree.gif 𐂷John Dobell, b. 1480, Woodbridge, Suffolk, England descendant-link.gif (13)
Druitt  : Alice, b. 1447, Exeter, Devon, , England pedigree.gif 𐂷Richard Druitt, b. 1476, England descendant-link.gif (14)
Eldred  : Elizabeth, b. 1570, Old Buckenham, Norfolk, England pedigree.gif 𐂷John Eldred, b. 1460, Knettishall, Suffolk, England descendant-link.gif (15)
Fiske  : Anne, b. 1610, Of St James, So. Elmham, Suffolk, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Robert Fiske, b. 1521, Laxfield, Suffolk, England descendant-link.gif (12)
Fiske  : Mary, b. 1552, South Elmham St Michael, Suffolk, England pedigree.gif 𐂷William Fiske, b. 1506, Laxfield, Suffolk, England descendant-link.gif (12)
Freer  : → Sarah Freer, b. 1779, descendant-link.gif (3)
Fullman  : → Alice Fullman, b. 1524, Tibenham, Norfolk, England descendant-link.gif (12)
Gifford  : Elizabeth, b. 1567, Chesham, Buckinghamshire, England pedigree.gif 𐂷John Gifford, b. 1543, Chesham, Buckinghamshire, England descendant-link.gif (12)
Goodwith  : → Joan Goodwith, b. 1555, Sedgeberrow, Worcestershire, England descendant-link.gif (11)
Gosnold  : → Grace Gosnold, b. 0000, descendant-link.gif (12)
Gosnold  : Elizabeth, b. 1536, Coddenham, Suffolk, England pedigree.gif 𐂷John Gosnold, b. 0000, Otley Hall, Suffolk, England descendant-link.gif (13)
Gould  : → Sybil Gould, b. 1522, Suffolk, England descendant-link.gif (12)
Grindall  : → Rachel Grindall, b. 1504, Saint Bees, Cumberland, England descendant-link.gif (12)
Hamilton  : → Anne Hamilton, b. 1709, Surry, Surry, Virginia, British Colonial America descendant-link.gif (5)
Hawley  : Eunice, b. 1739, New Milford, Litchfield, Connecticut pedigree.gif 𐂷Joseph Hawley, b. 1603, Parwich, Derbyshire, England descendant-link.gif (9)
Heneage  : Margaret, b. 1522, New Buckenham, Norfolk, England pedigree.gif 𐂷John Heneage, b. 1390, Hainton, Lincolnshire, England descendant-link.gif (16)
Heslarton  : Anne, b. 1480, Yorkshire, England pedigree.gif 𐂷William Heslarton, b. 1413, Yorkshire, England descendant-link.gif (16)
Hollister  : → Mary Hollister, b. 1497, England descendant-link.gif (13)
Hooker  : Alice, b. 1554, Exeter, Devon, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Richard Hooker, b. 1400, Southampton, Hampshire, England descendant-link.gif (15)
Howe  : Sarah, b. 1541, Nazeing, Essex, England pedigree.gif 𐂷William Howe, b. 1515, essex descendant-link.gif (12)
Hunt  : Sarah, b. 1646, Rehoboth, Bristol, Massachusetts pedigree.gif 𐂷Enoch Hunt, b. 1554, Titenden Lee, Buckinghamshire, ENGLAND descendant-link.gif (11)
Hussey  : Elizabeth, b. 1622, Richmond, Colony of Virginia pedigree.gif 𐂷James Hussey, b. 1561, England descendant-link.gif (9)
Jones  : Susannah, b. 1743, Louisa, Virginia, British Colonial America pedigree.gif 𐂷James Jones, b. 1640, Prince George, Prince George, Virginia Colony descendant-link.gif (7)
Judson  : Esther, b. 1660, Stratford, Fairfield, Connecticut pedigree.gif 𐂷Robert Judson, b. 1515, England descendant-link.gif (12)
Keaton (Keaten)  : Emeline, b. 1806, New York, New York, Ny pedigree.gif 𐂷Jacob Keaten, b. 1760, Marbletown, Ulster, New York descendant-link.gif (3)
Kelly  : Joan, b. 1480, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Richard Kelly, b. 1430, england descendant-link.gif (16)
Lawter  : Anne, b. 1585, Ilketshall St Andrew, Suffolk, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Robert Lawter, b. 1554, Ilketshall St Andrew, Suffolk, England descendant-link.gif (11)
Leach  : → Sarah Leach, b. 1701, Windham, Windham, Connecticut descendant-link.gif (6)
Leeke  : Margery, b. 1477, pedigree.gif 𐂷John Leeke, b. 1455, Beccles, Suffolk, England descendant-link.gif (13)
Lewis  : → Rebecca Lewis, b. 1650, Prince George, Prince George, Virginia descendant-link.gif (7)
Lloyd  : Elizabeth, b. 1698, Essex, Virginia pedigree.gif 𐂷John Lloyd, b. 1666, descendant-link.gif (6)
Mallory  : Rebekah, b. 1649, New Haven, New Haven Colony, New England pedigree.gif 𐂷Peter Mallory, b. 1630, England descendant-link.gif (9)
Merritt  : → Rachel Merritt, b. 1673, Baltimore County, Province of Maryland descendant-link.gif (6)
