Surnames/tags: Macbryde MacBride

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- MacIlvride,
- MacBraid and many more.
Spelling Differences among names are usually trivial no matter how much pride a person has in a particular version. Most of our ancestors were illiterate until recently, especially if they were Gaelic speakers. Most Gaels were not taught to read or write their own language. In contrast with English, Gaelic speakers place more emphasis on the spoken language than on the written form. This means that Gaelic spelling is constantly being modified to match the spoken form, Irish in 1948 and Scottish Gaelic in 1982. However, there are constant revisions and up-dates. In addition, Gaelic speakers did not need nor use family names until they began to interact with the English speaking culture. The Gaelic naming system is quite different and either shows a person’s lineage or some personal attribute. “Donald of the race of Donald”. “Donald, Son of John”, and “Donny Little” all might be the same person. Landholders were known by the name of their holdings — “Locheil”, “Corriemony”, “Keppoch”.
Most persons first had their names written for them by others — ministers, schoolmasters, government officials or ship captains. These people wrote as they heard the name., often differently from one time to the next.
In modern spellings, one can find the second part of the surname capitalised or in lower case, “MacBryde” and “Macbryde”. This style was adopted in the nineteenth century to distinguish between a person who was actually the son of a man named Donald (Mac Donald) or one of the general clan surname (Macbryde). This soon lost its meaning.
This is a One-Name Study to collect together in one place everything about the surname McBride/Macbryde and its variants. The hope is that other researchers like you will join our study to help make it a valuable reference point for people studying lines that cross or intersect.
As a Scottish name, McBride is derived from the Gaelic "Mac Gille Brighde," meaning "son of the servant of (St.) Brigit." The Scottish Gaelic word for church "cill Bríghde," became a place name (Kilbride, in Lanarkshire) and some bearers of McBride may have originally taken their surnames from this.
The name's earliest recorded roots are from County Donegal in Ireland.
According to legend, both the Scottish and the Irish branches are descended from the son of the servant of (St.) Brigit, the virgin Abbess of Kildare who died 525 A.D.
Gaelic Mac Brighde for earlier Mac GilleBrighde, 'son of the servant of Bride,' virgin abbess of Kildare who died 525 A.D. Cristinus McBryd, a man of Thomas de Moravia, had remission of a fine in 1329 (ER., I, p. 592). Giolla Calluim mc ilebhride mhic Phersoin chille-comain (Ref. Celt., I, p. 136). John McGilbride was captain of Bute, 1370—75, and Macbride is an old name in Arran. In 1684 the name appears as McBryd, McBrid, and McKbrid (Parish). The form Macilbride was much used in olden time in the lordship of Doune: Makilbred, Makgilbred, M'Gilbrid, 1489—90. M'Ilvreid 1612. The archdeacon of the Isles in 1476 was M'Ylwyrd, made clearer in 1480 by Makkilbreid. See also Macbridan and Macilvhide. Mc ilbryd 1685.
— The Surnames of Scotland (1946) by George Fraser Black (1866-1948) Mac Giolla Brighde Belongs mainly to Co. Donegal.
In east Ulster it is sometimes of Scottish origin. IF 36*, 61; MIF 12*
— A Guide to Irish Names (1964) by Edward MacLysaght “Son of the Servant of Bride” (Mac Gille Brighde).
— South African Surnames (1965) by Eric Rosenthal (Irish) The son of the servant of St. Brigid.
— Dictionary of American Family Names (1956) by Elsdon Coles Smith
The Highland Scots
1. Origin. According to tradition the ancestors of the Highlanders originated in central Asia and slowly migrated through Asia Minor, Egypt, Southern Europe, and into Ireland, originally called Scotia.+ About 503 A.D. a general migration began from Ireland into western Scotland. The first wave settled in Airer Gaelhel, land of the Gaels, later called Argyll. Migrations from Ireland continued but by 795 the development of Gaelic clans was independent of Ireland.
2. Development of the Clans. The Scottish highlands were inhabited by Picts when the Gaels arrived from Ireland. The latter people were Christians and the Picts were pagan. The great missionary, Columba, came over from Ireland as early as 563 and through his efforts, many of the Picts were converted. Conversion led to some intermarriage between the Picts and Gaels, but there were still reasons for conflict between the two peoples. Gradually, for security and other reasons, the Gaels, or Highlanders, began to band together into clans. The chief of the strongest branch or family in a clan became chief of the clan. Thereafter the title was usually hereditary.”
MacBride, MacBryde are Septs of Clan Donald
Clan Donald is one of the largest Scottish clans. The MacDonald clan has many separate branches:
These are the Clan Donald branches with extant chiefs, including the main Clan Donald followed by their Gaelic patronymics:
Lord Macdonald who is the High Chief of Clan Donald whose ancestor was the Lord of the Isles. The MacDhomnhaill. MacDonald of Sleat MacUisdean. MacDonald of Clanranald. Mac Mhic Ailean. MacDonnell of Glengarry. Mac Mhic Alasdair. MacDonald of Keppoch. Mac Mhic Raghnaill. McDonell of Antrim chiefs hold the title Earl of Antrim. Mac Somhairle Buidhe. Clan MacAlister. MacAlasdair.
These are the other branches of the Clan Donald without extant chiefs:
MacDonald of Ardnamurchan or MacIain of Ardnamurchan. Mac Iain Aird nam Murachan. MacDonald of Lochalsh now part of the Macdonalds of Sleat. MacDonald of Glencoe Mac Iain Abrach. MacDonald of Dunnyveg or McDonnells of the Glens or Clan Donald South. Mac Iain Mhoir.
Kingdom by Celtic Inheritance & Conquest
Donald of Islay (c. 1185 to 1269) - known as King Somerled ancestor of the MacDonalds.
Donald of Islay’s father, Raghnaill, inherited lands, (acquired by force by his father, Somhairlidh) in Kintyre, Islay, and half of Arran. The other half of Arran and the Isle of Bute went to his younger brother, Angus MacDonald.
Donald of Islay (c. 1185 to 1269) - known as King Somerled, then inherited his father’s lands (islands). Donald and his uncle Dougal then sailed together to Norway to affirm their rights to rule their Isles from King Håkon himself. These Hebridean Kings, including Donald and Dougal were precariously balanced between the larger kingdoms of Norway’s King Håkon, England’s King Henry III, and Scotland’s Alexander.
According to historian Hugh Macdonald, Donald of Islay eventually slew his uncle Dougal. Scotland’s King Alexander then sent Sir William Rollock as envoy demanding Donald of Islay submit to the Scottish King’s authority. Donald of Islay responded with the account of his obtaining from King Håkon the right to rule the lands that his grandfather Somhairlidh had acquired by force.
Apparently Donald of Islay lost all confidence that the King’s envoy would faithfully present his case to the King of Scotland so he killed him and sent the body to the king as his reply!
The Chronicles of the Isle of Man tell us that in 1192 Raghnaill mac Somhairlidh and his sons were defeated in battle against his brother Angus. But in 1210 Angus and all 3 of his sons were killed at Morvern in the battle against the Norsemen from the Isle of Skye.
Raghnaill took over Arran and Bute after this brother’s line was extinguished. Those islands then became part of Donald of Islay‘s domain.
The Annals of Ulster Senait state that in 1210 Raghnall mac Somhairlidh fought a battle with and slaughtered the men of Sciadh (Skye). Donald of Islay would have been 25 at that time.
Donald of Islay‘s life was in constant strife with his MacDougal cousins in Argyll and Lorne and his Olafson cousins who ruled the Isle of Man, Skye, and the Outer Hebrides.
Several Irish legends remain of battles fought when Raghnaill mac Somhairlidh and his sons raided Ireland, Scotland, the Hebrides, and the Isle of Man.
Nyvaigs transported Dougal’s and Raghnaill’s troops to Ireland, through the Northern Isles and as far as Norway just as Somhairlidh‘s armies travelled Per Mare Per Terras (By Sea and By Land) to establish this sea kingdom from Islay to Skye that became the Triath nan Eilean or Kingdom of the Isles.
Donald of Islay Seeks the Pope’s Absolution
Donald of Islay went to Rome with his entire entourage, including seven priests, seeking the Pope’s absolution for past transgressions of God’s law.
Donald of Islay presented himself before Pope Innocent IV to submit to the will of God and the Church. When the Pope asked Donald of Islay if he would submit to whatever punishment the Church saw fit, he said he would agree to be burned in a cauldron of molten lead if necessary.
The Pope saw him as truly penitent and may have comforted Donald of Islay by telling him the Legend of St. Julian, another man who had taken many lives, but through penitence had become the patron Saint of warriors & even murderers.
Pope Innocent IV sent him back to rule his island kingdom with a full Papal absolution. For the rest of his life (at least 20 years) Donald demonstrated a resolve to serve his fellow men and the Church (following the example of St. Julian).
He built the monastery of Sadell on Kintyre dedicated to the Virgin Mary and donated large land grants to the monastery as well as an island to the Nuns of Iona.
He also had erected standing crosses on several isles of his kingdom. The Kildalton cross may predate Donald, but it stood on his home island and prominently displays engraved scenes of Cain slaying Abel, Abraham preparing to slay his son as a sacrifice, and David slaying a lion.
