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Translations of text at Riksarkivet

Swedish version
English version
Arkiv/församling = Archive/parish. The parish needs to be spelled properly. Good news is that you can, for example, search for Skövde using * instead of ö.
Län = County
Alla = All
Arkivtyp = What kind of archive. If you are looking for church records, then choose "kyrkoarkiv".
Endast digitaliserat material = Only digitalised material, ie material available online.

In order to view the English version, choose the language "English" at the top menu "Other languages".

Translation of the most used church books. The different kinds of books all have their own letter, B contains moving records, F death notice books for example.

Husförhörslängder = Household books
Församlingsböcker = Parish books, for the time period after household books were used.
Böcker över obefintliga = Books of absent people
In- och utflyttningslängder = Migration, movin in and out/ut records
Födelse- och dopböcker = Books for birth and baptise/christening
Konfirmationsböcker =
Kommunionlängder =
Lysnings- och vigselböcker = Books for banns and weddig
Död- och begravningsböcker = Books for death and burial

Other words, often used in the churchbooks, that might be useful to know

Med = with

Även = also

Omf. is short for omfattar = includes

Ortreg. is short for ortregister = list of locations

Ingår i = is part of



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