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Magherakeel Townland, Termonamongan Parish, County Tyrone

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 1820 to 1920
Location: Magherakeel, Termonamongan, Castlederg, County Tyrone, Irelandmap
Surname/tag: McHugh
Profile manager: Matt McNabb private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 70 times.


Magherakeel Townland

So far, this page focuses on the McHugh residents of the townland. You would be welcome to complete the information to include all families of the tonwland.

Tithe Applotment Book

In the 1828 Tithe Applotment Book for Termongamongan, there are only four entries for Magherakeel: two Andrews, Robert Neelands, and Henry McHugh.

Griffith's Valuation

In Griffith's Valuation there are Patrick, Francis and Thomas McHugh. Typically this would suggest those were the sons of Henry from the Tithe Applotmen Book although there are other possibilities of course.

The Valuation Revisions show:

  • 1873: Mary McHugh (Thomas) takes Thomas McHugh's share in lots 10B-C-D-E.
  • 1877: Margaret McHugh (Thomas) takes Patrick McHugh's share in lots 10B-C-D_E.
  • 1877: Patrick McHugh takes lot 10A and part of lot 9
  • 1879: 13A+B and 15 change from Mary McHugh to Mary Anne McHugh.
  • 1862: Francis McHugh still holds lots 11 and 12. However, the 12B book is unclear -- the land changes to Mary McHugh but undated and the page crossed out; and on the replacement page is some renumbering of 12 and 13; with lot 13A+B as above and no mention of Francis.

McHugh residents

We match the three death registrations for the three Marys because:

  • The 1895 is informed by Cecily McAlynn whose marriage names father as Thomas.
  • The 1894 is informed by Francis McHugh, son.
  • The 1898 is informed by Patrick McHugh, son; and we have identified Patrick of this townland from the 1901 census as Patrick McHugh's son as described below.

The will of Rev. Francis McHugh (abt.1797-1867) P.P. describes "Mary McHugh of Magherakeel, relict of my nephew Francis McHugh". Given the above assessments, it seems extremely likely that Francis McHugh (1817-) is the priest's nephew , and he therefore died before 1867 as per his wife being a relict in the will. This is consistent with the Valuation Revisions for the lots belonging to Francis in 1862.

As of the 1901 census the McHugh residents were:

  • 1901 census - four unmarried siblings Patrick, Ellen, Margaret, Ann born Tyrone, and a niece Mary Dillon born in America. We think these are Patrick's children because there is an 1864 civil birth at Magherakeel for Ann, father Patrick . (and mother Mary ! )
  • 1901 census - Francis McHugh, a son of Francis and Mary as above; with his sister and family.
  • 1901 census - Maggie, a 12 year old visitor.


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