The Kildalton cross wasn’t commissioned by Donald, but it certainly was a prominent feature of the island Donald called home. Living to such an advanced age was not typical of the warrior kings of his day. Few lived to their 50’s, let alone Donald of Islay‘s 80+ years, and few had an opportunity to “make peace with his Maker”. The last fourth of his life was in sharp contrast to the reputation he had earned over a half-century. It is obvious that it was important to Donald that he be remembered as more than a warrior king. Though absolved by the Pope, he was not as easily forgiven by his enemies.
Precariously Balanced Island Kingdom, Triath nan Eilean
In 1263 the Norse King Håkon Håkonsson (son of the Norse king who had affirmed Donald of Islay’s right to rule) personally brought a fleet to halt the Scottish encroachment upon his vassal Hebridean Isle Kingdoms. The resulting horrendous Battle of Largs was devastating to both Norway and Scotland.
The death of Håkon Håkonsson upset the balance of power that had allowed the existence of the Hebridean Isle Kingdoms. They were now left to King Alexander’s unfettered designs on the Isles. In fact, most Scottish histories ignore Somhairlidh’s driving the Norse from Argyll and the Isles and his establishment of the Triath nan Eilean over a century before Largs. They point to Largs as when Scotland’s King Alexander drove the Norse from the Scottish Hebrides. Prior to Largs Scotland faced its own continual skirmishes along the border with England. With Scotland otherwise occupied the Hebridean Kings were content to be vassal kings to England and/or Norway rather than being absorbed into the Kingdom of Scotland.
The Hebridean Kingdoms remained Celtic style vassal kingdoms while Scotland moved toward a European style feudal system with one monarch served by Lords instead of vassal kings. Rather than committing his sizable forces to either side in the battle of Largs there is a conspicuous absence of the aged Donald of Islay.
Some have claimed Donald’s son Angus sided with King Håkon, but immediately changed allegiance after Scotland’s “victory”. Others question that Largs represented a clear victory for either Scotland’s Alexander III or Norway’s King Håkon. If the victor at Largs was not clear, the Hebridean Isle Kingdoms clearly lost the autonomy they had enjoyed under Håkon. They stubbornly continued to govern themselves as they had for centuries, but other than Robert the Bruce, most of the Scottish kings considered them “rebellious subjects” rather than vassal kings.
The Death of Donald of Islay Íle The Sleat historian Hugh Macdonald claimed that Church of Columba at Iona, recorded Donald of Islay died at Shippinage (Skipness, Argyll, Scotland) in 1289. That would have made him 104! Most Clan Donald historians agree that 1269 is more likely and supported by the lack of documentation mentioning his activities after 1269. But his last years were devoid of conflict and in service to man and Church which didn’t “make the news” in the 13th century any more than it does today.
The 1269 date would have made Donald of Islay 84 when he died. With his ancestor Conn cued cathach, Donald of Islay could well claim the title “of a hundred battles”.
In classic Celtic manner each of Donald of Islay’s three sons, Angus Mhòir, Alexander, and Somhairlidh inherited portions of the island kingdom now referred to as branches of Clan Donald.
Angus Mhòir was elected the next Triath nan Eilean (King of the Isles) and tried to continue his father’s policy to ally with England (as did the Balliol house of Scotland) in order to maintain the island kingdom’s independence.
The departure from this position only came after Angus Mhòir’s younger son, Angus Og maintained a close, personal friendship with Robert the Bruce.
Under the leadership of Angus Og the Islesmen fought and won Scotland’s independence with The Bruce at Bannockburn.
Angus Og accepted The Bruce’s offer to grant him the lands held by Dougal chiefs under King Balliol. The Bruce’s condition was that the lands granted would be to the Lord of the Isles (rather than King).
In this manner, Donald of Islay’s Triath nan Eilean (Kingdom of the Isles) voluntarily became the Lordship of the Isles and part of King Robert the Bruce’s feudal Scotland.
Ironically the Lordship continued for 224 years after the death of Donald of Islay before James IV demanded forfeiture after learning that a previous Lord of the Isles had entered into treaties with England.
The Lordship of the Isles was forfeited to the Royal Family where it remains today. After the forfeiture there arose the Gaelic saying in the Highlands and Islands “Chan eil aoibhneas gun Chlann Donald of Islay” which means “There is no joy without Clan Donald.”
Origins of the Clan The Norse-Gaelic Clan Donald traces its descent from Domhnall mac Raghnaill (d. circa 1250), whose father Reginald or Ranald was styled 'King of the Isles' and 'Lord of Argyll and Kintrye'. Ranald's father, Somerled was styled 'King of the Hebrides' and was killed campaigning against Malcolm IV of Scotland at the Battle of Renfrew in 1164.
Clan Donald shares a descent from Somerled with Clan MacDougall, who trace their lineage from his elder son, Blake Donald.
Gaelic tradition gave Somerled a Celtic descent in the male line, as the medieval Seanachies traced his lineage through a long line of ancestors back to Colla Uais and Conn of the Hundred Battles. Thus, Clan Donald claimed to be both Clann Cholla and Siol Chuinn (Children of Colla and Seed of Conn).
Possibly the oldest piece of poetry attributed to the MacDonalds is a brosnachadh (an incitement to battle) which was said to have been written in 1411, on the day of the Battle of Harlaw. The first lines of the poem begin 'A Chlanna Cuinn cuimhnichibh / Cruas an am na h-iorghaile,' (Ye children of Conn remember hardihood in the time of battle).
A later poem made to John of Islay (1434 - 1503), last of the MacDonald Lords of the Isles, proclaims 'Cennus Ghaoidheal do Chlainn Cholla, coir a fhogra,' (The Headship of the Gael to the family of Colla, it is right to proclaim it), giving MacDonald's genealogy back to Colla Uais.
However, a recent DNA study has shown that Somerled may have been of Norse descent in his male line. By testing the Y-DNA of males bearing the surnames MacDonald, MacDougall, MacAlister, and their variants it was found that a substantial proportion of men tested shared the same Y-DNA and a direct paternal ancestor. This distinct Y-chromosome found in Scotland has been regarded as showing Norse descent in the British Isles. According to the Clan Donald DNA Project about 22% of tested participants have this signature of Somerled. Scottish-Norwegian War
The MacDonalds had always supported Norway. However, this alliance broke when the Norwegians were defeated at the Battle of Largs in 1263 by Scottish forces. Norway's King Haakon was defeated and his fleet was wrecked by the skilled manoeuvres of King Alexander III of Scotland and the Clan MacDougall.
Three years later, the Norwegians submitted their last islands to the Scottish crown. Aonghas Mór, the son of Domhnall, then made peace with King Alexander III of Scotland.
Wars of Scottish Independence MacDonald, Lord of the Isles
In the 14th century during the Wars of Scottish Independence, the MacDonalds fought with Robert the Bruce at the Battle of Bannockburn in 1314. It was Donald's great-grandson, Angus Og of Islay who was the 6th Lord of the Isles who sheltered King Robert the Bruce.
Angus led a small band of Islesmen at the Battle of Bannockburn. In recognition of Clan Donalds support King Robert the Bruce proclaimed that Clan Donald would always occupy the honored position on the right-wing of the Scottish army.
The clan takes its name 'Donald' from the name of the 1st Lord of the Isles who was the grandson of King Somerled who lived until 1269. Donald's son was the original 'Mac' which means 'son of'.
In 1380 the Clan MacLean, Clan MacLeod and Clan Mackinnon were together all defeated in battle by Donald Macdonald, Lord of the Isles, who vindicated his right as Lord of the Isles.
15th-century Earldom of Ross The title and territory of the Earl of Ross had originally been held by the Chief of Clan Ross. However, Angus Og's grandson, Domhnall of Islay, Lord of the Isles married the first female heiress of the Earl of Ross. He later successfully claimed the position of Earl of Ross through marriage.
This was secured by the Battle of Harlaw on 24 July 1411 where most of the highland clans supported Donald in preventing the Duke of Albany and his army of Scottish Lowlanders from claiming the position for himself.
However by 1415 the Earldom of Ross was lost as Murdoch Stewart, Duke of Albany had seized Dingwall Castle and Easter Ross. Domhnall prepared for war and proclaimed himself 'Lord of Ross'. Although Albany appointed his own son John Stewart, 2nd Earl of Buchan as the new Earl of Ross.
However, later the MacDonald chiefs would again become the Earls of Ross, firstly Alexander of Islay, Earl of Ross and then his son John of Islay, Earl of Ross who surrendered the earldom in 1476 to James Stewart, Duke of Ross.
MACDONALD'S CASTLES Castles that have been in possession of the MacDonalds over the centuries have included:
Finlaggan Castle is located on an island, on Loch Finlaggan, on the Isle of Islay. It was the seat of the chief of Clan Donald, Lord of the Isles.
Armadale Castle on the Isle of Skye was built in 1825 and today houses a MacDonald Clan centre which is open to the public.
Knock Castle (Isle of Skye) is a ruined Macdonald castle located on the Isle of Skye.
Duntulm Castle is a ruined Macdonald castle located on the Isle of Skye.
Aros Castle is a ruined MacDonald castle located on the Isle of Mull.
Claig Castle is a ruined MacDonald castle located on the Isle of Jura.
Kildonan Castle is a ruined MacDonald castle located on the Isle of Arran.
