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Magna Carta Project Section

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: [unknown]
This page has been accessed 2,015 times.


Magna Carta Project Section

All Magna Carta Project profiles require the following:

  • The Project as manager (a project leader has to adopt). See Help: Project-Managed_Profiles.
  • A Project Box above the ==Biography== heading. Ask a project leader to add this if the project is not yet a manager.
  • A Project Section, under the ==Acknowledgements== heading.

The Magna Carta Project Section must include:

  • "Ends" of trail (Gateway and Surety Baron)
  • Status of the TRAIL, i.e.: if and when the trail was badged or reviewed; if the trail needs further development, etc.
  • Status of the PROFILE, i.e.: "This profile was reviewed and all citations were checked by YOUR NAME on DATE".

Start with This

The data below can be copied/pasted:

== Acknowledgements ==
=== Magna Carta Project ===
: ADD TEXT (see options below)
:This profile was re-reviewed and updated by ~ ~~~~.
:'''Maintenance Category''': (NOTE: OPTIONAL, see below)
: See [[Space:Magna_Carta_Team_Base_Camp|Base Camp]] for more information about identified Magna Carta trails and their status. See the project's [[Space:Magna Carta Project Glossary|glossary]] for project-specific terms, such as a "badged trail".

Add Applicable Text


If full trail is set out in Richardson, copy/paste text below and fill in bold/italicized data:
:{{Name}} appears in ''Magna Carta Ancestry'' in a Richardson-documented trail between [[:Category:Gateway Ancestors|Gateway Ancestor]] [[NAME-#|GATEWAY NAME]] and [[:Category: Surety Barons|Magna Carta Surety Baron]] [[BARON-#|BARON NAME]] (vol. XX : pages XX NAME). This trail was developed and approved by the [[Project:Magna Carta|Magna Carta Project]] in YEAR by NAME-#.
If full trail is NOT set out in Richardson, copy/paste text below and fill in bold/italicized data:
:{{Name}} was identified by the [[Project:Magna Carta|Magna Carta Project]] as being in a trail between [[:Category:Gateway Ancestors|Gateway Ancestor]] [[NAME-#|GATEWAY NAME]] and [[:Category:Surety Barons|Magna Carta Surety Baron]] [[BARON-#|BARON NAME]]. This trail was developed and approved by the [[Project:Magna Carta|Magna Carta Project]] in YEAR by NAME-#.


If full trail is set out in Richardson, copy/paste text below and fill in bold/italicized data:
:{{Name}} is listed in ''Magna Carta Ancestry'' as a [[:Category:Gateway Ancestors|Gateway Ancestor]] ([ vol. I, pages xxiii-xxix] "List of Colonial Immigrants") and is in a Richardson-documented trail to [[:Category:Surety Barons|Magna Carta Surety Baron]] [[BARON-#|BARON NAME]] (vol. XX : pages XX NAME). This trail was developed and approved by the [[Project:Magna Carta|Magna Carta Project]] in YEAR by NAME-#.
If full trail is NOT set out in Richardson, copy/paste text below and fill in bold/italicized data:
:{{Name}} is listed in ''Magna Carta Ancestry'' as a [[:Category:Gateway Ancestors|Gateway Ancestor]] ([ vol. I, pages xxiii-xxix] "List of Colonial Immigrants"). A trail was developed and approved by the [[Project:Magna Carta|Magna Carta Project]] in YEAR between {{Name}} and [[:Category:Surety Barons|Magna Carta Surety Baron]] [[BARON-#|BARON NAME]].
Consider adding a full list of profiles in the Richardson-documented trail from the Gateway's profile to the surety baron under the heading ===Magna Carta Trail===. See Base Camp's list of Magna Carta Trails Completed: the orange-shaded Gateways that need further development all have links to trails set out on Gateway profiles, like this one.

Optional Additional Text

You may wish to add additional text. If the profile needs more work, you can add something like the following:

The trail needs re-review against the project’s [[Space:Magna_Carta_Project_Checklist|checklist]] to bring it up to current standards.

Maintenance Categories

If there is a maintenance category - see Project Box page - please include a very brief summary of what needs to be done in the Magna Carta Project section. See the Project Categories page for more info on maintenance categories.

Here are some examples of possible text: the four tildes (~~~~) will fill in your name, date and time):

* '''Needs Development''': This profile has not yet been developed against the Project's [[Space:Magna_Carta_Project_Checklist|checklist]]. ~ ~~~~
* '''Needs Re-review''': This profile is out of date and needs re-review against the Project’s [[Space:Magna_Carta_Project_Checklist|checklist]] to bring it up to current standards. ~ ~~~~
*'''Needs Source Check''': ''Royal Ancestry'' and/or ''Magna Carta Ancestry'' citations need to be verified. ~ ~~~~
*'''Needs Family Verified''': Profiles attached need to be verified against sources (all/some need checked: parents, spouses, siblings, and children). ~ ~~~~
* '''Needs Review and Approval''': This profile is awaiting approval after development by ~ ~~~~

Reviewed and Approved

After the profile is reviewed and approved by a project leader, they will add the following directly under the Magna Carta Project heading:

:This profile was [re-]reviewed and approved for the Magna Carta Project DATE by [[NAME-#]].


Comments: 17

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