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Magna Carta Project Members

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A warm welcome to the Magna Carta Project's Members Page, and thank you for your interest in the Project. Here you will find more information about membership.



This page uses terms employed by the Magna Carta project. If the meaning is not clear, there is a Project Glossary.


Membership is open to full WikiTree members ("Wiki Genealogists") who
  • have been a full WikiTree member at least 90 days
  • are pre-1700-certified
  • at the time of joining are not subject to a mentoring or mediation referral
Membership is demanding - but rewarding for those who like a challenge and enjoy research and biography-writing. It is best suited to people with some significant experience of genealogy for the pre-1700 period. Members need
  • to be familiar with WikiTree's main guidance on styles and standards, and how to give inline citations
  • to be familiar with guidance on reliable sourcing for pre-1700 profiles
  • to be comfortable creating organized, well-written, and well-sourced profiles
  • to have the research skills to look beyond very straightforward sources like birth, marriage and death records (which are often unavailable for profiles managed by the Project)
  • to be comfortable handling uncertainties, conflicts of evidence and disputed information thoughtfully
  • to interact courteously with less-experienced profile managers and editors who may, understandably, have passionate feelings about their family's lineage
New members are required to make the following commitments:
  • to join either or both of the Post-1500 and Pre-1500 Project Teams (see Teams below)
    • those who do not have pre-1500 certification should join the Post-1500 Team
    • those who have pre-1500 certification may join either or both Teams
  • to work within 6 months of becoming a member on six profiles of people documented by Douglas Richardson as being in Magna Carta trails, and bring them up to Project standards, taking account of the Project checklist. These should be profiles that need a significant amount of improvement (or new profiles if there is no profile yet) - not just minor editing. A project leader will let you know which profiles will meet this requirement.
    • New members who have pre-1500 certification and have brought three profiles up to Project standards may choose to join the Resource Team instead of, or as well as, improving more profiles.
    • When a new member finishes work on a profile, they should inform one of the team leaders so that the profile can be reviewed and marked as approved
    • New members who are not pre-1500-certified may if they wish join the Pre-1500 Team once they have brought four post-1500 profiles up to Project standards: arrangements can be made where they can work in a "sandbox" on pre-1500 profiles with information being transferred to the profiles
    • We recognise that real life intervenes! If circumstances mean that a new member is unable to complete work on six profiles within the 6-month period, they should inform a team leader
See below for membership requirements for older members
While it is not required that new members join the Project's Google Group, it is strongly encouraged. The Google Group is tied to the project account, so that the Google Group receives e-mail copies of comments and other profile-related information that profile managers receive and need to attend to.


The project has a Leadership Team (see this section of the main project page) and Project work is undertaken by four Teams.
There are four Teams working on profiles for the Project:

Members who joined before 8 August 2021

The requirements and obligations set out above for membership apply to members joining on or after 8 August 2021. But ALL members are encouraged to join at least one of the current Project Teams.
Previously, different obligations have applied.
From 3 June 2020 to 7 August 2021 there was an additional obligation to be a Gateway Guardian. The Gateway Guardian initiative has been discontinued. (It involved taking a lead responsibility for watching over the profile of a chosen Gateway and helping to respond to enquires about the Gateway.)
From 20 February 2020 to 3 June 2020, the obligations were were:
  • to become a Gateway Guardian prior to becoming a badged member
  • to develop a trail to a Magna Carta Surety Baron for that Gateway Ancestor (or another, if that Gateway already has a developed trail) within 6 months of becoming a badged member
Members who joined on or after 22 March 2016 and before 3 June 2020 are asked to complete work on trails they agreed to develop.
Members joining before 22 March 2016 did not have to make any specific commitments, and have been "grandfathered".

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Comments: 9

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I am a direct descendant of 4 or 5 listed and blood related to each one listed. Pretty cool.
Pulliam 1045, shows I'm akin to the Magna Carta Barons......wanted to let you add anything you might need.
posted by Stacy Pulliam
I have a blood relationship to all the Magna Carta Barons except for William marshal. I just thought that was cool!
posted by Angie Conner
I do not understand how to, or if I could, join this group. I have not went through all of the magna carta barons, but I do see connections between me and Sir Hugh Bigod le Bigod; possibly William Albini d'Aubigny; and Sir Gilbert de Clare. In my genealogy, Dudley F. Runnels appears to be all these men's descendant, and he is my ancestor.
posted by Talmia (Slade) Burr
Troy - could you send me a private message? I think that there's a miscommunication between us that needs to be resolved.

The requirements on this page are for members of the Magna Carta Project and are designed to help focus our efforts toward achieving the project's primary goal of developing and maintaining a trail between each Richardson-documented Gateway Ancestor (see the table at Category:Gateway Ancestors) and a surety baron (one of the 17 with descendants past the 4th generation - the ones listed at Special:Relationship). Profiles on the project-approved trail between the two are "badged" by the project so that we can maintain them.

If you're concerned about a profile not on a badged trail, you could work on developing a trail for approval that included that profile.

posted by Liz (Noland) Shifflett
My concern, Liz, is that the great danger for this approach casts upon certain wikitree members. These members branch out too genealogical networks,for producing productive attention on more lesser known historical subjects. And what could happen too a person doing this,and spending many hours in the process,and is shown too get a virtual template taken off of they're profile,which is then assumed by many too be lack of credibility,for not meeting some categorized requirements. Then could have some prejudgements imposed on them from viewers of other websites and organizations. And lose the attention that could of very well helped too solve many historical questions. It's different when not given,but if confiscated,so is your credibility too the public eye.
posted by [Living Smith]
Thanks Troy, but I'm not sure I understand your comments (which makes it hard to correct inaccuracies or address unfairness).

WikiTree recently asked that project leaders do more to encourage project members to actively participate in helping to achieve the project's goals.

The #1 goal of the Magna Carta project (as noted at Base Camp, and also on the project page) is to develop and maintain a trail from each of the 240 Gateway Ancestors documented by Douglas Richardson's works to a Surety Baron.

Was there a specific question you had?

posted by Liz (Noland) Shifflett
All of this is kinda unfair,and inaccurate. Because someone,or anyone could work hard on developing research and examining evidence all across the hundreds of profiles surrounding the gateway ancestors 16th too 18th century descendants. But would be hard for you too find that out unless you ran a manual investigation. On top of that a time limit is not honest for ancient history, that creates crafty fabricated pedigrees. Even 17th century colonists are cryptic full of crazy unknown events, that pertain very old documented superstitions, where you can't tell fact from fiction. Take the Salem,Massachusetts Template:Witch Trials for example, and that is just being vague.
posted by [Living Smith]