Ardtornish Castle is a ruined MacDonald castle located on the peninsula Morvern.
Dunaverty Castle is a ruined MacDonald castle, off the coast of Kintyre, known as Blood Rock because of the incident known as the Dunaverty Massacre which took place there.
Castle Tioram, Loch Moidart, Lochaber was the seat of the Clan MacDonald of Clan Ranald.
Borve Castle was another castle of the MacDonalds of Clan Ranald.
Ormiclate Castle was another castle of the MacDonalds of Clan Ranald.
Invergarry Castle, built on the Raven's Rock was the seat of the Clan MacDonnell of Glengarry. .
Strome Castle on the shore of Loch Carron was an earlier castle of the MacDonnells of Glengarry.
Dunluce Castle in Ireland was the seat of the Clan MacDonnell of Antrim, Earls of Antrim.
Glenarm Castle in Ireland was another castle of the MacDonnells of Antrim.
Dunyvaig Castle on the Isle of Islay was the seat of the Clan MacDonald of Dunnyveg.
Dunscaith Castle on the Isle of Skye was the seat of the Clan MacDonald of Sleat.
Mingarry Castle in Kilchoan, Lochaber was the seat of the Clan MacDonald of Ardnamurchan.
CLAN CHIEFS: The current chief of Clan Donald is the Right Honourable Godfrey James Macdonald of Macdonald, 8th Lord Macdonald, Chief of the Name and Arms of Macdonald, High Chief of Clan Donald and 34th hereditary Chief of Clan Donald. He descends directly from the ancient Kings and Lords of the Isles.
CLAN PROFILE Gaelic Name: MacDhomhnuill.
Motto: Per mare per terras (By sea and by land).
Plant Badge: Heather.
Lands: The Western Isles.
Origin of Name: Gaelic, Domhnull (World ruler).
SEPTS OF CLAN DONALD: Septs of Clan Donald include the following. Other branches of Clan Macdonald have different septs. Alexander, Beath, Beaton, Bethune, Bowie, Colson, Connall, Connell,Cram,Crum, Danalds, Darroch, Donald, Donaldson, Donillson, Donnelson, Drain, Galbraith, Galt, Gilbride, Gorrie, Gowan, Gowrie, Hawthorn, Hewison, Houstoun, Howison, Hughson, Hutcheonson, Hutchinson, Hutchison, Isles, Kellie, Kelly, Kinnell, Mac a' Challies, MacBeth, MacBeath, MacBheath, MacBride, MacBryde, MacCaishe, MacCall, MacCash, MacCeallaich, MacCodrum, MacColl, MacConnell, MacCook, MacCooish, MacCrain, MacCuag, MacCuish, MacCuitein, MacCutcheon, MacDaniell, Macdrain, MacEachern, MacElfrish, MacElheran, MacGorrie, MacGorry, MacGoun, MacGowan, MacGown, MacHugh, MacHutchen, MacHutcheon, MacIan, Macilreach, Macilriach, Macilleriach, Macilrevie, Macilvride, Macilwraith, MacKean, MacKellachie, MacKellaig, MacKelloch, MacKiggan, MacKinnell, MacLairish, MacLardie, MacLardy, MacLarty, MacLaverty, MacLeverty, MacMurchie, MacMurdo, MacMurdoch, MacO'Shannaig, MacQuistan, MacQuisten, MacRaith, MacRorie, MacRory, MacRuer, MacRurie(MacRury- Contester of the Lord of the Isles), MacShannachan, MacSorley, MacSporran, MacSwan, MacWhannell, Martin, May, McReyolds, McRuer, Murchie, Murchison, Murdoch, Murdoson, O'Drain, O'May, O'Shannachan, O'Shaig, O'Shannaig, Patton, Purcell, Revie, Reoch, Riach, Rorison, Shannon, Sorley, Sporran, Train, Whannel, Wheelans, Wheelens, Whillans, Whillens, Wilkie, Wilkinson, Wilkins, Willans, Willens
3. The Clan Macdonald. The largest and most powerful of the Highland Clans was undoubtedly the Clan Macdonald. The history of the Mcdonalds goes back at least to the 13th century, when the Lord of the Isles, ruler of the western coast and off-shore islands, was also chief of the Clan Macdonald.‘ The great clan broke up in 1494 into a number of Macdonald clans, but the most powerful remained the Clan Macdonald of the Isles. This great clan was divided into "North", adjoining the McLeods of Skye, North Uist and West Uist, and "South", on Isla and Jura Is- lands, and in Argyll (or Argyllshire).
4. Septs of the Clan Macdonald. Many of the Highland families, even large and powerful families never achieved recognition as separate clans. These families instead, became sub-clans, or septs, of larger and more powerful groups, or clans. The Clan Macdonald included far more septs than any of the other clans. In fact, over one hundred Scottish names appear as septs of the Clan Macdonald, including Bethune, Gilbride, MacBride, McEachern, Purcell, and many others. The "South" group of the Clan included the MacBride's, and they lived largely in the Kintyre (Cantire and a variety of spellings) area of Argyllshire. Thus in Scotland, the MacBride's apparently did not have a family crest or coat of arms of their own, but the family crest dates back into Irish history.
Arran, an island in North Ayrshire - county Bute
My earliest sourced Ancestor comes from Arran in county Bute, Peter Kerr MacBryde (other possible spellings are MacBride or McBride) born 6 Sep 1801, died 10 Jul 1875. Peter was born as MacBride most likely in Shannochie/Shennachie on the south end of Arran. Death notice has him as Peter Kerr Macbryde. Portsmouth, Kingston Cemetery records: Peter Kerr MacBryde 1800-1875.
Peter's father was most likely Thomas McBride, mother Margaret MacDouglad. However, MyHeritage Family Trees, has this record: "Mary MacBryde (born Adams) married John MacBryde.They had one son: Peter Kerr MacBryde".
Arran is an island in North Ayrshire (Gaelic: Siorrachd Inbhir Àir), formerly a county in the southwestern Strathclyde region of Scotland, that today makes up the Council Areas of South, East, and North Ayrshire, in the Firth of Clyde, where the name has long existed.
Kildonan Castle is a ruined MacDonald castle located on the Isle of Arran.
Arran or the Isle of Arran (/ˈærən/; Scottish Gaelic: Eilean Arainnpronounced [elan ˈarɪɲ]), at 432 square kilometres (167 sq mi), is the largest island in the Firth of Clyde and the seventh-largest Scottish island. Historically part of Buteshire, it is in the unitary council area of North Ayrshire. In the 2011 census, it had a resident population of 4,629. Though culturally and physically similar to the Hebrides, it is separated from them by the Kintyre peninsula. It is divided into highland and lowland areas by the Highland Boundary Fault and has been described as a "geologist's paradise".
Arran has been continuously inhabited since the early Neolithic period. Numerous prehistoric remains have been found. From the 6th century onwards, Goidelic-speaking peoples from Ireland colonised it and it became a centre of religious activity. In the troubled Viking Age, Arran became the property of the Norwegian crown, until formally absorbed by the kingdom of Scotland in the 13th century. The 19th-century "clearances" led to significant depopulation and the end of the Gaelic language and way of life. The economy and population have recovered in recent years, the main industry being tourism. There is a diversity of wildlife, including three species of tree endemic to the area.
The island includes miles of coastal pathways, numerous hills and mountains, forested areas, rivers, small lochs and beaches. Its main beaches are at Brodick, Whiting Bay, Kildonan, Sannox and Blackwaterfoot.
Most of the islands of Scotland have been occupied consecutively by speakers of at least four languages since the Iron Age. Many of the names of these islands have more than one possible meaning as a result. Arran is therefore not unusual in that the derivation of the name is far from clear. Mac an Tàilleir (2003) states that "it is said to be unrelated to the name Aran in Ireland" (which means "kidney-shaped", cf Irish ára "kidney"). Unusually for a Scottish island, Haswell-Smith (2004) offers a Brythonic derivation and a meaning of "high place" which at least corresponds with the geography — Arran is significantly loftier than all the land that immediately surrounds it along the shores of the Firth of Clyde.
Any other Brythonic place names that may have existed were later replaced on Arran as the Goidelic-speaking Gaels spread from Ireland, via their adjacent kingdom of Dál Riata. During the Viking Age it became, along with most Scottish islands, the property of the Norwegian crown, at which time it may have been known as "Herrey" or "Hersey". As a result of this Norse influence, many current place names on Arran are of Viking origin.
Geography and geology
The island lies in the Firth of Clyde between Ayr and Ardrossan, and Kintyre. The profile of the north Arran hills as seen from the Ayrshire coast is referred to as the "Sleeping Warrior", due to its resemblance to a resting human figure. The highest of these hills is Goat Fell at 873.5 metres (2,866 ft).There are three other Corbetts, all in the north east: Caisteal Abhail, Cìr Mhòr and Beinn Tarsuinn. Beinn Bharrain is the highest peak in the north west at 721 metres (2,365 ft).
The largest valley on the island is Glen Iorsa to the west, whilst narrow Glen Sannox (Gaelic: Gleann Shannaig) and Glen Rosa (Gaelic: Gleann Ròsa) to the east surround Goat Fell. The terrain to the south is less mountainous, although a considerable portion of the interior lies above 350 metres (1,150 ft), and A' Chruach reaches 512 metres (1,680 ft) at its summit.[14][15] There are two other Marilyns in the south, Tighvein and Beinn Bhreac.