Myntor  : Joan, b. 1478, Westerfield, Suffolk, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Richard Myntor, b. 1460, null descendant-link.gif (14)
Nichols (Nycholls)  : Patience, b. 1660, Stratford, Fairfield, Connecticut pedigree.gif 𐂷Thomas Nycholls, b. 1510, Sedgeberrow, Worcestershire, England descendant-link.gif (12)
Palmer  : → Sarah Palmer, b. 1590, Little Marlow, Buckinghamshire, England descendant-link.gif (10)
Parker  : Agnes, b. 1541, Chesham, Buckinghamshire, England pedigree.gif 𐂷William Parker, b. 1500, Hampshire, England descendant-link.gif (14)
Parkhurst  : Helen, b. 1525, Guilford, Surrey, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Georgius Parkhurst, b. 1433, descendant-link.gif (14)
Payne  : → Margaret Payne, b. 1490, Great Ellington, Norfolk, England descendant-link.gif (13)
Payne (Paine)  : Catherine, b. 1786, Schuylerville, New York pedigree.gif 𐂷John Paine, b. 1464, Great Ellingham, Norfolk, England descendant-link.gif (14)
Peck  : Annie, b. 1667, Rehoboth, Bristol, Massachusetts pedigree.gif 𐂷Henry Peck, b. 1486, Carltoncolville, Suffolk, England descendant-link.gif (12)
Preston  : Mary, b. 1629, Chesham, Buckinghamshire, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Adam Preston, b. 1558, Giggleswick, Yorkshire, England descendant-link.gif (11)
Ray  : → Judith Ray, b. 1596, Hingham, South Norfolk District, Norfolk, England descendant-link.gif (10)
Sale  : Elizabeth, b. 1590, Chesham, Buckinghamshire, England pedigree.gif 𐂷George Sale, b. 1510, Bledlow, Buckinghamshire, England descendant-link.gif (13)
Simmons  : Elizabeth, b. 1649, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Thomas Simmons, b. 1625, Broseley, Shropshire, England descendant-link.gif (8)
Smith  : Elizabeth, b. 1625, Norfolk, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Henry Smith, b. 1593, Hingham, Norfolk, England descendant-link.gif (10)
Stalcup  : → Elizabeth Stalcup, b. 1803, Nashville, Davidson, Tennessee descendant-link.gif (2)
Stanyerne (Stanyere)  : Rachel, b. 1524, Medbourne, Leicestershire, England pedigree.gif 𐂷William Stanyere, b. 1500, St.Bees, Cumberland, England descendant-link.gif (12)
Stasye  : → Martha Stasye, b. 1518, descendant-link.gif (12)
Thorpe  : → Eufemia Thorpe, b. 1519, Halifax, Yorkshire, England descendant-link.gif (12)
Travers  : → Anne Travers, b. 1523, Nottinghamshire, England descendant-link.gif (11)
Travers  : Elizabeth, b. 1660, Lancaster Colony of Virginia pedigree.gif 𐂷William Travers, b. 1475, England descendant-link.gif (13)
Turnor  : Cecily, b. 1515, Great Ellingham, Norfolk, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Thomas Turnor, b. 1490, Great Ellingham, Norfolk, England descendant-link.gif (13)
Voell  : Jago, b. 1422, Hants, , , England pedigree.gif 𐂷Geraph Voell, b. 1400, Pembroke, Pembrokeshire, Wales descendant-link.gif (15)
Wadde  : → Million Wadde, b. 1580, Hedon, West Yorkshire, England descendant-link.gif (9)
Walton  : Elizabeth, b. 1460, Market Bosworth, Leicestershire, England pedigree.gif 𐂷UNKNOWN Walton, b. 1400, England descendant-link.gif (16)
Waters  : Joan, b. 1524, Beccles, Suffolk, England pedigree.gif 𐂷John Waters, b. 1490, Beccles, Suffolk, England descendant-link.gif (12)
Wells  : Marjorie, b. 1491, Essex England pedigree.gif 𐂷Thomas Wells, b. 1455, Nazeing, Essex, England descendant-link.gif (14)
Wheeler  : Patience, b. 1679, Milford, New Haven, Connecticut Colony pedigree.gif 𐂷Thomas Wheeler, b. 1619, England descendant-link.gif (9)
Wilmot  : Ann, b. 1614, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Benjamin Wilmot, b. 1589, England descendant-link.gif (10)
Wimarke  : Frances, b. 1577, Sedgeberrow, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Robert Wimarke, b. 1560, England. descendant-link.gif (11)
Woods  : → Edith Woods, b. 1714, Culpeper County, Virginia Colony descendant-link.gif (5)
Worthe  : Margery, b. 1440, Malden, Surrey, England pedigree.gif 𐂷Thomas Worthe, b. 1415, null descendant-link.gif (15)
Wymbish  : Katherine, b. 1457, Nocton, Lincolnshire, England pedigree.gif 𐂷John Wymbish, b. 1391, Nocton, Lincolnshire, England descendant-link.gif (16)

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