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Magnet (ship, 11 Mar - 26 Mar 1840)

Privacy Level: Public (Green)
Date: 11 Mar 1840 to 26 Mar 1840
Location: Otago, New Zealandmap
Surnames/tags: ship Otago_New_Zealand passenger_lists
Profile manager: Kevin Sands private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 1,076 times.


Magnet (March 1840)

The Magnet brought cattle, flour, sugar, tea, pork, beef, biscuits and rum as well as 12 families (approximately 38 passengers including women and children).

The families had been hired in Sydney, Australia by John Jones to create a settlement at Waikouaiti for the purpose of growing food and breeding animals for his whalers. A Thomas Jones (brother) was the manager but, although he had a good rapport with the local Maori, the English workers mainly from the south of England, did not and many returned to Australia.

The master of the ship was Capt. Bruce (refer Crew List).

Magnet (Mar 1840)

Passenger List

Note: All the source lists of names I have found have differences.
Note: The people with the 'Last Names' marked in Red (f) and Blue (m) have a Wikitree profile.
  • Click on an icon in column headers to sort by that column.
38 Passengers Listed.
Row Last Name First Names Est. Birth-Death Notes
001 Jones Thomas 1810 -1861 Manager
002 Jones Mary wife
003 Jones pre-1840son, b. Australia
004 Jones pre-1840daughter, b. Australia
005 Carey David 1814 -1896 Labourer, #3
006 Carey Hannah 1817 -1888 wife
007 Carey Lucy Harriet 1838 -1840 daughter
008 Coleman Benjamin 1810 -1849 Labourer, #3
009 Coleman Mary 1816 -1905 wife, #3
010 Coleman Mary 1836 -1929 daughter, m. 'Chas. Woolsey' #3
011 Coleman Phoebe Ann 1839 -1911 daughter, m. 'John Shanks'.
012 Coleman William Labourer, #3
013 Coleman Rosa wife, #3
014 Beal Joseph Labourer, #3
015 Beal Mary Ann wife
016 Beal pre-1840 daughter
017 Pascoe Thomas Labourer
018 Pascoe Mrs. wife
019 Pascoe pre-1840 son
020 Hawkins Thomas Labourer
021 Hawkins Betsy wife
022 Kennard William 1813 -1875 Labourer, #3
023 Kennard Maria 1815 -1903 wife
024 Kennard Eliza 1834 -1927 daughter
025 Kennard William 1836 -1907 son
026 Kennard pre-1840 daughter
027 Glover George Labourer
028 Glover Harriet wife
029 Glover pre-1840 son
030 Glover pre-1840 daughter
031 Prior Frederick 1811 -1868 Labourer, #2
032 Prior Harriet 1821 -1868 wife, #2
033 Fuller Jno/Geo/Chas? Labourer
034 Fuller Martha 1809 -1841 wife, d. childbirth, #1
035 Fuller pre-1840 son
036 Stirling ? William Labourer
037 Stirling ? wife
038 Trotter William S. Overseer, #3

Notes in above passenger list (#)

  1. Martha Fuller Death Notice.
  2. RootsChat.
  3. The Old Identities.

Crew List

Note: The people with the 'Last Names' marked in Blue have a Wikitree profile.
  • Click on an icon in column headers to sort by that column.
2 Crew members listed.
Row Last Name First Names Est. Birth-Death Notes
001 Bruce James Captain, a.k.a. "Pukanui"
002 Lewis Mate



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Link William Coleman here too.
posted by Valerie Willis

Categories: Otago, New Zealand