Arran is sometimes referred to as "Scotland in miniature", as it is divided into "Highland" and "Lowland" areas by the Highland Boundary Fault which runs north east to south west across Scotland.[16] Arran is a popular destination for geologists, who come to see intrusive igneous landforms such as sills and dykes, and sedimentary and meta-sedimentary rocks ranging in age from Precambrian to Mesozoic.
Most of the interior of the northern half of the island is taken up by a large granite batholith that was created by substantial magmatic activity around 58 million years ago in the Paleogene period. This comprises an outer ring of coarse granite and an inner core of finer grained granite, which was intruded later. This granite was intruded into the Late Proterozoic to Cambrian metasediments of the Dalradian Supergroup. Other Paleogene igneous rocks on Arran include extensive felsic and composite sills in the south of the island, and the central ring complex, an eroded caldera system surrounded by a near-continuous ring of granitic rocks.
Sedimentary rocks dominate the southern half of the island, especially Old and New Red Sandstone. Some of these sandstones contain fulgurites – pitted marks that may have been created by Permian lightning strikes. Large aeolian sand dunes are preserved in Permian sandstones near Brodick, showing the presence of an ancient desert. Within the central complex are subsided blocks of Triassic sandstone and marl, Jurassic shale, and even a rare example of Cretaceous chalk.[19][20] During the 19th century barytes was mined near Sannox. First discovered in 1840, nearly 5,000 tons were produced between 1853 and 1862. The mine was closed by the 11th Duke of Hamilton on the grounds that it "spoiled the solemn grandeur of the scene" but was reopened after the First World War and operated until 1938 when the vein ran out.
Visiting in 1787, the geologist James Hutton found his first example of an unconformity to the north of Newton Point near Lochranza, which provided evidence for his Plutonist theories of uniformitarianism and about the age of the Earth. This spot is one of the most famous places in the study of geology.
The Pleistocene glaciations almost entirely covered Scotland in ice, and Arran's highest peaks may have been nunataks at this time. After the last retreat of the ice at the close of the Pleistocene epoch sea levels were up to 70 metres (230 ft) lower than at present and it is likely that circa 14,000 BP the island was connected to mainland Scotland.[24] Sea level changes and the isostatic rise of land makes charting post-glacial coastlines a complex task, but it is evident that the island is ringed by post glacial raised beaches.] King's Cave on the south west coast is an example of an emergent landform on such a raised beach. This cave, which is over 30.5 metres (100 ft) long and up to 15.3 metres (50 ft) high, lies well above the present day sea level. There are tall sea cliffs to the north east including large rock slides under the heights of Torr Reamhar, Torr Meadhonach and at Scriden (An Scriodan) at the far north end of the island.
MacBryde Notables
The Two Roberts
In 1933, two new students met on their first day at Glasgow School of Art. From then on they were inseparable. They lived and worked together. They became lovers. They stayed together throughout their lives. They shone at art school, then came to London, where their robust paintings soon became very fashionable. Yet a few years later, just as quickly, their work fell out of favour. They became increasingly impoverished, dependent on friends for bed and board, but they never stopped painting — or loving one another. They were both prolific drinkers. By 1966, they were both dead.
The biography of Robert Colquhoun and Robert MacBryde (MacBryde-206) is so compelling that, even if their work had only been so-so, it’d still be a tale worth telling, a story of fickle fashion and the enduring power of true love. However, as this gripping retrospective proves, their paintings were remarkable — muscular, unsentimental and utterly unique. They came of age alongside Francis Bacon and Lucian Freud, whom they knew and in some respects resembled. Yet as you wander round this exhibition, their first ever two-man show, you realise the only artists they truly resembled were each other.
Ostensibly, the Two Roberts (as their friends all called them) had quite a lot in common. Working-class lads from Ayrshire, they both left school at 15. They were both brilliant draughtsmen, from their earliest days at GSA. They both worked hard, despite the booze. All they ever wanted to do was paint. Their relationship was unpretentious. They never hid their homosexuality, even though it was illegal, yet many of their friends had no idea they were an item. They had a good time, most of the time, but their domestic tastes were simple. The work was what really mattered, and their abiding love for one another. They rarely collaborated, but their early paintings are very similar. Indeed, at first glance it’s often difficult to tell them apart.
Yet, like a married couple in matching clothes, their underlying differences are far more interesting. MacBryde was more practical and sociable. Colquhoun was more prickly and taciturn. Their contrasting personalities are reflected in their art. In the first few rooms of this display, I had trouble working out who did what. Yet gradually, as your eye adjusts, it becomes clear that these stylistic similarities are superficial. Underneath, they’re very different, as distinct as Rubens and Van Dyck. MacBryde favoured still lives, Colquhoun preferred the human form. MacBryde’s paintings are calmer and more colourful. Colquhoun’s are more energetic and intense. Sign up to the Weekly Highlights email The best of the current issue – delivered straight to your inbox, every Thursday
Colquhoun’s star always shone a bit more brightly than MacBryde’s. In their student days he came top, with MacBryde a close second. This pattern was repeated when they moved to London. MacBryde was admired, Colquhoun was fêted. In any other duo, MacBryde would have been the star turn, but as the less acclaimed and more efficient partner, he assumed responsibility for the daily drudgery, a fate that’s befallen a lot of talented wives. In this show Colquhoun’s paintings outnumber MacBryde’s by about two to one. MacBryde was the steady wife, Colquhoun the erratic husband. Colquhoun got more glory, but MacBryde held the fort. His pictures don’t shout so loud, but they’re more measured and sustained. In most artistic partnerships, this arrangement would be a recipe for fierce resentment. However, to his credit, MacBryde didn’t seem to mind at all. His letters, some included here, were resolutely breezy. Even when their careers collapsed, his correspondence remained upbeat. Since Colquhoun had been more prolific, rejection hit him harder. Because he was more introspective, the pain was more acute. Both men liked a drink, and as their drinking increased (as drinking tends to do) Colquhoun became more withdrawn. MacBryde drank and made merry. Colquhoun drank and drank. In 1962, after working through the night on what should have been his big comeback show, he collapsed and died in MacBryde’s arms. He was 47. MacBryde moved to Ireland and virtually abandoned painting. In 1966, aged 53, he was dancing in the street outside a pub when he was knocked down and killed by a passing car. His last artwork was an illustration for a minor literary magazine.
What makes this story such a tragedy is that, beset by alcohol and penury, the pair’s art didn’t deteriorate in the slightest. Their later paintings, painted in poverty and obscurity, are just as powerful and original as their earlier work, sold by trendy galleries to major museums. If they’d lived and prospered, they could have continued for another 30 years.
So why did they fall from grace so suddenly? The usual combination — bad luck and changing taste. Collectors and curators abandoned figuration for abstraction. They were evicted from their studio. One of their most important patrons inconveniently dropped dead. Yet the Two Roberts kept going, treating Kipling’s two imposters, triumph and disaster, just the same. Their greatest achievement, and the great achievement of this super show, is that the pictures they made when they were broke and forgotten in the 1950s are even more arresting than the ones they made in the 1940s, when they were championed by Kenneth Clark, bought by the Tate and MoMA and photographed by Vogue.
Robert MacBryde ( MacBryde-206) (1913–1966) was a Scottish still-life and figure painter and a theatre set designer.
MacBryde was born in Maybole and worked in a factory for 5 years after leaving school. He studied art at Glasgow School of Art from 1932 to 1937. There, he met Robert Colquhoun with whom he established a lifelong gay relationship and professional collaboration, the pair becoming known as "the two Roberts". MacBryde studied and travelled in France and Italy, assisted by scholarships, returning to London in 1939. He shared studio space with Colquhoun, and the pair shared a house with John Minton and, from 1943, Jankel Adler. MacBryde held his first one-person exhibition at the Lefevre Gallery in 1943.
At the height of their acclaim they courted a large circle of friends - including Michael Ayrton, Francis Bacon, Lucian Freud and John Minton as well as the writers Fred Urquhart, George Barker, Elizabeth Smart, and Dylan Thomas - and were renowned for their parties at their studio (77 Bedford Gardens).
Influenced by Graham Sutherland and John Piper, MacBryde became a well-known painter of the Modernist school of art, known for his brightly coloured Cubist studies. His later work evolved into a darker, Expressionist range of still lifes and landscapes. In collaboration with Colquhoun, he created several set designs during and after the Second World War. These included sets for Gielgud's Macbeth, King Lear at Stratford and Massine's Scottish ballet Donald of the Burthens, produced by the Sadler's Wells Ballet at Covent Garden in 1951. During the 1950s, both MacBryde and Colquhoun lost the attention of the art scene, and as both had become heavy drinkers, serious work became almost impossible. Since neither had any private means, they were reduced at times to near destitution.
Colquhoun died suddenly in 1962. Soon after MacBryde moved to Ireland, and for a time shared a house with Patrick Kavanagh, with whom he had become friendly in London. However he was still drinking heavily and seems to have made no serious effort to paint again.
