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Macdonald DNA

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
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Surname/tag: MacDonald McDonald MacDonnell
This page has been accessed 99 times.

This is a study/research page for the Macdonald Name Study,

To summarise DNA projects that specialise in the Clan Donald.

One well-known one is the Clan Donald USA’s DNA project
Clan Donald’s DNA project, now almost 20 years old, is among the largest family-based genetic genealogy project in the world. It has now reached the 3000 total participant level.


It does, however, have a slight inherent bias towards the patriarchal lines (men only) and proving the geneology of Clan chiefs.

As most of us are not directly descended from the Clan Chiefs (even as bastard children), we are much more likely to be found among the Scottish farming and crofting families, which is where Scottish Origenes may be more useful?

Scottish Origenes


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My Name is Donald J. McDonald and I have done quite a bit of DNA testing. My FTDNA, Big Y Haplogroup is R-BY147147. that is below L-21, R-M269 and R-15785, Like many, I am searching for that long ago ancestor in Scotland who started the McDonald name.

I also have done a few autosomal DNA tests. My mtDNA is W-5.

posted by Donald McDonald