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Mackler Name Study

Privacy Level: Open (White)

Location: Russian Empiremap
Surnames/tags: Mackler Mekler מקלר
This page has been accessed 1,522 times.


Welcome to the Mackler Name Project!

The goal of this study is to compile historical and genealogical information related to the surname Mackler, including etymology, immigration, ancestry, and named places/things. In addition, this study aims to improve all profiles on Wikitree that are part of the study by adding sources, family history, images, and connecting to the global family tree.

For more information on One Name Studies, please check out the parent project: One Name Studies.


Coordinator: Allison Mackler
Category: Mackler Name Study
G2G Tag: mackler_name_study

This profile is part of the Mackler Name Study.

How to Join

  1. Add the tag 'mackler_name_study' (no quotes) to your followed tags.
  2. Add your name below in the members section below
  3. Add the Mackler name study category to all your Mackler profiles. This is intended to be added to individuals whose birth name is Mackler, not profiles of individuals whose names changed to Mackler by marriage. Note that adding this tag will not change profile privacy. Copy and paste the category tag below to the top of each profile:




Jewish (Ashkenazic) and South German (Americanized form of Mächler): occupational name from Yiddish makler and Middle High German mecheler ‘broker’, ‘middleman’.[1][2]


  • מקלר
  • Mekler
  • Meykler
  • Meykhler
  • Mecheler
  • Makler
  • Machler


Russian, but German

Why Russian Jews Are Not Russian, by Martin W. Lewis, is a fascinating look at more recent geopolitical changes around the Jewish population in the Russian federation. This article covers changes occurring after 1930 although mentions that the Jews living in Russia's territory are in fact, not Russian.

Ashkenazi Jews

As indicated in the origin above, Macklers are of Ashkenazi Jewish linage. This has also been proven via DNA testing.


Mackler DNA can be found via autosomal DNA and Y DNA. Research is ongoing via the Mackler surname project at FamilyTree DNA: https://www.familytreedna.com/groups/mackler

In addition, male Y DNA testers should join the Avotaynu project:


  1. Family Education Etymology
  2. MooseRoots Etymology

  • Login to edit this profile and add images.
  • Private Messages: Contact the Profile Managers privately: One Name Studies WikiTree and Allison Mackler. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
  • Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)


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