Robert MacBryde died in 1966 in Dublin as a result of a street accident. Anthony Cronin, a friend of MacBryde and Colquhoun, describes them both with affection and respect in his memoir Dead as Doornails, as does the English painter, playwright and poet Arthur Berry in his autobiography A Three And Sevenpence Half Penny Man.
McBryde Gardens in Hawaii
McBryde Garden History purchased from Hawaii’s Queen Emma.
The land now occupied by the McBryde Garden lies in the southern part of what was once the Hawaiian ahupua'a (land division) of Lawa'i, originally extending along the Lawa'i Stream from the Kapalaoa Range to Lawa'i Bay. Along the lower course of the stream, which opens into the Pacific Ocean, the valley is deep and wide, with imposing cliffs framing it along both sides. Lawa'i was one of six ahupua'a that roughly form what is now the district of Kōloa. Throughout the valley there are indications of traditional Hawaiian archaeological sites that suggest that this land was once an important settlement of the early Polynesians voyagers who settled the islands of Hawai'i. These sites consist of remnants of habitation deposits, agricultural terraces, stone walls, a fishpond, and trails. Historic legends mention Lawa'i as the place where the great warrior Kemamo lived.
Although little is written about the early history of the Lawa'i Valley, the picture becomes clearer after the arrival of Westerners in the 1700s and particularly after Hawaii’s “Great Mahele” (land redistribution) in the mid-nineteenth century, when traditional Hawaiian agricultural practices were replaced by private land ownership with both plantation and small-scale farming. Lawa'i appears on maps as early as the 1820s. Land records show that the majority of the land in the Lawa'i ahupua'a was granted to James Young Kanehoa. Three other individuals were also awarded land parcels.
Kanehoa’s land was later passed to Hawaii’s Queen Emma. In 1876 Duncan McBryde (McBryde-106) leased Queen Emma’s land and his family purchased the property in 1886. By the early 1900s the upper valley was being used for large-scale sugar plantation cultivation and the lower valley had been leased to small taro and rice growers. By 1911, tenant farmers had replaced the taro and rice growers in the lower Lawa'i Valley.
In the early 1900s the McBryde Sugar Company constructed Pump Six, near the juncture of the upper and lower valley, to irrigate the newly established sugar cane plantation fields. The pumping station included a deep reservoir and a series of pipelines to deliver water up the valley and onto the fields above. A railroad system was also established at that time. The tracks circled the valley on its rim, passing through two tunnels on the western side of the valley and over three trestles crossing the upper valley and intersecting valleys on the eastern and western rims. Survey maps indicate that there were two camps in the valley, probably housing plantation workers.
After the Congressional Charter established the Pacific Tropical Botanical Garden in 1964, the founding trustees began their search for a location for the new botanical garden. In 1970 the trustees purchased the original 171 acres in the upper Lawa'i Valley, forming the institution's first garden. The challenge began to transform the valley floor, planted in sugar cane and surrounded by steep volcanic cliffs. Plants were donated by researchers, plant collectors, botanical gardens, and others from throughout the tropical world. In the years since, the plant collections at McBryde Garden were expanded by targeting collection efforts within specific regions (provenance), families, species, cultivars (taxonomic), criticality (level of threat to its existence in the wild), cultural and other values.
This first garden became known as the Lawa'i Garden. In addition to programs in research and conservation, educational activities began early through visitors and internship programs. Initial repair work on Pump Six was conducted so that it could be used to house gardening equipment. This was followed many years later by extensive renovation of the adjacent Pump Manager's House, which provides some office space. A wood-and-shade cloth structure was built to serve as the Garden's first nursery. The institution's headquarters were constructed on a parcel overlooking the garden.
McBryde Garden sustained extensive damage in the fall of 1992 when the island of Kaua'i was struck by a Category 4 hurricane. Through the swift and herculean efforts of its staff and volunteers, hundreds of plants that would have died were saved. Subsequent activities included expeditions throughout Hawai'i and other Pacific Islands to re-collect as many lost species as possible.
Damage to the Garden and destruction of the nearby visitors center interrupted the regular public tour program until 1995. In 1997 a new visitors center was opened to service both the McBryde Garden and the Allerton Garden, situated on a 10-acre parcel outside the east end of the Valley.
As the result of an endowment gifted by the descendants of the family who had once owned the valley, in 2000 Lawa'i Garden was officially renamed the McBryde Garden. Facilities were significantly improved in 2005 with the construction of a state-of-the-art Conservation and Horticulture Center.
NTBG’s master plan for the Garden includes an improved network of trails and roads, and eventually the adaptive reuse of Pump Six as an interpretive hub for educational activities.
Contemporary Notables of the name McBryde
Michael McBryde (b. 1981), Australian silver and bronze medalist rower
Ian McBryde (b. 1953), Canadian-born, Australian poet
John McBryde (b. 1939), Australian bronze medalist field hockey player at the 1964 Summer Olympics
John H. McBryde (b. 1931), American jurist, Judge of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas (1991-)
John McLaren McBryde (1841-1923), American academic, 5th President of Virginia Tech (1891-1907)
Sydney Ronald "Ron" McBryde (1941-1989), Canadian politician, Member of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba from 1969 to 1981
Archibald McBryde (1766-1816), Scottish-born, American Congressional Representative from North Carolina in 1813 and 1814
Robin Currie McBryde (b. 1970), Welsh former rugby union player from Bangor
Grant Anthony McBride (1949-2018), Australian politician, Member of the New South Wales Parliament for The Entrance (1992-2011)
Lieutenant-General Horace Logan McBride (1894-1962), American Commander in Chief Caribbean Command (1952-1954)
Brigadier-General Allan Clay McBride (1885-1944), American Inspector-General at 3rd Army (1940-1941)
Sir Richard McBride KCMG (1870-1917), Canadian Premier of British Columbia from 1903 to 1915
Thomas Raymond McBride (1914-2001), American former Major League Baseball outfielder
Jon Andrew McBride (b. 1943), former NASA astronaut with over 8 days in space
William John "Willie" McBride MBE (b. 1940), Irish rugby player
Martina McBride (b. 1966), American country music singer
Kevin Martin McBride (b. 1973), Irish Olympic boxer
Kenneth Faye "Ken" McBride (b. 1935), former American Major League Baseball pitcher
Stuart MacBride (MacBride-124) is a Scottish writer, most famous for his crime thrillers set in the "Granite City" of Aberdeen and featuring Detective Sergeant Logan McRae.
John MacBride (Royal Navy officer)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia John MacBride Captain John MacBride, by Gilbert Stuart (1755-1828).jpg Captain John MacBride (Gilbert Stuart, 1788) Born c. 1735 Scotland Died 17 February 1800
Spring Garden Coffee House, London Allegiance United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Service/branch Royal Navy
Years of service 1754 – 1800 Rank Admiral of the Blue Commands held Grace HMS Grampus HMS Cruizer HMS Renown HMS Jason HMS Seaford HMS Arethusa HMS Southampton HMS Orpheus HMS Bienfaisant HMS Artois HMS Druid HMS Cumberland The Downs Battles/wars
Seven Years' War American War of Independence Battle of Ushant Battle of Cape St. Vincent Relief of Gibraltar Fourth Anglo–Dutch War Battle of Dogger Bank French Revolutionary Wars
John MacBride (c. 1735 – 17 February 1800) was an officer of the Royal Navy and a politician who saw service during the Seven Years' War, the American War of Independence and the French Revolutionary Wars, eventually rising to the rank of Admiral of the Blue.
MacBride entered the navy after serving on merchant vessels and distinguished himself in a number of actions during the Seven Years' War, including cutting out a privateer, which secured him the rank of post-captain by the end of the conflict. He was instrumental in establishing and securing a British settlement on the Falkland Islands in the years of peace which followed, and also performed service to the Royal Family by transporting the King's sister, Caroline Matilda. Still in active service by the outbreak of war with the American colonies, MacBride took command of a ship of the line and saw action in engagements under Keppel and Rodney. He was also active against privateers, capturing the Comte d'Artois in a heated battle off the Irish coast. Further service followed with Parker's fleet against the Dutch and with Barrington in the Channel.
MacBride ended the war serving ashore in Ireland, and in 1784 embarked on a political career, becoming MP for Plymouth. Promoted to flag rank with the outbreak of war with Revolutionary France, he commanded squadrons off the enemy coasts, and transported troops to support land operations on the continent. His last active service was in 1795, though he was promoted to Admiral of the Blue shortly before his death in 1800.
1 Family and early life 2 Falkland Islands 3 Interwar years 4 American War of Independence 4.1 MacBride and the Artois connection 5 Years of peace 6 French Revolutionary Wars 7 Family and issue 8 Notes 9 References
Family and early life
John MacBride was born in Scotland around 1735, the second son of the Presbyterian minister Robert MacBride.
The MacBrides moved to Ireland shortly after John's birth, when Robert became minister of Ballymoney, in County Antrim. John's brother, David MacBride, became a noted medical writer.
John MacBride initially went to sea with the merchant service in 1751, and joined the navy as an able seaman three years later, in 1754. He served first aboard the 24-gun HMS Garland in the West Indies for a number of years, before returning to British wars and serving aboard HMS Norfolk, the flagship in the Downs for a few months
MacBride passed his lieutenant's examination on 6 October 1758, and received his commission on 27 October. He was moved into the hired cutter Grace, and in August 1761 came across a French privateer anchored in the Dunkirk roadstead. MacBride made contact with the frigate HMS Maidstone and asked her captain for four armed and manned boats.[4] Maidstone's captain readily agreed, and at 10 o'clock that night the boats left the British ships and approached the privateer with muffled oars. They came within pistol shot and hailed the French vessel, and on receiving no reply, boarded her.[4] The British boarded on both sides of the vessel, and carried the ship with two men wounded. MacBride himself shot and killed the French lieutenant as he aimed a gun at the British boat.The total French losses were two dead and five wounded. Having secured the vessel, the British took her out to sea under the guns of a French battery.
MacBride's good service brought him a promotion to master and commander on 7 April 1762, and an appointment to command the fireship HMS Grampus.[5] From there he moved to command the sloop HMS Cruizer on 27 May 1763, still at the rank of commander.[2][6] After some time spent on the Home station, MacBride received a promotion to post-captain on 20 June 1765, and took command of the 30-gun HMS Renown.[4][7] This was followed in August 1765 with command of the 32-gun HMS Jason, and a mission to establish a colony on the Falkland Islands.
MacBride arrived with Jason, HMS Carcass and the storeship HMS Experiment, in January 1766, with orders to secure a settlement and to inform any existing inhabitants that the islands were a British possession. The British consolidated Port Egmont, made several cruises in the surrounding waters, and in December came across the French settlement. In a cordial meeting MacBride informed the French governor M. de Neville of the British claim, which the French politely rejected. Unbeknown to both de Neville and MacBride, Louis Antoine de Bougainville, who had established the French settlement, had agreed to sell the colony to Spain.The resulting tensions between the Spanish and British claims would nearly lead to war in 1770, but in the meantime MacBride returned home, reporting the situation to the government. He later published a 13-page monograph, probably in 1770, entitled A Journal of the Winds and Falkland Islands from 1 February 1766 to 19 January 1767.
After his return to Britain MacBride was given command of the 22-gun HMS Seaford in August 1767 and employed to cruise in the English Channel. He spent several years aboard Seaford, before transferring to take command of the 32-gun HMS Arethusa in March 1771, followed by the 32-gun HMS Southampton in August that year. He was in command of Southampton in May 1772 when he received orders to command a small squadron tasked with transporting Caroline Matilda, former Queen of Denmark and Norway and sister of King George III, from Elsinore to Stadt. The squadron consisted of Southampton, and two of MacBride's former commands, Seaford, and Cruizer.[13] In April 1773 he took command of HMS Orpheus. American War of Independence The Battle of Ushant. MacBride saw little actual fighting in the confused engagement.
With the outbreak of war with the American colonies, MacBride was appointed to take command of the 64-gun HMS Bienfaisant on 6 November 1776. He was present at the Battle of Ushant on 28 July 1778, but did not become heavily engaged in the confused action. In the ensuing argument over the outcome of the battle, MacBride gave evidence in favour of Admiral Keppel that was an important factor in Keppel's acquittal at his court-martial.[3] MacBride was less supportive of Sir Hugh Palliser.[3] He remained in command of Bienfaisant, and in December joined Sir George Rodney's fleet to relieve Gibraltar.[14] During the voyage the British fleet came across a Spanish convoy transporting naval stores from San Sebastián to Cádiz, and engaged it. The British succeeded in capturing the convoy, while MacBride distinguished himself in engaging the Spanish flagship Guipuscoana, which surrendered to him. The moonlight Battle off Cape St Vincent, 16 January 1780 by Francis Holman, painted 1780 shows the Santo Domingo exploding. MacBride had been heavily engaged with her just prior to her destruction.
On 16 January the fleet again encountered Spanish ships, this time off Cape St. Vincent. The Spanish fleet, under Admiral Juan de Lángara, were engaged in the Battle of Cape St. Vincent, and again MacBride was in the thick of the action. He took his ship in to engage the San Domingo, with the Bienfaisant narrowly escaping significant damage after her opponent blew up. He then went on to chase down and capture Lángara's flagship, the 80-gun Fenix. MacBride sent Lieutenant Thomas Louis aboard to take possession, but as a smallpox outbreak was raging on the Bienfaisant, MacBride did not take the usual step of transferring some of the captured officers and men aboard his own ship Instead he reached an agreement with de Lángara, that should the ships encounter a French or Spanish force, he would allow the Fenix to be defended against them. If the Bienfaisant escaped but the Fenix was retaken, de Lángara and his men would consider themselves to still be prisoners of war, but if Fenix escaped and Bienfaisant was taken, then de Lángara and his men would be freed. In any event both ships made it to Gibraltar without incident, after which MacBride was given the honour of taking Rodney's despatches back to Britain. MacBride set off at once, but was delayed by adverse winds. Consequently, his despatches arrived several days after an identical set had reached London, delivered by Captain Edward Thomson, who had left Rodney later than MacBride, but who had had a faster voyage. MacBride and the Artois connection Main article: Action of 13 August 1780
Rodney's fleet returned to Britain in March, and MacBride rejoined the Bienfaisant. In early August a large French privateer, the 64-gun Comte d'Artois, was reported to have sailed from Brest to cruise off the Irish south coast. MacBride was ordered to sail in company with the 44-gun HMS Charon and to capture the dangerous vessel. After several days in search of the vessel, a mysterious sail was finally sighted early on 13 August, chasing after some of the ships of a convoy departing from Cork. MacBride ranged up and fell in with the unidentified ship, which hoisted English colours. Both ships came within pistol shot, and it was not until there was some communication between the two ships, that MacBride could be satisfied of her identity. By now the two ships were so close, with Bienfaisant off the Comte de'Artois's bow, that neither ship could bring their main guns to bear. Instead both ships opened fire with muskets until MacBride could manoeuvre away and a general action ensued. After an hour and ten minutes the French vessel surrendered, having had 21 killed and 35 wounded, while Bienfaisant had three killed and 20 wounded. The Charon had only joined the action towards the end of the engagement and had a single man wounded. The capture had an unusual sequel, for just over a year later, and under a different captain, Bienfaisant captured another privateer, this time named Comtesse d'Artois. The Battle of Dogger Bank, 5 August 1781
In a further coincidence MacBride was appointed in January 1781 to command the 40-gun HMS Artois, a former French ship captured in 1780 by HMS Romney. MacBride served in the North Sea with Sir Hyde Parker's fleet, and fought against the Dutch at the Battle of Dogger Bank on 5 August 1781. After the battle Parker temporarily moved MacBride into the 80-gun HMS Princess Amelia, whose captain, John MacCartney, had been killed during the battle. MacBride resumed command of Artois after the fleet's return to port, and continued to cruise in the North Sea. On 3 December he engaged and captured two large 24-gun Dutch privateers, the Hercules and Mars. Nine men were killed and fifteen wounded on Mars, while 13 were killed and 20 wounded on Hercules. Artois had one man killed and six wounded.
By 1782 MacBride was operating in the Channel, and in April was sent out as a scout ahead of the main force under Admiral Samuel Barrington, which aimed to intercept a French squadron that had left Brest bound for the East Indies. He sighted the force on 20 April and alerted Barrington. The British moved in and that day and the following captured over half of the French force.After this success MacBride was appointed to the Irish station in June, where he worked in the impress service while Artois cruised under her first lieutenant.
At the end of the war with America, MacBride left the Artois, but in June was able to obtain command of the 32-gun HMS Druid. He commanded her until the end of the year, after which he was temporarily unemployed at sea. MacBride took this opportunity to enter politics, and in 1784 he was elected as MP for Plymouth, holding the seat until 1790. He gave several speeches on naval matters, and sat on the Duke of Richmond's commission into the defences of Portsmouth and Plymouth between 1785 and 1786. He opposed a plan for fortifying the naval dockyards, both on the commission and in parliament. In 1788 he returned to an active, though not a seagoing command, when he took over the Plymouth guardship, the 74-gun HMS Cumberland. By 1790, with the threat of the Spanish Armament looming, MacBride took Cumberland to Torbay to join the fleet assembling there under Lord Howe.
MacBride was promoted to rear-admiral on 1 February 1793, as part of the general promotion following the outbreak of war. He became commander-in-chief on the Downs Station, commanding a frigate squadron with his flag in Cumberland, later transferring his flag to the 32-gun HMS Quebec. He took possession of Ostend after the French retreat in early 1793, and in October transported reinforcements under General Sir Charles Grey to assist in the defence of Dunkirk. He took command of the 36-gun HMS Flora at the end of the year and sailed from Portsmouth on 1 December carrying an army under the Earl of Moira to support French royalists in Brittany and Normandy.
Following this service he took command of a small squadron in the Western Approaches, flying his flag in a number of different vessels, including the sloop HMS Echo, the 74-gun HMS Minotaur and the 64-gun HMS Sceptre. The squadron did not achieve any significant successes, and MacBride had the misfortune to break his leg while mounting his horse, forcing him to temporarily relinquish his duties. He was promoted to rear-admiral of the red on 11 April, and on 4 July to vice-admiral of the blue.[25][27] Promoted to vice-admiral of the white on 1 June 1795, MacBride became commander of the squadron in the North Sea assigned to watch the Dutch fleet in the Texel, flying his flag in the 74-gun HMS Russell.[26] He stepped down from the post in late 1795, and was not actively employed at sea again. He was promoted to admiral of the blue on 14 February 1799.[25] Admiral John MacBride died of a paralytic seizure at the Spring Garden Coffee House, London on 17 February 1800.
Family and issue
MacBride married early in his career, but no details are known, other than that his wife was the daughter of a naval officer. She is presumed to have died, for MacBride married Ursula Folkes, eldest daughter of William Folkes of Hillington Hall, Norfolk on 14 July 1774.
Their son, John David MacBride, became principal of Magdalen Hall, Oxford. MacBride's daughter, Charlotte, married Admiral Willoughby Lake in 1795.
He was with the Merchant Navy between 1751 and 1754. He gained the rank of Able Seamn in 1754 in the Royal Navy. He fought in the Seven Years' War. He fought in the American War of Independence. He gained the rank of Admiral of the Blue. He fought in the Napoleonic Wars.
John MacBride c1735-1800. He was Scottish born, the son of Robert MacBride, a Presbyterian minister who moved shortly afterwards to Ballymoney, Country Antrim, and of his wife, a Miss Boyd.
His uncle, David MacBride, was an esteemed author on medical matters.
After joining the merchant service in 1751 MacBride entered the navy as an able seaman aboard the Garland 24 in the West Indies during 1754. On 27 October 1758 he was promoted lieutenant, and three years later he was appointed to the command of the cutter Grace. In August 1761 he cut a privateer out of Dunkirk without the loss of a single man, personally shooting the French captain through the head with a musket. He was promoted commander on 7 April 1762 and appointed to the fireship Grampus 10 before removing to the Vulture 14 on 14 October. He next recommissioned the sloop Cruizer 8 for service on 27 May 1763. 403px-
Captain_John_MacBride,_by_Gilbert_Stuart_(1755-1828) Admiral John MacBride On 20 June 1765 MacBride was posted captain of the frigate Renown 30, and during August he commissioned the new Jason 32 in which he went out to Jamaica in October. During the following January he arrived in the Falkland Islands in company with the bomb Carcass, Commander Thomas Jordon, and the storeship Experiment to claim possession of the territory.
After developing Port Egmont and undertaking a number of cruises around the islands a respectful meeting with the governor of the French settlers followed towards the end of the year, but without the latter accepting the British claim.
After returning home at the beginning of 1767 he recommissioned the Seaford 20, serving on the home station from August 1767 for three years and then commanding the Southampton 32 from August 1771.
He was later despatched with a diplomatic mission to secure King George’s sister, Caroline Matilda, the Queen of Denmark, who had separated from the King of Denmark and been imprisoned following an affair that had seen her lover executed, and he escorted her to Zell in the Electorate of Hanover. In April 1773 he commissioned the new Orpheus 32, being present at the fleet review at Spithead in June, and paying her off in August 1774 after serving in home waters. On 6 November 1776 MacBride was appointed to the Bienfaisant 64 which was initially fitted as a guardship in the spring of 1777 before being despatched with a convoy to Madeira in June. On 28 August he captured the Boston privateer Tartar 24 in mid-Atlantic, and although she was not greatly engaged he commanded the Bienfaisant at the Battle of Ushant on 27 July 1778, vehemently supporting Admiral Hon. Augustus Keppel at his subsequent court martial. He continued with the Bienfaisant in the Channel under the orders of Admiral Sir Charles Hardy, serving in the strategic retreat during August 1779. With the allied fleet returning to Spain and France he then sailed under the orders of Rear-Admiral Sir John Lockhart-Ross in September to investigate a rumoured a French invasion force in Cancale Bay, only to find that it did not exist. In December the Bienfaisant joined Admiral Sir George Rodney’s fleet which sailed for the relief Gibraltar, and he received the surrender of the Guipuscoana 64 during the capture of a Spanish convoy on 8 January 1780. At the Moonlight battle off Cape St. Vincent on 16 January he engaged the San Domingo 70, which promptly blew up, and in the same action received the surrender of Admiral Langara’s flagship, the Fénix 80. This vessel was sent into Gibraltar under his first lieutenant, Thomas Louis, although MacBride allowed all the Spanish to remain on board at great risk to the loss of his prize because of a smallpox epidemic aboard the Bienfaisant. In turn the Spanish admiral vowed not to attempt the recapture of his ship unless the Bienfaisant herself was captured, and the honourable conduct of both MacBride and Langara under such circumstances was a sign of the times. He was deservedly sent home with Rodney’s despatches, although the duplicates carried by Captain Edward Thompson arrived before him. After rejoining the Bienfaisant, MacBride cruised in command of a small squadron off Ireland in the summer of 1780, and having been ordered to seek out the French privateer Comte d’Artois 64, which had been causing a great deal of trouble to the local trade, he met her on 13 August. In an action lasting over an hour the far superior French crew of six hundred men attempting to board but the Bienfaisant’s crew held them off before bombarding their enemy into submission, her colours coming down shortly after the arrival on the scene of the Charon 44, Captain Thomas Symonds. The French suffered fifty-six casualties in this action in return for three British killed and twenty-two wounded. Curiously, in September MacBride captured a smaller privateer by the name of the Comtesse d’Artois . 640px-The_Battle_of_the_Dogger_Bank_5_August_1781 Captain MacBride was in the action at the Battle of the Doggersbank in 1781 In January 1781 he was appointed to recommission the recently captured French frigate Artois 40, which at the time was was considered to be an outstanding vessel, and he fought her at the Battle of the Doggersbank on 5 August. Following the action he temporarily assumed the command of the Princess Amelia 80 in place of the fallen Captain Macartney, this measure being considered necessary in case the Dutch attempted to recommence the action, but after reaching port he returned to the Artois. On 3 December he took two beautiful Dutch 24-gun privateers, the Hercules and Mars, losing one man killed and six wounded whilst inflicting casualties of twenty-two killed and thirty-five wounded. In the next year he was present in Vice-Admiral Hon. Samuel Barrington’s fleet in the Channel at the capture of two sail of the line, the more famous of which was the Foudroyant’s making a prize of the Pégase 74 on 20 April. He ended the war by undertaking the role of captain of the impress service in Ireland whilst the Artois paraded off the coast under the command of her first lieutenant, or her acting-captain, Edward Pellew. Following the peace MacBride commissioned the new Druid 32 in June 1783, in which he cruised in the Irish Channel. After being elected M.P. for Plymouth in 1784 he sat for the next two years on a commission with Vice-Admiral Hon. Samuel Barrington and Captain Sir John Jervis which investigated the capability of the Plymouth and Portsmouth fortifications, and he shared their low opinion of the results. During the Dutch Armament in 1787 he commissioned the Cumberland 74 at Plymouth, and in 1788 he spoke in parliament against Admiral Lord Howe during the dispute over the yellowing of admirals, thereby playing some part in this officer’s resignation as first lord of the Admiralty on 16 July 1788. In the same year he rejoined the Plymouth guardship Cumberland 74, and in 1790 formed part of Lord Howe’s fleet during the Nookta Sound dispute before spending some time in the West Indies attached to Rear-Admiral Samuel Cornish’s squadron. This vessel was paid off in 1792. MacBride was promoted to the rank of rear-admiral on 1 February 1793, and nine days later hoisted his flag aboard the frigate Iphigenia 32, Captain Patrick Sinclair, as commander-in-chief in the Downs, later removing it to the Quebec 32, Captain Thomas Louis. He participated in the Channel fleet cruise from 14 July to 10 August 1793 with his flag on the Cumberland 74 with Captain Louis, and after returning to the Quebec, which was now under the command of Captain Josias Rogers, he led a squadron that assisted General Sir Charles Grey in driving the French out of Ostend and Nieuport during October. At various times during this period he also flew his flag aboard the Invincible 74, Captain Hon. Thomas Pakenham and Acting Captain Lawrence Halsted, the Eurydice 24, Captain Francis Cole,the sloop Echo 14, Commander Peter Halkett, and the Sceptre 64, Captain William Essington. On one occasion his squadron was erroneously chased by the British Channel fleet, and during this busy time he also spent a period ashore with a broken leg after falling off his horse. At the end of 1793 he was given command of a frigate squadron off Brest with his flag aboard the Flora 36, Captain Sir John Borlase Warren, and in December his ships supported an expedition led by the Earl of Moira with over six thousand men that was intended to assist an uprising by the French Royalists in Brittany and Normandy. On 4 July 1794 he was promoted vice-admiral and placed in command of a squadron in the North Sea with his flag aboard the Minotaur 74, Captain Thomas Louis, and he continued thereafter with his flag later flying in the Russell 74, Captain Thomas Larcom, before retiring towards the end of 1796. MacBride was promoted admiral on 14 February 1799, and he died of a paralytic seizure on 17 February 1800 at the Spring Garden Coffee House in London. In 1769 at Bishop’s Hull, Taunton, he married Charlotte Anne Harrison, the sixteen year-old daughter of the late Captain Thomas Harrison of Leigham Manor, Eggbuckland, near Plymouth and they soon had a daughter, Charlotte Anne, who would marry the future Admiral Sir Willoughby Thomas Lake*. Macbride’s young wife died in 1771 and he subsequently wedded Ursula Folkes of Hillington Hall, Norfolk, on 14 July 1774. Their son, John David, became a principle of the Magdalene Hall Oxford College. The address in his will was given as Exmouth. He was an M.P from 1784 until he lost his seat in 1790, being held in high esteem by Lord Rockingham whilst regarded as an opponent of William Pitt. Lord Sandwich described him as being an ‘exceedingly troublesome, busy, violent man, very bold but with little understanding, reckoned an active officer and much patronised by Keppel.’ MacBride was also described as being a man of ‘blunt manners and rude elegance.’ He spoke regularly and passionately on military matters. He was an affable, active officer with immense talents whose untimely death was much regretted. It was notable that in the late 1760’s – early 1770’s he was entrusted with several missions when other captains were beached ashore. His work, a ‘Journal of the Winds and Weather at the Falkland Islands’, was later published, and he was an early patron of the carronade. His Devonshire connections were illustrated by his being a friend of Sir Edward Pellew’s father, and his employment of James Bowen, who served as his sailing-master for much of the 1780’s. His flag lieutenant in the early years of the French Revolutionary War was Willoughby Thomas Lake, who subsequently became his son-in-law. MacBride was a great fan of cock-fighting.
David Macbride David Macbride (1726–1778) was an Irish medical writer. He is now remembered mainly for his work on the treatment of scurvy.
Contents 1 Life 2 Works 3 Family 4 Notes 5 External links Life Born at Ballymoney, County Antrim, 26 April 1726, he was the son of Robert McBride, Presbyterian minister there, and brother of John MacBride; his mother's name before marriage was Boyd. He was educated at the village school, and apprenticed to a local surgeon.[1]
Macbride was for a short time surgeon's mate on a hospital ship and surgeon in the navy, and he acquired an acquaintance with the diseases of seamen which he afterwards turned to advantage. After the peace (1748) he attended lectures on anatomy by Alexander Monro primus in Edinburgh, and, going to London, he heard also William Hunter, on the same subject, and William Smellie on midwifery. In 1749 he returned to Ballymoney, but moved to Dublin in 1751. He joined, and read papers before, the Medico-Philosophical Society there (established in 1756), and after the death of Charles Smith in 1762 he became its secretary.
Until 1764, when the publication of Experimental Essays made his reputation, Macbride had only a small medical practice. The University of Glasgow created him M.D. 27 November 1764, and he prospered. In the winter of 1776–7 he began lecturing on medicine in his own house.
In December 1767 Macbride made a discovery in the art of tanning, advocating the use of lime water in the process. For this he was, on 31 March 1768, made an honorary member of the Dublin Society, which awarded him a silver medal on 14 April following. The Society of Arts of London subsequently gave him a gold medal. On 14 November 1769 he petitioned the Irish House of Commons for aid in developing his invention, and on 19 Nov. a committee was appointed, which reported favourably; no support seems, however, to have been given.
In 1777 Macbride sent over to England by Dr. Morton what was said to be the original of the solemn league and covenant, which he had inherited from his grandfather. In his last years he suffered poor health. He died at his house in Cavendish Row, Dublin, on 28 December 1778; he was buried in St. Audoen's Church there.
Works Macbride published:
Experimental Essays, London, 1764; 2nd edit. enlarged, 1767; another edit. 1776. The essay "On the Nature and Properties of Fixed Air" in it to a some extent anticipated the discoveries of Henry Cavendish. The book contained the first publication of the gas theories of Joseph Black. Macbride combined Black's ideas with those of Sir John Pringle.[2] Historical Account of the New Method of Treating the Scurvy at Sea, London, 1768. In 1762 Macbride communicated his views on the treatment of scurvy to his friend George Cleghorn, through whom they reached William Hunter and Henry Tone, one of the commissioners for taking care of sick and wounded seamen. Macbride advised the use of fresh wort, as used in brewing, and the Lords of the Admiralty ordered trials. Lemon juice, recommended by James Lind in his Treatise on the Scurvy of 1754, in the end prevailed as a treatment; but Macbride's brother John, who was commander of HMS Jason, made an experiment with the cure in a voyage of 1765–7, and the ship's surgeon, Alexander Young, sent his journal to Macbride, who published it as an appendix to the Historical Account. Joseph Priestley's award-winning work on soda water and scurvy drew on Macbride's ideas.[3] Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Physic, London, 1772; 2nd and enlarged edit. Dublin, 1776, 2 vols. This work grew out of his lectures; it was translated into Latin, and published at Utrecht in 1774. He also contributed medical papers to periodicals. His Account of the Improved Method of Tanning Leather was published in Philosophical Transactions for 1778. The Principles of Virtue and Morality was published, Boston, 1796, as part of "The Moral Library".
Family Macbride married, first, on 20 November 1753, Margaret Armstrong; and secondly, on 5 June 1762, Dorcas, widow of George Cumming. He left no issue.
Some of the McBride family moved to Ireland.
MIGRATION of the McBride family to the New World and Oceana
Emigration to Australia followed the First Fleets of convicts, tradespeople and early settlers. Early immigrants include:
McBride Settlers in Australia in the 19th Century
James McBride, aged 20, a labourer, who arrived in South Australia in 1849 aboard the ship "Constance"
Margaret McBride, aged 25, a domestic servant, who arrived in South Australia in 1855 aboard the ship "Bucephalus"
Patrick McBride, aged 30, a labourer, who arrived in South Australia in 1857 aboard the ship "Omega"
Robert McBride, aged 18, a labourer, who arrived in South Australia in 1857 aboard the ship "Omega"
McBride Settlers in New Zealand in the 19th Century
Charles McBride, who arrived in Auckland, New Zealand aboard the ship "Ernestina" in 1865
Elizabeth McBride, who arrived in Auckland, New Zealand aboard the ship "Ernestina" in 1865
Ellen Jane McBride, who arrived in Auckland, New Zealand aboard the ship "Ernestina" in 1865
Annie C. McBride, who arrived in Auckland, New Zealand aboard the ship "Ernestina" in 1865
Eliza McBride, who arrived in Auckland, New Zealand aboard the ship "Siam" in 1865
McBride Settlers in Canada in the 19th Century
Anthony McBride, who was listed as a Scottish settler in Ontario, Canada in 1821
Mary McBride, who was recorded at the customs house of New Brunswick in 1833
Mary McBride, aged 20, who arrived in Saint John, New Brunswick in 1833 aboard the brig "Dorcas Savage" from Belfast, Ireland
Patrick McBride, aged 18, a labourer, who arrived in Saint John, New Brunswick in 1833 aboard the ship "John & Mary" from Belfast, Ireland
Biddy McBride, aged 20, who arrived in Saint John, New Brunswick in 1833 aboard the ship "John & Mary" from Belfast, Ireland
McBride Settlers in United States in the 18th Century
Edmund McBride, who arrived in New England in 1731
Alexander McBride, who was recorded in Charlestown, South Carolina in 1767
Duncan McBride, who, along with his wife Marion and their nine children, who arrived in New York city in 1775
Duncan McBride, aged 46, who landed in New York in 1775
Jenny McBride, aged 4, who arrived in North Carolina in 1775
McBride Settlers in United States in the 19th Century
Henry McBride, who arrived in America in 1801
Samuel McBride, aged 28, who landed in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1803
Sarah McBride, aged 10, who arrived in New Castle, Del in 1804
William McBride, aged 22, who landed in New Castle, Del in 1804
George McBride, aged 26, who arrived in New York in 1807
Ancestor the Macbryde name
Peter Augustine Kerr-Macbryde born in 1801 in Bute Scotland is the first recording of the Kerr-Macbryde name whose legacy has developed into the Macbryde name and descendants.
Current records show that Peter had one son, Peter Augustine James Shepard Kerr-Macbryde, born about 1846.
Peter snr died in 1914 at Toxteth Park, Lancashire, England.
Peter Augustine James Shepard Kerr-Macbryde married Elizabeth Sarah (Mew) Kerr-Macbryde 1874 in West Derby, Lancashire, England, they had 17 Children. The eldest being Margaret Maude Kerr-Macbryde, who died in the same year as her birth, 1875. The eldest to survive was Wilfred Austin Kerr-Macbryde born 1876 in Derby, Derbyshire, England, United Kingdom. Wilfred was married to Emma (Dorgan) Macbryde, he lived until 1966.
On last count - 24th April 2018, Peter Augustine Kerr-Macbryde snr, has approximately 124 descendants on record.
Historic Events for the McBride family
Empress of Ireland
Mr. William Frederick McBride, British Trimmer from United Kingdom who worked aboard the Empress of Ireland and died in the sinking HMS Prince of Wales
Mr. Patrick Joseph Mcbride, British Ordinary Seaman, who sailed into battle on the HMS Prince of Wales and died in the sinking
Mr. Hugh Mcbride, British Petty Officer, who sailed into battle on the HMS Prince of Wales and survived the sinking
HMS Repulse
Mr. John Mcbride (b. 1919), English Stoker 1st Class from Grimsby, Lincolnshire, England, who sailed into battle on the HMS Repulse and died in the sinking
RMS Lusitania
Mr. Peter Mcbride, Irish Trimmer from Ravensdale, Louth, Ireland, who worked aboard the RMS Lusitania and died in the sinking
Suggested Readings for the name McBride
Charles R. McBride Memorial by Virginia McBride.
McBride, Hubbard Family History by Peggy Arnold.
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